LogicNotDetector - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki


A pseudo-feature to indicate that another feature should not be performed in a given area.

Modes Accuracy assessment 3D-translation 3D-rotation Contour extraction Additional info
Inherited - - - -

1. Modes

1.1. Detect

If no object is found, the detector will return the entire image area.

1.2. Check

Checks that the region does not match the attribute.

1.3. Extract

Not implemented

2. XML-description

2.1. Common parameters

  • Name (string, must be set) attribute unique name
  • Type (string, must be "LogicNot") attribute type
  • Weight (double, default: 1) attribute weight
  • Probability (double, default: 0.75) not used in this attribute
  • Contour (bool, default: true) not used in this attribute

2.2. Special parameters

  • A (string, must be set) The attribute to deny, must be declared in the AttributeLib tag above this one.

2.3. Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

    <Attribute Name="HistDarkRed" Type="HistColor" Histogram="histograms/DarkRed.yaml" Probability="0.4"/>       
    <Attribute Name="NotRed" Type="LogicNot" A="HistDarkRed"/>


    <SimpleObject Name="NotRedCup" ID="63" Probability="0.5" Mode="Soft">                   
        <Attribute Type="Detect">CupDnn</Attribute>        
        <Attribute Type="Check">NotRed</Attribute>        

logic not example As you can see, using this attribute, only a white cup was recognized. An example of the second cup is taken from here, and shows that the CNN detector has triggered.

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