0.1 orthanc preliminaries - FNNDSC/pfdcm GitHub Wiki

orthanc preliminaries


This page describes how to setup/run the orthanc-fnndsc docker image to act as a PACS server for pfdcm.


  • DICOM data on the local machine

  • Some service for pushing DICOM data -- here we will use the FNNDSC dicom_dirSend.bash script.

  • dcmtk packages

sudo apt install dcmtk

Setup the orthanc service

Download the fnndsc orthanc-fnndsc repo

git clone https://github.com/FNNDSC/orthanc-fnndsc.git

Switch to the persistent-db branch

cd orthanc-fnndsc
git checkout persistent-db

Set the correct service IP

sed  -i 's/'\
$(ip route | grep -v docker | awk '{if(NF==11) print $9}' |  head -n 1)\
'/g' orthanc.json

Set the list of DICOM Modalities in orthanc.json

Ensure that the following setting is listed under the DicomModalities block of orthanc.json, being sure to replace <HOST_IP> with its appropriate value.

"chips" : [ "CHIPS", "<HOST_IP>", 10402 ]

Start orthanc

docker-compose up

An alternative method that might provide a bit more guidance in starting up orthanc is to run the makefile.

sudo ./make.sh -h ${HOST_IP}:10402

Push DICOM data to orthanc


Make sure the orthanc-fnndsc container is instantiated


Navigate to a directory containing a set of subdirectories, each with DICOM data ending in dcm.

dicom_dirSend.bash -v 10 -a ORTHANC -c CHIPS -h localhost -p 4242 -E dcm *

View data

Check on the pushed data by navigating (in a browser) to http://localhost:8042 using orthanc as the username and password.


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