ArcGIS Server Primary Administrator Account and Portal for ArcGIS Initial Administrator Account variables - Esri/arcgis-powershell-dsc GitHub Wiki

ArcGIS Module v3.0.1 and Above

The ArcGIS Server Primary Administrator account and Portal for ArcGIS Initial Administrator account are now defined as two different variables: "PortalAdministrator" and "PrimarySiteAdmin". This adds more flexibility in allowing each component to have a unique username/password.


"ConfigData": {
	"Server": {
		"PrimarySiteAdmin": {
                "UserName": "[PrimarySiteAdmin Username]",
                "Password": "[PrimarySiteAdmin Password]"
	"Portal": {
		"PortalAdministrator": {
                "UserName": "[PortalAdministrator Username]",
                "Email": "[PortalAdministrator Email]",
                "Password": "[PortalAdministrator Password]",
                "SecurityQuestionIndex": 1,
                "SecurityAnswer": "vanilla"

ArcGIS Module v3.0.0 and Below

The "PrimarySiteAdmin" variable is used for both the ArcGIS Server Primary Administrator account and Portal for ArcGIS Initial Administrator account. The "PrimarySiteAdmin" variable is a global parameter, specified in the Credentials block of the json file, and creates the same username/password for both components.


"ConfigData": {
    "Credentials": {
        "PrimarySiteAdmin": {
            "UserName": "[PortalAdministrator Username]",
            "Email": "[PortalAdministrator Email]",
            "Password": "[PortalAdministrator Password]",
            "SecurityQuestionIndex": 1,
            "SecurityAnswer": "vanilla"

Modify a v3.0.0 and below config json file to use in v3.0.1 and above

  1. Add the "PortalAdministrator" variable to the "Portal":{} block. Use the same parameters and values as the ones specified in your original "Credentials":{} block. You can find a sample in the BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json.
  2. Add the "PrimarySiteAdmin" variable to the "Server":{} block. For the username/password use the same values as the ones specified in your original "Credentials":{} block. You can find a sample in the BaseDeployment-SingleMachine.json.

Note Prior to running the module, if you want to designate a different username/password for the ArcGIS Server primary site administrator, you can modify it. Follow the steps outlined in Edit the primary site administrator account in the ArcGIS Server help.

  1. Remove the "PrimarySiteAdmin" variable from the "Credentials":{} block

Security Question Index List

The "SecurityQuestionIndex" parameter defines a security question that will be used when retrieving forgotten passwords. In the config json file use the numerical value. A full list can be found in the Secret questions & indexes page.

  1. What city were you born in?
  2. What was your high school mascot?
  3. What is your mother's maiden name?
  4. What was the make of your first car?
  5. What high school did you go to?
  6. What is the last name of your best friend?
  7. What is the middle name of your youngest sibling?
  8. What is the name of the street on which you grew up?
  9. What is the name of your favorite fictional character?
  10. What is the name of your favorite pet?
  11. What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
  12. What is the title of your favorite book?
  13. What is your dream job?
  14. Where did you go on your first date?