New Variables Introduced in each PowerShell DSC Module Version - Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc GitHub Wiki


With each release of the PowerShell DSC for ArcGIS Module, there may be new variables that are introduced to support the deployment, configuration, and customization of continuously evolving ArcGIS Software. This page is designed to help quickly identify new variables and when they were introduced to the PowerShell DSC Module.

For general ArcGIS Software version compatability with the PowerShell DSC for ArcGIS, checkout the Supported ArcGIS Versions page to see if the desired ArcGIS Software component type and version are supported with the desired PowerShell DSC for ArcGIS module version.

Below you will find the PowerShell DSC Module variable(s) and the corresponding ArcGIS PowerShell DSC module they were introduced. Unless otherwise noted, each section's variables and syntatical changes are cumulative and are assumed to be inherited in new versions of the PowerShell DSC Module for ArcGIS. Please visit the Variables Reference page for the desired version of the PowerShell DSC Module for ArcGIS.

Version 4.3.0 release of ArcGIS PowerShell DSC Module

Beginning at version 4.3.0 of the PowerShell DSC Module for ArcGIS, the use of Environment Variables to store passwords was introduced. This functionality can help provide a secure method of storing passwords on the local machines as environment variables instead of generating encrypted password files or keeping the passwords in plain text in the JSON configuration file. For more details on how to configure the nodes and the JSON configuration file to use these attributes, please visit Use environment variables for passwords.

In addition, the ability to run webgisdr import and export processes via the PowerShell DSC Module for ArcGIS has also been introduced. Visit our help document on how to use webgisdr via the PowerShell DSC Module for ArcGIS for more information.

JSON Configuration File Attribute Value Updates

  • ConfigData.Version - added accepted value of 11.3.

  • ConfigData.OldVersion - added accepted value of 11.2.

New Variable(s) and Attribute(s)

  • AllNodes.ServerLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password.
    • This attribute will override the following attributes if they are defined:
      • ConfigData.Server.LicensePassword
      • ConfigData.Server.LicensePasswordFilePath
    • Example usage:
      "AllNodes": [
              "NodeName": "",
              "Role": [
              "ServerLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_SERVER_LICENSE_PASSWORD"
  • AllNodes.GeoEventServerLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password.
    • This attribute will override the following attributes if they are defined:
      • ConfigData.Server.LicensePassword
      • ConfigData.Server.LicensePasswordFilePath
      • ConfigData.GeoEvent.LicensePassword
      • ConfigData.GeoEvent.LicensePasswordFilePath
    • Example usage:
      "AllNodes": [
              "NodeName": "",
              "Role": [
              "GeoEventServerLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_GEOEVENT_SERVER_LICENSE_PASSWORD"
  • AllNodes.WorkflowManagerServerLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password.
    • This attribute will override the following attributes if they are defined:
      • ConfigData.Server.LicensePassword
      • ConfigData.Server.LicensePasswordFilePath
      • ConfigData.WorkflowManagerServer.LicensePassword
      • ConfigData.WorkflowManagerServer.LicensePasswordFilePath
    • Example usage:
      "AllNodes": [
              "NodeName": "",
              "Role": [
              "WorkflowManagerServerLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_WFM_SERVER_LICENSE_PASSWORD"
  • AllNodes.ProLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password.
    • This attribute will override the following attributes if they are defined:
      • ConfigData.Pro.LicensePassword
      • ConfigData.Pro.LicensePasswordFilePath
    • Example usage:
      "AllNodes": [
              "NodeName": "",
              "Role": [
              "ProLicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_PRO_LICENSE_PASSWORD"
  • AllNodes.SslCertificates.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password.
    • Example usage:
      "AllNodes": [
              "NodeName": "",
              "Role": [
              "SslCertificates": [
                      "Path": "C:\\path\\to\\certificate.pfx",
                      "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD",
                      "CNameFQDN": "",
                      "Target": [
                      "SslRootOrIntermediate": [
                              "Alias": "root_cert",
                              "Path": "C:\\path\\to\\root_cert.cer"
                              "Alias": "intermediate_cert",
                              "Path": "C:\\path\\to\\intermediate_cert.cer"
  • ConfigData.SkipPatchInstalls

    • Optional, Boolean (true | false). Default value is false.
    • When this attribute is set to true the ArcGIS Enterprise patches are not downloaded or installed.
    • This attribute overrides any PatchesDir inside the JSON configuration file. This allows a user to keep the ConfigData.*.Installer.PatchesDir in their JSON configuration files at all times without requiring the patches to be downloaded and installed each time.
  • ConfigData.ServiceAccount.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the ArcGIS (Windows) Service Account.
  • ConfigData.AGOCredential.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password of the ArcGIS Online credential used to download patches and installation media.
  • ConfigData.ADServiceUser.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password of the Active Directory account to use for configuring Active Directory logins to ArcGIS Enterprise.
ArcGIS Server
  • ConfigData.Server.Installer.VolumePaths

    • Optional. Only Required when ConfigData.DownloadSetups is set to true.
    • Array of String(s)
    • As of ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3, the ArcGIS Server self-extracting package consists of two files with .exe and .exe.001 extensions. Specify the path to the exe.001 file, ensure that both files are in the same folder. Only required when ConfigData.DownloadSetups is set to true.
  • ConfigData.Server.LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the ArcGIS Server License file.
  • ConfigData.Server.PrimarySiteAdmin.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the Primary Site Administrator account for ArcGIS Server.
  • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.AuthorityHost

    • Required if ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobAuthenticationType is set to ServicePrincipal.
    • Use this attribute to define the Azure Identity URL to use for the service principal credential.
Portal for ArcGIS
  • ConfigData.Portal.Installer.VolumePaths

    • Optional. Only Required when ConfigData.DownloadSetups is set to true.
    • Array of String(s)
    • As of ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3, the Portal for ArcGIS self-extracting package consists of two files with .exe and .exe.001 extensions. Specify the path to the exe.001 file, ensure that both files are in the same folder.
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalAdministrator.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the Inital Administrator Account for Portal for ArcGIS.
  • ConfigData.Portal.EmailSettings.PasswordEnvironmentVariableName

    • Optional, String. Only required with SMTP servers that require authentication.
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the smtp server configuration with Portal for ArcGIS.
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.AuthorityHost

    • Required if ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobAuthenticationType is set to ServicePrincipal.
    • Use this attribute to define the Azure Identity URL to use for the service principal credential.
  • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR

    • This JSON object can be used to import/export a webgisdr backup into ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Required to use -Mode WebGISDrExport or -Mode WebGISDrImport
    • This JSON object includes the following required sub-attributes:
      • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR.WebGISDRPropertiesFilePath
      • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR.TimeoutInMinutes
      • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR.RunAsAccount.UserName
      • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR.RunAsAccount.Password
      • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR.RunAsAccount.IsDomainAccount
      • ConfigData.Portal.WebGISDR.RunAsAccount.IsMSAAccount
GeoEvent Server
  • ConfigData.GeoEventServer.LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName
    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the Primary Site Administrator account for ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.
Workflow Manager Server
  • ConfigData.WorkflowManagerServer.LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName
    • Optional, String
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the Primary Site Administrator account for ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server.
ArcGIS Pro
  • ConfigData.Pro.Installer.EdgeWebView2RuntimeDownloadUrl

    • Optional, String.
    • Only used for ArcGIS Pro 3.3 or above
    • Attribute used to define the desired url to download Edge Web View 2 Runtime.
  • ConfigData.Pro.Installer.EdgeWebView2RuntimePath

    • Required, String.
    • Only used for ArcGIS Pro 3.3 or above
    • Attribute used to define the path of the Edge Web View 2 Runtime.

    Note: If ConfigData.Pro.Installer.EdgeWebView2RuntimeDownloadUrl is defined, the Edge Web View 2 Runtime will be downloaded to the path defined in ConfigData.Pro.Installer.EdgeWebView2RuntimePath

ArcGIS Desktop
  • ConfigData.Desktop.LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName
    • Optional, String. Only required with SMTP servers that require authentication.
    • Use this attribute to define the environment variable name to use as the key to retrieve the desired password for the ArcGIS Desktop License file.
Example usage of abovementioned attributes:
"ConfigData": {
    "Credentials": {
        "ServiceAccount": {
            "UserName": "arcgis",
            "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_SVC_ACCT_PASSWORD",
            "IsDomainAccount": false
        "AGOCredential": {
            "UserName": "agoluser",
            "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "AGOL_ACCT_PASSWORD"
        "ADServiceUser": {
            "UserName": "adsvcuser",
            "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "AD_SVC_ACCT_PASSWORD"
    "Server": {
        "LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_SERVER_LICENSE_PASSWORD",
        "Installer": {
            "VolumePaths": [
        "PrimarySiteAdmin": {
            "UserName": "siteadmin",
            "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_SITEADMIN_PASSWORD"
    "Portal": {
        "LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_PORTAL_LICENSE_PASSWORD",
        "VolumePaths": [
        "PortalAdministrator": {
            "UserName": "portaladmin",
            "Email": "[email protected]",
            "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_PORTALADMIN_PASSWORD",
            "SecurityQuestionIndex": 1,
            "SecurityAnswer": "vanilla"
            "SMTPServerAddress": "",
            "AuthenticationRequired": true,
            "UserName": "smtpuser",
            "PasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "SMTP_ACCT_PASSWORD",
        "WebGISDR": {
            "WebGISDRPropertiesFilePath": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Portal\\tools\\webgisdr\\",
            "TimeoutInMinutes": 3600,
                "UserName": "arcgis",
                "Password": "password",
                "IsDomainAccount": false,
                "IsMSAAccount": false
    "GeoEventServer": {
        "LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_GEOEVENT_SERVER_LICENSE_PASSWORD"
    "WorkflowManagerServer": {
        "LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_WFM_SERVER_LICENSE_PASSWORD"
    "Pro": {
        "Installer": {
            "EdgeWebView2RuntimeDownloadUrl": "",
            "EdgeWebView2RuntimePath": "C:\\path\\to\\MicrosoftEdgeWebview2Setup.exe"
    "Desktop": {
        "LicensePasswordEnvironmentVariableName": "ARCGIS_DESKTOP_LICENSE_PASSWORD"

