Teleport Commands - EssentialsS/EssentialsS GitHub Wiki

Teleport Commands

Teleporting allows you to travel across worlds to get to known places.


Teleport requests can be used to request to teleport to someone, or maybe even request someone to teleport to a warp. While currently the only added commands are to teleport to someone. It maybe added so you can teleport to a warp or spawn.

Accept request

To accept a teleport request, you will need the request to be sent to you. After that you can use the following command to accept the request

tpaccept [request] [sender]

You may have seen the [request] option. With Essentials-S you can have multiple requests at once from multiple players. You can then use the [request] option to define what request you are wanting to accept. For player teleport requests the request will be the players name or nickname. If the request is not specified then it will accept the newest request.

The [sender] option is for if you want to accept a teleport request on behalf of another player such as if your using the console.

Deny request

To deny a teleport request, you will need the request to be sent to you. After that you can use the following command to deny the request

tpdeny [request] [sender]

Much like the Accept command, you are able to specify a request. This is to prevent you denying the wrong teleport request. If the request option is not specified then it will deny the newest request.

The [sender] option is for if you want to deny a teleport request on behalf of another player such as if your using the console.

View all requests

To see all teleport requests, you can use the following command

tprequests [player]

This will show a list of requests in page format containing the details of who sent it, when it was sent and also when it expires.

The [player] option is to view another players request.

To use this command you will need the following permission. This will only grant you to view your own teleport requests and therefore will not allow you to use the player argument


to view the requests of others, you will also need to be granted the following


Request to teleport a player to me

If you wish to make a request to teleport a player to yourself then you can with the following command

tphere <player - online> [sender]

The <player> is the player that will get the request. The [sender] is a optional argument that is used for making a teleport request on behalf of another player.

By default the request will last in the players requests for exactly 1 minute before expiring.

To use the command, you will need the following permission, however this permission will only allow you to use the command as yourself, therefore you cannot specify a [sender]

To use the command with a [sender] the following permission must be granted

Request to teleport you to another player

If you wish to make a request to teleport to another player you can with the following command

tpto <player - online> [sender]

Like the tphere command, the <player> is the player who will receive the request while the [sender] is a optional argument for if you wish to make the request on behalf of someone else.

To use the command, you will need the following permission, however this permission will only allow you to use the command as yourself, therefore you cannot specify a [sender]

To use the command with a [sender] the following permission must be granted

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