Configuration - ErinaSugino/Starbound-SBR-Mod GitHub Wiki

An overview about all the different config options Sexbound Reborn has, what they do and with what values you can modify them.

Main Config

sexbound.config - The general purpose config

The main config file for the mod. It controls logging, enabled mechanics, general purpose configuration, language settings and more.
Most of this file is irrelevant for the normal user as it contains specific data about the inner workings of the mod. So we will only cover the relevant options here.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

This setting controls whether or not you get an age confirmation popup when starting for the first time.


Values: Number (0 - 2)

This setting sets what level of in-game notifications you want to receive for certain events, like announcing pregnancies.
0: No immersion. You get informed about everything that happens in bloody detail.
1: Immersion. You only get stripped down/flavor text notifications about important events, like pregnancies.
2: Realism. You do not get any dedicated notifications and have to find out everything that's happening yourself.

Category: Sex


Values: Boolean (true or false)

This setting determines whether or not players can switch which roles everyone has during sex, e.g. switching between dom and sub roles.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Sexbound Reborn added position filtering - i.e. sex positions only become available to be selected in the Sex UI when the participating actors allow said position to make sense. E.g. two females will not have any positions available that require penetration.
This setting, however, allowes you to disable this filtering mechanic and restore the way things were handled in original Sexbound, where everything is always available even if it doesn't make sense or isn't fully supported.


Values: Boolen (true or false)

This setting controls if NPCs are allowed to manually start interaction by choosing a position when no player is in the same sexnode.
Sexbound Reborn introduces standalone idling, i.e. just because two people join the same sexnode doesn't mean they automatically start having sex. You first need to choose a position to do it in, otherwise you just idle around and nothing happens. When this setting is false, it means NPCs will never automatically choose a position and will always just wait for a player to come around, or their arousal to subside.


Values: Text ("something")

Setting for which language to use for the mod. You can change this to another language, however, this will only work if said language is installed. Otherwise nothing will show up. Also keep in mind that this only affects Sexbound specific notifications and dialogues, not any item names and descriptions as Starbound doesn't support dynamically loading texts for these.
Best just leave it on "english".


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Original Sexbound, in one of its latest versions, added an experimental head bobbing feature. Since the head artwork is static and not animated in Starbound and hence only moved around, it adds bobbing movement to the head during sex. This can add more immersion, however also create nightmare fuel. Use at your own risk.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Controls whether or not you want custom music to play while lounging in a sexnode. Music is defined in sexMusicPool. If that is empty, turning this on will silence game music during sex.


Values: List of text (["value1", "value2", "value3"])

A list containing the file path of the sound file relative to Starbound's root folder. You can just add your own if you want.
Example: If you have a file located in .../SteamApps/common/Starbound/music/coolMusic.ogg, you want to add /music/coolMusic.ogg to this list.
For simplicity make sure it is a .ogg file, but .mp3 and .wav should work too.


Values: List of Gender Objects ([{"parameter1": "value1", "parameter2": "value2"}, {...}, {...}])

This list determines which sub-genders the game recognizes, and which body traits these genders have. Sub-genders are a way to change sexual properties of a character beyond just choosing "male" or "female" on character creation. The name is the one with which the sub-gender is registered in-game, and available for selection in the Sexbound Customizer interface.

Every gender object needs the 5 properties "name", "canOvulate", "canProduceSperm", "hasPenis" and "hasVagina". Declaring a sub-gender name twice will overwrite the first declaration - this also allows changing behaviour of the normal "male" and "female" genders.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

A range of numbers between which an entity's arousal naturally increases over time. Values are in "points of arousal per second". At 100 points of arousal an NPC becomes horny and seeks out sexual interaction. This range can be changed at any time, but a given entity will always choose the same percentage within this range base on it's seed. E.g., an NPCs seed results in the randomly chosen percentage to be 50%. If the arousal gain is 1 - 2, this NPC will have an arousal gain of 1.5. Change the range to 0.1 - 0.2, it will be 0.15. This way, it stays consistent per entity.

Category: Actor


This section controls which plugins are enabled, for whom and under what conditions. Changing anything here is complex and error prone, unless you just want to enable or disable a plugin entirely. Then just change the value of "enable" for a given plugin to true or false.


"emote": {
  "enable": false,

This disables the emote module, and hence the entire mechanic to change facial expressions during sex.

Category: Log

This controls how much information is dumped into Starbound's log file. Levels are "Error", "Warn", "Info", "Debug" and "Behavior", all of which are Booleans that have to be either true or false. Turning off Error makes no sense. Turning off Warn reduces the logging to only the most severe of errors that break the mod. Enabling Info and Debug level logging will increase the log size immensely and should only be done when you are asked to do so for debugging purposes, or want to debug things yourself. Turning on Behavior level will spam the log incredibly, as every NPC in range will potentially create several lines of logging data per tick every tick. Only ever turn this on when you are asked to for the purpose of debugging broken NPC behavior! Leaving this on while playing can easily create several MB large log files. Currently only SBRs arousal and overwritten conversation behavior have logging capabilities.

Category: Behavior


Values: Object ({"parameter1": value1, "parameter2": value2, ...})

SBR 1.1 reworked the behavior for NPCs when they are aroused and look for a sexnode to enter. Instead of just taking the nearest one, the NPC communicates with every available sexnode in range to determine how well the actor would fit in there and then chooses the "best" one based on a numeric index returned by the node. This index is calculated based on a few different criteria, and this setting determines the weight for each criteria (i.e. how much the criterium score is multiplied by). The following criteria are available:

  • incest - The score added (or subtracted) if a family member is already in the node. Score of 0 - 3 based on if they're unrelated, half-siblings, blood-siblings or parent-child. (Default multiplier: -1)
  • twoactor - Gives a bonus of 1 if there is only one actor in the node currently, as the most interaction is available for two actors. (Default multiplier: 1)
  • gender - Gives a bonus of 1 whether between the checking NPC and the actor(s) in the node one has a penis and the other a vagina. (Default multiplier: 1)
  • compatible - Gives a bonus of 1 when the checking NPC and the actor(s) in the node can successfully have a child, based on the pregnancy settings. (Default multiplier: 1)

Nodes start with a score of 10. Every final score below 10 makes the node less interesting than an empty one. Every score of 0 or lower makes the node being fully ignored.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Determines if incest is even allowed for NPCs to consider. Turning this to false will make every checked sexnode immediately return a score of 0 when a family member is detected. Note: This solely affects NPC behavior, i.e. what they themselves choose to do when aroused. The player can still join a sexnode with a family member. Note: Because of the above, disallowing incest in the behavior does not affect the incest penalty given to the birthrate of incest babies. Even with this set to false, you can still get a family member pregnant, which will apply a 12.5 - 50% penalty to the successrate of your pregnancy!

Climax Config

sxb_plugin.climax.config - The config for the climax logic

The config file for the climax plugin - the part which controls everything related to an actor's ability to climax during sex.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

In the Sex UI a player can click on the climax bar for any actor to make them climax when the conditions are met. This setting controls whether or not NPCs are allowed to climax all by themselves, even without a player to control them. Note: When a player is present in the same sexnode, NPCs will never climax automatically. If the pregnancy plugin is enabled, turning this off can prevent NPCs from repopulating uncontrollably.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Same setting as enableNPCAutoClimax, but for monsters. Sexbound Reborn generally supports sexual interaction for monster entities. However, without addon mods there is no interaction with monsters available in Sexbound Reborn by itself.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

On common request, this setting re-introduces NPC/monster auto-climax even in the presence of a player. If this is set to true, SBR 1.0 behavior is in play whereas NPCs/monster never automatically climax for as long as a (non-defeated) player is in the node. Turn this to false in order to make the "enableXXXAutoClimax" setting to take priority regardless, enabling NPCs/monsters to automatically climax even with a player in the node.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Controls whether or not to play defined climax sound effects during climax or not. Configuring climax sound effects is done via the sounds setting further below.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Controls whether or not to render climax particles flying from the genitals during climax or not.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

In addition to the merely visual particles, climax can also produce liquid drops in the game world. This setting controls whether to do this or not. This is obviously a feature solely for kinky unrealism, and you should turn it off if you don't want to have to deal with draining rooms full of cum.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

A range determining possible values for how fast the climax bar of an actor fills during sex by default. This may be multiplied depending on the position and role of the actor in it.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

A range determining possible values for how fast the climax bax of an actor empties while idling.


