4.2 PACS DICOM tags - FNNDSC/pfdcm GitHub Wiki

pfdcm PACS DICOM tags


  • The series to be asked for DICOM tags must have been pulled a priori.

This page describes how to return a JSON object of DICOM tags for a given series.


  • A HOST_IP environment variable that denotes the IP of the host housing the service. In Linux, you can do:
export HOST_IP=$(ip route | grep -v docker | awk '{if(NF==11) print $9}')
  • Make sure that pfdcm has been started (see here for more info)
pfcon --forever --httpResponse
  • Have the following information pertaining to the remote PACS server:

    • IP
    • port
  • Set the internal values specifying the remote PACS host according to here.

  • Make sure you have a series UID from a previous call to PACS query here.

DICOM tags based on SeriesUID


Data is typically retrieved on SeriesInstanceUID, and this is also used to determine the tags for a given series.

pfurl   --verb POST                             \
        --raw                                   \
        --http ${HOST_IP}:4055/api/v1/cmd       \
        --jsonwrapper 'payload'                 \
        --msg '{  
            "action": "internalDB",          
            "meta": {
                "do":  "DICOMtagsGet",
                "on" : {
                   "series_uid": ""


A typical call returns the following (not that only DICOM tags that are type string are returned):

    "status": true,
    "DICOMtagsGet": {
        "status": true,
        "d_dicom": {
            "AccessionNumber": "22268454",
            "AcquisitionDate": "20111206",
            "AcquisitionTime": "080058.565000",
            "AngioFlag": "N",
            "ContentDate": "20111206",
            "ContentTime": "080429.457000",
            "DeviceSerialNumber": "35235",
            "EthnicGroup": "W",
            "FrameOfReferenceUID": "",
            "ImagedNucleus": "1H",
            "InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection": "ROW",
            "InstanceCreationDate": "20111206",
            "InstanceCreationTime": "080429.457000",
            "InstitutionAddress": "Longwood Ave 300,Boston,Boston,US,02115",
            "InstitutionName": "CH",
            "InstitutionalDepartmentName": "Department",
            "MRAcquisitionType": "2D",
            "Manufacturer": "SIEMENS",
            "ManufacturerModelName": "TrioTim",
            "Modality": "MR",
            "PatientAge": "017M",
            "PatientBirthDate": "19000101",
            "PatientID": "LILLA-9731",
            "PatientPosition": "HFS",
            "PatientSex": "M",
            "PerformedProcedureStepDescription": "MR Brain",
            "PerformedProcedureStepID": "4101374",
            "PerformedProcedureStepStartDate": "20111206",
            "PerformedProcedureStepStartTime": "073043.791000",
            "PhotometricInterpretation": "MONOCHROME2",
            "PositionReferenceIndicator": "",
            "ProtocolName": "AX FSE T2",
            "ReasonForStudy": "anonymized",
            "RequestedProcedureDescription": "anonymized",
            "RequestingService": "CHLD_MA",
            "SOPClassUID": "1.2.840.10008.",
            "SOPInstanceUID": "",
            "ScanOptions": "",
            "ScanningSequence": "SE",
            "SequenceName": "*tse2d1_19",
            "SeriesDate": "20111206",
            "SeriesDescription": "AX FSE T2",
            "SeriesInstanceUID": "",
            "SeriesTime": "080429.426000",
            "SoftwareVersions": "syngo MR B17",
            "StationName": "MRC35235",
            "StudyDate": "20111206",
            "StudyDescription": "anonymized",
            "StudyID": "4101374",
            "StudyInstanceUID": "1.2.840.113845.11.1000000001785349915.20111206061530.5737676",
            "StudyTime": "073043",
            "TransmitCoilName": "Body",
            "VariableFlipAngleFlag": "N",
            "WindowCenterWidthExplanation": "Algo1"


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