Chapter 12 ‐ Factory building guidance - Factorio-Access/FactorioAccess GitHub Wiki
Previous page: "Chapter 11 - Assembling machines and automated production"
Note on this chapter
This chapter is a little different from the others, because the focus is not features of the game but popular tips and ideas developed by the community. We recommend that you explore game features your own way, but the tips would save you some time and headaches, and the techniques may be interesting to try out.
Some entries on this page are tagged as concepts, techniques, or full tutorials. The concept tag is for a general idea of how to approach something. The technique tag is for a design idea with some specifications on how to do something, but it can be modified or combined with other ideas easily. A full tutorial is a walk-through of how to build someone’s specific design that meets a given goal.
General Factory Building Tips
- Reserve ore patches exclusively for mining instead of building other buildings over them so that you can use the whole of each patch as ore runs out over time.
- Build dedicated areas for items you want to produce in bulk, such as having an area exclusively for smelting iron. Note that not every recipe needs an area of its own.
- Inside dedicated areas, it is practical to have rows of machines that are built with a repeating pattern along the same transport belts.
- For some intermediate products such as copper wire, consider using direct insertion as an alternative to reserving a different belt for each item. Check the entry below for more details.
- Leave plenty of space between each production area, including the mines, so that you can pass transport belts in between them as the factory grows more complex. The gaps should ideally be wider than 10 tiles.
- Consider building item buses in between production areas, which are groups of transport belts carrying items across long distances. The belts are arranged either side by side or with a handful of tiles of space in between them.
- The main bus concept refers to a highly practical item bus that runs in a straight line across the entire factory, with production areas being along one or two sides of it. Check the entry below for more details.
- When building a new area, it is best to place down the largest buildings first and the inserters last. This makes it easier to shuffle things around and also prevents running into a bug where buildings cannot be placed on top of items placed onto the ground by inserters.
- Calculate or check recipe ratios to help you determine how many assembling machines you want for each recipe. Ratios are not necessary, but they increase efficiency by making machines almost never idle. Check the entries below for more details.
- You can walk over belts without being moved by them.
- In smooth walking mode you can squeeze past inserters and small electric poles, or even in between various wall-to-wall machines. However, it is useful to leave single-tile gaps in between machines to make navigation in telestep mode easier.
- Keep an eye on your power production by checking on your steam engines every time you finish building a new area. If the engines are working at full capacity (900 kilowatts) that means the factory is probably underpowered and new engines need to be added. Each boiler supports 2 steam engines.
- It is super useful to build a mall / workshop area, where you have machines that produce the most commonly used items: inserter types, transport belts, belt accessories, assembling machines, pipes, and perhaps other items. This will save you a lot of time that would go into hand crafting. You can make a dedicated mall area or you prefer to integrate your mall into your logistics science production area. Check the entry below for more details.
- Identify and keep track of bottlenecks in your production chains by analyzing the fullness of your transport belts. Check the entries below for more details.
- Use the warnings menu to keep track of major problems in the factory.
- Try using the mod’s navigation tools such as B Stride or fast travel points to help you keep track of buildings and areas.
Concept: Dedicated production areas
The idea of dedicating a specific area for a specific recipe (or recipe chain) helps with breaking down the task of following large recipe chains. For example, smelting can be done all in one area so that you do not have transport both ores and coal to other areas.
A recipe is worth dedicating an area for if it is slow to craft and/or is needed in large numbers. In addition, if part of a recipe chain can be handled with last step production, it can easily be added to a dedicated area instead of having an area of its own. After deciding what an area should do, the inputs and outputs of the area need to chosen, and a layout for multiple machines doing the same tasks needs to be considered. Usually, intermediate products are the types of items produced and transported in large amounts.
When deciding where the areas themselves should go, it is practical to locate an area nearby to where its ingredients come from, such as steam power production being near water. In addition, it is important to leave a lot of space around each area (at least 10 tiles) so that you can run belts between areas with ease.
Concept: Last step production
Last step production is the idea of crafting an item where it is going to be used instead of crafting it elsewhere and transporting it. The idea is useful for some recipes because it makes the logistics easier. For example, some intermediate products require only one item to craft and they are also fast to craft. Examples of this are copper wire, iron sticks, iron gear wheels, and pipes. It is simpler to transport the common raw materials for these items (like iron and copper plates) instead of transporting every item type separately because you can use the same transport belt to source all of them and use fewer filters in general.
