getULTRASAT_PSF - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
The function allows to get a weighted PSF stamp either from a prepared library of Pickles', black body, or arbitrary set spectra or to directly produce a weighted PSF stamp for a given stellar class and angular distance of the source from the detector tile's inner corner. All the output PSF stamps are normalized to unity.
% For the given values of T_{eff} and log(g) and the angular distance of the source, get a PSF stamp
% from the library of PSFs weighted with the Pickles' stellar spectra:
P = ultrasat.getULTRASAT_PSF('Type','Pickles','Teff', 4300, 'logg', 4.2, 'Rad', 2.1);
% For the given values of T and a given angular distance of the source, get a PSF stamp
% from the library of PSFs weighted with black body spectra:
P = ultrasat.getULTRASAT_PSF('Type','BB','Teff', 4300, 'Rad', 1.2);
% For the given stellar class and the angular distance of the source, get weighted PSF stamp:
P = ultrasat.getULTRASAT_PSF('Type','stellarclass','Class',{'o9','v'}, 'Rad', 4.6);
% For a given angular distance of the source get a PSF weighted with the blackbody spectrum of T = Teff:
P = ultrasat.getULTRASAT_PSF('Teff',4e3,'Rad',3.1);
% For a given angular distance of the source get a PSF weighted with the Pickles' spectrum of a G0V star:
P = ultrasat.getULTRASAT_PSF('Class',{'g0', 'v'},'Rad',4.9);