celestial.map - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
The celestial.map package contains several utilities for plotting star maps, and monthly sky maps (i.e., the celestial sphere above the horizon for a topocentric observer).
Montly Sky Map
The main function is celestial.map.plot_monthly_smap and below you can find several examples:
RAD = 180./pi;
% Show the sky above horizon for an observer at long=35, lat=30 deg, at 2010 Jan 1 at 18:00:00 UTC:
celestial.map.plot_monthly_smap([1 1 2010 18./24], 'GeodPos',[35 30 0]./RAD);
% Add all planets:
celestial.map.plot_monthly_smap([1 1 2010 18./24], 'GeodPos',[35 30 0]./RAD, 'Planets','All');
% Add naked-eye planets:
celestial.map.plot_monthly_smap([1 1 2010 18./24], 'GeodPos',[35 30 0]./RAD, 'Planets','Eye');
An output example: