Using Internet Protocol (IP) address instead of Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) - Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc GitHub Wiki

Starting in ArcGIS Module v3.0.1, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses can now be used as hostnames instead of Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN).

This workflow guides you through deploying ArcGIS Enterprise using IP addresses. Once the deployment finishes, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Data Store, and the ArcGIS Web Adaptor will all be using IP addresses for their hostnames.

Note: ArcGIS Mission Server 10.8 does not support using IP as its hostname.


  • Obtain and configure an Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate issued to the IP address.

    Note: This is only required if deploying the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS). The ArcGIS Module will not be able to generate the SSL certificate for IIS if the "NodeName" is pointing to an IP address.

  • Use the following command to add all the machines in the deployment cluster and the orchestrating machine to each other's trusted host list. Run the command on every machine in the deployment.

    winrm s winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts="<IP address goes here>"}'

    Note: Additional IP's are separated by a comma. For example:

    winrm s winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts=","}'

Prepare your deployment

Before you run the command for the module in PowerShell DSC, you’ll need to obtain the necessary files and resources and add them to your local machine.

Note: We recommend you use WMF 5.x for the best experience.

Log in to the machine on which you'll install ArcGIS Enterprise. You should have administrative authority on the machine.

You can prepare the files either through GitHub or using the PowerShell Gallery.

Option 1: Prepare your deployment using GitHub

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Add the "ArcGIS" modules folder to your PsModulePath, or copy the modules into the default PowerShell Modules folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules).
  3. Log in to My Esri. Download your ArcGIS Enterprise software installation files and licenses to the machine.

Option 2: Prepare your deployment using the PowerShell Gallery

  1. Log in to My Esri. Download your ArcGIS Enterprise software installation files and licenses.
  2. Install the ArcGIS module using the command Install-Module ArcGIS.
  3. Download the SampleConfigs files from the GitHub repository.

Edit the configuration file

  1. Open the BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json file from the SampleConfigs folder on your local machine.
  2. Replace the placeholder variables in brackets with your deployment properties and parameters. Refer to the Variables reference page for a full list.
  3. Type the IP address in the "NodeName" variable within the json file instead of a fully qualified domain name. For example:
"AllNodes": [
            "NodeName": "",
  1. If deploying the ArcGIS Web Adaptor, be sure to include the path to the pre-existing SSL certificate that is issued to the IP address. For example:
"AllNodes":  [
                         "NodeName":  "",
			 "SslCertificates":  [
                                       "Path":  "C:\\certificates\\ip_cert.pfx",
                                       "Password":  "cert_password",
                                       "CNameFQDN":  "",
                                       "Target" :["WebAdaptor"]

Install your deployment

In PowerShell DSC, run the Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration cmdlet, with the -Credential parameter, and provide the path to the configuration file as an input parameter. Mode, DebudSwitch and MappedDriveOverrideFlag are optional arguments.

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile [Path to Configuration JSON File](/Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc/wiki/Path-to-Configuration-JSON-File) -Mode [Install | InstallLicense | InstallLicenseConfigure | Uninstall | Upgrade] -Credential [Config RunAs] -MappedDriveOverrideFlag [$True | $False] -DebugSwitch


Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration [Path to Configuration json File](/Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc/wiki/Path-to-Configuration-json-File) [Install | InstallLicense | InstallLicenseConfigure | Uninstall | Upgrade] -Credential [Config RunAs] -MappedDriveOverrideFlag [$True | $False] -DebugSwitch