ProSnippets Layouts - Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk GitHub Wiki

Language:              C#  
Subject:               Layouts  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  4/22/2024  
ArcGIS Pro:            3.3  
Visual Studio:         2022  
.NET Target Framework: .Net 6  

Layout Project Items

Reference layout project items and their associated layout

//Reference layout project items and their associated layout.
//A layout project item is an item that appears in the Layouts
//folder in the Catalog pane.

//Reference all the layout project items
IEnumerable<LayoutProjectItem> layouts = 

//Or reference a specific layout project item by name
LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()
                           .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));

Open a layout project item in a new view

//Open a layout project item in a new view.
//A layout project item may exist but it may not be open in a view. 

//Reference a layout project item by name
LayoutProjectItem someLytItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()
                          .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));

//Get the layout associated with the layout project item
Layout layout = await QueuedTask.Run(() => someLytItem.GetLayout());  //Worker thread

//Create the new pane - call on UI
ILayoutPane iNewLayoutPane = await ProApp.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(layout); //GUI thread

Activate an already open layout view

//Activate an already open layout view.
//A layout view may be open but it may not be active.

//Find the pane that references the layout and activate it. 
//Note - there can be multiple panes referencing the same layout.
foreach (var pane in ProApp.Panes)
  var layoutPane = pane as ILayoutPane;
  if (layoutPane == null)  //if not a layout view, continue to the next pane
  if (layoutPane.LayoutView.Layout == layout) //activate the view
    (layoutPane as Pane).Activate();

Reference the active layout view

//Reference the active layout view.

//Confirm if the current, active view is a layout view.
//If it is, do something.
LayoutView activeLayoutView = LayoutView.Active;
if (activeLayoutView != null)
  // do something

Import a pagx into a project

//Import a pagx into a project.

//Create a layout project item from importing a pagx file
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  IProjectItem pagx = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(
                            @"C:\Temp\Layout.pagx") as IProjectItem;

Remove a layout project item

//Remove a layout project item.

//Remove the layout fro the project
await QueuedTask.Run(() => Project.Current.RemoveItem(layoutItem));

Create a new, basic layout and open it

//Create a new, basic layout and open it.

//Create layout with minimum set of parameters on the worker thread
Layout lyt = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  var newLayout = LayoutFactory.Instance.CreateLayout(8.5, 11, LinearUnit.Inches);
  newLayout.SetName("New 8.5x11 Layout");
  return newLayout;

//Open new layout on the GUI thread
await ProApp.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(lyt);

Create a new layout using a modified CIM and open it

//Create a new layout using a modified CIM and open it.
//The CIM exposes additional members that may not be
//available through the managed API.  
//In this example, optional guides are added.

//Create a new CIMLayout on the worker thread
Layout newCIMLayout = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Set up a CIM page
  CIMPage newPage = new CIMPage
    //required parameters
    Width = 8.5,
    Height = 11,
    Units = LinearUnit.Inches,

    //optional rulers
    ShowRulers = true,
    SmallestRulerDivision = 0.5,

    //optional guides
    ShowGuides = true
  CIMGuide guide1 = new CIMGuide
    Position = 1,
    Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
  CIMGuide guide2 = new CIMGuide
    Position = 6.5,
    Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
  CIMGuide guide3 = new CIMGuide
    Position = 1,
    Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
  CIMGuide guide4 = new CIMGuide
    Position = 10,
    Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal

  List<CIMGuide> guideList = new List<CIMGuide>
  newPage.Guides = guideList.ToArray();

  //Construct the new layout using the customized cim definitions
  var layout_local = LayoutFactory.Instance.CreateLayout(newPage);
  layout_local.SetName("New 8.5x11 Layout");
  return layout_local;

//Open new layout on the GUI thread
await ProApp.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(newCIMLayout);

Change the layout page size

//Change the layout page size.

//Reference the layout project item
LayoutProjectItem lytItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()
                         .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));
if (layoutItem != null)
  await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    //Get the layout
    Layout lyt = lytItem.GetLayout();
    if (lyt != null)
      //Change properties
      CIMPage page = lyt.GetPage();
      page.Width = 8.5;
      page.Height = 11;

      //Apply the changes to the layout

ProSnippet Group CIM Graphics and GraphicFactory

Create Circle Graphic

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(2, 4);
EllipticArcSegment circle_seg = EllipticArcBuilderEx.CreateCircle(
  new Coordinate2D(2, 4), 0.5, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise, null);
var circle_poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(circle_seg));

//PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(cir, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));
//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
  ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.Dash);

CIMPolygonSymbol circleSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, SimpleFillStyle.Solid, outline);
  SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 2));

var circleGraphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(circle_poly, circleSym);

//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var elemInfo = new ElementInfo() { Anchor = Anchor.CenterPoint };
//GraphicElement cirElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
//  container, circleGraphic, "New Circle", true, elemInfo);

Create Circle Text Graphic

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(4.5, 4);
var eabCir = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(center, 0.5, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
var cir = eabCir.ToSegment();

var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
  PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(cir, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
string text = "Circle, circle, circle";

var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleTextGraphic(
  TextType.CircleParagraph, poly, sym, text);

//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, graphic,
//  "New Circle Text", true);

Create Bezier Graphic

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D pt1 = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 7.5);
Coordinate2D pt2 = new Coordinate2D(4.16, 8);
Coordinate2D pt3 = new Coordinate2D(4.83, 7.1);
Coordinate2D pt4 = new Coordinate2D(5.5, 7.5);
var bez = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
var bezSeg = bez.ToSegment();
Polyline bezPl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(bezSeg, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
      ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 24, "Comic Sans MS", "Regular");

var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleTextGraphic(
  TextType.SplinedText, bezPl, sym, "Splined text");

//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, graphic);

Create Legend Patch Graphic

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plyCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.25, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.5, 1.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.75, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 1.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.25, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.5, 1.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.75, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 1));
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
          ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
CIMPolygonSymbol polySym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
          ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, SimpleFillStyle.ForwardDiagonal, outline);

var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateLegendPatchGraphic(
            PatchShape.AreaBoundary, poly.Extent, polySym);

//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var elemInfo = new ElementInfo()
//  CustomProperties = null,
//  Anchor = Anchor.LeftMidPoint
//var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, graphic,
//  "New Legend Patch", true, elemInfo);

Create Arrow Graphic

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 8.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.66, 9));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.33, 8.1));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 8.5));
Polyline linePl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(plCoords);

//Set up the arrow info
var arrowInfo = new ArrowInfo()
  ArrowHeadKey = ArrowInfo.DefaultArrowHeadKeys[1],
  ArrowOnBothEnds = true,
  ArrowSizePoints = 30,
  LineWidthPoints = 15

var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateArrowGraphic(linePl, arrowInfo);

//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
//  container, graphic, "Arrow Line", false);

Create Picture Graphic

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 1);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(5.5, 2);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Create and add element to layout
//string picPath = ApplicationUtilities.BASEPATH + _settings.baseFolder + "irefusetowatchthismovi�.jpg";
var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreatePictureGraphic(env.Center, picPath);

//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(layout, graphic);

Get Graphic Outline

//given a graphic, extract its outline geometry

var graphic_outline = GraphicFactory.Instance.GetGraphicOutline(
                        layout, cim_graphic);
//TODO - use the geometry - eg, make another graphic
var outline_graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(graphic_outline);
//... etc.

Get Graphic Outline from Graphic Element

//given a graphic, extract its outline geometry

var graphic_elem = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<GraphicElement>()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (graphic_elem != null)//can be point, line, poly, or text

var outline = GraphicFactory.Instance.GetGraphicOutline(
                        layout, graphic_elem.GetGraphic());
//create an element using the outline
var elem = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
                    layout, outline);
//... etc.