Values: Number (0.1 - 20)

This values determines how many climax points an actor loses per second while climaxing. A climax continues for as long as the climax points are >0, so making this setting smaller results in longer climaxes and vice versa.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

A range of possible numbers determining how many arousal points an actor loses when climaxing. When a horny NPC's arousal reaches 0 they leave and return to their normal life. The lower these values, the more often they can climax before leaving. Keep in mind that these values are doubled when using special climax, and that NPCs can never leave while a climax is still going on, unless their timer runs out. (Safety fallback to not lock them forever into a sexnode.)


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

This setting defines a range of numbers for how many seconds delay there is between individual bursts during climax. If enableSpawnLiquids is enabled, lower values result in more of a mess.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Toggles the cum inflation mechanic. When enabled, actors can get to a point where they display the pregnant belly sprite even without a pregnancy after several successive climaxes inside of them, indicating that their belly is inflated by all the cum inside. Merely visual, kinky purposes only. State is only tracked for as long as the actor does not leave the node.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

A range of numbers between which the rate at which cum drips out of an actor during non-penetrative positions is randomly chosen. The logic itself is more complicated and relative to the amount of cum stored (more = stronger drip), but generally higher number mean faster emptying.


Values: Number (0.1 - 10)

Base interval in seconds between drip bursts during non-penetrative positions. As mentioned above, the combination of these two settings determines the final speed of deflation, and the actual speed/strength is relative to how much cum is stored. (more = stronger drip).


Values: Number (0.01 - 1)

The amount of cum added to an actor's belly on each burst during climax. See shotCooldown above, as that directly affects the inflation speed in relation to this.


Values: Number (1 - 100)

The threshold number where the actor switches to/from the pregnant belly sprite.


Values: List of text (["value1", "value2", "value3"])

This list defines all the sound files that may be used as sound effects for climax bursts. Values in the list are relative file paths based on Starbound's root directory.
Example: If you have a file at .../SteamApps/common/Starbound/sfx/splurt.ogg then you need to add /sfx/splurt.ogg to this list.
For simplicity, make sure the files are .ogg files. Though .mp3 and .wav should work too.

Emote Config

sxb_plugin.emote.config - The config for emotes during sex

This config mostly contains sensitive internal data that should not be messed with. Only changable setting is talkingIsPriority, a Boolean than can be either true or false. When enabled it means that - should the sextalk plugin be enabled - the talking animation overrides emotions. If disabled, emotions like, e.g., Ahegao continue playing even when the actor talks.

Lactate Config

sxb_plugin.lactate.config - The config for lactation mechanics

This plugin controls tiny particle effects originating from a female actor's nipples, indicating breast milk. There are continuous single pixel drops aswell as bigger bursts during climax.


Values: List of text (["value1", "value2", "value3"])

If an actor is of a species defined in this list, they will not lactate no matter the conditions. The species name must be the same as their .species file.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

Range of numbers defining how long it takes between lactation bursts during climax.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

This setting determines whether or not lactation only occurs while the character is pregnant, or anytime, and is obviously only for kink reasons.

Moan Config

sxb_plugin.moan.config - The config for moan sound effects

This config solely consists of curcial internal settings that a normal user should not meddle with.

Income Config

sxb_plugin.passiveincome.config - The config for sexbux earnings

This plugin is responsible for gaining Sexbound's currency sexbux by simply having sex. In Sexbound Reborn this currency is needed to modify your character.


Values: Number or Number Range ([min, max])

This setting can either be a single number or a number range between which the reward amount will be chosen. Every now and then during sex this amount of the chosen currency will be awarded. Only full numbers, no decimals, obviously.


Values: Number or Number Range ([min, max])

This setting can either be a single number or a number range between which the cooldown will be chosen. This determines the cooldown between every instance of generating income during sex.


Values: Text or List of Text (["value1", "value2", "value3"])

This setting defines which currency or currencies will be awarded. Unless you have other mods adding more currencies, only available options are "sexbux" and "money".

