ros_nodes - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki
Nodes of Extended Object Detection
1. Main nodes
1.1. extended_object_detection_node
The main node for this package. Performs object recognition.
2. Parameter extraction utilities
2.1. hsv_color_params_collector
Allows you to define the parameters of the threshold color filtering attribute.
2.2. hist_color_params_collector_point
Allows to define the parameters of the histogram color filtering attribute by specifying the area with dot.
2.3. hist_color_params_collector_contour
Allows to define the parameters of the histogram color filtering attribute by specifying an area with contour.
2.4. hough_circle_params_collector
Allows to define the parameters of the circle detector by Hough transform attribute .
Allows to define the parameters of the blob detector attribute .
2.6. face_dlib_descriptors_extractor
Allows to save parameters of faces to a file for use by FaceDlib attribute.
3. Auxiliary nodesr
3.1. offline_video
Recognizes objects in uploaded video and saves video with recognition results.