LogicOrDetector - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki
A pseudo-attribute that allows you to combine two attributes with a logical OR. In this case, objects are returned that have at least one attribute that gave a result in one area. If two attributes in the area coincide at the same time, then their result is combined.
Modes | Accuracy assessment | 3D-translation | 3D-rotation | Contour extraction | Additional info |
DС | Inherited | Inherited | Inherited | Inherited | Inherited |
Returns the areas in which one or both of the attributes tested positive. In this case, rectangles lying in the same area (having a high IOU) are combined.
Checks that the area meets at least one attribute.
Not implemented
- Name (string, must be set) attribute unique name
- Type (string, must be "LogicOr") attribute type
- Weight (double, default: 1) attribute weight
- Probability (double, default: 0.75) not used in this attribute
- Contour (bool, default: true) not used in this attribute
- A (string, must be set) The first attribute must be declared in the AttributeLib tag above this one.
- B (string, must be set) The second attribute must be declared in the AttributeLib tag above this one.
- iou (double, must be set) The threshold of IOU, which the characteristics must satisfy for the union.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Attribute Name="HistColorPink" Type="HistColor" Histogram="histograms/Pink.yaml"/>
<Attribute Name="HistColorOrange" Type="HistColor" Histogram="histograms/Orange.yaml"/>
<Attribute Name="PinkOrOrange" Type="LogicOr" iou="0.5" A="HistColorPink" B="HistColorOrange"/>
<SimpleObject Name="PinkOrOrangeSticker" ID="5">
<Attribute Type="Detect">PinkOrOrange</Attribute>