Concept: Direct insertion
Direct insertion is the idea of inserting an item from one machine to another one next to it using a single inserter. Sometimes it also involves inserting into and out of a chest placed between two different machines. The concept is useful, especially alongside last step production because it allows the production of complex recipes without needing too many belts. A great example of this technique is directly inserting copper wire from a copper wire assembler into an electronic circuit assembler.
Concept: Bottleneck analysis via belts
An assembling machine will continue working as long it has power, ingredients, and output space. If the machine is often pausing from a lack of ingredients, it means you have a production bottleneck. While individual assemblers can report their momentary statuses, the overall situation of a row of assemblers can be understood by examining the state of its input and output belts. In general it is ideal to aim to oversupply every assembling machine so that all its input transport belts are backing up. Hence, any belt that is not backing up indicates a supply bottleneck. Such a bottleneck in a running factory is solved by finding empty belts and adding more machines to supply them with more inputs until they back up, and keep repeating this until your ore belts are backing up until your mining drills.
However, for large factories, sometimes a transport belt itself is the bottleneck. This is identified by one end of a belt being completely full and its other end being completely empty, meaning that it cannot carry items fast enough to meet the demand from it. The bottleneck is solved by upgrading the belt or adding a new one in parallel.
Another possible bottleneck comes from inserters. This can be identified by an inserter working without any pauses, which means that it never satisfies the demand from it, even for a moment. The bottleneck is solved by upgrading the inserter or adding a new one in parallel. This issue is most common for copper wire production and consumption.
Concept: Production ratios
Since different recipes can have different item counts and crafting times, they will also require different numbers of assembling machines in order to maintain every machine running without interruption.
A good example of this is the recipe for electronic circuits: We see that one copper wire assembler produces 2 units of wire per every half second (assuming a crafting speed of 1). Meanwhile, one electronic circuit assembler requires 3 units of copper wire per every half second, which means you need 1.5 copper wire assemblers for every electronic circuit assembler, or three for every two.
Knowing these production ratios in advance helps a lot with setting up factory areas without having to worry about supply bottlenecks.
Example: Notable Production ratios
One boiler produces enough steam for two steam engines.
One stone furnace smelting iron is just fast enough to supply one stone furnace smelting steel.
One regular transport belt can carry enough ore to supply 48 stone furnaces.
Every two electric circuit assemblers require three copper wire assemblers.
One iron gear wheel assembler is enough for ten automation science pack assemblers.
One inserter assembler and half a transport belt assembler are enough for twelve logistic science pack assemblers. This setup requires one electronic circuit assembler and two iron gear wheel assemblers.
Every science pack assembler is roughly at the same net production rate, except that chemical science pack assemblers are roughly half as fast as the rest. The precise required ratio is a mouthful: Ten automation, twelve logistic, ten military, twenty-four chemical, fourteen production, fourteen utility.
Similar to how chemical science assemblers are relatively slow, the same can be said for advanced electronic circuit assemblers and engine unit assemblers, meaning that you usually need large numbers of these assembling machines.
Sulfur producing chemical plants are super fast, so one or two are enough for most of the game.
Concept: Connecting different production areas
It is wise to leave lots of space in between different production areas in case the areas need to be expanded or something needs to pass between them.
Usually every area has some input belts and output belts. All these belts need to cross around. The popular improvisational solution in the community is to make "belt spaghetti" by letting belts snake around however you need, which makes every bit of space matter. A more planned approach is to make belt buses, which are groups of belts than run across the factory like highways. And then branches come off the buses to go to production areas that are located along them.
Another idea for transporting large quantities of items across a larger base is the use of trains. And another alternative that becomes available in the late game is moving items between areas via flying logistic robots.
Concept: The main bus base design
The main bus is a popular idea for designing factories. Similar to how data buses run parallel to each other on an electronic circuit, the essential idea of the main bus is to have the transport belts for commonly used ingredients running parallel to each other in a long uninterrupted line that forms the central highway of the factory. Production areas are located along one or two sides of the main bus, usually with their rows running perpendicular to the direction of the bus. Splitters and underground belts are used extensively to split the bus belts to create branches that go off into the production areas. Similarly, output belts from production areas are brought to the bus to joined to it via underground belts and splitters. An extensive main bus tends to be fifty tiles to a hundred tiles in thickness, and with two-tile-wide spaces in between the belts for different item types so that splitters and underground belts can be placed without creating too much commotion.
