PowerShell DSC ArcGIS Module Command Line Parameters - Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc GitHub Wiki

V3.0.0 and Above

Command Name



The Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration cmdlet runs the configuration file on a local or remote computer to install, authorize, and configure ArcGIS software.


Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration [-ConfigurationParametersFile] <array> [[-Mode] {Install | InstallLicense | InstallLicenseConfigure | Uninstall | Upgrade | WebGISDRExport | WebGISDRImport}] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-MappedDriveOverrideFlag <bool>][-DebugSwitch][<CommonParameters>]



Path to a configuration json file containing variable parameters. Example:

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json


  • Install: Runs the installation setup files specified in the configuration file. Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode Install
  • InstallLicense: Runs the installation setup files and authorizes software using the licenses specified in the configuration file. Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicense
  • InstallLicenseConfigure: Runs the installation setup files, authorizes software using the licenses specified in the configuration file, and configures the deployment based on all parameters specified in the configuration file (Examples include but are not limited to: creating a portal and ArcGIS Server site, registering Web Adaptors, federating ArcGIS Server sites, and applying Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates). Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure
  • Uninstall: Uninstalls the components specified in the configuration file. Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode Uninstall
  • Upgrade: Upgrades the components specified in the configuration file. With -Mode Upgrade, an array of configuration parameter json files can be specified in the -ConfigurationParametersFile parameter to allow you to upgrade multiple components Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json, C:\config\AdditionalFederatedServer.json -Mode Upgrade
  • WebGISDRExport: Creates an ArcGIS Enterprise backup using the Web GIS Disaster Recovery (WebGISDR) tool. Introduced in ArcGIS Module v4.3.0. Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json -Mode WebGISDRExport
  • WebGISDRImport: Restores an ArcGIS Enterprise from a backup using the Web GIS Disaster Recovery (WebGISDR) tool. Introduced in ArcGIS Module v4.3.0. Example:

    Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json -Mode WebGISDRImport


Specifies a user name for the credential, such as User01 or Domain01\User01. The parameter name, -Credential, is optional. When you submit the command and specify a user name, you're prompted for a password. If you omit this parameter, you're prompted for a user name and a password. Example of providing the -Credential parameter:

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -Credential Domain\username


Set to true if using mapped network drives for the Portal content directory ("ContentDirectoryLocation"), and/or the ArcGIS Server configuration store and directories ("ConfigStoreLocation", "ServerDirectoriesRootLocation", "ServerDirectories"). Otherwise, the default is false. Example:

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -Credential Domain\username -MappedDriveOverrideFlag true


Changes the portal logLevel and server logLevel settings from WARNING to DEBUG. Additionally, it displays debug logging in the output stream for PowerShell DSC.

Note: This should only be used for debugging purposes only, when done debugging re-run DSC without the -DebugSwitch to change the server and portal logLevel back to WARNING.


Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -DebugSwitch


Creates an MSI log file for each ArcGIS Enterprise setup that is being installed (available at v3.2.0 and above). Example:

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -EnableMSILogging


Uses WinRM HTTPS (port 5986) instead of WinRM HTTP (port 5985). Available at v3.3.0 and above. The -Credential parameter is required when using -UseSSL parameter. Example:

Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -UseSSL -Credential Domain\username

V2.1.1 and Below

Command Name



The Configure-ArcGIS cmdlet runs the configuration file on a local or remote computer to install, authorize, and configure ArcGIS software.


Configure-ArcGIS [-ConfigurationParametersFile] <array> [[-Mode] {Install | InstallLicense | InstallLicenseConfigure | Uninstall | Upgrade}] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-MappedDriveOverrideFlag <bool>][-DebugSwitch][<CommonParameters>]



Path to a configuration json file containing variable parameters. Example:

Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json


  • Install: Runs the installation setup files specified in the configuration file. Example:

    Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode Install

  • InstallLicense: Runs the installation setup files and authorizes software using the licenses specified in the configuration file. Example:

    Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicense

  • InstallLicenseConfigure: Runs the installation setup files, authorizes software using the licenses specified in the configuration file, and configures the deployment based on all parameters specified in the configuration file (Examples include but are not limited to: creating a portal and ArcGIS Server site, registering Web Adaptors, federating ArcGIS Server sites, and applying Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates). Example:

    Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure

  • Uninstall: Uninstalls the components specified in the configuration file. Example:

    Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode Uninstall

  • Upgrade: Upgrades components specified in the configuration file. With -Mode Upgrade an array of configuration parameter json files can be specified in the -ConfigurationParametersFile parameter. Example:

    Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json, C:\config\AdditionalFederatedServer.json -Mode Upgrade


Specifies a user name for the credential, such as User01 or Domain01\User01. The parameter name, -Credential, is optional. When you submit the command and specify a user name, you're prompted for a password. If you omit this parameter, you're prompted for a user name and a password. Example of specifying the -Credential parameter:

Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -Credential Domain\username


Set to true if using mapped network drives for the Portal content directory ("ContentDirectoryLocation"), and/or ArcGIS Server configuration store and directories ("ConfigStoreLocation", "ServerDirectoriesRootLocation"). Otherwise, the default is false. Example:

Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -Credential Domain\username -MappedDriveOverrideFlag true


Enables debug logging in the output stream for PowerShell DSC. Example:

Configure-ArcGIS -ConfigurationParametersFile C:\config\BaseDeployment.json -Mode InstallLicenseConfigure -DebugSwitch

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