CalibImages - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
Class Hierarchy: Base -> Component -> CalibImages
The CalibImages class is a container for bias/dark/flat/fringing/non-linearity images. An introduction bias and flat calibration is available here.
This class can be used to generate calibration images and to apply them in a single step to science images. This class is using functions available in the imProc.dark and imProc.flat packages.
Bias [class: AstroImage]
Dark [class: AstroImage]
Flat [class: AstroImage]
Fringe [class: AstroImage]
DarkGroupsKey - cell array of keys
DarkGroupsVal - Cell (size Nimages) of cells (size Nkeys)
SubtractOverScan - A logical (default is true)
Additional private properties are updated automatically from the image header:
- FlatFilter
- DarkExpTime
- DarkTemp
- FringeFilter
- FringeExpTime
The following static method can be use to read FITS calibration images into a CalibImages object:
CI ='Bias','LAST.2.1.2_20200821.060000_clear___1_0_dark_proc_Image_1.fits','BiasMask','LAST.2.1.2_20200821.060000_clear___1_0_dark_proc_Mask_1.fits','Flat','LAST.2.1.2_20200821.060000_clear___1_0_flat_proc_Image_1.fits','FlatMask','LAST.2.1.2_20200821.060000_clear___1_0_flat_proc_Mask_1.fits');
Alternatively, if the images file names follows the LAST/ULTRASAT file name convention implemented in the FileNames object) you can read the latest calibration files stored in a specific directory:
CI = CalibImages.loadFromDir
% see help for more information
Several tools for creating bias and flat images exist. These tools are using the functions in the imProc.dark and imProc.flat packages.
Some simple examples:
CI = CalibImages('Bias',Bias, 'Flat',Flat); % load bias/flat images
% create bias/flat and process:
CI.createFlatFilter(Images, 'R'); % create a flat image for a single filter
CI.createFlat(Images); % create a flat images for all filters
The CalibImages class contains functions for specific steps (e.g., debias, overscan, deflatOneFilt, deflat). To apply all the calibration steps (e.g., bias subtraction, flat correction,,,) in a single call:
These steps includs:
- Create a mask image
- Flag staturated pixels in mask
- Subtract bias image
- Propagate bias mask to science mask.
- Subtract and remove overscan from image
- Nonlinearity correction
- Divide image by flat
- Propagate flat mask to science mask.
- Correct for fringing
- Multiple image by gain
CI.processImages(Images); % subtract bias and divided by flat
- isemptyProp - Check if some properties (e.g., 'Bias') images are empty.
- crop - Crop all images in a CalibImages object.
- populateLinearity - read Linearity file from the config file and populate the CalibImages.
- exist - Check if Bias/Dark/Flat/... image is populated in a CalibImages object.
% check if bias and flat images exist in CalibImages object
% R1 corresponds to Bias, while R2 corresponds to Flat
[R1, R2] = isemptyProp(Obj, {'Bias','Flat'}, 'Image')
% crop the Calibration images in the CalibImages object:
CI.crop([1 100 1 100])
% Check if Dark calibration image exist: