MovingSource - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
The MovingSource class can be used to store image stamps and catalogs of moving sources like minor planets.
- JD - Reference JD epoch corresponding to position and proper motion.
- RA - J2000 RA at JD epoch.
- Dec - J2000 Dec at JD epoch.
- PM_RA - Proper motion in RA.
- PM_Dec - Proper motion in Dec.
- CooUnits - Coordinate units.
- PMUnits - Proper motion units (e.g., 'deg/day' or 'tdeg/day' for time-arc)
- Mag - Magnitude.
- ImageID - A structure array with image ID information. The image ID is populated from the Stamps image headers according to the header key names specified in the KeyID property.
- Stamps - An array of AstroImage stamps that capture the moving source at different times.
- MergedCat - An AstroCatalog of the merged information on the moving source.
- KnownAst - An AstroCatalog containing a list of known minor planets found near the position of the moving source.
- FileName - File name from which the information was read.
Hidden properties:
KeyID - Cell array of header keyword names that will be listed in the ImageID property. Default is {'NODENUMB','MOUNTNUM','CAMNUM','CROPID','FIELDID','COUNTER'}.
KeyJD - JD property name. Default is 'JD'.
ColRA - RA property name. Default is 'RA'.
ColDec - Dec property name. Default is 'Dec'.
ColPM_RA - PM_RA property name. Default is 'PM_RA'.
ColPM_Dec - PM_Dec property name. Default is 'PM_Dec'.
ColMag - Mag propery name. Default is 'Mean_MAG_PSF'.
PopKA - A logical indicating if to populate the KnownAst property.
OrbEl - A celestial.OrbitalEl object.
INPOP - A celestial.INPOP object.
AstSearchRadius - Known Asteroid search radius. Default is 10.
AstSearchRadiusUnits - Search radius units. Default is 'arcsec'.
AstMagLimit - Max mag for known asteroids. Default is Inf.
% read all AstCrop files into MovingSources object.
% The following command will recursively read all AstCrop files (from the LAST pipeline):;
# Populate known asteroid information
# Select good candidates
FC = MP.selectGoodCand;
% For example, known asteroids are flagged in:
% while good candidates with unknown asteroids are in:
% Alternatively, it is possible to run the basic building blocks of
% selectKnownCand speratly.
% remove sources that are likely static sources and NearEdge || Overlap
FlagStatic = MP.nearStaticSrc
FlagGood = MP.selectByBitMask;
MP = MP(FlagStatic(:) & FlagGood(:));
% Some inspection operations:
[Dist, Mag]=MP.nearestKnownAst;
% possible unknwon asteroids
UNK = isnan(Dist);
% generate report blindly
Report = MP.reportMPC;
% blink and report
[Report,Res] = MP.blink;