Deprectated Variables and Attributes


Version 4.2.1 release of ArcGIS PowerShell DSC Module

JSON Configuration File Attribute Value Updates

  • ConfigData.InsightsVersion - added accepted value of 2023.2 and 2023.3.

  • ConfigData.OldInsightsVersion - added accepted value of 2023.1 and 2023.2.

New Variable(s) and Attribute(s)

  • ConfigData.DownloadSetupsToSharedPath
    • Optional, boolean - true | false
    • When set to true, setups will be downloaded to a shared path. The share path must pre-exist and the NT\Authority Local System account from each target node must have permissions to access the location.
    • Default value is false.

Deprectated Variables and Attributes


Version 4.2.0 release of ArcGIS PowerShell DSC Module

JSON Configuration File Syntax Changes

  • AllNodes.Role no longer accepts ServerWebAdaptor or PortalWebAdaptor. These variables are replaced by WebAdaptor.

  • If WebAdaptor is listed in the AllNodes.Role array, then the AllNodes.WebAdaptorConfig attribute will also need to be added and each web adpator that will be installed on the node will need the appropriate attributes defined.

  • ConfigData.Version - added accepted value of 11.2.

  • ConfigData.ProVersion - added accepted value of 3.2.

  • ConfigData.LicenseManagerVersion - added accepted value of 2023.0.

  • ConfigData.InsightsVersion - added accepted value of 2023.1.

  • ConfigData.OldVersion - added accepted value of 11.1.

  • ConfigData.OldInsightsVersion - added accepted value of 2022.3.

New Variables and Attributes

ArcGIS Server
  • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobAuthenticationType

    • Required if ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.CloudStorageType is set to AzureBlob.
    • Accepted values are: AccessKey,ServicePrincipal,UserAssignedIdentity, or SASToken.
  • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobUserAssignedIdentityClientId

    • Required if ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.CloudStorageType is set to AzureBlob and ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobAuthenticationType is set to UserAssignedIdentity.
  • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal

    • Required if ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.CloudStorageType is set to AzureBlob
    • This JSON object includes the following required sub-attributes:
      • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.TenantId
      • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.ClientId
      • ConfigData.Server.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.ClientSecret
Portal for ArcGIS
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobAuthenticationType

    • Required if ConfigData.Portal.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.CloudStorageType is set to AzureBlob.
    • Accepted values are: AccessKey,ServicePrincipal,UserAssignedIdentity, or SASToken.
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobUserAssignedIdentityClientId

    • Required if ConfigData.Portal.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.CloudStorageType is set to AzureBlob and ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobAuthenticationType is set to UserAssignedIdentity.
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal

    • This JSON object defines the Azure Blob service principal account to be used for Azure Blob Storage. Required if ConfigData.Portal.ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount.CloudStorageType is set to AzureBlob.
    • This JSON object includes the following required sub-attributes:
      • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.TenantId
      • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.ClientId
      • ConfigData.Portal.PortalContentCloudStorageAccount.AzureBlobServicePrincipal.ClientSecret
ArcGIS Data Store
  • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.Relational.CloudStorageAccount.AWSS3Region

    • Required at version 11.2 and above if using S3 storage for ArcGIS Relational Data Store backups.
  • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.TileCache.CloudStorageAccount.AWSS3Region

    • Required at 11.2 and above if using S3 storage for ArcGIS Tile Cache Data Store backups.
  • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.SpatioTemporal.CloudStorageAccount.AWSS3Region

