Image Processing Tools - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
AstroPack/MAATv2 contains tools for astronomical image analysis. The tools are organized in several classes and packages. In addition to these tools, some tools from the original MAAT are still available (e.g., the SIM and AstCat classes).
The imUtil package
The imUtil package contains tools for image and catalog manipulation, which will work directly on matrices (i.e., no high-level class involves). Most of the basic image manipulation, mathematical functionality, and basic tools are in this package. The function in this package is typically used by the high-level functionality in the classes and functions that works directly on classes.
This package is mainly used by developers.
Image and catalog container
There are several high-level classes that can be used to store images, header, PSF, WCS, Mask images, catalogs, matched catalogs, spectra, and more.
Among these are:
- The AstroImage class - This class can be used to store images along with all the metadata associated with the images (background, variance, mask, catalog, Header, PSF, WCS).
- The AstroHeader class - Data container for astronomical headers.
- The AstroTable class - Data container for astronomical tables.
- The AstroCatalog class - Inherits from AstroTable, this class can be used to store astronomical catalogs (i.e., tables that have RA/Dec columns).
- The AstroPSF class - Data container for PSFs.
- The AstroWCS class - Data container for WCS and astrometric solutions.
- The MatchedSource class - Data container for matched catalogs (i.e., epoch vs source) and light curves.
- The FileNames class - Container for image names in the LAST/ULTRASAT format.
- The PhotonList class - A data container for photon-tagged astronomical images.
- The CalibImages class - A data container and utilities for bias, dark, flat, fringe, non-linearity, image calibration.
The imProc package
The imProc pcakge contains high-level functions that works on AstroImage and AstroCatalog objects. Typically, the data container classes contain only the basic functionality like operator on images. The imProc package contains more advance tools like source finding, astrometry, calibration, stacking and more.
The lcUtil package
Additional tools for the MatchedSources class.