Create Layout Graphic Elements

Create Ellipse Graphic Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(2, 2.75);
var eabElp = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(center, 0, 1, 0.45, 
var ellipse = eabElp.ToSegment();

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
                                ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 2.0,
CIMPolygonSymbol ellipseSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
                         ColorFactory.Instance.GreyRGB, SimpleFillStyle.Vertical, 

var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
  PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(ellipse, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));

var elpElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
  container, poly, ellipseSym, "New Ellipse");

Create Lasso Line, Freehand Graphic Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.5, 10.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.25, 9.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 10.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(0.75, 9.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(0.5, 10.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(0.5, 1));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(0.75, 2));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 1));
Polyline linePl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(plCoords);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMLineSymbol lineSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(
          ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
//var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateShapeGraphic(linePl, lineSym);

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
                        container, linePl, lineSym, "New Freehand");

Create Lasso Polygon, Freehand Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

List<Coordinate2D> plyCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.25, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.5, 1.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.75, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 1.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.25, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.5, 1.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.75, 2));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 1));
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
            ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
CIMPolygonSymbol polySym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
         ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, SimpleFillStyle.ForwardDiagonal, outline);

  container, poly, polySym, "New Lasso");

Create Line Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 8.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.66, 9));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.33, 8.1));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 8.5));
Polyline linePl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(plCoords);

//Reference a line symbol in a style
var ProjectStyles = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
StyleProjectItem style = ProjectStyles.First(x => x.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
var symStyle = style.SearchSymbols(StyleItemType.LineSymbol, "Line with 2 Markers")[0];
CIMLineSymbol lineSym = symStyle.Symbol as CIMLineSymbol;

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
//CIMLineSymbol lineSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 4.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
  container, linePl, lineSym, "New Line");

Create Point Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(2.0, 10.0);

//Reference a point symbol in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
         .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
SymbolStyleItem symStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchSymbols(
                      StyleItemType.PointSymbol, "City Hall")[0];
CIMPointSymbol pointSym = symStyleItm.Symbol as CIMPointSymbol;

var elemInfo = new ElementInfo()
  CustomProperties = new List<CIMStringMap>() {
     new CIMStringMap() { Key = "Key1", Value = "Value1"},
     new CIMStringMap() { Key = "Key2", Value = "Value2"}
  Anchor = Anchor.TopRightCorner,
  Rotation = 45.0

var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(
                              coord2D.ToMapPoint(), pointSym);

  container, graphic, "New Point", true, elemInfo);

Create Polygon Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plyCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 6.7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 6.7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 6.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 6.1));
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
  ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.DashDotDot);
CIMPolygonSymbol polySym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, SimpleFillStyle.ForwardDiagonal, outline);

  container, poly, polySym, "New Polygon", false);

Create Rectangle Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 4.75);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(3.0, 5.75);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
  ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 5.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
CIMPolygonSymbol polySym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, SimpleFillStyle.DiagonalCross, outline);

var ge = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(env, polySym);
var elemInfo = new ElementInfo()
  Anchor = Anchor.CenterPoint,
  Rotation = 45.0,
  CornerRounding = 5.0

  container, env, polySym, "New Rectangle", false, elemInfo);

Create Bezier Curve Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D pt1 = new Coordinate2D(1, 7.5);
Coordinate2D pt2 = new Coordinate2D(1.66, 8);
Coordinate2D pt3 = new Coordinate2D(2.33, 7.1);
Coordinate2D pt4 = new Coordinate2D(3, 7.5);
var bez = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
var bezSeg = bez.ToSegment();
Polyline bezPl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(bezSeg, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes);

//Set symbology, create and add element to layout
CIMLineSymbol lineSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 4.0, SimpleLineStyle.DashDot);

ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, bezPl, lineSym, "New Bezier");

Create Graphic Elements

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plyCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 6.7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 6.7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 6.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 6.1));
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 4.75);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(3.0, 5.75);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(2.0, 10.0);

var g1 = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(poly);
var g2 = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(env);
var g3 = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(coord2D.ToMapPoint());

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElements(
  container, new List<CIMGraphic>() { g1, g2, g3 },
  new List<string>() { "Poly", "Envelope", "MapPoint" },

Create Graphic Element using CIMGraphic

//on the QueuedTask
//Place symbol on the layout
//At 2.x - MapPoint location = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(
//                                               new Coordinate2D(9, 1));
MapPoint location = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(new Coordinate2D(9, 1));

//specify a symbol
var pt_symbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(

//create a CIMGraphic 
var graphic = new CIMPointGraphic()
  Symbol = pt_symbol.MakeSymbolReference(),
  Location = location //center of map
//Or use GraphicFactory
var graphic2 = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(location, pt_symbol);

//At 2.x - LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(layout, graphic);
ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, graphic);
ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, graphic2);

Create Graphic Element using CIMSymbol

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Place symbol on the layout
//At 2.x - MapPoint location = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(
//                                       new Coordinate2D(9, 1));
MapPoint location = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(new Coordinate2D(9, 1));

//specify a symbol
var pt_symbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
//At 2.x -
//     LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
//                                       layout, location, pt_symbol);

ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, location, pt_symbol);

Bulk Element creation

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//List of Point graphics
var listGraphics = new List<CIMPointGraphic>();
var listGraphics2 = new List<CIMPointGraphic>();
var pointSymbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
//Define size of the array
int dx = 5;
int dy = 5;
MapPoint point = null;
//Create the List of graphics for the array
for (int row = 0; row <= dx; ++row)
  for (int col = 0; col <= dy; ++col)
    //At 2.x - point = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(col, row);
    point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(col, row);
    //create a CIMGraphic 
    var graphic = new CIMPointGraphic()
      Symbol = pointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference(),
      Location = point
    //Or use GraphicFactory
    var graphic2 = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(
                                  point, pointSymbol) as CIMPointGraphic;
//Draw the array of graphics
//At 2.x - var bulkgraphics =
//              LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElements(
//                                              layout, listGraphics, null);

var bulkgraphics = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElements(
                                                   container, listGraphics);
var bulkgraphics2 = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElements(
                                                   container, listGraphics2);

Create Element using a CIMGraphicElement

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Place symbol on the layout
//At 2.x - MapPoint point = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(new Coordinate2D(9, 1));
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(new Coordinate2D(9, 1));

//specify a symbol
var pt_symbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(

//create a CIMGraphic 
var graphic = new CIMGraphicElement()
  Graphic = new CIMPointGraphic()
    Symbol = pt_symbol.MakeSymbolReference(),
    Location = point //A point in the layout
//At 2.x - LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateElement(layout, graphic);
ElementFactory.Instance.CreateElement(container, graphic);

Create point graphic with symbology

//Create a simple 2D point graphic and apply an existing point style item as the symbology.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D point geometry  
  Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(2.0, 10.0);

  //(optionally) Reference a point symbol in a style
  StyleProjectItem ptStylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                                .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
  SymbolStyleItem ptSymStyleItm = ptStylePrjItm.SearchSymbols(
                                         StyleItemType.PointSymbol, "City Hall")[0];
  CIMPointSymbol pointSym = ptSymStyleItm.Symbol as CIMPointSymbol;

  //Set symbolology, create and add element to layout

  //An alternative simple symbol is also commented out below.
  //This would elminate the four optional lines of code above that
  //reference a style.

  //CIMPointSymbol pointSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
  //                  ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 25.0, SimpleMarkerStyle.Star);  
  //At 2.x - GraphicElement ptElm =
  //                    LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePointGraphicElement(
  //                                        layout, coord2D, pointSym);

  GraphicElement ptElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
                                 container, coord2D.ToMapPoint(), pointSym);
  ptElm.SetName("New Point");

Create line graphic with symbology

//Create a simple 2D line graphic and apply an existing line
//style item as the symbology.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2d line geometry
  List<Coordinate2D> plCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
  plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 8.5));
  plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.66, 9));
  plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.33, 8.1));
  plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 8.5));
  //At 2.x - Polyline linePl = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(plCoords);
  Polyline linePl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(plCoords);

  //(optionally) Reference a line symbol in a style
  StyleProjectItem lnStylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                                .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
  SymbolStyleItem lnSymStyleItm = lnStylePrjItm.SearchSymbols(
                                StyleItemType.LineSymbol, "Line with 2 Markers")[0];
  CIMLineSymbol lineSym = lnSymStyleItm.Symbol as CIMLineSymbol;

  //Set symbolology, create and add element to layout

  //An alternative simple symbol is also commented out below.
  //This would elminate the four optional lines of code above that
  //reference a style.
  //CIMLineSymbol lineSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(
  //         ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 4.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);  
  //At 2.x - GraphicElement lineElm =
  //        LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateLineGraphicElement(
  //                                            layout, linePl, lineSym);

  GraphicElement lineElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
                                              container, linePl, lineSym);
  lineElm.SetName("New Line");

Create rectangle graphic with simple symbology

//Create a simple 2D rectangle graphic and apply simple fill and
//outline symbols.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D envelope geometry
  Coordinate2D rec_ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 4.75);
  Coordinate2D rec_ur = new Coordinate2D(3.0, 5.75);
  //At 2.x - Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
  Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);

  //Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
  CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
    ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 5.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
  CIMPolygonSymbol polySym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
    ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, SimpleFillStyle.DiagonalCross, outline);

  //At 2.x - GraphicElement recElm =
  //           LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGraphicElement(
  //                                                  layout, rec_env, polySym);
  //         recElm.SetName("New Rectangle");
  GraphicElement recElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(
    container, rec_env, polySym, "New Rectangle");
  //Or use Predefined shape
  GraphicElement recElm2 = ElementFactory.Instance.CreatePredefinedShapeGraphicElement(
                            container, PredefinedShape.Rectangle, rec_env, polySym, 
                            "New Rectangle2");

Create Text Graphic Elements

Create Point Text Element 1

//Create a simple point text element and assign basic symbology and text settings.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D point geometry
  Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 10);

  //Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
  CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
                ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 32, "Arial", "Regular");
  string textString = "Point text";
  //At 2.x - GraphicElement ptTxtElm =
  //         LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePointTextGraphicElement(
  //                           layout, coord2D, textString, sym);
  //ptTxtElm.SetName("New Point Text");

  //use ElementInfo to set placement properties during create
  var elemInfo = new ElementInfo()
    Anchor = Anchor.CenterPoint,
    Rotation = 45
  var ptTxtElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
    container, TextType.PointText, coord2D.ToMapPoint(), sym, textString,
                       "New Point Text", true, elemInfo);

  //Change additional text properties

Create Rectangle Paragraph Text Element 1

//Create rectangle text with background and border symbology.  

