Setting up your environment to run OLMT w ELM on modex - FASSt-simulation/fasst_simulation_tools GitHub Wiki

Steps to prepare your working environment for running OLMT on modex

Step 1. Create a new working environment for running OLMT and containing the ELM model source code

Step 2. Clone the "fasst" branch of OLMT

OLMT branch source:

git clone -c http.sslVerify=false -b fasst

Confirm you have the correct branch

git branch

Step 3. Download the ELM model source code. A handy script is provided in OLMT: OLMT/modex_notes

Go into the OLMT directory


Define your work environment and supply to the script as an argument

sh modex_notes/ /path/to/work/environment/elmlocation

Step 4. Place a copy of the cime machines files in your how working environment. A copy of the modex machines files are in OLMT.

cp -r modex_notes/cime ~/.cime

Step 5. Create a new miniconda environment for running OLMT placeholder

Step 6. Run a basic OLMT simulation as a test

READ the instructions in OLMT/modex_notes/basic_run.txt