Custom Portraits - EverestAPI/Resources GitHub Wiki

Create a file named Portraits.xml in your Graphics folder (see here for how to set that up).


If your Portraits.xml file is not in the top level of the Graphics folder (giving it a unique path is recommended for maps) then it needs to be added to your map's metadata.

Follow this example, replacing {yourportrait} with the name of your portrait:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <portrait_{yourportrait} path="{yourportrait}/" sfx="{yourportrait}" textbox="{yourportrait}">
    <Center />
      <normal index="1"/>
    <Loop id="idle_normal" path="normal" delay="0.1" frames="0"/>

portrait_{yourportrait} corresponds to YOURPORTRAIT in [YOURPORTRAIT right normal]

  • path indicates the folder within the Portraits atlas (Graphics/Atlases/Portraits/)
    Make sure to include the / at the end!
  • sfx refers to the audio event used, and is appended to event:/char/dialogue/
  • textbox is the path to the textbox texture relative to Graphics/Atlases/Portraits/textbox
  • phonestatic can be either "mom" or "ex" (Optional)
  • glitchy can be "true" or "false" (Optional)

the Center tag is reccomended to center the portrait in the textbox

There are three different prefixes that can be used for animation ids:

  • begin: played before the idle or talk animation
  • idle: played when not talking
  • talk: played when talking

Each group of animations (or expression) also needs an assigned index in the sfxs element, which is used as the dialogue_portrait audio parameter The dialogue_end audio param will be set to 1 if the audio is ending.

TextBoxes will also use an additional _overlay sprite if present.
MiniTextboxes will use the associated _mini sprite if present.

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