db.DbQueryExamples - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
db.Db query examples
Here we provide some SQL query examples using the db.Db class. More examples, related to DB management and record insertion are provided in the class wiki page.
Basic connection
To create and object and connect
D = db.Db
Check that the connection information in the object is correct. If not edit it. Note that you can create a Passwords.yml configuration file. For more details see PasswordsManager, and Configuration wiki pages.
For example you can edit the properties using e.g.,
D.User = {"LASTDB_Root","default"}; % will read User/Pass from a configuration file
or set the user and password explicitly:
D.User = "last_user"; % set it to a specific user name
D.Password ="<the password of the last_user>"; set the password
Next, connect to the DB:
when finished, disconnect using:
Optionally, you can use a specific DB:
Optionally you can see a list of DBs/tables/columns and more meta data information:
[ColNames, ColTypes]=D.getColumns('visit_images')
You are now ready to work with the DB and run queries
Query examples
The examples provided here are using the following tables:
- last.proc_src - Sources detected in individual LAST images.
- last.visit_images - List of all visits sub images (24 sub images per visit).
Get the first few lines of a table
T=D.query("SELECT top 5 * FROM last.proc_src;");
Note that if you remove the "top 5" from the expression then all lines will be returned. Be careful, the output maybe very large, then do not do it, unless you know what you are doing.
Query by some columns
Searching by value of columns depends on column types (i.e., string or numerical) which you can get using the getColumns method.
Some strings search examples:
% exact search for fieldID 1000:
T=D.query("SELECT * FROM last.visit_images WHERE fieldid LIKE '1000'");
% fieldID that of the format 1000.*:
T=D.query("SELECT * FROM last.visit_images WHERE fieldid LIKE '1000%'");
% Using the position of substring command:
T=D.query("SELECT * FROM last.visit_images WHERE POSITION(fieldid, '1000')>0");
Numeric searches - count the number of images with FWHM<2 arcsec:
T=D.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM last.visit_images WHERE fwhm<2");
Compound searches:
T=D.query("SELECT * FROM last.visit_images WHERE fieldid LIKE '1200%' AND fwhm<3 AND limmag>20");
T=D.query("SELECT * FROM last.visit_images WHERE fieldid LIKE '1200%' AND fwhm<3 AND limmag>20 AND camnum=1 AND cropid=10");
Light curve of an asteroid
T=D.query('SELECT jd, ra, dec, flags, sn, mag_psf, magerr_psf, desig, mountnum, camnum, cropid FROM visit_asteroids');
% find all unique asteroids
% find asteroids with more than 1000 obs.
I=strcmpi(T.desig, 'Braude');
plot(T.jd(I)-2460000, T.mag_psf(I),'.')
In order to combine information from the images table (for example, airmass, and color term) we have to perform a join operation:
T=D.query('SELECT A.*, visit_images.airmass, visit_images.airmass, visit_images.ph_rms, visit_images.ph_col1 FROM visit_asteroids A JOIN visit_images B ON A.id_visit_im = B.id_visit');
% find all unique asteroids
% find asteroids with more than 1000 obs.
I=strcmpi(T.desig, 'Braude');
plot(T.jd(I)-2460000, T.mag_psf(I),'.')
Plot power spectrum for all asteroids:
Iast = find((Count>100))
Nast = numel(Iast);
for I=1:1:Nast
AstName = UnVal(Iast(I));
I1 = find(strcmp(T.desig, AstName));
Time = T.jd(I1);
Mag = T.mag_psf(I1);
FreqVec = timeSeries.period.getFreq(sort(Time),'MaxFreq',24);
if numel(FreqVec)>100
PS = timeSeries.period.period([Time, Mag], FreqVec);
if max(PS(:,2))>14
figure(1); plot(PS(:,1),PS(:,2))
figure(2); plot(Time, Mag,'.')
input('any key to continue','s')