Terrestrial Phenology of the emergence of butterflies and time of arrival of migratory butterflies - EuropaBON/EBV-Descriptions GitHub Wiki

Phenology of the emergence of butterflies and time of arrival of migratory butterflies

Key Value
ID Spp_ST_phe_inse_TER
Realm Terrestrial
EBV class Species traits
EBV name Phenology of the emergence of butterflies and time of arrival of migratory butterflies
Step in identification process Expert workshop
Definition The annual timing of seasonal emergence of butterflies within contiguous spatial units (grid cells) across the EU over time.
Metric The day after which 5% of individuals have emerged and arrived
Spatial resolution unit 10x10km - 50x50km
Temporal resolution unit 1 year
Entity Priority butterfly species listed in the Annex II and Annex IV of the Habitats Directive and migratory butterfly species.

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