The bus typically begins with groups of furnaces that output onto multiple belts that are reserved for iron, copper, and steel. In addition the bus has belts for coal, stone, and stone bricks. Since electronic circuits are used in so many recipes, there is a belt for them too, that comes out from a production area that takes in some of the iron and copper. Some intermediates like iron gear wheels may also have belts on the main bus, but they can also be substituted by having more iron belts and applying last step production.
Concept: Malls (also called workshops or hubs)
The "mall" is the community-given name to an area with assembling machines that produce intermediate products and machines, specifically for you to use when building your factory, rather than being used for science production. There is no standard for which recipes a mall should contain, but popular recipes for a starter mall include the most frequently used items such as iron gear wheels, electronic circuits, pipes, assembling machines, transport belts, underground belts, splitters, inserters, long handed inserters, and fast inserters. The assembling machines in malls typically have small output buffers to pick up the items from, such as chests with restricted inventories, or short transport belts that connect to nothing.
A mall can be designed with each machine having an input chest and an output chest and being supplied by hand. Alternatively, malls can be designed using assembling machine rows that take advantage of direct insertion.
Concept: Rows of assembling machines
An assembling machine can be accessed from all four sides, but when arranged in rows, they are accessible mainly from two opposite sides, where transport belts run in parallel to the machine rows. A regular inserter can be used to access a belt that is one tile apart from the assembler, and a long handed inserter can be placed next to the regular inserter and reach over the first belt to access a second belt next to it. By applying this design on both sides, a row of assembling machines has easy access to four different transport belts. If each belt is reserved for a different item, this means a row of assembling machines can easily be set up to craft a recipe with up to three input ingredients and one output product.
However, transport belts can be set up with sideloading junctions such that they have different items on their left and right lanes, which means that the four accessible belts can actually reliably carry up to eight different items, which is enough for nearly every recipe in the game.
The assembling machines on the rows could be placed tightly in order to fit the most assembling machines in an area, or the machines can be spaced apart so that you can walk or apply direct insertion in between them. Other entries in this chapter examine these arrangements in detail.
Technique: Simple and spaced assembling machine rows
The main idea of this technique is to create an area where large amounts of the same recipe can be crafted using a simple layout that has a repeating pattern and can easily be walked around in. It can be used also for assembling machines that have different recipes but the same ingredients. This is achieved by laying out assembling machines in rows that are parallel to their input and output belts.
In this simple design, regular and long handed inserters are used such that each assembling machine has easy access to one or two transport belts each on two opposing sides of it, and also access to direct insertion from its neighboring machines.
To build this layout, first place down a row of two or more assembling machines that are each spaced apart by two tiles. Next, place a small electric pole in between every two machines, aligned with the center of the row, and always on the same side of every two-tile gap. These electric poles are optimally positioned such that they can power inserters on every side of every assembling machine.
Afterwards, you can lay down the belts for input and output items in parallel with the rows. Up to two belts can be accessed easily on each side, meaning four in total. Make sure to leave the tiles directly next to assembling machines empty so that you can place inserters there. If you are building a mall, perhaps a line of chests would be more useful than a fourth belt. If you have complex recipes, consider sideloading some of the input belts at the start of the row to carry one ingredient per lane instead of per belt.
Next, place inserters to allow access to the belts. An inserter can take from both lanes of a belt and outputs only on the farther lane unless you use techniques involving extra building. A lazy way to set this up is to add a regular input inserter and long handed input inserter on both sides of the machine so that it can take from the belts whatever it wants (and inserter logic prevents it from taking what it does not want). Then you can place the output inserter for each machine in any of the remaining spaces.
Now you can set your assembling machine recipes. You can copy-paste a recipe easily using SHIFT + RIGHT BRACKET and then SHIFT + LEFT BRACKET.
Finally, if you plan to set up multiple recipes in an area, make sure to set up assembling machines such that related recipes are neighbors. For example, set up copper wire assemblers next to electronic circuit assemblers. Afterwards, you can get direct insertion by placing long handed inserters in between the machines, ideally in line with the electric poles such that there are still gaps to walk between every two assemblers.
Technique: Tight assembling machine rows
This layout is essentially the same as using simple and spaced rows, but making the rows tighter allows one to fit more assembling machines into the same area. The downsides are that this makes navigation in the area more difficult, that it does not leave space for setting up any direct insertion, and that it requires twice as many electric poles to build. Usually, using space freely is neater than trying to tightly pack everything, but there can be times where you may want to replace a simple row with a tight row to slightly boost the overall production there.