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D polygon geometry
  List<Coordinate2D> plyCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
  plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3.5, 7));
  plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.5, 7));
  plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.5, 6.7));
  plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(5.5, 6.7));
  plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(5.5, 6.1));
  plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3.5, 6.1));
  //At 2.x - Polygon poly = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);
  Polygon poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);

  //Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
  //Also notice how formatting tags are using within the text string.
  CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
                    ColorFactory.Instance.GreyRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
  string text = "Some Text String that is really long and is " +
                "<BOL>forced to wrap to other lines</BOL> so that " +
                "we can see the effects." as String;
  //At 2.x - GraphicElement polyTxtElm =
  //           LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePolygonParagraphGraphicElement(
  //                                      layout, poly, text, sym);
  //         polyTxtElm.SetName("New Polygon Text");

  GraphicElement polyTxtElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
    container, TextType.RectangleParagraph, poly, sym, text, "Polygon Paragraph");

  //(Optionally) Modify paragraph border 
  CIMGraphic polyTxtGra = polyTxtElm.GetGraphic();
  CIMParagraphTextGraphic cimPolyTxtGra = polyTxtGra as CIMParagraphTextGraphic;
  cimPolyTxtGra.Frame.BorderSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference();
  cimPolyTxtGra.Frame.BorderSymbol.Symbol =
                          ColorFactory.Instance.GreyRGB, 1.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);

Create a Dynamic Point Text Element

//Create a dynamic text element.

//Set the string with tags and the location
String title = @"<dyn type = ""page"" property = ""name"" />";
Coordinate2D llTitle = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);

//Construct element on worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create with default text properties
  //At 2.x - TextElement titleGraphics =
  //          LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePointTextGraphicElement(
  //                                  layout, llTitle, null) as TextElement;
  TextElement titleGraphics = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
                container, TextType.PointText, llTitle.ToMapPoint(), null, title) as TextElement;

  //Modify the text properties
  titleGraphics.SetTextProperties(new TextProperties(title, "Arial", 24, "Bold"));

Create Point Text Element 2

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 10);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 32, "Arial", "Regular");
string textString = "Point text";

var elemInfo = new ElementInfo() { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeftCorner };
GraphicElement ptTxtElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
  container, TextType.PointText, coord2D.ToMapPoint(), sym, textString,
  "New Point Text", true, elemInfo);

Create Polygon Paragraph Text Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plyCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3.5, 7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.5, 7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.5, 6.7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(5.5, 6.7));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(5.5, 6.1));
plyCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3.5, 6.1));
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(plyCoords);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
     ColorFactory.Instance.GreyRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
string text = "Some text string that is really long and " +
              "<BOL>wraps to other lines</BOL>" +
              " so that we can see the effects.";

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
  container, TextType.PolygonParagraph, poly, sym, text,
        "New Polygon Text", true);

Create Rectangle Paragraph Text Element 2

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 4.75);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(5.5, 5.75);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
           ColorFactory.Instance.WhiteRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
string text = "Some text string that is really long and " +
              "<BOL>wraps to other lines</BOL>" +
              " so that we can see the effects.";

//(Optionally) Modify border and background with 50% transparency 
//CIMGraphic recTxtGra = recTxtElm.Graphic;
//CIMParagraphTextGraphic cimRecTxtGra = recTxtGra as CIMParagraphTextGraphic;
//CIMSymbolReference cimRecTxtBorder = cimRecTxtGra.Frame.BorderSymbol;
//CIMLineSymbol lineSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(
//                    ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 1.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);
//cimRecTxtBorder.Symbol = lineSym;
//CIMSymbolReference cimRecTxtBkgrd = cimRecTxtGra.Frame.BackgroundSymbol;
//CIMPolygonSymbol polySym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
//                            ColorFactory.Instance.GreyRGB, SimpleFillStyle.Solid);
//CIMColor symCol = polySym.GetColor(IElementContainer container);
//cimRecTxtBkgrd.Symbol = polySym;

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(container,
            TextType.RectangleParagraph, env, sym, text, "New Rectangle Text");

Create Circle Text Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(4.5, 4);
var eabCir = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(center, 0.5, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
var cir = eabCir.ToSegment();

var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
  PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(cir, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
                ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
string text = "Circle, circle, circle";

GraphicElement cirTxtElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
  container, TextType.CircleParagraph, poly, sym, text, "New Circle Text", false);

Create Bezier Text Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D pt1 = new Coordinate2D(3.5, 7.5);
Coordinate2D pt2 = new Coordinate2D(4.16, 8);
Coordinate2D pt3 = new Coordinate2D(4.83, 7.1);
Coordinate2D pt4 = new Coordinate2D(5.5, 7.5);
var bez = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
var bezSeg = bez.ToSegment();
Polyline bezPl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(bezSeg, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes);

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
  ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 24, "Comic Sans MS", "Regular");

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
  container, TextType.SplinedText, bezPl, sym, "this is the bezier text",
        "New Bezier Text", true, new ElementInfo() { Anchor = Anchor.CenterPoint });

Create Ellipse Text Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(4.5, 2.75);
var eabElp = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(center, 0, 1, 0.45, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
var ellipse = eabElp.ToSegment();

var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
  PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(ellipse, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
                      ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
string text = "Ellipse, ellipse, ellipse";

GraphicElement ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
  container, TextType.PolygonParagraph, poly, sym, text, "New Ellipse Text", false);

Create Predefined Shapes And Arrows

Create Predefined Shape Graphic Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//PredefinedShape shapeType =
//              PredefinedShape.Circle | Cloud | Cross |Circle | Triangle | ... ;

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(4, 2.5);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(6, 4.5);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

var outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
                ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 2);
var poly_sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
                 null, outline);

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreatePredefinedShapeGraphicElement(
                       container, shapeType, env.Center, env.Width, env.Height, 
                        poly_sym, shapeType.ToString(), true);

Create Predefined Shape Graphic Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(6.5, 7);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(9, 9);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

var outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
                ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 2);
var poly_sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
                 null, outline);

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreatePredefinedShapeGraphicElement(
  container, PredefinedShape.RoundedRectangle, env, poly_sym, "Rounded Rect", true);

Create Predefined Shape Graphic Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(2, 2.75);
var eabElp = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(
                         center, 0, 1, 0.45, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
var ellipse = eabElp.ToSegment();

//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMStroke outline = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(
                      ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.Dot);
CIMPolygonSymbol ellipseSym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
                 ColorFactory.Instance.GreyRGB, SimpleFillStyle.Vertical, outline);

var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
  PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(ellipse, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));

var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreatePredefinedShapeGraphicElement(
  container, PredefinedShape.Ellipse, poly.Extent.Center, 0, 0, ellipseSym, 
  "New Ellipse2", false, new ElementInfo() { Anchor = Anchor.TopRightCorner });

Create Line Arrow Element

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
List<Coordinate2D> plCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>();
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1, 8.5));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.66, 9));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.33, 8.1));
plCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(3, 8.5));
Polyline linePl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(plCoords);

var arrowInfo = new ArrowInfo()
  ArrowHeadKey = ArrowInfo.DefaultArrowHeadKeys[8],
  ArrowOnBothEnds = true,
  ArrowSizePoints = 24,
  LineWidthPoints = 12

//Create and add element to layout
GraphicElement lineElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateArrowGraphicElement(
  container, linePl, arrowInfo, "Arrow Line", true, 
                            new ElementInfo() { Rotation = 15.0 });
//lineElm.SetName("New Line");

Picture Elements

Create Picture Graphic Element using CIMSymbol

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(0.5, 1);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(2.5, 2);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Create and add element to layout
//string picPath = ApplicationUtilities.BASEPATH + _settings.baseFolder + "irefusetowatchthismovi�.jpg";
var pic_gr = ElementFactory.Instance.CreatePictureGraphicElement(
  layout, env.Center, picPath, "New Picture", true, new ElementInfo() { Anchor = Anchor.CenterPoint });

Create a new picture element with advanced symbol settings

//Create a picture element and also set background and border symbology.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D envelope geometry
  Coordinate2D pic_ll = new Coordinate2D(6, 1);
  Coordinate2D pic_ur = new Coordinate2D(8, 2);
  //At 2.x - Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(pic_ll, pic_ur);
  Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(pic_ll, pic_ur);

  //Create and add element to layout
  string picPath = @"C:\Temp\WhitePass.jpg";
  //At 2.x - GraphicElement picElm =
  //    LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreatePictureGraphicElement(
  //                                             layout, env, picPath);
  //         picElm.SetName("New Picture");
  GraphicElement picElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreatePictureGraphicElement(
                                       layout, env, picPath, "New Picture");

  //(Optionally) Modify the border and shadow 
  CIMGraphic picGra = picElm.GetGraphic();
  CIMPictureGraphic cimPicGra = picGra as CIMPictureGraphic;
  cimPicGra.Frame.BorderSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference();
  cimPicGra.Frame.BorderSymbol.Symbol =
               ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, 2.0, SimpleLineStyle.Solid);

  cimPicGra.Frame.ShadowSymbol = new CIMSymbolReference();
  cimPicGra.Frame.ShadowSymbol.Symbol =
                    ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, SimpleFillStyle.Solid);

  //Update the element

Create MapFrame and Surrounds

Create Map Frame and Set Camera

//Create a map frame and set its camera by zooming to the extent of an existing bookmark.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D envelope geometry
  Coordinate2D mf_ll = new Coordinate2D(6.0, 8.5);
  Coordinate2D mf_ur = new Coordinate2D(8.0, 10.5);
  //At 2.x - Envelope mf_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(mf_ll, mf_ur);
  Envelope mf_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(mf_ll, mf_ur);

  //Reference map, create MF and add to layout
  MapProjectItem mapPrjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>()
                       .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("Map"));
  Map mfMap = mapPrjItem.GetMap();
  Bookmark bookmark = mfMap.GetBookmarks().FirstOrDefault(
                        b => b.Name == "Great Lakes");

  //At 2.x - MapFrame mfElm =
  //                  LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapFrame(
  //                                             layout, mf_env, mfMap);
  //         mfElm.SetName("New Map Frame");
  MapFrame mfElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapFrameElement(
                       layout, mf_env, mfMap, "New Map Frame");

  //Zoom to bookmark

Create Legend

//Create a legend for an associated map frame.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D envelope geometry
  Coordinate2D leg_ll = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);
  Coordinate2D leg_ur = new Coordinate2D(8, 4.5);
  //At 2.x - Envelope leg_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(leg_ll, leg_ur);
  Envelope leg_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(leg_ll, leg_ur);

  //Reference MF, create legend and add to layout
  MapFrame mapFrame = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  if (mapFrame == null)
    //TODO handle null map frame
  //At 2.x - Legend legendElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateLegend(
  //                                               layout, leg_env, mapFrame);
  //         legendElm.SetName("New Legend"); 
  var legendInfo = new LegendInfo()
    MapFrameName = mapFrame.Name
  Legend legendElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                      layout, leg_env, legendInfo, "New Legend") as Legend;

Create Scale Bar From StyleItem

//Create a scale bar using a style.

//Search for a style project item by name
StyleProjectItem arcgis_2dStyle = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                            .First(si => si.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference the specific scale bar by name 
  ScaleBarStyleItem scaleBarItem = arcgis_2dStyle.SearchScaleBars(
                     "Double Alternating Scale Bar").FirstOrDefault();

  //Reference the map frame and define the location
  MapFrame myMapFrame = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  Coordinate2D coord2D = new Coordinate2D(10.0, 7.0);

  //Construct the scale bar
  //At 2.x - LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateScaleBar(
  //             layout, coord2D, myMapFrame, scaleBarItem);
  var sbarInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
    MapFrameName = myMapFrame.Name,
    ScaleBarStyleItem = scaleBarItem
          layout, coord2D.ToMapPoint(), sbarInfo);

Create North Arrow From StyleItem 1

//Create a north arrow using a style.

//Search for a style project item by name
StyleProjectItem arcgis2dStyles = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                  .First(si => si.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItem = arcgis2dStyles.SearchNorthArrows(
                "ArcGIS North 13").FirstOrDefault();

  //Reference the map frame and define the location
  MapFrame newFrame = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  Coordinate2D nArrow = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);

  //Construct the north arrow
  //At 2.x - var newNorthArrow = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateNorthArrow(
  //                        layout, nArrow, newFrame, naStyleItem);

  var naInfo = new NorthArrowInfo()
    MapFrameName = newFrame.Name,
    NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItem
  var newNorthArrow = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                          layout, nArrow.ToMapPoint(), naInfo);

Create Table Frame

//Create a table frame.

//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Build 2D envelope geometry
  Coordinate2D rec_ll = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 3.5);
  Coordinate2D rec_ur = new Coordinate2D(7.5, 4.5);
  //At 2.x - Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);
  Envelope rec_env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(rec_ll, rec_ur);

  //Reference map frame and layer
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  FeatureLayer lyr = mf.Map.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;

  //Build fields list
  var fields = new[] { "NAME", "Shape_Area", "Shape_Length" };

  //Construct the table frame
  //At 2.x - TableFrame tabFrame = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateTableFrame(
  //              layout, rec_env, mf, lyr, fields);

  var tableFrameInfo = new TableFrameInfo()
    FieldNames = fields,
    MapFrameName = mf.Name,
    MapMemberUri = lyr.URI
  var tabFrame = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
    layout, rec_env, tableFrameInfo) as TableFrame;

Create Map Frame 1

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(2.0, 4.5);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(4.0, 6.5);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Reference map, create MF and add to layout
//var map = MapView.Active.Map;
//var map = mapProjectItem.GetMap();

MapFrame mfElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapFrameElement(
                                                layout, env, map);

Create Map Frame 2

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(4.0, 2.5);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(7.0, 5.5);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Reference map, create MF and add to layout
//var map = MapView.Active.Map;
//var map = mapProjectItem.GetMap();
MapFrame mfElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapFrameElement(
  layout, env.Center, map);

Create Legend 2

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(6, 2.5);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(8, 4.5);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Reference MF, create legend and add to layout
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement(mapFrameName) as MapFrame;
var surroundInfo = new LegendInfo()
  MapFrameName = mf.Name

var legendElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
  layout, env.Center, surroundInfo) as Legend;
legendElm.SetName("New Legend");

Create North Arrow From StyleItem 2

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(7, 5.5);

//Reference a North Arrow in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                               .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
NorthArrowStyleItem naStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchNorthArrows(
                                       "ArcGIS North 10")[0];

//Reference MF, create north arrow and add to layout 
//var mf = container.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
var mf = layout.FindElement(MapFrameName) as MapFrame;
var narrow_info = new NorthArrowInfo()
  MapFrameName = mf.Name,
  NorthArrowStyleItem = naStyleItm
var arrowElm = (NorthArrow)ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
  layout, center.ToMapPoint(), narrow_info) as NorthArrow;
arrowElm.SetName("New North Arrow");

Create Table Frame

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(1, 1);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(4, 4);
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

var tableFrameInfo = new TableFrameInfo()
  MapFrameName = mapFrameName,
  MapMemberUri = uri
var attribs = new List<CIMStringMap>();
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
  attribs.Add(new CIMStringMap
    Key = $"Key {i}",
    Value = $"Value {i}"
var elemInfo = new ElementInfo()
  CustomProperties = attribs
var tableFrameElem = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                              layout, env.Center, tableFrameInfo,
                              "New Table Frame", false, elemInfo) as TableFrame;

Create Scale Bar

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(5.0, 6);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(6.0, 7);
Envelope sbEnv = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Reference a Scale Bar in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
              .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
             "Alternating Scale Bar 1")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
//                                   "Double Alternating Scale Bar 1")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
//                                    "Hollow Scale Bar 1")[0];

//Create Scale Bar
ScaleBarInfo sbInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
  MapFrameName = mapFrame.Name

var sbElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                                   layout, sbEnv, sbInfo) as ScaleBar;

Create Scale Line

//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...

//Build geometry
Coordinate2D ll = new Coordinate2D(5.0, 8);
Coordinate2D ur = new Coordinate2D(6.0, 9);
Envelope sbEnv = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(ll, ur);

//Reference a Scale Bar in a style
StyleProjectItem stylePrjItm = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>()
                             .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
                              "Scale Line 1")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
//                                           "Stepped Scale Line")[0];
//ScaleBarStyleItem sbStyleItm = stylePrjItm.SearchScaleBars(
//                                            "Scale Line 2")[0];

//Create Scale Bar
ScaleBarInfo sbInfo = new ScaleBarInfo()
  MapFrameName = mapFrame.Name,
  ScaleBarStyleItem = sbStyleItm

var sbElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateMapSurroundElement(
                  layout, sbEnv, sbInfo, "ScaleBar Line") as ScaleBar;

Group Elements

Creating empty group elements

//Create an empty group element at the root level of the contents pane

//Create on worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //At 2.x - GroupElement grp1 =
  //             LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(layout);
  //         grp1.SetName("Group"); 

  //container is IElementContainer - GroupLayer or Layout
  GroupElement grp1 = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(
                        container, null, "Group");

// *** or ***

//Create a group element inside another group element

//Find an existing group element
//container is IElementContainer - GroupLayer or Layout
GroupElement existingGroup = container.FindElement("Group") as GroupElement;

//Create on worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //At 2.x - GroupElement grp2 =
  //      LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(existingGroup);
  //         grp2.SetName("Group in Group");
  GroupElement grp2 = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(
    existingGroup, null, "Group in Group");

Create a group element with elements

//Create a group with a list of elements at the root level of the contents pane.

//Find an existing elements
//container is IElementContainer - GroupLayer or Layout
var elem1 = container.FindElement("Polygon 1");
var elem2 = container.FindElement("Bezier Text");
var elem3 = container.FindElement("Cloud Shape 2");

//Construct a list and add the elements
var elmList = new List<Element>

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //At 2.x - GroupElement groupWithListOfElementsAtRoot =
  //             LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(layout, elmList);
  //groupWithListOfElementsAtRoot.SetName("Group with list of elements at root");
  GroupElement groupWithListOfElementsAtRoot =
                   container, elmList, "Group with list of elements at root");

// *** or ***

//Create a group using a list of element names at the root level of the contents pane.

//List of element names
var elmNameList = new[] { "Para Text1", "Line 3" };

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //At 2.x - GroupElement groupWithListOfElementNamesAtRoot =
  //   LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGroupElement(layout, elmNameList);
  //         groupWithListOfElementNamesAtRoot.SetName(
  //                  "Group with list of element names at root");

  //At 3.x, use the names to find the relevant elements first
  //container is IElementContainer - GroupLayer or Layout
  var elems = container.FindElements(elmNameList);
  GroupElement groupWithListOfElementNamesAtRoot =
           container, elems, "Group with list of element names at root");

Layout Elements and Selection

Find an element on a layout

//Find an element on a layout.

// Reference a layout project item by name
LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));
if (layoutItem != null)
  QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
    Layout mylayout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
    if (mylayout != null)
      //Find a single specific element
      Element rect = mylayout.FindElement("Rectangle") as Element;

      //Or use the Elements collection
      Element rect2 = mylayout.Elements.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("Rectangle"));

Find layout elements

//on the QueuedTask
//Find elements by name
var layoutElementsToFind = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "Point 1", "Line 3", "Text 1" });
//Get the collection of elements from the page layout. Nesting within GroupElement is preserved.
var elementCollection = layout.GetElements();
//Get the collection of Element from the page layout as a flattened list. Nested groups within GroupElement are not preserved.
var elements = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList();
//Convert collection of the elements to a collection of GraphicElements.
var graphicElements = elements.ToList().ConvertAll(x => (GraphicElement)x);
//Find elements by type
//Find all point graphics in the Layout
var pointGraphics = graphicElements.Where(elem => elem.GetGraphic() is CIMPointGraphic);
//Find all line graphics in the Graphics Layer
var lineGraphics = graphicElements.Where(elem => elem.GetGraphic() is CIMLineGraphic);
////Find all polygon graphics in the Graphics Layer
var polyGraphics = graphicElements.Where(elem => elem.GetGraphic() is CIMPolygonGraphic);
////Find all text graphics in the Graphics Layer
var textGraphics = graphicElements.Where(elem => elem.GetGraphic() is CIMTextGraphic);
////Find all picture graphics in the Graphics Layer
var pictureGraphic = graphicElements.Where(elem => elem.GetGraphic() is CIMPictureGraphic);

Update element properties

//Update an element's properties.

//Performed on worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // update an element's name
  element.SetName("New Name");

  // update and element's visibility

Get element selection count

//Get element's selection count.

//Count the number of selected elements on the active layout view
LayoutView activeLayoutView = LayoutView.Active;
if (activeLayoutView != null)
  var selectedElements = activeLayoutView.GetSelectedElements();
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show($@"Selected elements: {selectedElements.Count}");

Set element selection

//Set the active layout view's selection to include 2 rectangle elements.

//Reference the active view 
LayoutView activeLayoutView = LayoutView.Active;
if (activeLayoutView != null)

  //Perform on the worker thread
  QueuedTask.Run(() =>

    //Reference the layout
    Layout lyt = activeLayoutView.Layout;

    //Reference the two rectangle elements
    Element rec = lyt.FindElement("Rectangle");
    Element rec2 = lyt.FindElement("Rectangle 2");

    //Construct a list and add the elements
    List<Element> elmList = new List<Element>

    //Set the selection

UnSelect elements on the Layout

//Unselect one element.
var elementToUnSelect = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "MyPoint" }).FirstOrDefault();
//Unselect multiple elements.
var elementsToUnSelect = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "Point 1", "Line 3", "Text 1" });

UnSelect elements on the LayoutView

LayoutView layoutView = LayoutView.Active;
//Unselect one element.
var elementToUnSelectInView = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "MyPoint" }).FirstOrDefault();
//Unselect multiple elements.
var elementsToUnSelectInView = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "Point 1", "Line 3", "Text 1" });

Clear the selection in a layout view

//If the a layout view is active, clear its selection
LayoutView activeLayoutView = LayoutView.Active;
if (activeLayoutView != null)

Clear the selection in a layout

//Clear the layout selection.

Copy Layout Elements

//on the QueuedTask
var elems = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "Point 1", "Line 3", "Text 1" });
var copiedElements = layout.CopyElements(elems);

Delete Layout Elements

//on the QueuedTask  
var elementsToRemove = layout.GetSelectedElements();

Delete an element or elements on a layout

//Delete an element or elements on a layout.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Delete a specific element on a layout
  //Or delete a group of elements using a filter
  aLayout.DeleteElements(item => item.Name.Contains("Clone"));

  //Or delete all elements on a layout
  aLayout.DeleteElements(item => true);

Zoom to elements

LayoutView lytView = LayoutView.Active;
//Zoom to an element
var elementToZoomTo = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "MyPoint" }).FirstOrDefault();
//Zoom to  multiple elements.
var elementsToZoomTo = layout.FindElements(new List<string>() { "Point 1", "Line 3", "Text 1" });

Set halo property of north arrow

//Set the CIM halo properties of a north arrow.

//Reference the first selected element (assumption is it is a north arrow)
Element northArrow = LayoutView.Active.GetSelectedElements().First();

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Get definition of north arrow...
  var cim = northArrow.GetDefinition() as CIMMarkerNorthArrow;
  //this halo symbol is 50% transparent, no outline (i.e. 0 width)
  //First construct a polygon symbol to use in the Halo
  //Polygon symbol will need a fill and a stroke
  var polyFill = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructSolidFill(ColorFactory.Instance.CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0, 50));
  var polyStroke = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructStroke(ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 0);
  var haloPoly = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(polyFill, polyStroke);
  //Set the north arrow defintion of HaloSymbol and HaloSize 
  ((CIMPointSymbol)cim.PointSymbol.Symbol).HaloSymbol = haloPoly;
  ((CIMPointSymbol)cim.PointSymbol.Symbol).HaloSize = 3;//size of the halo
  //Apply the CIM changes back to the element

Grouping and Ordering Graphic Elements

Group Graphic Elements

//on the QueuedTask
var elemsToGroup = layout.GetSelectedElements();
//Note: run within the QueuedTask
//group  elements
var groupElement = layout.GroupElements(elemsToGroup);

Un-Group Graphic Elements

var selectedElements = layout.GetSelectedElements().ToList(); 
if (selectedElements?.Any() == false)//must be at least 1.
var elementsToUnGroup = new List<GroupElement>();
//All selected elements should be grouped elements.
if (selectedElements.Count() == selectedElements.OfType<GroupElement>().Count())
  //Convert to a GroupElement list.
  elementsToUnGroup = selectedElements.ConvertAll(x => (GroupElement)x);
if (elementsToUnGroup.Count() == 0)
//UnGroup many grouped elements
//Ungroup one grouped element

Parent of GroupElement

//check the parent
var parent = groupElement.Elements.First().GetParent();//will be the group element
//top-most parent
//will be a GraphicsLayer or Layout
var top_most = groupElement.Elements.First().GetParent(true);

Children in a Group Element

// Nested groups within ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.GroupElement are not preserved.
var children = groupElement.GetElementsAsFlattenedList();

Ordering: Send backward and Bring forward

//On the QueuedTask
//get the current selection set
var sel_elems = layout.GetSelectedElements();
//can they be brought forward? This will also check that all elements have the same parent
if (layout.CanBringForward(sel_elems))
  //bring forward
  //bring to front (of parent)
else if (layout.CanSendBackward(sel_elems))
  //send back
  //send to the back (of parent)

Get Z-Order

var selElementsZOrder = layout.GetSelectedElements();
//list out the z order
foreach (var elem in selElementsZOrder)
  //At 2.x - System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{elem.Name}: z-order {elem.GetZOrder()}");
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{elem.Name}: z-order {elem.ZOrder}");

Update Layout Elements

Update text element properties

//Update text element properties for an existing text element.

