Replacing A Texture - EverestAPI/Resources GitHub Wiki

This tutorial involves creating a simple mod that replaces a texture within Celeste and packaging it to be ready for release.

This page assumes that you have already set up Everest 🔗.

Table of Contents:

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Mod setup

Follow the Mod Setup Tutorial to set up your mod.

Create the following folders inside your mod folder. The Graphics folder should be next to the everest.yaml file:

- Mods
  - MyExampleMod
    - Graphics
      - Atlases
        - Gameplay

Accessing vanilla textures

Vanilla textures are available in the Graphics Dump 🔗. Download it and extract 🔗 it somewhere not in your game files.

Navigating the graphics dump

In Celeste, graphics are separated into multiple Atlases 🔗 based on where they are used. In this tutorial we will only be using on the Gameplay atlas, but other notable ones are the Gui atlas, for high-resolution overworld and UI textures, and the Portraits atlas for character dialog portraits.

Open the graphics dump and navigate to Graphics/Atlases/Gameplay/decals/1-forsakencity/. In this folder there will be an number of PNG image files that are used for the decals specific to Chapter 1.

Replacing a texture

In the Gameplay/ folder you created earlier, create the following additional folders:

- Gameplay
  - decals
    - 1-forsakencity

ℹ️ This must match the folder structure of the graphics dump exactly.

Download this image file decal replacement 🔗 (provided courtesy of @juno (raine)#3540) and move it into the 1-forsakencity folder. Make sure that the image file is named sign_under_construction.png. You may need to turn on file extensions to verify this.

Now open (or restart) Celeste and enter the very first room of Forsaken City to see your new texture. If it does not show up in place of the "under construction" sign, please create a post in the #modding_help channel of the Celeste Discord 🔗.

Packaging your mod

Since you already have the everest.yaml set up for your mod, all that is needed to package it is to compress it into a zip archive.

⚠️ Make sure to zip the contents of your mod folder, not the folder itself Archive the mod folder

⚠️ Don't keep a zipped version of your mod alongside the folder version, since it will cause issues with asset conflicts. Only zip your mod to send it to others.

Tips and tricks

Make sure to check out the sidebar of this wiki for many more resources!

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