Release Notes - Esri/arcgis-osm-editor GitHub Wiki

#10.7.x Release Notes Updates to install to support ArcGIS 10.7 and general bug fixes.

#10.6.x Release Notes Updates to install to support ArcGIS 10.6 and general bug fixes.

#10.5.x Release Notes Updates to install to support ArcGIS 10.5 and general bug fixes.

#10.4.x Release Notes

New Tools

  • OSM File Loader (Load Only): This tool loads data from a .OSM file into a geodatabase and creates points, line, and polygon features from the content, much like the "Load OSM File" tool. However, the new tool loads the data in a slightly different (more simple) schema for analysis and display purposes. The resulting dataset is not intended to be resubmitted to the OSM server, as the simplified schema doesn't maintain all of the information necessary for facilitating uploads to OSM. In limited testing the loader is between 2-3 times faster than the original tool. Note: The tool honors the Scratch Workspace and Parallel Processing environment parameters for distributing the python processing.
  • OSM Node Loader: This tool supports the OSM File Loader (Load Only) tool mentioned above, and is an administrative tool for the most part.
  • OSM Way Loader: This tool supports the OSM File Loader (Load Only) tool mentioned above, and is an administrative tool for the most part.
  • OSM Relation Loader: This tool supports the OSM File Loader (Load Only) tool mentioned above, and is an administrative tool for the most part.

Other Changes

  • The default XAPI endpoint in the "Download OSM Data (XAPI)" tool has been updated to the overpass API
  • A number of changes and fixes were carried out to improve the rendering of features in the geodatabase, including the tagging and ordering of nodes and the geometry of features

10.3 and 10.2.2 Release Notes

Tool Use Change

  • For Workflows where you plan to upload data back to OSM, you must first run the "Add OSM Editor Extension" tool on your three OSM feature classes in your feature dataset before editing, and then using the "Upload to OSM" tool. If you do not Add the OSM Editor Extension first, the editing workflow will not track the geometry of your edits.
  • Known limit on the "Load OSM File": the OSM world dataset is so large now that the file geodatabase model is insufficient to store the planet dataset. Smaller geographies - continents, countries - are OK.


  • Updated Layer Symbolization option to better match styling. New symbolization files are installed in the \ArcGIS\Desktop\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\OSM_Layers_Renderer\Styles_LayerFiles directory.
  • Feature Datasets created through the Download Data from OSM workflows no longer require running the "Remove OSM Editor Extension" before using in an ArcMap environment that doesn't have this toolset installed.
  • Modified the "Load OSM File" tool such that you can update the attribute table schema while you are loading the feature classes.
  • "Load OSM Diff Files" tool optimized to run faster - uses an update cursor as opposed to the search and store mechanism.
  • "Load OSM File" optimized to run faster and produce more useful polygons.


  • Issue #35: During Download, extra layers are added to Table of Contents
  • Issue #36: Upload Tool - Login Credentials parameter is not visible
  • Issue #40: problem with only_straight_on turn restriction
  • Issue #58: Modified the file loader such that you can select attributes while you are downloading the feature classes
  • Issue #76: Load OSM File: Move 'Select OSM Tag Keys (optional)' and rename in Tool Dialog