// Reference a layoutitem in a project by name
LayoutProjectItem layoutItem = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()
                      .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("MyLayout"));
if (layoutItem != null)

  //Perform on the worker thread
  QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
    Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
    if (layout != null)
      // Reference a text element by name
      TextElement txtElm = layout.FindElement("MyTextElement") as TextElement;
      if (txtElm != null)
        // Change placement properties

        // Change TextProperties
        TextProperties txtProperties = new TextProperties(
                         "Hello world", "Times New Roman", 48, "Regular");

Update a picture element

//Update a picture element.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
  Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
  if (layout != null)
    // Reference a picture element by name
    PictureElement picElm = layout.FindElement("MyPicture") as PictureElement;
    // Change the path to a new source
    if (picElm != null)

Apply a Background Color to a MapFrame

//Apply a background color to the map frame element using the CIM.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Get the layout
  var myLayout = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>()?.First().GetLayout();
  if (myLayout == null) return;

  //Get the map frame in the layout
  MapFrame mapFrame = myLayout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  if (mapFrame == null)
    //TODO Handle null mapframe

  //Get the map frame's definition in order to modify the background.
  var mapFrameDefn = mapFrame.GetDefinition() as CIMMapFrame;

  //Construct the polygon symbol to use to create a background
  var polySymbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
                 ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB, SimpleFillStyle.Solid);

  //Set the background
  mapFrameDefn.GraphicFrame.BackgroundSymbol =

  //Set the map frame definition

Update a map surround

//Update a map surround.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
  Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
  if (layout != null)
    // Reference a scale bar element by name
    MapSurround scaleBar = layout.FindElement("MyScaleBar") as MapSurround;

    // Reference a map frame element by name
    MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("MyMapFrame") as MapFrame;

    if ((scaleBar != null) && (mf != null))
      //Set the scale bar to the newly referenced map frame

Lock an element

// The Locked property is displayed in the TOC as a lock symbol next
// to each element.  If locked the element can't be selected in the layout
// using the graphic selection tools.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
  Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
  if (layout != null)
    //Reference an element by name
    Element element = layout.FindElement("MyElement");
    if (element != null)
      // Modify the Locked property via the CIM
      CIMElement CIMElement = element.GetDefinition() as CIMElement;
      CIMElement.Locked = true;

Update an elements transparency

//Update an element's transparency using the CIM.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
  Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
  if (layout != null)
    // Reference a element by name
    GraphicElement graphicElement = layout.FindElement("MyElement") as GraphicElement;
    if (graphicElement != null)
      // Modify the Transparency property that exists only in the CIMGraphic class.
      CIMGraphic CIMGraphic = graphicElement.GetGraphic() as CIMGraphic;
      CIMGraphic.Transparency = 50; // mark it 50% transparent

Clone an element

//Clone a layout graphic element and apply an offset.

//Perform on the worker thread
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // Reference and load the layout associated with the layout item
  Layout layout = layoutItem.GetLayout();
  if (layout != null)
    // Reference a graphic element by name
    GraphicElement graphicElement = 
                        layout.FindElement("MyElement") as GraphicElement;
    if (graphicElement != null)

      //Clone and set the new x,y
      GraphicElement cloneElement = graphicElement.Clone("Clone");
      cloneElement.SetX(cloneElement.GetX() + xOffset);
      cloneElement.SetY(cloneElement.GetY() + yOffset);

Style Layout Elements

Apply a style to a North Arrow

//Run within QueuedTask context.
//Get the Style project items in the project
var styleProjectItems = Project.Current?.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
//Get the ArcGIS 2D Style Project Item
var styleProjectItem = 
styleProjectItems.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
if (styleProjectItem == null) return;
//Get the north arrow style item you need
var northArrowStyleItem = 
styleProjectItem.SearchSymbols(StyleItemType.NorthArrow, "ArcGIS North 18").FirstOrDefault();
if (northArrowStyleItem == null) return;
//Select a North arrow layout element
var northArrowElement = layout.GetSelectedElements().OfType<NorthArrow>().FirstOrDefault();
if (northArrowElement != null)
  //Check if the input style can be applied to the element
  if (northArrowElement.CanApplyStyle(northArrowStyleItem))
    //Apply the style

Apply a style to Grid and Graticules

//Run within QueuedTask context.
//Get the Style project items in the project
var styleProjectItems = Project.Current?.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
//Get the ArcGIS 2D Style Project Item
var styleProjectItem = 
styleProjectItems.OfType<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
if (styleProjectItem == null) return;
//Get the grid style item you need
var gridStyleItem = 
styleProjectItem.SearchSymbols(StyleItemType.Grid, "Blue Vertical Label Graticule").FirstOrDefault();
if (gridStyleItem == null) return;
var symbolItemName = gridStyleItem.Name;
var girdGraticuleObject = gridStyleItem.GetObject() as CIMMapGrid;

var mapFrame = layout.GetElements().OfType<MapFrame>().FirstOrDefault();
var cmf = mapFrame.GetDefinition() as CIMMapFrame;
//note, if page units are _not_ inches then grid's gridline
//lengths and offsets would need to be converted to the page units
var mapGrids = new List<CIMMapGrid>();
if (cmf.Grids != null)

//var cimMapGrid = SymbolStyleItem.GetObject() as CIMMapGrid;

switch (girdGraticuleObject)
  case CIMGraticule:
    var gridGraticule = girdGraticuleObject as CIMGraticule;
    gridGraticule.Name = symbolItemName;
    //assign grid to the frame             

  case CIMMeasuredGrid:
    var gridMeasure = girdGraticuleObject as CIMMeasuredGrid;
    gridMeasure.Name = symbolItemName;
    //assign grid to the frame

  case CIMReferenceGrid:
    var gridReference = girdGraticuleObject as CIMReferenceGrid;
    gridReference.Name = symbolItemName;
    //assign grid to the frame

cmf.Grids = mapGrids.ToArray();

Apply a style to a Graphic Element

//Run within QueuedTask context.
//Get the Style project items in the project
var styleProjectItems = Project.Current?.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>();
//Get the ArcGIS 2D Style Project Item
var styleProjectItem = 
styleProjectItems.OfType<StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS 2D");
if (styleProjectItem == null) return;
//Get the north arrow style item you need
var pointStyleItem = 
styleProjectItem.SearchSymbols(StyleItemType.PointSymbol, "Circle 3").FirstOrDefault();
if (pointStyleItem == null) return;
//Select a North arrow layout element
var layoutPointElement = layout.GetSelectedElements().FirstOrDefault();
if (layoutPointElement != null && layoutPointElement is GraphicElement ge)
  if (layoutPointElement.CanApplyStyle(pointStyleItem))
    //The magic happens here
    //for Graphic Elements such as Point, Lines, Polys, text, preserve size.           
    ge.ApplyStyle(pointStyleItem, true); 

Layout Snapping

Configure Snapping - Turn Snapping on or off

//enable snapping
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.IsEnabled = true;

// disable snapping
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.IsEnabled = false;

Configure Snapping - Application SnapModes

// sets only the Guide snapping mode 
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.SetSnapModes(new[] { LayoutSnapMode.Guide });
// sets only Element and Page snapping modes
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.SetSnapModes(new[] { LayoutSnapMode.Element, LayoutSnapMode.Page }); 

// clear all snap modes

// set snap modes one at a time
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.SetSnapMode(LayoutSnapMode.Margins, true);
ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.SetSnapMode(LayoutSnapMode.Guide, true);
/// LayoutSnapping.SetSnapModes(new[]{ LayoutSnapMode.Guide }); // sets only the Guide snapping mode 

// get current snap modes
var snapModes = ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.SnapModes;

// get state of a specific snap mode
bool isOn = ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts.LayoutSnapping.GetSnapMode(LayoutSnapMode.Guide);

Layout Metadata

Layout Metadata

//var layout = ...;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()

//Gets the Layout metadata.
var layout_xml = layout.GetMetadata();
//Can metadata be edited?
if (layout.GetCanEditMetadata())
  //Set the metadata back

Layout MapFrame

Change the map associated with a map frame

//Change the map associated with a map frame

//Reference a map frame on a layout
MapFrame mfrm = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;

//Peform on worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference map from the project item 
  Map map = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals("Map1")).GetMap();

  //Set the map to the map frame

Change map frame camera settings

//Change a map frame's camera settings.