The way to build this setup is the same as that of simple assembling machine row, except that this time that a small electric pole must be placed on both sides of every second machine, perhaps in line with the center of the machine. Consequently, there is less space for inserters and so one needs to think more carefully about which inserters are needed. If you use medium electric poles instead, then every second machine needs a pair instead of every single one.
Technique: Double assembling machine rows
This technique expands on simple or tight rows. The main idea is to add more machines to an area easily by reusing the existing input belts.
The main idea is to add a new row of assembling machines on the opposite side of a pair of input belts so that the belts now serve two rows. On the opposite side of the new assembler row, add duplicates of the remaining belts.
Since the new row is not a perfect duplicate but instead symmetrical, the output lane will be different. This can be resolved using splitters or filter inserters when the two output belts are combined.
Technique: Outputting items onto the nearer side of a transport belt
While all inserters are programmed to always place items on the farther sides of belts, there are belt tricks to make items end up on the nearer sides.
The easiest trick is for an output belt that would normally be reached with a long handed inserter. If there is a different belt in between, you need to move one tile of it underground using underground belt chutes. Afterwards, you place a single belt unit in the newly created tile of empty space such that it pours onto the destination belt. After that, you can output onto this perpendicular belt segment with a regular inserter and thus the outputs will pour off the perpendicular belt unit and end up on the nearby side of the destination belt.
As for belts that are only 0 or 1 tile away from the assembling machine, if you have two tiles of space between neighboring machines, the easiest trick is to output onto a belt unit that is placed on a perpendicular side of the machine and pours onto the destination belt from there.
Technique: Reaching a third belt in a row
This technique is for allowing an assembling machine to access items from a third input belt that is three tiles away. The techniques has to be duplicated for every machine along a row, which makes it expensive but still repeatable. It does not work for tight rows.
Begin with a simple spaced row of assembling machines. For every assembling machine in the row, add a pair of underground belt chutes such that the middle tile of the first input belt is underground. If needed, relocate the inserter taking from the first belt to another tile. Then add a long handed input inserter in the newly cleared tile. This new inserter will be able to reach over the second nearest belt to a third belt, and still output into the assembling machine. The trick can be applied on both sides but it can not be repeated for belts that are further out, because the long handed inserters will no longer be able to reach into the assembling machines.
Technique: Weaving extra underground belts into assembling machine rows
This technique is another way to allow assembling machines arranged in rows to access additional belts. The main idea is to extensively use underground belts so that the extra belts travel below the assembling machines and access them from the sides. The technique can be applied to simple assembling machine rows with two tiles of space in between every two machines.
The three-tile width of the assembler means that three different belts can be weaved this way, although the center row may still need to be reserved for placing electric poles. The underground entrance chutes are placed directly next to the assemblers and the exit chutes are placed on the other sides of the assemblers with one tile of extra space to put a regular inserter in. This means you have a repeating pattern along the row: underground entrance, assembler, inserter, underground exit, repeat.
Technique: Simple furnace row with mixed belts
This design is for arranging furnaces in a simple repeating pattern. It is cheap to build and uses less space than other designs. The main idea of the design is to use sideloading junctions so that the input belt of the furnaces has ore on one lane and coal on the other. This setup will support up to 24 stone furnaces in row with a regular transport belt.
Start by placing a row of stone or steel furnaces with exactly one tile of space between each. In every second gap between furnaces place a small electric pole, which powers around the furnaces on both sides of it. The other gaps will be empty for easily walking among the furnaces, but if you prefer to have a tighter area with more furnaces and no walking through, then you can instead have wall-to-wall pairs of furnaces with an electric pole placed between every pair.
Next, add a regular inserter above and below each furnace. After that place the one input belt along the row, and the output belt along the other side of the row.
At the start of the input belt, create a sideloading junction from your coal and ore belts. The easiest way to do this is to run the two belts in parallel with a single tile gap in between and then make both belt ends rotate to face the gap. The tile where the belt ends now face is where you place the start of the combined belt.
Technique: High capacity furnace row
This design uses more inserters and belts than the simple design and requires an additional tile row of space. However, the design can be repeated for longer on a longer row because a full belt of ore is provided instead of half a belt. This setup will support up to 48 stone furnaces in row with a regular transport belt. Furthermore the larger footprint makes the design easy to replace later on with electric furnaces.
