AstroPack function list - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki

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Number of functions: 3900
Last update: 25-Dec-2023

Function Full Name Class Year Mon Brief description
definewcslibPkg definewcslibPkg DEFINEWCSLIBPKG About definewcslibPkg.mlx
soc_planner_backend soc_planner_backend App
soc_snr_matlab soc_snr_matlab SNR App - Main function
startup-2022-12-15-Chen-Windows-FileMap startup-2022-12-15-Chen-Windows-FileMap
allFunList VO.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO package
acis_psf VO.Chandra.acis_psf 2013 Jan Read and interpolate the Chandra ACIS-S/ACIS-I PSF.
allFunList VO.Chandra.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.Chandra package
build_obsid_cat VO.Chandra.build_obsid_cat 2015 Jan Construct a catalog of all Chandra observations
build_obsid_cat_old VO.Chandra.build_obsid_cat_old 2015 Jan Construct a catalog of all Chandra observations
ciao_extractspec VO.Chandra.ciao_extractspec 2013 Mar Prepare the ARF and MRF Chandra files required for X-ray spectroscopy.
getACIS_PSF VO.Chandra.getACIS_PSF 2023 Nov get a MARX-simulated Chandra ACIS PSF
getSrcPhotons VO.Chandra.getSrcPhotons 2023 Oct Get Chandra photons of a single source over all ObsIDs.
processChandraPSF VO.Chandra.processChandraPSF process the PSF fits files produced with MARX and make a .mat object
run_ciao_command VO.Chandra.run_ciao_command 2020 Aug RUN CIAO command on single or multiple, or all Chandra directories
wget_all VO.Chandra.wget_all 2020 Feb wget all Chandra observations in cats.X.ChandraObs
wget_obsid VO.Chandra.wget_obsid 2015 Jan Get all the files associated with a Chandra ObsID
wget_obsid_old VO.Chandra.wget_obsid_old 2015 Jan Get all the files associated with a Chandra ObsID
allFunList VO.CoRoT.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.CoRoT package
read_corot_file VO.CoRoT.read_corot_file 2009 Jun Read CoRoT file
read_corot_master VO.CoRoT.read_corot_master 2009 Oct Read CoRoT master file
allFunList VO.DECaLS.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.DECaLS package
decals_viewer_link VO.DECaLS.decals_viewer_link 2018 Jan Get link to DECaLS image viewer
prep_decals_htmcat VO.DECaLS.prep_decals_htmcat 2018 Jan SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
read_sweep_brick_table VO.DECaLS.read_sweep_brick_table 2018 Jan SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList VO.Fermi.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.Fermi package
wget_lat_weekly_data VO.Fermi.wget_lat_weekly_data 2017 Jan Retrieve the Fermi/LAT weekly photon data in FITS format
allFunList VO.GALEX.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.GALEX package
coo2id VO.GALEX.coo2id Convert RA/Dec to GALEX image identifiers
fov VO.GALEX.fov Get the GALEX field of view radius
image_server VO.GALEX.image_server Get the GALEX image server URL
images_db_filename VO.GALEX.images_db_filename 2018 Oct Get the database of all the GALEX images file names
ind2path VO.GALEX.ind2path Convert index of the GALEX images DB file to GALEX image path
pixscale VO.GALEX.pixscale Get the GALEX science image pixel scale.
run_galex_sql VO.GALEX.run_galex_sql 2005 Jul Run a GALEX command line SQL quary (OBSOLETE - see VO.MAST)
searchGALEXimg VO.GALEX.searchGALEXimg 2018 Oct Search GALEX images by coordinates
src_number_count VO.GALEX.src_number_count 2016 Oct The cumulative number of sources in the GALEX-NUV band at high Gal. lat.
wget_corrim VO.GALEX.wget_corrim 2018 Oct Get GALEX corrected images from image server
zp VO.GALEX.zp 2018 Oct Get the GALEX photometric zeropoint.
allFunList VO.HST.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.HST package
hst_acs_zp_apcorr VO.HST.hst_acs_zp_apcorr 2007 Feb Aperture correction for HST/ACS filter and aperture radius.
allFunList VO.IRSA.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.IRSA package
irsa_db_url VO.IRSA.irsa_db_url 2016 Sep Return the URL for IRSA database query.
query_cat VO.IRSA.query_cat 2016 Sep Query IPAC/IRSA catalog.