Pregnancy Config

sxb_plugin.pregnant.config - The config for everything around pregnancies

This is one of the main modules, responsible for the major mechanic of reproduction. Sexbound Reborn greatly enhances this mechanic and therefor adds many more settings.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

This setting is mainly just a debug option, as turning it on disables any logical checks for pregnancies. When "Free for All" is enabled, anyone can impregnate anyone. And we mean anyone.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Turning this setting on allows characters to impregnate themselves. This, however, should not be possible in Sexbound Reborn without addon mods.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

For obvious logical reasons an already pregnant character cannot become pregnant again before giving birth or abortion. This setting allows to bypass this check, allowing characters to become pregnant multiple times in succession. This is highly discouraged, as it can really mess with NPC reproduction and may bring pregnancy data into an unstable state - it's a legacy setting as multi-baby pregnancies already exist as a new mechanic.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Pregnant characters can still have sex. This setting determines if pregnant actors render a pregnant belly during sex or not. Showing the pregnant belly outside of sexnodes is currently not possible.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Logically speaking, when cross-breeding vastly different inter-galactic species not everyone is compatible to produce offspring. Who is compatible with whom can be configured by many means - species' are assigned a species type and species' of the same type are compatible partners. E.g. Apex and Human have the same type and impregnate eachother. Further below in the settings you can also define specific overrides.

This setting can disable the compatibility check and make any species successfully impregnate any other species. Same species sex is always compatible.


Values: Collection of lists of text ({"fatherSpeciesName": ["motherSpeciesName1", "motherSpeciesName2"]})

This table defines which species can impregnate which other species independent of their species type. Species name "all" can be used as a placeholder for every species, but only as motherSpeciesName.


Values: Complex ({"motherSpecies": {"fatherSpecies1": ["childSpecies", "entityType"], "fatherSpecies2": [...], ...}, ...})

List defining cross-breeding results. A pair of mother species and father species will result in a baby of a given third species with the given entity type (humanoid, monster, ...) defined here. Can be edited by the user, but is primarily present to allow species creators to define the behavior, so don't worry too much about it.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Sexbound Reborn added a negative pregnancy event called "Pregnancy Hazards", aiming to punish players taking pregnancies not serious enough. Logically speaking, not only isn't every intergalactic species genetically compatible with every other race, some of them have so vastly different biological traits that more severe effects can occur. Imagine a Floran, a plant-based lifeform, trying to breed with a Novakid, a gas-/star-based lifeform having extremely high body temperatures. If Pokemon taught us anything, fire is effective against grass and so it's safe to assume filling a pregnant Floran's womb with steaming hot Novakid cum can have lasting consequences.

This setting enables the Pregnancy Hazards mechanic whereas unprotected climax into a pregnant partner can cause a forced abortion of said pregnancy.


Values: Table of Number Tables ({"climaxingSpeciesName": {"pregnantSpeciesName": Probability}}, Probability 0.0 - 1.0)

This nested list defines the probability of a hazard abortion occuring per species combination. Species name "default" is the placeholder for any species.
Example: {"default": {"default": 0.1}} Every species has a 10% chance to abort the pregnancy of any species on unprotected climax. Example: {"novakid": {"default": 0.1, "floran": 0.2}} A Novakid's cum has a general 10% chance and a 20% chance to abort a Floran's pregnancy.


Values: Percentage Decimal (0.0 - 1.0)

A setting defining a general chance for any birth failing. Incest is punished regardless with an increase by 12.5% to 50% based on severity.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Pregnancies take a certain duration, defined further down below, in days to complete. The time in days can either be interpreted as in-game days or real-life days. This setting defines if you want to use real-life days or not.


Values: Probability Decimal (0.0 - 1.0)

When all other conditions are met for a potentially successful impregnation, this setting defines the final random chance for the attempted impregnation to succeed. This setting only affects Players as the mother.


