ArcGIS Pro Registry Keys - Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk GitHub Wiki

Language:      C#
Subject:       ArcGISPro Registry Settings
Contributor:   ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization:  Esri,
Date:          04/04/2024
ArcGIS Pro:    3.3
Visual Studio: 2022

The following registry keys can be set to configure ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro add-ins, and configurations.

Note: Please refer to Pro Plugin registry key settings for use with Pro Plugin data sources.

HKey Local Machine

These are administrator settings. They are located at HKLM\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Settings

Settings Values


REG_DWORD. When set to 0x01 (True), a user cannot change the Administrator BlockAddIns security level (via the Add-In Manager or the HKCU BlockAddIns Key). False is the default if no registry key is set.


String (REG_SZ). Set the value data to the path of the network share or local folder that contains the deployed Pro.settingsConfig file. For example above, \\dataserver1\ProSettings.

Configure user machines to use Pro.settingsConfig


REG_DWORD. These Blockaddins keys apply to add-ins and configurations.

Use the following table of values:

Security level Description
0 (default) Load all add-ins regardless of whether or not they have digital signatures
1 Only load and use add-ins that are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority
2 Only load and use add-ins that have been published by ESRI
3 loads add-ins from only administrative folders and that are digitally signed by a trusted publisher
4* Do not load or execute any add-ins in this application
5 Load add-ins only from the administrator folders

Level 0 is the default if no registry key is set.
*A value of 6 or greater can also be set.

Note: When set under HKLM, these are administrator settings. A user can only change the security level to something more secure than the administrator setting (via the Add-In Manager or the HKCU BlockAddIns Key). For example, if an administrator specifies that only trusted add-ins can load (level 1), a user can only change the setting to level 2 or greater.

The BlockAddIns security levels are equivalent to the following Add-In Manager Options settings in ArcGIS Pro:

Option Equivalent Security Level
Load all Add-Ins without restrictions (Least Secure) 0
Require Add-Ins to be digitally signed by a trusted publisher 1
Load only Esri provided Add-Ins (Most Secure) 2


REG_DWORD. Set to 0x01 (True) to disable Customize the Ribbon property sheet and 0x0 (False) to allow the Customize the Ribbon property sheet. False is the default if no registry key is set. The Customize the Ribbon property sheet is accessed via the Project options, Option button.

blockCustomizeDialog = 0x0 (False) (note the Customize the Ribbon option)

blockCustomizeDialog = 0x01 (True) (note the Customize the Ribbon option is removed)


REG_DWORD. Set value to 1 (True) to block Pro major version software updates only (ex: Setting to 1 would prevent a Major version update such as ArcGIS Pro 2.8.0 to 3.0.0; but would not prevent a minor or patch update, such as ArcGIS Pro 2.8.0 to 2.8.1 or 2.9.0)

Refer to Get ArcGIS Pro software updates


REG_DWORD. Set value to 1 (True) to block Pro major version and minor version software updates. Setting this DWORD to true will make configured machines available for patch updates only. (ex: Setting to 1 would prevent a Major and/or minor version update such as ArcGIS Pro 2.8.0 to 3.0.0 or 2.9.0; but would not prevent a patch update, such as ArcGIS Pro 2.8.0 to 2.8.1)

Note: New in ArcGIS Pro 3.2; not available in earlier versions.

Refer to Get ArcGIS Pro software updates


REG_DWORD. Set value to 1 (True) to check for Pro Updates at start up and 0 (False) to prevent the check. True is the default if no registry key is set.


A string value (REG_SZ) whose value is the path to a local directory or share to search for configurations (.proConfigX). ConfigurationFolder will always be searched first before the default folder location at C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\ArcGIS\AddIns\ArcGISPro\Configurations.

  1. Only one path can be specified in ConfigurationFolder.


A string value (REG_SZ) whose value is the name of a configuration (i.e. a .proConfigX) that will always be loaded on Pro start-up. ConfigurationName overrides any other configuration that has been specified.

Settings Keys

Add-In Folders

Add one or more string values (REG_SZ) whose names are the full paths to the folder locations or UNC shares that are to be searched for Add-ins. The Value data will be empty. Folders that are logical drive path letters only (e.g. "C:", "D:", "E:", etc.) are not allowed.

In this example, two additional Add-in folders have been added: C:\Data\AddinFolder1 and C:\Data\AddinFolder2


  • Within a configuration, in the Config.daml AdditionalWellKnownFolders can be specified which will be probed for add-ins before the folders specified in the registry. Consult ProConcepts Configurations, AdditionalWellKnownFolder for details.
  • When Configuration well-known folders are defined using the Configuration Folders registry key, these folders are automatically added to the add-in search path as well. So add-ins placed in these Configuration well-known folders will be loaded by Pro when you run the Configuration in that folder.

Configuration Folders

Add one or more string values (REG_SZ) whose names are the full paths to the folder locations or UNC shares that are to be searched for Configurations. The Value data will be empty. Folders that are logical drive path letters only (e.g. "C:", "D:", "E:", etc.) are not allowed.

In this example, two additional Configuration folders have been added: C:\Data\ConfigurationFolder1 and C:\Data\ConfigurationFolder2


Prior to ArcGIS Pro 2.2, Configurations were loaded by default from C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcGIS\ArcGISPro\Configurations folder. Use this key to load Configurations from this original location.

HKey Current User

These are per user settings. They are located at HKCU\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Settings

Settings Values


REG_DWORD. BlockAddIns security level can be set by the user under the following conditions:

  • There is no Administrator BlockAddIns security level set or the user BlockAddIns security level is greater than the Administrator BlockAddIns security level*
  • The value of AdminAddInLock is 0x0 (False) or the value is not present

*If a user sets the BlockAddIns security level to a level less than an Administrator BlockAddIns security level it is ignored.



ArcGIS Pro user.config setting's file "local" path. Example: C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Esri\ArcGISPro_StrongName_yhpsrysqpn4fvmb0spwbakt5o5e50din\\user.config



ArcGIS Pro user.config setting's file "roaming" path. Example: C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\Esri\ArcGISPro_StrongName_yhpsrysqpn4fvmb0spwbakt5o5e50din\\user.config

Settings Keys


Add one or more string values (REG_SZ) whose names are the full paths to the folder locations or UNC shares that are to be searched for Add-ins. This is in addition to any Administrator folder locations specified in HKLM\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Settings\Add-In Folders. This is equivalent to adding additional folders via the Add-In Manager Options in ArcGIS Pro.

Pro Plugin Registry Keys

Pro Plugins use a different set of registry keys than Pro Add-ins and Configurations. Please use the following registry keys to configure Pro Plugins.

Note: Plugin registry keys can only be set by hand. They cannot be set via the Pro Add-In Manager.

Versioned Registry keys

Plugin datasource registry keys follow the general pattern of:

HKLM or HKCU\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro<version>\Settings

Notice the ArcGISPro<version> component of the path. <version> must be the equal to the current version of ArcGIS Pro installed. For example, if your current version of Pro is 3.0 then the key would be ArcGISPro3.0. If your current version of Pro is 3.1 then the key would be ArcGISPro3.1 and so on.

Note: Well-known folders must be explicitly set for any given release. Therefore an HKLM and HKCU well-known key must be set individually for a 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and so on. This is different than the default folder behavior with plugins whereby the addin manager automatically scans all C:\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS\AddIns\ArcGISPro<version> folders backwards from the current release for plugins (eg at Pro 3.2, addin manager would automatically scan a AddIns\ArcGISPro3.2, AddIns\ArcGISPro3.1, and AddIns\ArcGISPro3.0 folder).


These are administrator settings. They are located at HKLM\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro<version>\Settings.


REG_DWORD. When set to 0x01 (True), a user cannot change the Administrator BlockAddIns security level (via the HKCU BlockAddIns Key) for Plugins. False is the default if no registry key is set.


REG_DWORD. These Blockaddins keys apply to Plugins. The BlockAddIns security levels for Plugins are independent of the BlockAddIns security levels set for Add-ins.

Use the following table of values:

Security level Description
0 (default) Load all plugins regardless of whether or not they have digital signatures
1 Only load and use plugins that are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority
2 Only load and use plugins that have been published by ESRI
3 loads plugins from only administrative folders and that are digitally signed by a trusted publisher
4 Do not load or execute any plugins in this application

Level 0 is the default if no registry key is set.


Add one or more string values (REG_SZ) whose names are the full paths to the folder locations or UNC shares that are to be searched for Plugins. Folders that are logical drive path letters only (e.g. "C:", "D:", "E:", etc.) are not allowed.


These are per user settings. They are located at HKCU\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro<version>\Settings


REG_DWORD. BlockAddIns security level can be set by the user under the following conditions:

  • There is no Administrator BlockAddIns security level set for Plugins or the user BlockAddIns security level is greater than the Administrator BlockAddIns security level*
  • The value of AdminAddInLock in the HKLM hive (for Plugins) is 0x0 (False) or the value is not present

*If a user sets the BlockAddIns security level to a level less than an Administrator BlockAddIns security level it is ignored.


Add one or more string values (REG_SZ) whose names are the full paths to the folder locations or UNC shares that are to be searched for Plugins. Folders that are logical drive path letters only (e.g. "C:", "D:", "E:", etc.) are not allowed.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️