read_ipac_table VO.IRSA.read_ipac_table 2014 May Read IPAC/IRSA table format
wget_all_catnames VO.IRSA.wget_all_catnames 2016 Sep Retrieve a list of all IPAC/IRSA public catalogs
wget_cat_columns VO.IRSA.wget_cat_columns 2016 Sep Retrieve a list of all columns for an IPAC/IRSA public catalog
wget_irsa_coockie VO.IRSA.wget_irsa_coockie 2018 Oct Get IRSA cookie for a user and password
allFunList VO.Kepler.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.Kepler package
read_lc_file VO.Kepler.read_lc_file 2010 Jan Read Kepler light curve FITS file.
allFunList VO.MAST.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.MAST package
mashup_query VO.MAST.mashup_query 2017 Jun SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
query_casjobs VO.MAST.query_casjobs 2017 Jan Query MAST CasJobs service (requires casjobs.jar)
query_casjobs_mydb VO.MAST.query_casjobs_mydb 2017 Jan Query MAST CasJobs service into MAST mydb (requires casjobs.jar)
query_casjobs_recur VO.MAST.query_casjobs_recur 2017 Jan Query MAST CasJobs service recursively for a box (requires casjobs.jar)
wget_all_ps1_dr1 VO.MAST.wget_all_ps1_dr1 2018 Oct Prepare a local copy of the PS1-DR1 catalog
wget_hsc_sources VO.MAST.wget_hsc_sources 2017 Dec Query sources in the HST source catalog tables
wget_ps1_api VO.MAST.wget_ps1_api 2019 Mar Query the PS1 catalog via the web API
allFunList VO.NED.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.NED package
ned_link VO.NED.ned_link 2017 Mar Get link to NED search by coordinates
allFunList VO.NIST.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.NIST package
get_scattering_cross_section VO.NIST.get_scattering_cross_section 2017 Sep Get the attenuation and scattering cross-sections from the NIST website.
allFunList VO.POSS.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.POSS package
get_dss VO.POSS.get_dss 2005 Jul Get link to and the FITS image of the DSS
add_meta_data2ps1 VO.PS1.add_meta_data2ps1 2017 Dec SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList VO.PS1.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.PS1 package
get_stack VO.PS1.get_stack 2016 Dec Get links to PS1 corrected stack FITS images.
navigator_link VO.PS1.navigator_link 2016 Dec Given J2000 equatorial coordinates get link to PS1 navigator image.
ps1_2_sdss_mag VO.PS1.ps1_2_sdss_mag 2019 May PS1 magnitudes to PS1 magnitude using the Finkbeiner+2015 relations
allFunList VO.PTF.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.PTF package
construct_ptf_procimage_name VO.PTF.construct_ptf_procimage_name 2019 Jun SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
coo2field VO.PTF.coo2field 2012 Jan Convert equatorial J2000 coordinates to PTF fields/CCDIDs
field2coo VO.PTF.field2coo 2016 Sep Find the center equatorial J2000 coordinates for PTF fields/CCDIDs
filename_info VO.PTF.filename_info 2010 Sep Get information from PTF file name
pixscale VO.PTF.pixscale 2017 Oct Get PTF pixel scale
ptf_image2sim VO.PTF.ptf_image2sim 2017 Mar Load PTF fits images and catalogs into a SIM object
read_mark_lc VO.PTF.read_mark_lc 2012 Apr Read PTF subtraction light curves generated by Mark S. program.
wget_corrim VO.PTF.wget_corrim 2013 Jan Get PTF corrected images from the IPAC archive
allFunList VO.SDSS.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.SDSS package
coo2run VO.SDSS.coo2run 2007 Mar Convert J2000 equatorial coordinates to SDSS run/rerun/col/field ID.
image_server VO.SDSS.image_server 2017 Oct Get SDSS image server URL
navigator_link VO.SDSS.navigator_link 2018 Oct Given J2000 equatorial coordinates get link to SDSS navigator image.
pixscale VO.SDSS.pixscale Get SDSS pixel scale
run_sdss_sql VO.SDSS.run_sdss_sql 2014 Jul Run SQL query on SDSS database and retrieve the results into an array.
sdss_coo_radec VO.SDSS.sdss_coo_radec 2006 Jan Convert the SDSS great circles coordinate system to J2000 RA and Dec.
wget_corrim VO.SDSS.wget_corrim 2016 Aug Get corrected SDSS image
wget_sdss VO.SDSS.wget_sdss 2015 Feb Query SDSS PhotoPrimary table around specific coordinate.