    • Required at 11.2 and above if using S3 storage for ArcGIS Spatiotemportal Big Data Store backups.
  • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore

    • This JSON object includes the following sub-attributes:
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.Name
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.Type
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.Location
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.ForceBackupLocationUpdate
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.IsDefault
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.CloudStorageAccount.UserName
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.CloudStorageAccount.Password
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.CloudStorageAccount.PasswordFile
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.CloudStorageAccount.ForceUpdate
      • ConfigData.DataStore.Backups.ObjectStore.CloudStorageAccount.AWSS3Region
ArcGIS Web Adaptor
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat

    • Added support for Java based ArcGIS Web Adaptors using Apache Tomcat.
    • If desired, the PowerShell DSC Module can download, install, and/or configure Apache Tomcat web server on Windows.
    • This JSON object includes the following sub-attributes:
      • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.Version - The version of Apache Tomcat that will be installed. Ensure that this version is supported by the desired version of the ArcGIS Web Adaptor software system requirements.
      • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.Path - The path to the Apache Tomcat installer zip file.
      • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.DownloadUrl - The download url to the Apache Tomcat installer zip file. When ConfigData.DownloadSetups is set to true, the zip file is downloaded from the specified url (for example, to the path specified for ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.Path (If a local path is specified and does not exist, the module will create it).
      • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.InstallDir - The path where the component will be installed.
      • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.ServiceName - The name of the ApacheTomcat Windows Service to be created.
      • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.ApacheTomcat.SSLProtocol - The desired TLS protocol settings. For example, TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2.
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.IsJavaWebAdaptor

    • Boolean true|false. Default value is false.
    • Set to true when installing ArcGIS WebAdaptor (Java) on Windows.
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.JavaWebServerWebAppDirectory

    • Full file path to the web server's application directory in which the arcgis.war file will be deployed to.
    • Required when ConfigData.WebAdaptor.IsJavaWebAdaptor is set to true

Deprecated Variables and Attributes

The following variables and/or attributes were removed from the variables reference page for v4.2.0 of the PowerShell DSC Module.

  • AllNodes.ServerContext
  • AllNodes.AdminAccessEnabled
  • AllNodes.PortalLicenseFilePath
  • AllNodes.PortalLicensePassword
  • AllNodes.PortalLicensePasswordFilePath

Version 4.1.0 release of ArcGIS PowerShell DSC Module

JSON Configuration Syntax Changes

  • ConfigData.Version - added accepted value of 11.1.

  • ConfigData.ProVersion - added accepted value of 3.1.

  • ConfigData.LicenseManagerVersion - added accepted value of 2022.1.

  • ConfigData.OldVersion - added accepted value of 11.0.

New Variables and Attributes

  • ConfigData.*.Installer.IsSelfExtracting

    Note: The '*' above indicates that this applies to all of the JSON object blocks under ConfigData that include an Installer object. For example, this applies to Portal, Server, DataStore, WebAdaptor, etc.

ArcGIS Server
  • ConfigData.Server.Extensions.*.Installer.IsSelfExtracting

    Note: The '*' above indicates that this applies to all of the JSON object blocks under ConfigData.Server.Extensions that include an Installer object. For example, this applies to DataInteroperability, DataReviewer, WorkflowManagerClassic, LocationReferencing, etc.

  • ConfigData.Server.SharedKey
Portal for ArcGIS
  • ConfigData.Portal.Installer.WebStylesInstallerIsSelfExtracting
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalAdministrator.FullName
  • ConfigData.Portal.PortalAdministrator.Description
ArcGIS WebAdaptor
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.DotnetHostingBundlePath
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.WebDeployPath
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.DotnetHostingBundleDownloadUrl
  • ConfigData.WebAdaptor.Installer.WebDeployDownloadUrl
ArcGIS Desktop
  • ConfigData.Desktop.Extensions.*.Installer.IsSelfExtracting

    Note: The '*' above indicates that this applies to all of the JSON object blocks under ConfigData.Desktop.Extensions that include an Installer object. For example, this applies to DataInteroperability, DataReviewer, WorkflowManagerClassic, LocationReferencing, etc.

ArcGIS Pro
  • ConfigData.Pro.Installer.DotnetDesktopRuntimeDownloadUrl
  • ConfigData.Pro.Installer.DotnetDesktopRuntimePath
  • ConfigData.Pro.Extensions.*.Installer.IsSelfExtracting

    Note: The '*' above indicates that this applies to all of the JSON object blocks under ConfigData.Pro.Extensions that include an Installer object. For example, this applies to DataInteroperability.

Deprectated Variables and Attributes


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️