About Game Sounds - Factorio-Access/FactorioAccess GitHub Wiki

Factorio has a diverse sound library. Machines in the game make unique sounds as they work, and interfaces have several utility sounds. The Factorio Access Mod re-uses some of these sounds for appropriate features so that it is consistent with the base game. On the other hand, many of the mod's unique features such as the scanner tool require unique sounds for the best experience. Therefore the mod also uses freely licensed sounds, mainly from Zapsplat.

Mod sounds folder

The majority of the mod's own sounds are in the WAV format that Windows can readily play. They can be found in the folder "mods/FactorioAccess/Audio". They are all free to use as long as credit is given to the source, in most cases Zapsplat.

The first part of each sound file name decribes its purpose in the mod and the rest of the name is the original file name. Some files have been modified in Audacity to make them fit their roles better.

You can play the sounds to demo them. New players may benefit from this because some of the mod sounds play by themselves to indicate things, like the bump alert or the enemy presence alert.

Game sounds folders

The game's own sound files are in the OGG format, and you may need to install a program to play the sounds outside of the game. They can be found in the folders "data/base/sound" and "data/core/sound". The sound files are property of Wube and may not be redistributed.

You can play the game's own sounds if you have the appropriate program, perhaps the Windows recommended one from the Windows Store. Once again, the sounds are labeled according to their purpose but there are a lot of them.

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