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference MapFrame
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;

  //Reference the camera associated with the map frame and change the scale
  Camera cam = mf.Camera;
  cam.Scale = 100000;

  //Set the map frame extent based on the new camera info

Zoom map frame to extent of a single layer

//Zoom map frame to the extent of a single layer.

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference MapFrame
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;

  //Reference map and layer
  Map m = mf.Map;
  FeatureLayer lyr = m.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;

  //Set the map frame extent to all features in the layer
  mf.SetCamera(lyr, false);

Change map frame extent to selected features in multiple layers

//Change the extent of a map frame to the selected features multiple layers.

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference MapFrame
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;

  //Reference map, layers and create layer list
  Map m = mf.Map;
  FeatureLayer fl_1 = m.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;
  FeatureLayer fl_2 = m.FindLayers("States_WithRegions").First() as FeatureLayer;
  var layers = new[] { fl_1, fl_2 };
  //IEnumerable<Layer> layers = m.Layers;  //This creates a list of ALL layers in map.

  //Set the map frame extent to the selected features in the list of layers
  mf.SetCamera(layers, true);

Change map frame extent to single feature with 15 percent buffer

//Change map frame extent to single feature with 10 percent buffer

//Process on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Reference the mapframe and its associated map
  MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
  Map m = mf.Map;

  //Reference a feature layer and build a query (to return a single feature)
  FeatureLayer fl = m.FindLayers("GreatLakes").First() as FeatureLayer;
  QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter();
  string whereClause = "NAME = 'Lake Erie'";
  qf.WhereClause = whereClause;

  //Zoom to the feature
  using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.RowCursor rowCursor = fl.Search(qf))
    while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
      //Get the shape from the row and set extent
      using (var feature = rowCursor.Current as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Feature)
        Polygon polygon = feature.GetShape() as Polygon;
        Envelope env = polygon.Extent as Envelope;

        //Zoom out 15 percent
        Camera cam = mf.Camera;
        cam.Scale = cam.Scale * 1.15;

Activate Map Frame

//The active view must be a layout view.
var lv = LayoutView.Active;
if (lv == null)
var layout = lv.Layout;
if (layout == null)

//We can activate a map frame on the layout of the active view
var map_frame = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList()
                   .OfType<MapFrame>().FirstOrDefault(mf => mf.Name == "Map 1");
if (map_frame == null)
//can we activate the map frame?
if (lv.CanActivateMapFrame(map_frame))
  //activate it - Note: we are on the UI thread!

Deactivate Map Frame

//The active view must be a layout view.
var lv = LayoutView.Active;
if (lv == null)
var layout = lv.Layout;
if (layout == null)

//Deactivate any activated map frame
//Note: we are on the UI thread!
lv.DeactivateMapFrame();//no-op if nothing activated

//or - check if a  map frame is activated first...
if (lv.ActivatedMapFrame != null)
  //Note: we are on the UI thread!

Get the Activated Map Frame and MapView

//The active view must be a layout view.
var lv = LayoutView.Active;
if (lv == null)

var map_view = lv.ActivatedMapView;
if (map_view != null)
  //TODO - use activated map view
var map_frame = lv.ActivatedMapFrame;
if (map_frame != null)
  //TODO - use activated map frame

Translates a point in page coordinates to a point in map coordinates.

//On the QueuedTask
var layout = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault().GetLayout();
var mapFrame = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;

//Get a point in the center of the Map frame
var mapFrameCenterPoint = mapFrame.GetBounds().CenterCoordinate;
//Convert to MapPoint
//At 2.x - var pointInMapFrame = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(mapFrameCenterPoint);
var pointInMapFrame = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(mapFrameCenterPoint);

//Find the corresponding point in the MapView
var pointOnMap = mapFrame.PageToMap(pointInMapFrame);

//Create a point graphic on the MapView.
var cimGraphicElement = new CIMPointGraphic
  Location = pointOnMap,
  Symbol = pointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference()

Translates a point in map coordinates to a point in page coordinates

internal class GetMapCoordinates : MapTool
  protected override void OnToolMouseDown(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
    if (e.ChangedButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButton.Left)
      e.Handled = true; //Handle the event args to get the call to the corresponding async method

  protected override Task HandleMouseDownAsync(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
    return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
      var pointSymbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 8);
      var layout = Project.Current.GetItems<LayoutProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault().GetLayout();
      //Convert the clicked point in client coordinates to the corresponding map coordinates.
      var mapPoint = MapView.Active.ClientToMap(e.ClientPoint);
      ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("X: {0} Y: {1} Z: {2}",
          mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y, mapPoint.Z), "Map Coordinates");
      //Get the corresponding layout point
      var mapFrame = layout.FindElement("New Map Frame") as MapFrame;
      var pointOnLayoutFrame = mapFrame.MapToPage(mapPoint);

      //Create a point graphic on the Layout.
      var cimGraphicElement = new CIMPointGraphic
        Location = pointOnLayoutFrame,
        Symbol = pointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference()
      //Or use GraphicFactory
      var cimGraphicElement2 = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleGraphic(
              pointOnLayoutFrame, pointSymbol);

      //At 2.x - LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(layout, cimGraphicElement);

      ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(layout, cimGraphicElement);
      ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(layout, cimGraphicElement2);


Layout MapSeries

Modify an existing map series

//Modify the currently active map series and changes its sort field and page number field.

//Perform on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  SpatialMapSeries SMS = layout.MapSeries as SpatialMapSeries; //cast as spatial map seris for additional members
  SMS.SortField = "State_Name";
  SMS.SortAscending = true;
  SMS.PageNumberField = "PageNum";

  //Overwrite the current map series with these new settings

Create a new spatial map series

// This example create a new spatial map series and then applies it to the active layout. This will automatically 
// overwrite an existing map series if one is already present.

//Reference map frame and index layer
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
Map m = mf.Map;
BasicFeatureLayer indexLyr = m.FindLayers("Countries").FirstOrDefault() as BasicFeatureLayer;

//Construct map series on worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //SpatialMapSeries constructor - required parameters
  SpatialMapSeries SMS = MapSeries.CreateSpatialMapSeries(layout, mf, indexLyr, "Name");
  //Set optional, non-default values
  SMS.CategoryField = "Continent";
  SMS.SortField = "Population";
  SMS.ExtentOptions = ExtentFitType.BestFit;
  SMS.MarginType = ArcGIS.Core.CIM.UnitType.PageUnits;
  SMS.MarginUnits = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.LinearUnit.Centimeters;
  SMS.Margin = 1;
  SMS.ScaleRounding = 1000;
  layout.SetMapSeries(SMS);  //Overwrite existing map series.

Layout Export

Export a layout to PDF

//Export a single page layout to PDF.

//Create a PDF format with appropriate settings
//BMP, EMF, EPS, GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TGA, and TFF formats are also available for export
PDFFormat PDF = new PDFFormat()
  OutputFileName = filePath,
  Resolution = 300,
  DoCompressVectorGraphics = true,
  DoEmbedFonts = true,
  HasGeoRefInfo = true,
  ImageCompression = ImageCompression.Adaptive,
  ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Best,
  LayersAndAttributes = LayersAndAttributes.LayersAndAttributes

//Check to see if the path is valid and export
if (PDF.ValidateOutputFilePath())
  await QueuedTask.Run(() => layout.Export(PDF));  //Export the layout to PDF on the worker thread

Export a map frame to JPG

//Export a map frame to JPG.

//Create JPEG format with appropriate settings
//BMP, EMF, EPS, GIF, PDF, PNG, SVG, TGA, and TFF formats are also available for export
//at 2.x - JPEGFormat JPG = new JPEGFormat()
//  HasWorldFile = true,
//  Resolution = 300,
//  OutputFileName = filePath,
//  JPEGColorMode = JPEGColorMode.TwentyFourBitTrueColor,
//  Height = 800,
//  Width = 1200
JPEGFormat JPG = new JPEGFormat()
  HasWorldFile = true,
  Resolution = 300,
  OutputFileName = filePath,
  ColorMode = JPEGColorMode.TwentyFourBitTrueColor,
  Height = 800,
  Width = 1200

//Reference the map frame
MapFrame mf = layout.FindElement("MyMapFrame") as MapFrame;

//Export on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Check to see if the path is valid and export
  if (JPG.ValidateOutputFilePath())
    mf.Export(JPG);  //Export the map frame to JPG

Export the map view associated with a map frame to BMP

//Export the map view associated with a map frame to BMP.

