ProSnippets Reports - Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk GitHub Wiki

Language:              C#  
Subject:               Reports  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  4/22/2024  
ArcGIS Pro:            3.3  
Visual Studio:         2022  
.NET Target Framework: .Net 6  

Report Project Items

Gets all the reports in the current project

var projectReports = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>();
foreach (var reportItem in projectReports)
  //Do Something with the report

Get a specific report

ReportProjectItem reportProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals(reportName));
Report report = reportProjItem?.GetReport();

Open a Report project item in a new view

//Open a report project item in a new view.
//A report project item may exist but it may not be open in a view. 

//Reference a report project item by name
ReportProjectItem reportPrjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyReport"));

//Get the report associated with the report project item
Report reportToOpen = await QueuedTask.Run(() => reportPrjItem.GetReport());

//Create the new pane
IReportPane iNewReporttPane = await ProApp.Panes.CreateReportPaneAsync(reportToOpen); //GUI thread

Activate an already open report view

Report report = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault().GetReport();
var reportPane = FrameworkApplication.Panes.FindReportPanes(report).Last();
if (reportPane == null)
//Activate the pane
(reportPane as ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.Pane).Activate();
//Get the "ReportView" associated with the Report Pane.
ReportView reportView = reportPane.ReportView;

Reference the active report view

//Confirm if the current, active view is a report view.  If it is, do something.
ReportView activeReportView = ReportView.Active;
if (activeReportView != null)
  // do something

Refresh the report view

if (reportView == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() => reportView.Refresh());

Zoom to whole page

QueuedTask.Run(() => reportView.ZoomToWholePage());

Zoom to specific location on Report view

//On the QueuedTask
var detailsSection = report.Elements.OfType<ReportSection>().FirstOrDefault().Elements.OfType<ReportDetails>().FirstOrDefault();
var bounds = detailsSection.GetBounds();

Zoom to page width

//Process on worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() => reportView.ZoomToPageWidth());

Create Report

Create report

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
//The fields in the datasource used for the report
//This uses a US Cities dataset
var listFields = new List<CIMReportField> {
          //Grouping should be the first field
          new CIMReportField{Name = "STATE_NAME", FieldOrder = 0, Group = true, SortInfo = FieldSortInfo.Desc}, //Group cities using STATES
          new CIMReportField{Name = "CITY_NAME", FieldOrder = 1},
          new CIMReportField{Name = "POP1990", FieldOrder = 2, },
//Definition query to use for the data source
var defQuery = "STATE_NAME LIKE 'C%'";
//Define the Datasource
//pass true to use the selection set
var reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(featureLayer, defQuery, false, listFields);
//The CIMPage defintion - page size, units, etc
var cimReportPage = new CIMPage
  Height = 11,
  StretchElements = false,
  Width = 6.5,
  ShowRulers = true,
  ShowGuides = true,
  Margin = new CIMMargin { Bottom = 1, Left = 1, Right = 1, Top = 1 },
  Units = LinearUnit.Inches

//Report template
var reportTemplates = await ReportTemplateManager.GetTemplatesAsync();
var reportTemplate = reportTemplates.Where(r => r.Name == "Attribute List with Grouping").First();

//Report Styling
var reportStyles = await ReportStylingManager.GetStylingsAsync();
var reportStyle = reportStyles.Where(s => s == "Cool Tones").First();

//Field Statistics
var fieldStatisticsList = new List<ReportFieldStatistic> {
          new ReportFieldStatistic{ Field = "POP1990", Statistic = FieldStatisticsFlag.Sum}
          //Note: NoStatistics option for FieldStatisticsFlag is not supported.
var report = ReportFactory.Instance.CreateReport("USAReport", reportDataSource, cimReportPage, fieldStatisticsList, reportTemplate, reportStyle);

Export report to pdf

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
//Define Export Options
var exportOptions = new ReportExportOptions
  ExportPageOption = ExportPageOptions.ExportAllPages,
  TotalPageNumberOverride = 0

//Create PDF format with appropriate settings
PDFFormat pdfFormat = new PDFFormat();
pdfFormat.Resolution = 300;
pdfFormat.OutputFileName = path;
report.ExportToPDF($"{report.Name}", pdfFormat, exportOptions, useSelection);

Import a report file

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
Item reportToImport = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(reportFile);
Project.Current.AddItem(reportToImport as IProjectItem);

Delete a report

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
//Reference a reportitem in a project by name
ReportProjectItem reportItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals(reportName));

//Check for report item
if (reportItem == null)
  return Task.FromResult<bool>(false);

//Delete the report from the project
return Task.FromResult<bool>(Project.Current.RemoveItem(reportItem));

Modify Reports

Rename Report

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
ReportProjectItem reportProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals(reportName));

Modify the Report DefinitionQuery

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
//Remove Groups
// The fields in the datasource used for the report
var listFields = new List<string> {

//Add Group
report.AddGroup("STATE_NAME", true, true, "");

//Modify the Definition Query
var defQuery = "STATE_NAME LIKE 'C%'";

Modify the report Page

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
var cimReportPage = new CIMPage
  Height = 12,
  StretchElements = false,
  Width = 6.5,
  ShowRulers = true,
  ShowGuides = true,
  Margin = new CIMMargin { Bottom = 1, Left = 1, Right = 1, Top = 1 },
  Units = LinearUnit.Inches
//Change only the report's page height

Add SubReport

//Note: Call within QueuedTask.Run()
var mainReport = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == "USAReports")?.GetReport();

if (mainReport == null) return;
//Add sub report
var vermontReportItem = Project.Current.GetItems<ReportProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == "Vermont");
if (vermontReportItem == null) return;
Report vermontReport = vermontReportItem.GetReport();
mainReport.AddSubReport(vermontReportItem, -1, true); //  If -1, the subreport is added to the end of the report.

