LogicAndRelation - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki


A pseudo-relationship that allows you to combine logical AND two other relationships.

1. XML-description

1.1. Common parameters

  • Name (string, must be set) unique relationship name
  • Type (string, must be LogicAnd) relationship type

1.2. Special parameters

  • A (string, must be set) The name in the object base of the first relation.
  • B (string, must be set) The name in the object base of the second relation.

1.3. Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

    <Attribute Name="Aruco4" Type="Aruco" Dict="0" IDmarker="-1" Lenght="0.082"/>
    <Attribute Name="Aruco6" Type="Aruco" Contour="true" Dict="8" IDmarker="-1" Lenght="0.125"/>        

    <SimpleObject Name="Aruco6" ID="41">              
        <Attribute Type="Detect">Aruco6</Attribute>            
    <SimpleObject Name="Aruco4" ID="44">              
        <Attribute Type="Detect">Aruco4</Attribute>            

    <RelationShip Type="SpaceLeft" Name="left"/>
    <RelationShip Type="SpaceUp" Name="up"/>
    <RelationShip Type="LogicAnd" Name="up-left" A="up" B="left"/>

    <ComplexObject ID="7" Name="ArucoUpLeft">
        <SimpleObject Class="Aruco6" InnerName="A6"/>
        <SimpleObject Class="Aruco4" InnerName="A4"/>
        <Relation Obj1="A4" Obj2="A6" Relationship="up-left"/>        

logic and example

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