//Create BMP format with appropriate settings
//EMF, EPS, GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, SVG, TGA, and TFF formats are also available for export
BMPFormat BMP = new BMPFormat()
  Resolution = 300,
  Height = 500,
  Width = 800,
  HasWorldFile = true,
  OutputFileName = filePath

//Reference the active layout view
LayoutView lytView = LayoutView.Active;

//Reference the map frame and its map view
MapFrame mf_bmp = layout.FindElement("Map Frame") as MapFrame;
MapView mv_bmp = mf_bmp.GetMapView(lytView);

if (mv_bmp != null)
  //Export on the worker thread
  await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

    //Check to see if the path is valid and export
    if (BMP.ValidateOutputFilePath())
      mv_bmp.Export(BMP);  //Export to BMP

Export a map series to single PDF

//Export a map series with multiple pages to a single PDF.

//Create PDF format with appropriate settings
PDFFormat MS_PDF = new PDFFormat()
  OutputFileName = filePath,
  Resolution = 300,
  DoCompressVectorGraphics = true,
  DoEmbedFonts = true,
  HasGeoRefInfo = true,
  ImageCompression = ImageCompression.Adaptive,
  ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Best,
  LayersAndAttributes = LayersAndAttributes.LayersAndAttributes

//Set up map series export options
MapSeriesExportOptions MS_ExportOptions = new MapSeriesExportOptions()
  ExportPages = ExportPages.Custom,  //Provide a specific list of pages
  CustomPages = "1-3, 5",  //Only used if ExportPages.Custom is set
  ExportFileOptions = ExportFileOptions.ExportAsSinglePDF,  //Export all pages to a single, multi-page PDF
  ShowSelectedSymbology = false  //Do no show selection symbology in the output

//Export on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Check to see if the path is valid and export
  if (MS_PDF.ValidateOutputFilePath())
    layout.Export(MS_PDF, MS_ExportOptions);  //Export to PDF

Export a map series to individual TIFF files

//Export each page of a map series to an individual TIFF file.

//Create TIFF format with appropriate settings
TIFFFormat TIFF = new TIFFFormat()
  OutputFileName = filePath,
  Resolution = 300,
  ColorMode = TIFFColorMode.TwentyFourBitTrueColor,
  HasGeoTiffTags = true,
  HasWorldFile = true,
  ImageCompression = TIFFImageCompression.LZW

//Set up map series export options
MapSeriesExportOptions MSExportOptions_TIFF = new MapSeriesExportOptions()
  ExportPages = ExportPages.All,  //All pages
  ExportFileOptions = ExportFileOptions.ExportMultipleNames,  //Export each page to an individual file using page name as a suffix.
  ShowSelectedSymbology = true  //Include selection symbology in the output

//Export on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Check to see if the path is valid and export
  if (TIFF.ValidateOutputFilePath())
    layout.Export(TIFF, MSExportOptions_TIFF);  //Export to TIFF


Get LayoutOptions

var lastToolActive = ApplicationOptions.LayoutOptions.KeepLastToolActive;
var warnOnSurrounds = ApplicationOptions.LayoutOptions.WarnAboutAssociatedSurrounds;
//eg <Install_Path>\Resources\LayoutTemplates\en-US
var gallery_path = ApplicationOptions.LayoutOptions.LayoutTemplatePath;

Set LayoutOptions

//keep graphic element insert tool active
ApplicationOptions.LayoutOptions.KeepLastToolActive = true;
//no warning when deleting a map frame results in other elements being deleted
ApplicationOptions.LayoutOptions.WarnAboutAssociatedSurrounds = false;
//path to .pagx files used as templates
ApplicationOptions.LayoutOptions.LayoutTemplatePath = @"D:\data\layout_templates";


Get All Available Fonts

//Note: see also SymbolFactory.Instance.GetAvailableFonts() which returns the
//same list. Use for TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetAvailableFonts() convenience

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //A list of tuples of Font name + associated Font Styles, one tuple per
  //font, is returned
  var fonts = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetAvailableFonts();
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  sb.AppendLine("Pro Fonts\r\n============================");
  foreach (var font in fonts)
    var styles = string.Join(",", font.fontStyles);
    sb.AppendLine($"{font.fontName}, [{styles}]");

Get TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Get the default font (see also 'SymbolFactory.Instance.DefaultFont')
  var def_font = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetDefaultFont();
    $"\r\ndefault font: {def_font.fontName}, {def_font.styleName}");

  //Get the default graphics element symbols - point, line, poly, text
  var ptSymbol = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetDefaultPointSymbol();
  var lineSymbol = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetDefaultLineSymbol();
  var polySymbol = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetDefaultPolygonSymbol();
  var textSymbol = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetDefaultTextSymbol();

Set TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Set a default font. Use its default style
  //or specify an explicit style
  ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.SetDefaultFont("tahoma", "bold");

  //Create symbols
  var ptSymbol2 = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPointSymbol(
    ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 14, SimpleMarkerStyle.Diamond);
  var lineSymbol2 = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructLineSymbol(
    ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 2, SimpleLineStyle.Dash);
  var polySymbol2 = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructPolygonSymbol(
    ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, SimpleFillStyle.DiagonalCross);
  var textSymbol2 = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
    ColorFactory.Instance.RedRGB, 12);

  //Set default point, line, poly, text graphics element symbols



var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.None;
if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.Fixed;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Extent;

var mf_extent = mf.GetViewExtent();

var extent = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(
  400748.62, 800296.4, 1310669.05, 1424520.74, mf.Map.SpatialReference);
autoCamera.Extent = extent;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.Fixed;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Center;

var camera = mf.GetMapView(LayoutView.Active).Camera;
var center = mf.GetViewCenter();

//var extent = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(
//    400748.62, 800296.4, 1310669.05, 1424520.74, mf.Map.SpatialReference);
//autoCamera.Extent = extent;

var camera2 = new CIMViewCamera()
  Heading = 0,
  Pitch = -90,
  Roll = 0,
  Scale = 21169571,
  X = 855708,
  Y = 1112409,
  Z = double.NaN
autoCamera.Camera = camera2;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.Fixed;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.CenterAndScale;

var camera = mf.GetMapView(LayoutView.Active).Camera;
var center = mf.GetViewCenter();

//var extent = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(
//    400748.62, 800296.4, 1310669.05, 1424520.74, mf.Map.SpatialReference);
//autoCamera.Extent = extent;

var camera2 = new CIMViewCamera()
  Heading = 0,
  Pitch = -90,
  Roll = 0,
  Scale = 21169571,
  X = 1310669.0 + ((400748.5 - 1310669.0) / 2.0),
  Y = 800296.4 + ((1424520.74 - 800296.4) / 2.0),
  Z = double.NaN
autoCamera.Camera = camera2;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
//autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.Fixed;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Scale;

var camera = mf.GetMapView(LayoutView.Active).Camera;
var center = mf.GetViewCenter();

//var extent = EnvelopeBuilderEx.CreateEnvelope(
//    400748.62, 800296.4, 1310669.05, 1424520.74, mf.Map.SpatialReference);
//autoCamera.Extent = extent;

var camera2 = new CIMViewCamera()
  Heading = 0,
  Pitch = -90,
  Roll = 0,
  Scale = 20000571,
  X = 1310669.0 + ((400748.5 - 1310669.0) / 2.0),
  Y = 800296.4 + ((1424520.74 - 800296.4) / 2.0),
  Z = double.NaN
autoCamera.Camera = camera2;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
//autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.MapFrameLink;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Extent;
autoCamera.MapFrameLinkName = mapFrameLink;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.MapFrameLink;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Center;
autoCamera.MapFrameLinkName = mapFrameLink;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.MapFrameLink;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.CenterAndScale;
autoCamera.MapFrameLinkName = mapFrameLink;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.MapFrameLink;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Scale;
autoCamera.MapFrameLinkName = mapFrameLink;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.MapSeriesLink;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Extent;
//autoCamera.MapFrameLinkName = mapFrameLink;
var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&


var layout = LayoutView.Active.Layout;
var mf = layout.GetElementsAsFlattenedList().OfType<MapFrame>()
  .First(mf => mf.Name == mapFrame);
var autoCamera = mf.GetAutoCamera();
autoCamera.Source = AutoCameraSource.MapSeriesLink;
autoCamera.AutoCameraType = AutoCameraType.Center;

var states = mf.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().First(l => l.Name == "State_Polygons");
autoCamera.IntersectLayerPath = states.URI;

if (mf.ValidateAutoCamera(autoCamera) &&
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️