Report Design

Get a report template

//Report Template Styles:
//Attribute List
//Attribute List with Grouping
//Basic Summary
//Basic Summary with Grouping
//Page Per Feature
var reportTemplates = await ReportTemplateManager.GetTemplatesAsync();
var reportTemplate = reportTemplates.Where(r => r.Name == reportTemplateName).First();

Get a report styling

//Report Styling:
//Black and White
//Cool Tones
//Warm Tones
var reportStyles = await ReportStylingManager.GetStylingsAsync();
var reportStyle = reportStyles.Where(s => s == reportStyleName).First();

Report Elements

Get various Report sections

//Get the "ReportSection element"
//ReportSectionElement contains the ReportHeader, ReportPageHeader, ReportDetails. ReportPageFooter, ReportFooter sections.
var mainReportSection = report.Elements.OfType<ReportSection>().FirstOrDefault();

//Get the ReportHeader
var reportHeader = mainReportSection?.Elements.OfType<ReportHeader>().FirstOrDefault();

//Get the ReportHeader
var reportPageHeader = mainReportSection?.Elements.OfType<ReportPageHeader>().FirstOrDefault();

//Get the "ReportDetails" within the ReportSectionElement. ReportDetails is where "fields" are.
var reportDetailsSection = mainReportSection?.Elements.OfType<ReportDetails>().FirstOrDefault();

//Get the ReportPageFooter
var reportPageFooter = mainReportSection?.Elements.OfType<ReportPageFooter>().FirstOrDefault();

//Get the ReportFooter
var reportFooter = mainReportSection?.Elements.OfType<ReportFooter>().FirstOrDefault();

Select elements

//ReportDetailsSection contains the "Fields"

var elements = reportDetailsSection.Elements;

Select all elements

//Select all elements in the Report Footer.
ReportPageFooter pageFooterSection = report.Elements.OfType<ReportSection>().FirstOrDefault().Elements.OfType<ReportPageFooter>().FirstOrDefault();

Get selected elements

IReadOnlyList<Element> selectedElements = report.GetSelectedElements();
//Can also use the active ReportView
IReadOnlyList<Element> selectedElementsFromView = ReportView.Active.GetSelectedElements();

Zoom to selected elements

QueuedTask.Run(() => reportView.ZoomToSelectedElements());

Clear element selection


Find specific elements in the report based on their Name.

var reportElementsToFind = new List<string> { "ReportText1", "ReportText2" };
var textReportElements = report.FindElements(reportElementsToFind);

Delete Elements

QueuedTask.Run(() => report.DeleteElements(textReportElements));

Create a new field in the report

//This is the gap between two fields
double fieldIncrement = 0.9388875113593206276389;
//On the QueuedTask
//New field to add.
var newReportField = new CIMReportField
  Name = "POP1990",
  FieldOrder = 2,
//Get the "ReportSection element"                
var mainReportSection = report.Elements.OfType<ReportSection>().FirstOrDefault();
if (mainReportSection == null) return;

//Get the "ReportDetails" within the ReportSectionElement. ReportDetails is where "fields" are.
var reportDetailsSection = mainReportSection?.Elements.OfType<ReportDetails>().FirstOrDefault();
if (reportDetailsSection == null) return;

//Within ReportDetails find the envelope that encloses a field.
//We get the first CIMParagraphTextGraphic in the collection so that we can add the new field next to it.                    
var lastFieldGraphic = reportDetailsSection.Elements.FirstOrDefault((r) =>
  var gr = r as GraphicElement;
  if (gr == null) return false;
  return (gr.GetGraphic() is CIMParagraphTextGraphic ? true : false);
//Get the Envelope of the last field
var graphicBounds = lastFieldGraphic.GetBounds();

//Min and Max values of the envelope
var xMinOfFieldEnvelope = graphicBounds.XMin;
var yMinOfFieldEnvelope = graphicBounds.YMin;

var xMaxOfFieldEnvelope = graphicBounds.XMax;
var YMaxOfFieldEnvelope = graphicBounds.YMax;
//create the new Envelope to be offset from the existing field
//At 2.x
//MapPoint newMinPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(xMinOfFieldEnvelope + fieldIncrement, yMinOfFieldEnvelope);
//MapPoint newMaxPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(xMaxOfFieldEnvelope + fieldIncrement, YMaxOfFieldEnvelope);
//Envelope newFieldEnvelope = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(newMinPoint, newMaxPoint);

MapPoint newMinPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(xMinOfFieldEnvelope + fieldIncrement, yMinOfFieldEnvelope);
MapPoint newMaxPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(xMaxOfFieldEnvelope + fieldIncrement, YMaxOfFieldEnvelope);
Envelope newFieldEnvelope = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(newMinPoint, newMaxPoint);

//Create field
GraphicElement fieldGraphic = ReportElementFactory.Instance.CreateFieldValueTextElement(reportDetailsSection, newFieldEnvelope, newReportField);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️