Kit Commands - EssentialsS/EssentialsS GitHub Wiki


A kit is a pre defined set of items that can be added to a player. Common usecases of kits are as follows.

  • new player starting items
  • equipment for a managed one vs one fight

By default there are no kits in Essentials-S. But you can add them yourself

Kit Add

To add your current inventory as a kit use the following. Please note that this will take the slot positions the items are in into account.

kit add <name> [online player]

This can also be done by the following command

kit register <name> [online player]

The online player will be the inventory to be set as a kit.

A tip would be to use /invsee on that player before hand


When it comes to use of the command, the following permission is required


However if you wish to apply someone elses inventory as a kit, then you will need the following permission


Kit Open

It maybe that you wish to only have the sword from a kit, or just the armor and not the whole kit. For this you will want to open the kit as a inventory and then select the items you wish and this can be done with the following command.

kit open <kit> [online player]

The online player argument will be who has the inventory opened on them. If one is not specified then it will be you who has the inventory opened on.


The permission for this will depend on the kit.

For the kit open command then the following permission is needed


With the ability to specify a player, the the following permission is also required


That will gain you access to the command, however due to some kits being more powerful then others, kits themselves have permissions to be applied to a player. Therefore you will also need the kit permission of

essentialss.kit.type.<kits plugin>.<kit id name>

All kits added by kit add will have the kir plugin as essentials-s with the kit id name being the kits display name but lowercase and some special characters removed.

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