Overview (VCL) - EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList GitHub Wiki
Overview of the VCL components
Those Components are available at "Ethea" page, after installing the design-time Package located in \Packages\DXXX\dclSVGIconImageList.dpk
TSVGImageCollection is a VCL component for Delphi that contains a list of TSVGIconItem, a set of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images.
- SVGIconItems: a collection of SVGIconItem (the Images)
Properties available for single Icon:
- SVGText: the text of image in SVG format
- SVGIconName (optional): a name associated to the icon (default the filename)
- GrayScale: (default false) to apply grayscale color effect to the icon
- FixedColor: (TColor: default clDefault) to apply a single fixed color to the Icon
- AntialiasColor: (default clBtnFace): to define the color for Antialias when a Bitmap is requested
- Add
- Delete(Index)
- Remove(Index)
- IndexOf(Name)
- ClearIcons
- Count: of icons into Collection
Advanced Component Editor
At design time is very easy to build the collection Icons using The Advanced Component Editor supplied with the component.
TSVGIconVirtualImageList is a VCL component for Delphi that can be linked to an SVGImageCollection, to provide an ImageList of SVG Icons that can be scaled at any resolution and DPI scale factor.
At component level you can define:
- Collection: the collection of the icons (see TSVGIconCollection)
- Size (in pixel) of the icons or Width and Height (Width and Height can be different)
- Width and Height (if the width and Height are different)
- Opacity: (from 255 to 0) to set Opacity of all Icons
- Scaled: (from Delphi 10.3)
- GrayScale: (default false) to apply grayscale color effect to any icon of the collection
- FixedColor: (TColor: default clDefault) to apply a single fixed color to any icon of the collection
- AntialiasColor: (default clBtnFace): to define the color for Antialias when a Bitmap is requested
Access to image collection:
- Images[Index]: TSVG
- Names[Index]: string
Multiple Icons methods:
- LoadFromFiles
- GetIndexByName
- DPIChanged
TSVGIconImageList is a VCL component for Delphi derived from TImageList component, that build icons using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images using an embedded Image Collection (SVGIconItems) of TSVGIconItem items.
At component level you can define:
- Size (in pixel) of the icons or Width and Height (Width and Height can be different)
- Opacity: (from 255 to 0) to set Opacity of all Icons
- SVGIconItems: the collection of the icons (TSVGIconItems collection of TSVGIconItem).
- Scaled: (from Delphi 10.3)
- GrayScale: (default false) to apply grayscale color effect to any icon of the collection
- FixedColor: (default inherit_color) to apply a single fixed color to any icon of the collection
- AntialiasColor: (default clBtnFace): to define the color for Antialias when a Bitmap is requested
At SVGIconItem level you can define:
- SVGText: the text of image in SVG format
- GrayScale: (default false) to apply grayscale color effect to the icon
- FixedColor: (default inherit_color) to apply a single fixed color to the icon
- IconName (optional): a name associated to the icon (default the filename)
- AntialiasColor: (default clBtnFace): to define the color for Antialias when a Bitmap is requested
Name and Category are also available for SVGIconItem, but the only property stored is IconName (Category + \ + Name).
Method available for single Icon:
- Add
- Delete (index)
- Remove (by name)
- Replace
Multiple Icons methods:
- LoadFromFiles
- Clear
- RecreateBitmaps
Advanced Component Editor
At design time is very easy to build the Icons using The Advanced Component Editor supplied with the component.
TSVGIconImage is a VCL component for Delphi derived from TCustomControl component, that shows a single SVG icon (Scalable Vector Graphics) from the SVGIconImageList connected, with DoubleBuffer support.
- ImageList: the connected SVGIconImageList
- ImageIndex: the index of the Image
- SVG: the TSVG object inside
- SVGText: SVG text (alternative to ImageList + ImageIndex)
- GrayScale: (default false) to apply grayscale color effect to the image
- FixedColor: (TColor: default clDefault) to apply a single fixed color to the image
Property Editor
At design you can use the Property Editor for SVGText value.
Look how to use those components with the Demo Project (VCL)