DepthAttribute - Extended-Object-Detection-ROS/wiki_english GitHub Wiki
A pseudo-attribute that determines the distance to the object from the map by its bordering rectangle and counts the translation into three-dimensional coordinates. If the object is outside the depth map, then the translation will not be added, and if there are no other attributes for extracting the distance, a standard unit transform will be added to the object.
Modes | Accuracy assessment | 3D-translation | 3D-rotation | Contour extraction | Additional info |
E | - | ✔ | ❌ | - | - |
Not implemented
Not implemented
Determines the distance to the object and calculates the translation vector in 3D space to the center of the object. Modes:
- 0 - Takes depth median in rect of object.
- 1 - As 0 but reduce rect twice.
- 2 - Takes point in center of a rect.
- 3 - Uses contour of object to create mask, inside of which median is calculated.
- 4 - Uses keypoints of an object. Takes values in that points with radius area and means it.
- Name (string, must be set) attribute unique name
- Type (string, must be "Depth") attribute type
- Weight (double, default: 1) attribute weight
- Probability (double, default: 0.75) not used in this attribute
- Contour (bool, default: true) not used in this attribute
- mode (int, default: 0) mode of extraction
- max_dist_m (double, default: 12) max distance for 0 and 1 modes.
- radius (int, default: 0) radius of keypoint increase for 4 mode
Important specify DEPTH in the Channel parameter in the object that uses this attribute.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Attribute Name="COCO_Dnn" Type="Dnn" framework="tensorflow" weights="ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2017_11_17/frozen_inference_graph.pb" config="ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2017_11_17/config.pbtxt" labels="ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_2017_11_17/mscoco_label_map.pbtxt" inputWidth="300" inputHeight="300" Probability="0.75" obj_id="-1"/>
<Attribute Name="Depth" Type="Depth" mode="0"/>
<SimpleObject Name="COCO_dnn_object_depth" ID="64">
<Attribute Type="Detect">COCO_Dnn</Attribute>
<Attribute Type="Extract" Channel="DEPTH">Depth</Attribute>