Understanding Input - EverestAPI/Resources GitHub Wiki

Getting Input

Input Class

Celeste uses the static Input class to retrieve user input when needed. The Input class contains a number of members, each referencing a different input.

Luckily, getting input from within your own code mod is as simple as getting the value held within the field you need. Ex: Input.Jump.Pressed

Most values are pretty self-evident, such as the state of a button or key, represented as a boolean, but some require a little more explanation.


Each button has a few relevant values: Pressed, Released, and Check. These return the following:

  • Check - Is the button currently pressed?
  • Pressed - Was the button just pressed?
  • Released - Was the button just released?

Axis Movement

Axis movement is split into the MoveX and MoveY fields, as well as GliderMoveY for Jellies

Each Axis returns a floating point value between -1 and 1.


Joystick position, under the Aim member, is used primarily for movement while in a Feather. There is also MountainAim, which is used for moving the camera while on the overworld.

The Aim value is an Xna.Framework Vector2 with both values clamped between -1 and 1.

Creating a New Input

See the ButtonBinding section on the Mod Settings page

For questions and feedback, please contact @coloursofnoise on the Celeste Discord 🔗.

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