simulate_ULTRASAT_image - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki

This function is a wrapper around the ultrasat.usim image simulator. It can be employed to simulate an image of a source distribution scaled from that observed by GALEX in the deep field GROTH_00 or a distribution read from an input .mat object cat0.mat.

The primary outputs are an AstroImage object containing the injected source catalog and a FITS image file, as well as ds9-style region files containing positions of all the modeled sky sources and a text table with the catalog source positions (X, Y, RA, DEC), source magnitudes and count rates.


  • the number of the standard 300-second exposures to take
  • the output directory and file name template
  • the sky coordinates of the telescope's aimpoint and its positional angle
  • the sky or pixel coordinates and the size of the field to model (def. 0.5 x 0.5 deg)


% make an image of a 30 x 300 s exposition of a 7.15 x 7.15 deg field (the whole FOV of an ULTRASAT tile)
% filled with randomly spread sources from the GALEX distribution:
Image = simulate_ULTRASAT_image('ExpNum', 30, 'OutDir', '/home/sasha/', 'Size', 7.15)
% make an image of a 1 x 300 s exposition of a 0.5 x 0.5 deg field at RA, Dec = X0, Y0 (corner)
% filled with randomly spread sources from the GALEX distribution 
% with the tile B inner corner at RA, Dec = RA0, Dec0. Name the output files 'Pos1_tileB.fits', 'Pos1_tileB.reg', etc.
Image = ultrasat.simulate_ULTRASAT_image('SkyCat',1,'RA0',215,'Dec0',52,'X0',216,'Y0',53,'OutName','Pos1')
% take the source distribution in the sky from the previous run, but now shift the detector to the new
% sky position and rotate it:
Image = ultrasat.simulate_ULTRASAT_image('SkyCat',1,'RA0',219,'Dec0',51,'X0',216,'Y0',53,'OutName','Pos2','PlaneRotation', 45,'Shift',[0 0])