Marine Harmful marine algal blooms - EuropaBON/EBV-Descriptions GitHub Wiki

Harmful marine algal blooms

Key Value
ID Eco_EF_phe_habi_MA
Realm Marine
EBV class Ecosystem function
EBV name Harmful marine algal blooms
Step in identification process User & Policy Needs Assessment
Definition Distribution, intensity, frequency and position of harmful algal blooms in European coastal waters which occur when cyanobacteria accumulate in water, with the potential to harm the health of humans, plants, and animals
  • Observed location and intensity of algal blooms as derived from satellite imagery (e.g. Copernicus Sentinel-3) or regulatory monitoring
  • Modeled cyanobacterial density based on hydrodynamic models and satellite imagery
Spatial resolution unit 300x300m
Temporal resolution unit Real-time, weekly-monthly during the growing season
Entity EUNIS marine and coastal habitats

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