Start by placing a row of stone or steel furnaces with a tile of space between each and place a small electric pole in every second space. As with the simple design, the other spaces can be walked through, which is extra useful for long rows. If you prefer to have a tighter area with more furnaces and no walking through, then you can instead have wall-to-wall pairs of furnaces with an electric pole placed between every pair.
On the input side of the row, run the coal and ore belts, and run the output belt on the other side. Place a long handed inserter and regular inserter on the input side of both belts and a regular inserter on the output side.
Technique: Chest buffer
A transport belt serves as a type of buffer in addition to moving items, but sometimes you might want a larger buffer so that your production is more resilient against temporary supply shortages.
One idea for this is to place an output chest for the assembling machine instead of an output belt directly. Then, a second inserter outputs from the chest to the belt.
If you want to place a chest buffer further down a belt, consider making it grab from the belt and place back onto a belt segment that pours back onto the belt. If you cut the belt directly for the sake of the chest buffer, the buffer's inserters may become a throughput limit because they cannot move items nearly as fast as a transport belt.
Full Tutorial: The Nifty Compact Starter Base
Through careful design it has been discovered that there is a nifty compact transport belt arrangement that can cover many of the early game crafting recipes using only three carefully dedicated transport belts. This is thanks to the fact that most early recipes use the same four ingredients: Copper plates, iron plates, iron gear wheels, and electronic circuits. This entry describes how to build this set up. The setup is entirely optional and you may prefer to discover your own way of arranging machines. The setup can produce science packs and also double as a mall for producing other machines to build the rest of your factory with. It does not include furnaces and labs, which would need to be built separately, but it covers all the assembling machine needs for a starter base. We assume a horizontal setup in this description although a vertical setup would work
Building the setup requires 30 assembly machines, 200 transport belt units, 65 inserters, 65 long handed inserters, 30 chests, and 35 small electric poles. Some bits may be left over depending on your design. At the start of the row, you will need to bring a transport belt with iron plates and another belt with copper plates.
To build this setup, first consider two horizontal rows of 15 or so assembling machines each. There are four tiles of space between the rows and one tile of space between every two machines in the same row. In the middle two of the four spaces between the rows, run a pair of parallel transport belts from the start of the row until the end. These will be two of the three transport belts. The one space gaps between the belts and the assemblers will be for placing inserters. Next, go to the bottom row and count to the fifth machine from the start of the row. Leave one tile of space below the machine and build the third transport belt starting here, parallel to the first two belts. Directly below the third belt, you can place an output chest for each assembling machine. The chests will be accessed using long handed inserters. Below the row of chests you can make a stone brick path to mark the bottom edge of the area. Next, move to the top of the first row and place an inserter feeding an output chest above each assembling machine. Above the row of chests you can make a stone brick path to mark the top edge of the area.
Now the input belt for the base will be filled. At the start of the topmost nifty belt out of the three, use sideloading junctions to fill the belt such that one lane has only copper plates and the other lane has only iron plates. The other two nifty belts will get filled from the asemblers.
Now to set up power, place one electric pole in between every two assembling machines on each row. If the poles are aligned with the centers of the machines, they will power both the upper and lower sides of the machines.
Next, we will begin configuring the machines. On the bottom row, the first three machines are set to produce iron gear wheels by taking from the plates belt using long handed inserters and then the gear wheels are output to the middle nifty belt using regular inserters. The gears are placed onto the upper lane exclusively due to the inserter rule of outputting only on the lane farther away.
Meanwhile on the top row, the first machine is a copper wire machine and it takes from the plates belt with a regular inserter and it outputs into the machine next to it using a regular inserter that is placed sideways between the two machines. The second machine produces electronic circuits, taking copper wire from its neighbor and iron plates from the plates belt under it. This machine outputs to the middle nifty belt as well, using a long handed inserter. The circuits get placed on lower lane exclusively. Therefore, the middle belt now has gear wheels on the top lane and electronic circuits of the bottom lane. All the configured machines take from the metal plates belt, and the electronic circuit assembler also uses direct insertion from the copper wire assembler.
The third machine of the top row produces copper wire again and outputs to both its neighbors via direct insertion. The fourth and fifth machines are electronic circuit and copper wire machines respectively, so that in total the top row starts with two electronic circuit machines being fed by three copper wire machines (which the correct ratio). Due to how quickly copper wire is produced and consumed by the machines, you may also prefer to have a second direct inserter between every copper wire assembler and electronic circuit assembler.
