Useful Links - EverestAPI/Resources GitHub Wiki


Ask for advice, get help with issues, show your stuff off, or just hang out.

Modding-related news are displayed on the main menu of Olympus. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed 🔗 to stay updated. Ping ppnyan, touhoe or cellularautomaton in the Discord server if you want to get something promoted on there.


Celeste modders swiss army knife - you'll need this to install Everest (the mod loader) and Lönn (the map editor). Make sure to read the website for a feature list and instructions.

The community's mod platform. Use the 1-click installer button if you're using Olympus to install mods.
Olympus (formerly "the Everest installer") will auto-download and verify the .zip for you.

You're here right now! This is a great resource for documentation and info on everything modding related.

This list is auto-generated and contains an up-to-date listing of every custom entity you can use. Search through it to figure out which helper to use to get a certain feature.


Read the Lönn README on GitHub!
Lönn itself doesn't add any features to Celeste.
If you want something entirely new, go write a code mod for Everest.

Great information on how to design good maps.

Basic video guides to Ahorn functionality. Information in these may be out of data, it is recommended to look through the Wiki first.
ℹ️ Most information also applies to using Lönn.


Ordered and structured in the same way as the vanilla graphics.

A database of community made tilesets, decals, stylegrounds, etc. Make sure to give credit where appropriate.

Amazing resource for learning pixel art from the creator of the vanilla graphics.

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