MIDI Novation Launchpad as Joystick - FHS-Robotics/FRC-VSCode-Team5866 GitHub Wiki

This page will cover the topic of converting a Novation Launchpad into a joystick. A MIDI device is typically used for music, and the signals cannot be read by the driver station and it will not be recognized as a joystick unless we run a virtual program that converts that MIDI signal into a joystick signal. The github page linked is a project for an application that does just that.


Additionally, you'll need vJoy, a program that emulates joysticks and is the application that our app implements.

You're going to have to have Visual Studio if you are rebuilding the application from this repository (not Visual Studio Code, the actual program Visual Studio). Run the project with the Launchpad connected, but before you do make this change.

For the launchpad mini, find this class in Launchpad.cs

`public void FindAndRegisterLaunchpad() {

        for (int i = 0; i < InputDevice.InstalledDevices.Count; i++)
            if (InputDevice.InstalledDevices[i].Name.Contains("LPMini"))
                Console.WriteLine("Found: " + InputDevice.InstalledDevices[i].Name);
                launchpadInput = InputDevice.InstalledDevices[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < OutputDevice.InstalledDevices.Count; i++)
            if (OutputDevice.InstalledDevices[i].Name.Contains("LPMini"))
                Console.WriteLine("Found: " + OutputDevice.InstalledDevices[i].Name);
                launchpadOutput = OutputDevice.InstalledDevices[i];


Make the fix of changing Name.contains("Launchpad") to "LPMini" and it should work

Original post where code was found via Chief Delphi:
