V3. Variables reference page for JSON configuration files - Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc GitHub Wiki

When you edit the appropriate JSON file from our SampleConfigs folder for use in your PowerShell DSC for ArcGIS module, you replace the placeholder variables with information and parameters of your own. Refer to this list for a full guide to each variable found.

  • AllNodes - This contains all the nodes on which the components of ArcGIS Enterprise will be installed.
    • NodeName - Each node is represented by a node name, which can be a machine name or an IP address.
    • Role - The software component role of the node; this can accept one or multiple values as a comma-separated list. Enter in the order you want to execute the roles on the node. Accepted values are 'Server', 'Portal', 'DataStore', 'ServerWebAdaptor', 'PortalWebAdaptor', 'RasterDataStoreItem', 'Desktop', 'Pro', 'LicenseManager', 'SQLServerClient', 'SQLServer', and 'FileShare'.
    • DataStoreTypes - This is a valid parameter when the node role is 'DataStore'. Valid values are 'Relational | SpatioTemporal | TileCache'.
    • SslCertificates - (Optional) SSL Certificates specific to the node. This block is an array where each SSL Certificate in the array can target multiple components or each of them individually.
      • Path - The file path of your SSL Certificate. A local or network share address.
      • Password - The password of the SSL certificate to be installed.
      • PasswordFilePath - Encrypted password file path of the SSL certificate to be installed.
      • CNameFQDN - Refers to a fully qualified domain name (CN/SAN) associated with the certificate.
      • Target - Target Components (array) on Node on which the Certificate will be installed on [Server | Portal | WebAdaptor].
    • PortalLicenseFilePath - (Optional) License File Path to be used with the given Portal installed on the Node. Overrides the file path given in "ConfigData" block.
    • PortalLicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the Portal License File.
    • PortalLicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the Portal License File.
    • ServerLicenseFilePath - (Optional) License File Path to be used with the given Server installed on the Node. Overrides the file path given in "ConfigData" block.
    • ServerLicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the Server License File.
    • ServerLicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the Server License File.
    • TargetNodeEncyrptionCertificateFilePath - (Optional)
    • TargetNodeEncyrptionCertificateThumbprint - (Optional)
    • SQLServerInstallerPath - (Optional)
  • ConfigData - Each node requires this data. It contains some universal variables, as well as configuration variables specific to the roles specified above.
    • Version - The software version of the different components that will be installed or upgraded to. All components of your deployment should be at the same software version. Accepted values for ArcGIS Enterprise: 10.4, 10.4.1, 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.6, 10.6.1, 10.7, 10.7.1, 10.8, 10.8.1. Accepted values for ArcGIS WebStyles: 10.7.1, 10.8, 10.8.1. Accepted Values for ArcGIS Notebook Server: 10.7, 10.7.1, 10.8, 10.8.1. Accepted values for ArcGIS Mission Server: 10.8, 10.8.1.

    • DesktopVersion - The software version of the different components that will be installed or upgraded to. All components of your deployment should be at the same software version. Accepted values: 10.4, 10.4.1, 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.6, 10.6.1, 10.7, 10.7.1, 10.8, 10.8.1.

    • ProVersion - The software version of the different components that will be installed or upgraded to. All components of your deployment should be at the same software version. Accepted values: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6.

    • LicenseManagerVersion - The software version of the different components that will be installed or upgraded to. All components of your deployment should be at the same software version. Accepted values: 2018.0, 2018.1, 2019.0, 2019.1, 2019.2, 2020.0.

    • OldVersion - To be provided for upgrades only; this is the present version of the different components that will be upgraded. Accepted values: 10.4, 10.4.1, 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.6, 10.6.1, 10.7, 10.7.1, 10.8.

    • ForceLicenseUpdate - (Optional - true | false) - Will force an update of ArcGIS Server license.

    • FileShareLocalPath - The local path of the file share on your remote file share machine, if you're using one.

    • FileShareName - The name of the file share on the remote machine.

    • ServerContext - The context of the Server's Web Adaptor.

    • PortalContext - The context of the Portal's Web Adaptor.

    • ServerRole - The role value for a specialized GIS Server. Accepted values are 'GeneralPurposeServer', 'GeoAnalytics', 'GeoEvent', 'ImageHosting', 'RasterAnalytics' and 'NotebookServer'.

    • CloudStorageType - 'AzureBlob'or 'AzureFiles'

    • AzureFileShareName - Required if CloudStorageType is 'AzureFiles'

    • CloudNamespace - Required id using cloud storage - Unique identifiable string for your deployment to avoid conflicts

    • Credentials

      • ServiceAccount - The Windows user account that will be used to install and run the different services of the components. Set the 'IsDomainAccount' Parameter to 'true' if the ServiceAccount is a domain account.
      • ADServiceUser - (Optional) An Active Directory Service user for enabling the use of Integrated Windows Authentication with your portal.
      • CloudStorageAccount -
        • UserName - Azure Cloud Storage Account Blob Storage URL Endpoint (Ex. ckstr.blob.core.windows.net)
        • Password - Azure Cloud Storage Account Secret Key
        • PasswordFilePath - Encrypted Azure Cloud Storage Account Secret Key file path.
    • SslRootOrIntermediate - (Optional) - Can have multiple blocks of Root and Intermediate CA Certificates

      • Alias - Root and Intermediate CA Certificate Alias
      • Path - Root and Intermediate CA Certificate Path
    • Server

      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the server Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
        • InstallDir - The path where the Server component will be installed.
        • InstallDirPython - The path where the Python directory required by Server will be installed.
        • PatchesDir - (Optional)
      • LicenseFilePath- The path where your [.pvrc] or [.ecp] license file from My Esri resides. (ImageServer, GeoEvent, GeoAnalytics, GeneralPurposeServer)
      • LicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the License File.
      • LicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the License File.
      • ConfigStoreLocation - If you're installing on a single machine, provide a local path; otherwise, provide a Network File Share path.
      • ServerDirectoriesRootLocation - If you're installing on a single machine, provide a local path; otherwise, provide a Network File Share path.
      • ServerDirectories - (Optional) A JSON object representing a collection of server directories to create.
      • ServerLogsLocation - (Optional) File path to the root of the log directories.
      • LocalRepositoryPath - (Optional) Directory where the local config-store is stored when site is in read-only mode.
      • ContainerImagePaths - Array of File Paths of Notebook Server Container Images to be uploaded to Docker Runtime using the PostInstallUtility.
      • ExternalLoadBalancer - External Load Balancer Endpoint fronting Web Adaptors. This parameter can be used to use alternate Load Balancer (HAProxy, Nginx, F5, etc.) to IIS-ARR Load Balancer.
      • InternalLoadBalancer - Internal Load Balancer Endpoint fronting 6443 ports on Server Machines. This parameter can be used to use Load Balancer like (HAProxy, Nginx, F5, etc.).
      • PrimarySiteAdmin - The ArcGIS Server Primary Site Administrator (PSA) account
      • RegisteredDirectories - (Optional) An array of Local Data Directory blocks to be registered with the server.
        • Name - Name of the Local Data Directories
        • PhysicalPath - Physical path of the Data Directory. Can be a Local Path or Network Share Path
        • DirectoryType - Type of Directory. Example - CACHE | JOBS | OUTPUT
      • Databases - (Optional)
        • DatabaseServerHostName - FQDN of Database Server
        • DatabaseName - Name of the database
        • DatabaseType - AzureSQLDatabase | SQLServerDatabase | AzurePostgreSQLDatabase | AzureMISQLDatabase
        • DatabaseAdminUser -
          • UserName - DatabaseAdminUser Username
          • Password - DatabaseAdminUser Password
          • PasswordFilePath - Encrypted DatabaseAdminUser Password File
        • SDEUser -
          • UserName - SDEUser Username
          • Password - SDEUser Password
          • PasswordFilePath - Encrypted SDEUser Password File
        • DatabaseUser -
          • UserName - DatabaseUser Username
          • Password - DatabaseUser Password
          • PasswordFilePath - Encrypted DatabaseUser Password File
        • IsManaged - (True | False)
        • EnableGeodatabase - (True | False)
    • GeoEventServer

      • LicenseFilePath- The path where your [.pvrc] or [.ecp] license file from My Esri resides. (GeoEvent)
      • LicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the License File.
      • LicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the License File.
      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the Geoevent Server Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
      • EnableGeoeventSDK - (Optional - True | False(Default)) - Enables GeoEvent SDK during installation.
    • SQLServerClient

      • Name
      • InstallerPath
      • ProductId
      • Arguments
    • Portal

      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the portal Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
        • InstallDir - The path where the Portal component will be installed.
        • ContentDir - The Path where the initial site will be configured. This needs to be a Local Path.
        • WebStylesPath - The path to the Portal Web Styles Installer file you downloaded from My Esri. Required parameter starting 10.7.1.
        • PatchesDir - (Optional)
      • LicenseFilePath - The Path where your [.pvrc], [.ecp] or [.json] license file from My Esri resides.
      • PortalLicenseUserTypeId - License User Type Id to be assigned to the Primary Site Administrator account while creating a site. Values: GISProfessionalStdUT | GISProfessionalBasicUT | GISProfessionalAdvUT | creatorUT. Please refer to the authorization json file for available options.
      • LicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the License File.
      • LicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the License File.
      • PortalAdministrator - Portal for ArcGIS initial administrator account. For additional information check out the Portal for ArcGIS Initial Administrator Account variable wiki page. This also includes the Security Question Index List.
      • EmailSettings - Starting at version 10.8.1, this resource returns the email settings that have been configured for your organization. These settings can be used to send out email notifications from ArcGIS Enterprise portal about password policy updates and user type, add-on, or organization capability license expirations.
        • SMTPServerAddress - Your host SMTP server address.
        • From - Admin email address.
        • Label - Admin email address appearance.
        • AuthenticationRequired - Set this Boolean (true|false), if your host SMTP server requires authentication.
        • SMTPPort - port number for host SMTP server.
        • UserName - username for smtp account. Only required if AuthenticationRequired is set to true.
        • Password - password for smtp account. Only required if AuthenticationRequired is set to true.
        • PasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted Password File Path.
        • EncryptionMethod - SSL | TLS | NONE.
      • ContentDirectoryLocation - The path where content of your new site will be initialized. Generally, it is the ContentDir mentioned above, followed by \arcgisportal\content, but it can be a completely independent path as well. For a Single Machine Portal this can be a Local Path (Ex. same as ContentDir), but for 2 Machine Portal this needs to be a Shared Location.
      • EnableAutomaticAccountCreation - (Optional) Set this Boolean to enable Automatic Account Creation if Integrated Windows Authentication is enabled by specifying 'ADServiceUser' Credential in the Credentials block.
      • DefaultRoleForUser - This property sets which role the portal automatically assigns to new accounts. By default, new accounts are assigned to account_user. Other possible values are account_publisher or the ID of one of the custom roles defined in your organization. To obtain a custom role ID, login to the portal sharing directory and navigate to Portals > Self > Roles where you can copy the custom role ID you wish to use. Values: account_user | account_publisher | custom_role_ID
      • DefaultUserLicenseTypeIdForUser - This property sets the default user type assigned to users during account creation and when creating built-in accounts. These user types must be compatible with the defaultRoleForUser that has been specified. Values: fieldWorkerUT | GISProfessionalStdUT | GISProfessionalBasicUT | GISProfessionalAdvUT | creatorUT | editorUT | viewerUT
      • ExternalLoadBalancer - External Load Balancer Endpoint fronting Web Adaptors. This parameter can be used to use alternate Load Balancer (HAProxy, Nginx, F5, etc.) to IIS-ARR Load Balancer.
      • InternalLoadBalancer - Internal Load Balancer Endpoint fronting 7443 ports on Portal Machines. This parameter can be used to use a Load Balancer (HAProxy, Nginx, F5, etc.).
    • DataStore

      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the data store Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
        • InstallDir - The path where the component will be installed.
        • PatchesDir - (Optional)
      • ContentDirectoryLocation - The directory where the data store will be initialized.
      • EnableFailoverOnPrimaryStop - (Optional) Boolean (true|false). Set to true to enable failover to secondary when primary datastore is stopped. The default is false.
    • DataStoreItems - Only RasterStore is being tested and supported as of now. We will support Folder, CloudStore and BigDataFileShare in future releases.

      • RasterStore
        • FileShareName - The name of the raster file share
        • FileShareLocalPath - The local path of the raster file share on a specified machine (Only required when a new file share needs to be created)
        • ExternalFileSharePath - Reference an external raster file share
    • WebAdaptor

      • Installer

        • Path - The path to the web adaptor's Installer file that should be installed.
      • AdminAccessEnabled - (Optional) This enables access to ArcGIS Server Manager and the ArcGIS Server Admin Directory. The default value is false.

      • WebSiteId - (Optional) The WebSiteId parameter is used to specify the website where the ArcGIS Web Adaptor web application will be created. The value for WebSiteId is a number specific to each website on your server and assigned by IIS. The IDs for the websites on your server can be found in IIS Manager. The default website has a website ID of 1. By default, the WebSiteId parameter is set to the default website (even if multiple websites exist).

    • Federation - (Required only when deploying a federated GIS server role)

      • PortalHostName - (Optional) The hostname of the portal with which you're federating the server. Required when federating a specialized server with a remote portal. (Needs to be a Fully Qualified Domain Name)
      • PortalPort - (Optional) The port number of the portal with which you're federating the server. Required when federating a specialized server with a remote portal.
      • PortalContext - (Optional) The context of the portal with which you're federating the server. Required when federating a specialized server with a remote portal.
      • PortalAdministrator - A primary admin user for the portal with which the GIS Server site will be federated.
    • Desktop

      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the Desktop Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
        • InstallDir - The path where the Desktop component will be installed.
        • InstallDirPython - The path where the Python directory required by Desktop will be installed.
        • PatchesDir - (Optional)
      • LicenseFilePath- The path where your [.pvrc] license file from My Esri resides.
      • LicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the License File.
      • LicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the License File.
      • SeatPreference - (Required)
        • Fixed - Installs your ArcGIS software class as a Single Use seat..
        • Float - Installs your ArcGIS software class as a Concurrent Use seat.
      • InstallFeatures - Applications to install all Application subfeatures. ALL | (,,..). Possible values for subfeatures.
        • Applications - ArcMap, ArcCatalog
        • Miscellaneous features - Python
        • Extensions - Ext_3D_Analyst, ArcScan, GeoStatisticalAnalyst, ArcMap_Publishing_Extension, SpatialAnalyst, Schematics, NetworkAnalyst, TrackingAnalyst
        • Styles - CivicAndBusiness, NaturalResources
        • Templates - TemplateGeneral, TemplateIndustry, TemplateWorld, TemplateUSA
      • ModifyFlexdAcl - (Optional) TRUE | FALSE (Default). Enabling this property to TRUE alters the following permissions to allow management of the FlexNet anchor service by any user: SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS, SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS, SERVICE_START SERVICE_INTERROGATE, SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL, READ_CONTROL
      • EnableEUEI - True (Default - Enables participation of Esri User Experience Improvement Program) | False (Does not enable participation in the Esri User Experience Improvement.).
      • SoftwareClass - Viewer | Editor | Professional.
        • Viewer - (Required) Installs ArcGIS Desktop as Basic (ArcView).
        • Editor - Installs ArcGIS Desktop as Standard (ArcEditor).
        • Professional - Installs ArcGIS Desktop as Advanced (ArcInfo).
      • BlockAddIns - (Optional)
        • 0 - Load all add-ins regardless of whether they have digital signatures.
        • 1 - Only load and use add-ins that are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority.
        • 2 - Only load and use add-ins that have been published by Esri.
        • 3 - Only load add-ins from the administrator folders and all add-ins published by Esri.
        • 4 - Do not load or execute add-ins in this application.
      • DesktopConfig - (Required - if you supply ESRI_LICENSE_HOST, SOFTWARE_CLASS, and SEAT_PREFERENCE on the command line.) Setting this parameter to TRUE will prevent ArcGIS Administrator Wizard from being launched automatically at the end of the setup.
      • EsriLicenseHost - (Required for when SEAT_PREFERENCE is set to Concurrent Use) Machine name where license manager is installed.
    • Pro

      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the Pro Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
        • InstallDir - The path where the Pro component will be installed.
        • PatchesDir - (Optional)
      • LicenseFilePath- The path where your [.pvrc] license file from My Esri resides.
      • LicensePasswordFilePath - (Optional) Encrypted License Password File Path associated with the License File.
      • LicensePassword - (Optional) License Password associated with the License File.
      • AuthorizationType -
        • SINGLE_USE - install ArcGIS Pro as a Single Use seat;
        • CONCURRENT_USE - install as a Concurrent Use seat;
        • NAMED_USER - uses a Named User license.
      • LockAuthSettings - True(Default) | False. During a silent, per-machine installation of ArcGIS Pro, if the authorization type is defined, this is set to True under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Esri\ArcGISPro\Licensing. When LOCK_AUTH_SETTINGS is True, the licensing settings in the registry apply to all ArcGIS Pro users on that machine; an individual user cannot make changes. To allow ArcGIS Pro users on the machine to define their own authorization settings through the ArcGIS Pro application, set LOCK_AUTH_SETTINGS to False. This property does not apply to a per-user installation.
      • BlockAddIns - If specified, the BlockAddins registry value allows system administrators to configure the types of add-ins that ArcGIS Pro will load. It is created under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Esri\ArcGISPro\Settings. This property is only read during a per-machine installation; it is ignored if specified for a per-user setup.
        • 0 will load all add-ins, regardless of whether they have digital signatures.
        • 1 will only load add-ins that are digitally assigned by a trusted certificate authority.
        • 2 will only load add-ins that have been published by Esri.
        • 3 will only load add-ins from the administrator folders and those published by Esri.
        • 4 will not load or execute add-ins.
        • 5 will only load add-ins from the administrator folders. Level 0 is the default.
      • SoftwareClass - Viewer | Editor | Professional.
      • PortalList - To add one or more portal connections to the Portals page. Use semicolons to separate portal URLs. Example value - <portalURL1>; <portalURL2>
      • AllUsers - Defines the installation context of the ArcGIS Pro setup, where ALLUSERS=1 specifies a per-machine install. If this parameter is not specified, the installation defaults to per-machine. If a user without administrative privileges attempts to set ALLUSERS=1, the installation fails. ALLUSERS=2, per-user install, is not supported.
      • EsriLicenseHost - Specifies the host name of the license manager. Multiple license servers can be defined by separating the host names with a semicolon; for example, @primaryLM;@backupLM2;@backupLM3.
      • EnableEUEI - True (Default - Enables participation of Esri User Experience Improvement Program) | False (Does not enable participation in the Esri User Experience Improvement.).
      • CheckForUpdatesAtStartup - True (Default enables automatic update notifications of ArcGIS Pro) | False.
    • LicenseManager

      • LicenseFilePath - The path where your [.pvrs] license file from My Esri resides.
      • Installer
        • Path - The path to the License Manager Installer file you downloaded from My Esri.
        • InstallDir - The path where the License Manager component will be installed.
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