Jupyter Lab Container with Google Earth Engine: for model data evaluation - FASSt-simulation/fasst_simulation_tools GitHub Wiki

We have two JupyterLab containers we have setup: "elmlab_3.3.2" is the primary one we will use for the workshop that supplies the the basic environment most users need. We also have "elmlab_gee_3.3.2" for an environment containing the Google Earth Engine (GEE) and geemap libraries, allowing for comparison of ELM with GEE layers.

  • This option will require you have a GEE account
  • Open a terminal window on your computer (or use existing terminal window).
  • In the terminal window type or copy and paste the command below into the terminal and hit enter
docker pull fasstsimulation/fasst_simulation_tools:elmlab_gee_3.3.2

Using the GEE notebook to explore model-data comparisons and benchmarking

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v elmdata:/home/jovyan/inputdata -v elmoutput:/home/jovyan/output fasstsimulation/fasst_simulation_tools:elmlab_gee_3.3.2

Or you may want to also include the "elmwork" directory, e.g.

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v elmdata:/home/jovyan/inputdata -v elmoutput:/home/jovyan/output -v elmwork:/work fasstsimulation/fasst_simulation_tools:elmlab_gee_3.3.2

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