Marine Phenology of migration of marine birds - EuropaBON/EBV-Descriptions GitHub Wiki

Phenology of migration of marine birds

Key Value
ID Spp_ST_phe_bird_MA
Realm Marine
EBV class Species traits
EBV name Phenology of migration of marine birds
Step in identification process Expert workshop
Definition The annual timing of arrival and departure of European marine migratory birds at different places of their life cyle (e.g. breeding, staging and wintering sites) over time.
  • Day of arrival
  • Day of departure
Spatial resolution unit 10x10km - 50x50km; and migratory flyways
Temporal resolution unit 1 year
Entity Marine migratory birds (taxonomy based on the Handbook of the Birds of the World and the BirdLife Taxonomic Checklist), with focus on those bird species that are officially recognized in the List of birds of the European Union, and defined as full migrants in the European Red List.

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