Values: Probability Decimal (0.0 - 1.0)

Like above, this setting defines the final random chance for an impregnation to succeed when a non-player entity is the mother. This seperate setting exists because depending on enablePeriodCycle players can have different pregnancy conditions than NPCs, making it more common for NPCs to get pregnant than players. This settings lets you tweak NPCs individually. Depending on the configured arousal gain and loss of NPCs you might want to tweak this setting in order to balance NPC reproduction.


Values: Number (1 - 2)

Sexbound Reborn 1.1 added increased fertility after successive climaxes. This number defines the multiplier applied to the mother's fertility chance (as defined above), applied the number of times the same father actor has climaxed this session.


Values: Percentage Number (0.1 - 1)

The defined upper limit for how high the fertility bonus can go.


Values: Number (0.1 - 10)

Sexbound Reborn adds new utility items, including the Fertility Pill. This item, when used, temporarily boosts the fertility chance. This setting sets the multiplier applied to the fertility chance of the mother during climax.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

Tied to the new cum inflation mechanic explained in the climax config section, an actor tracks how much cum has been pumped into them which in turn also drips out when in a non-penetrative position (i.e. their hole isn't "plugged"). This setting determines at which rate the fertility bonus decays when this dripping occurs.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

Number range defining the possible length of a pregnancy in days, in-game or IRL depending on the useOSTimeForPregnancies setting.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Sexbound Reborn introduces a new, realistic ovulation cycle mechanic for players. With this mechanic activated, pregnancy can only occur during the ovulation period, a timespan of one in-game day with a delay of some days. If not, impregnation can occur during any climax like before. This setting toggles this mechanic.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

Range of in-game days that the delay between ovulation days can take, if enablePeriodCycle is activated. Keep in mind, besides the Fertility Pill Sexbound Reborn also adds the Hyperfertility Pill, a somewhat debug item that guarantees impregnation for a short duration. Using the Hyperfertility Pill also skips the ovulation cycle and triggers the ovulation day immediately (with a 10 second delay).


Values: Percentage Number (0.0 - 1.0)

Sexbound Reborn 1.1 introduces proper multi-baby pregnancies, whereas one pregnancy can result in the birth of multiple babies like in real-life. This setting determines the chance for this event to occur, calculated as "chance for another baby" with each generated baby. That means at, e.g., 0.1 (10%), there is a 10% chance for twins, a 1% chance for triplets, a 0.1% chance for quadruplets, ... A chance of 0 deactivates this feature.


Values: Number (1 - 10)

As mentioned above, Sexbound Reborn 1.1 introduces proper multi-baby pregnancies. This setting determines the maximum amount of babies that can be generated in a single pregnancy. Setting this to 1 (or lower) also deactivates the feature, as the first baby is guaranteed and subsequent check aborted.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Sexbound Reborn changed it so that pregnancy tests are non-reusable items, while also adding the container item "Box of Pregnancy Tests" containing up to 10 pregnancy tests to accomodate for the increased usage. If you want to revert the feature to be like in Original Sexbound where a single Pregnancy Test is infinitely reusable, turn this setting on.

Sextalk Config

sxb_plugin.sextalk.config - The config for dirty talk dialogue

This plugin is responsible for the actors having dirty talk during sex.


Values: Number Range ([min, max])

This setting defines the range of seconds between lines of dialogue that an actor says.


Values: Boolean (true or false)

Sexbound Reborn changed it so that players, too, have sextalk. However, this might be immersion breaking in multiplayer when two players interact with eachother. This setting turns off sextalk when only players are in the sexnode.

Subgender Config

sxb_plugin.subgender.config - The config for everything around sub-genders

This plugin is a fully reworked continuation of the old "futanari" plugin, responsible for managing dynamic sub-gender changes at runtime. When enabled, it allows applying main gender restrictions to sub-genders (e.g. only females can become futanari), and temporarily changing an entity's sub-gender based on a status effect applied. While these settings are mostly relevant for modders, you can try and fiddle around with it if you are adding your own sub-genders.


Values: Table of genders ({"subGender": "requiredMainGender"})

This setting defines which sub-genders require a specific main gender to be applied.


Values: Table of sub-gender lists ({"statusName": ["subGender1", "subGender2"]})

This setting defines statuses that, when applied (e.g. by compatible clothing with sexbound-related effects), temporarily change the sub-gender of an entity.

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