For the next part of the configuration, the bottom row is continued by one assembling machine for transport belts and one for inserters. These machines output via long handed inserters into chests to the south. The third nifty belt will be filled with transport belt items on one lane and inserter items on the other lane. To allow this, place a transport belt unit facing north, in between the two output chests. Use regular inserters or long handed inserters so that they take from the chests and put on opposite sides of the belt unit. Next, extend the third nifty belt backwards so that it joins up with the north facing belt unit.
Now that the the first five machines on both rows are set up, the other machines can be set up in any order, but we will recommend the following: along the rest of the bottom row, configure the machines to produce underground belts, splitters, long handed inserters, and fast inserters. The final six machines of the row can produce logistics science packs. All these recipes are possible because on this row the machines there have access to regular inserters and transport belts as ingredients on the third nifty belt, and other ingredients come from the other two belts above. The assemblers then output to the chests below the third nifty belt. As for the top row, configure the machines to produce small electric poles, pipes, pipes to ground, new assembling machines, and electric mining drills. The final five machines can produce automation science packs. The electric pole assembler can have direct insertion from the copper wire assembler next to it but it will need wood supplied to it by hand. The top row assembling machines will output to the chests above them.
If you want to automate your base further, you can switch out the chests at the ends of the rows with new transport belts to carry the science packs to a row of labs that you can set up parallel to the assembling machine rows.
There are different versions of this nifty compact setup that one can try, and the machines can be upgraded to make the setup work faster. In any case, the output chests of the earlier sections of the base need to be filled up before science production can work efficiently. To ensure this, you can lock all but one inventory slot for each of these chests, or remove some of them entirely.
Blueprint string for a Nifty Compact Starter Base
