Freshwater Community composition of benthic invertebrates - EuropaBON/EBV-Descriptions GitHub Wiki

Community composition of benthic invertebrates

Key Value
ID Eco_CC_com_inve_FW
Realm Freshwater
EBV class Community composition
EBV name Community composition of benthic invertebrates
Step in identification process User & Policy Needs Assessment
Definition Composition of benthic invertebrates in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), as measured by the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) or based on presence-absence or (relative) abundance of indicator taxa
Metric (Relative) abundance of benthic invertebrates as sampled for the WFD or, if that is not available, the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) of benthic invertebrates in the European catchments and rivers network system (ECRINS), expressed as a numerical value between zero (low) and one (high), quantifying the ecological status of benthic invertebrate community composition and its deviation from a reference condition. The metric describes the deviation from natural benthic invertebrate communities.
Spatial resolution unit ECRINS spatial units between fundamental catchment units and L2.
Temporal resolution unit 3 to 6 years
Entity Benthic invertebrate species with indicator value, as well as taxa without indicator value (at the level to which they are identified) as defined in the Water Framework Directive Intercalibration Technical Reports (Part 1, Rivers; Part 2, Lakes). This includes pollution-sensitive taxa such as: Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), Stoneflies (Plecoptera), Caddisflies (Trichoptera)

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