You can copy the blueprint string below and import it. The blueprint includes labs at the end and infinity chests to represent the metal plate supply. Note that the string starts with "0" and ends with "e". 0eNqtXcuO28oR/RVCa8kg+00vAyRANtkkQBaBYXA09AxxNaJAUnEGhv89TcmWNONu6py6XiRzPY/TVdVd1SVW1eG31cPu2B6Gbj+tPn5bPbbjdugOU9fvVx9Xf3kt/tkNf2v3j92H4l/PQ9sW09Dsx0M/TMVDu5vGotk/FtPXvmjGsX152HX7p+Kl2T53+7YY+q9jMfXFtv9vOxTNble89sehaJth91o8NS/t7R/t2/ZxnBfpxuIiUTEc92PxZehfir824zSD/buNX+dFu6l4bsaijwt1+8PxLE/RxF96bs+/HcVeF1+f26GdFz6tMCOMx8MhCjD/4a6J/9d/iRIeDlHEw66Z2rNK158ORTf0+x8/+1D8PS7Q/BF/a+qiAhHuMPSPx21bjNuu3cevh2b7R1Sh3TbHsT0J87XvH9t9sX2Ooo/zcvM3X2Z7jO12tvRFtIe2+NLtdvEfx0P8r2Gc1sVDVG0Wf9vsow3Hvhjal2jQYuxf2p9gZ+gPq/Wq2/b7cfXxP99WY/e0b3bznk6vhzZuZje1L/E39tHw8V9X029+7NemWn2PAPvH9n+rj9X39V2Iy1HYzKa/+WP1/dN61e6nburaszCnf7x+3h9fHtohoucw1qtDP3bn0/dtNcvhP9j16nX1cVOpDzYu8dgNZ6OtPppZxnfICkcOeWSXQNY4cs0hGxhZlRyyxZErDtnhyIpD9jiy5pADjmw45BpHthxyVeLQjoTGvVB5Ehp3Q0W6YYX7oSL9sMIdUZOOWOGeqElPrHBX1KQrVrgvatIXK9wZNemMFe6NmvRGhXujJr1RXb3xnC9sTpf6r8Dm/dF7aIYf9/V7SIVCGhhSo5ABhjQgpFUwpEUh38a1FJRDoRwsnQchHb7TAYXEd7pGIeGd1qUk7SuRtE+LMsoKglbLOfNCklaf8CN6d8qem+PUvzTzb25+fFjYzB8WVqlFr37W7cd2mOI3l7JBTBPDamJ+gyYW0cSQmjhWk/AbNPGIJoHUJJCaXO/wP6FJDWhykyxAmpiS1cT9eU1MhWjiSE1Yjzc5j293cZ2h225euv2M8TjET/dJPRB/N6S/G9bfTdbf0w8Lfl0RcXZDOrthnd3knP0Qv2ymfvM09Mf9Y1IBxMcN6eOG9XGrFhRIio04tCUd2rIObXMOPc4PuzYXZzj0u6QWFnFm+/b6TsEoBIaMCVaTxnC5mHB+1rjZNg8ZKxhAfEeGAos4plP5pCv5dIl1TGcW42S/j4dj2w3bYzclLYM4pyOjiw0IqMtbRqVAa9YyQXhaXImITwYshziiL7nT4thb1as/dVoccqV6w22sY69U76QbawWfaAK0u06AXEPIVwdNhfyFR/Bn+H3bPT0/9MdhLhq4sFZOfUotE7hllFpaxq9dHVcyyZVqciW3rJAv40outZIvuZV0ubRSvfZVXCkkV6rIlczCSlFsr9bKl8mVFLnS0nGIYnsdV0qeCK+5lczSiYhiexNXSp4Ib8iVlk5EFNu7uJJProRc2bbMun4qfHnHSW+XTlk0hfdR+jopPRkK7OIpc2sffTRUyZWQC9wGzk6k39vFk+vXIXpj0CnpQ0klZgGqc5Ee7ha9oV6H6HfBJqVXVPIE2T6QvuyWPCyaItgofdLDgqHSHMz2lpPeL3lYNEWIHhaSHhYcld9gtie91i95bTRFiHd4nfTaQN7hfsnDotiVn5dKXg7h9sPxl24ff5Z7lh2qt+b6+fufx3aaYqY3zr937r/4fIw/20Wjt4+f57aI+KNpOLbr1fm757aHn8vGZHVzaiCJS27749xqU5XR81/6x1MqOW12bXMS6NJ+8Sn10baWPEF3SOpWSx6gewj5GiN2fUyWn5uo4uMGeayN4UOPyisOU9KS4aBOAUlLBoYsacnAkCUtGRhyYM+G4fYReS52bcmAME+OS/eROKzZoxI0koDQStBIAkJrQSMJCG3YAxLIzYTKUzUJ6gTtL6BBvKD9BYQOgvYXELoWtL9g0DcNUtgJuda1sM2soBKTJkGVoGkHNIgWNO2A0EbQtANCW0HTDgjt2BPiyM1EnktrT4IGQasRaBDCG8l4zTRIkZFP4XejJiOfYlNUw6WolYLKuxUJinujIeO1wr3RkPFa4XejISOfwu9GQ0Y+xSaqxpCbiWSqhsxUiYYrQwZVouHKkFeBxu9GQ4Ynjd+NhgyqGnmYZMhEUhN+SMY8TfghGak17oeWjB4avxUtGfOgpihL5nkG90BLhiSDe6AlA6nBPdCSccPgHmjJuGHw+9CSzm1wP7RkSDK4H1rSDw3hh2T0MFDXBJnQGDwvdWTcsLgfOjJu3HQtYamBexNDkpC4/zkyaljc/xwZNbDGJTKFsbjnOTIUWdzzHBmKLO55jowXFr8BHRnlLHIDOjKFcYTnkUHI4TegI0OnYz8R+uqeUzvc8zwZghx+83kycDrk+agnsyKiA8mT8c3hnufJ+OZwz/NkKHL4zefJUOSRBgNPPpzyuOd5Mr55/O7zZHzzhAeSocgTHkiGops+oHFqtn8sBKFwNwh53PMCGSk87nmBjG+ebBYI7x7xv20WSHbFVb4WFMAN5C1BUrW3GHQlKCdbbEBXCWrgILQWFJRBaCOogoPQVlCcBaGdoKQMQntBcRaEDoKSMghdC8qcGDTRQ3MtzoLQlaDMCUIrQXEWhJYUDEFoIyhzgtCSgiEI7QRlThDaC0pvILSkYAhC14LSm8UIFSQFQxC6EhSxQGglKL2B0FpQxAKhjaD0BkJbcX3MZIgXSkdVxLIwXlADA5UOghoYCF0LamAYNMEoZBwJzT4KvVaWcttXKaqsloXRgkIaqLQRFNJAaCsopIHQTlBIA6E9eQqu5ans9gWqNpeFqQXVOExpovHFkrGVaHyxZARTSlCNA6E1ewrcve1ThpoPz8JYQZ0QVNoJ6oQgtBfUCUHoIKgTgtA1Wxwr722fLqnSYxamEhQbMaWJBhZHxlaigcWREUwbQWUQhGazQ3c3O9SOKjZmYbygvAgqHQTlRRAaKtRxTykV0ariyNhFtKo4MuIatlDn7uaKRIuKI8Mh0aLiyCAOUe/4ijwTTlCzBOX1gpolCM02a/q7mSPRmuLJuEu0pngy7kKEOt5yZ4JoTvFkyCSaUzwZMq0RVCxBaCuoWILQ7OiCv5v9Eq0pngxBb6h00EFb8zsHbX+QqvyOUVt10w2D112hqp1ykoIgRn/uJHO8GoNWUnYXlaRdUc6sdZ2sxiqnxaSb6i3Pzq5/6sYpCnmPSlA5I6WVUTn2mpntZW3KMq2jFdNxynV0UkIblaSZmY2moq6mVGkdvZioU65jkFLpqCTBzWw0Fb+a0qR1rMUUnmIdabogs6TjiSto5taJOibZidRNww9L7inXUUwfpJKkPrPRlDdRxzqtoxbTfsp1NFLiIpWkE1InPX1aPyumA32n33jYddN8EyaXkdN1vlvmGC/o4czV+fMNI4nlvJSQSSUpjdTpf5kTIifyfKfal5iCXBOK5Fq1lKpJJQmUZkNlGJRUkDN9/nLyE1lqcslKyg+lkgxL6kQQpdPqKTF35zv1llXSUtIolaRdUifWKJtWyYipN9+p9MtLfBKLWSmflEoyMqkToZSPyV/mODoxe+b7/ZqJd57aZth8fW7bXVo7L+WbUknGJnUinEoHkBDEHJgSzWopF5VKsjnNpsrQOam6FBNjCjSrKylPlUqyR82myrBHqVpJmaoSa82SpxtQFdGGdf3kBr0cQRFtWDdvR8CgLcW+BMrrxJRRZeaxR+0pJiBQTjl9UVbOmuKjwV6OUZZiFp2MnLrkWFFAOZWYyyUrp6a4OUA5jZhRJCunpRgiQDmdmNciK6enurJAOeXsClk5a6pvCHzJTCnub8rJCbELWdKPKiXuwMnKqaneC1BOI+4RycppxQ0HWUgnrl5nIdkWKXf/IF196JfPzflb/tdLfn151+f8UtXk22MqwagMdiCILqrL02WIfF4TTVQX5Mz7JTTRNXV5FWiFSan5cR4QWcBoCSILGC3BPXP8mBAos+enhEDkwCOD1qh5a2DIBE3QJUPGrEE0WV1SYxBZ8cigNTRvDRDZ8KNYoDUsP4kFIjseGbSGYDANRA788BhojZqfHcOQjWAqDbMG0Xx1sQaIrPhxN9Aamp92A5EF7/gFrSF4xS+I7PgBPdAanp/PA5EDjwxao+atgSETnViauwdtxU8UgsiKRwatoXlrgMiGH4IErWH5GUgQ2fHIoDUEI6EgcuDHNkFr1PzUJobsBPOgmDWcgD8WRBZMg4LW0DwyKLPhh2NBZMtPmYLIjh+NBZE9+6b06s6rrp1gNhSUteYHWjFkL5gMBZErfpwVRFbsC+nv7RzBEmS4CESQBBkuAnnLT3OCyI4fQQWRUZ+zCt25wM9ggrIKBkcxZIIbyHJxIgjGRkFk1OesA3eOIASyXOQh+IAsF3kIOiDLxQmCDchycYIgA3JcnCC4gBwXJ0LNzHtiedVNt8ryCXYleILZjhT3Nky8bRJJN31pggPIcfGtFrDC5qojNUQDm31OoZKYFt0vND+7aTG5g4jmDTcdJkQBTucLcP1xylXg6iAcxdCJ0+ZUbkRB33Sj7JqHhVJRZtrIlKVwpiIp6GleJDdrYG5aUtLCmnvCKuFwRFLY0+BHbmjA3PSlpIUN94Q1wimHpLAnq+a6/80tu09K2MsTvKywTjiukBL2PIqRa+M3Nx0qaWHdPWHDMoC5e+hr4eBCUtv8tlSCMTJoxtPcdKW87VTPRxaDXDQGovNRisOEXgDpOEzkEtMlh4m0eGnDYSI0CHphjz6tV/NQZfz7h92xPQzdfj498dy3u/i9f3RfptdinJoZuHhoxvn0/rcdxvNVHSrja+WDqbWr3ffv/wezKDle