wget_sdss_spec VO.SDSS.wget_sdss_spec 2019 Sep wget SDSS FITS spectra and links
allFunList VO.SDSS.MaNGA.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.SDSS.MaNGA package
wget_manga VO.SDSS.MaNGA.wget_manga 2021 Dec wget SDSS/MaNGA spectral cube FITS files.
allFunList VO.SkyMapper.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.SkyMapper package
skymapper_cat_search VO.SkyMapper.skymapper_cat_search 2017 Dec Cone search the SkyMapper online catalog.
skymapper_cutout_link VO.SkyMapper.skymapper_cutout_link 2017 Dec Generate a URL link to SkyMapper image cutouts.
allFunList VO.Swift.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.Swift package
getGRB_cat VO.Swift.getGRB_cat get and read the Swift online GRB catalog
getXRT_LC VO.Swift.getXRT_LC 2022 Jun get Swift/XRT light curve of a GRB from the Swift UK database
allFunList VO.TESS.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.TESS package
wget_tess_ffi VO.TESS.wget_tess_ffi 2023 May Get TESS Full Image Frames (FFI)
allFunList VO.TNS.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.TNS package
read_table VO.TNS.read_table 2019 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList VO.Util.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.Util package
cat_band_dictionary VO.Util.cat_band_dictionary 2017 Jul Return the band (filter) name in a given catalog.
read_casjobs_table VO.Util.read_casjobs_table 2018 Jan Read SDSS CasJobs table into a matrix or table.
read_csv_with_header VO.Util.read_csv_with_header 2019 Sep Read SDSS CasJobs table into a matrix or table.
read_votable VO.Util.read_votable 2019 Sep XML VO table reader
allFunList VO.VLA.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.VLA package
read_sad VO.VLA.read_sad 2011 Jul Read AIPS SAD files.
vla_pbcorr VO.VLA.vla_pbcorr 2011 Jun Calculate primary beam corrections for the VLA antena
allFunList VO.VizieR.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.VizieR package
catalog_mapping VO.VizieR.catalog_mapping 2017 Feb Mapping of VizieR catalogs columns
cds_astcat_search VO.VizieR.cds_astcat_search 2017 Feb Query a VizieR catalog using the cdsclient tools
cdsclient_path VO.VizieR.cdsclient_path 2017 Feb Return the path of the local cdsclient directory
cdsclient_prog_names VO.VizieR.cdsclient_prog_names 2017 Feb Return the list of programs in the cdsclient directory
construct_vizquery VO.VizieR.construct_vizquery 2017 Feb Constrct a query string for the Vizier cdsclient command line
allFunList VO.WISE.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.WISE package
coo2coaddid VO.WISE.coo2coaddid 2012 Apr Find all WISE coadd_id for a given coordinate.
wget_corrim VO.WISE.wget_corrim 2012 Oct Get WISE coadded Atlas image from coadd_id
allFunList VO.ZTF.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.ZTF package
irsa_image_link VO.ZTF.irsa_image_link 2018 Jan Construct links to ZTF images from properties structure
irsa_query_ztf_images VO.ZTF.irsa_query_ztf_images 2018 Jan Query ZTF images from the IRSA/IPAC database
irsa_set_cookies VO.ZTF.irsa_set_cookies 2018 Jan Set user/pass cookies for IRSA query
irsa_table2prop VO.ZTF.irsa_table2prop 2018 Jan Table of queried ZTF image to properties structure
loopLC_ztf_HDF_matched VO.ZTF.loopLC_ztf_HDF_matched 2019 Oct SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
read_ipac_ztfforcedphot VO.ZTF.read_ipac_ztfforcedphot 2019 Mar Read ZTF forced photometry file
read_ztf_HDF_matched VO.ZTF.read_ztf_HDF_matched 2019 Jul Read ZTF matched light curves from local HDF5 light curve files.
read_ztf_HDF_matched_coo VO.ZTF.read_ztf_HDF_matched_coo 2019 Oct Get ZTF/DR1 light curves for source by coordinates
read_ztf_ascii_matched_lc VO.ZTF.read_ztf_ascii_matched_lc 2019 Jun Read ZTF ascii file of matched light curves
wgetList_ztf_phot VO.ZTF.wgetList_ztf_phot 2023 Sep Run wget_ztf_phot on a list of targets
wget_irsa_forcedphot_diff VO.ZTF.wget_irsa_forcedphot_diff 2019 Mar Send a forced photometry request to ZTF archive
wget_ztf_images_irsa VO.ZTF.wget_ztf_images_irsa 2017 Nov Query and retrieve ZTF images from the IRSA archive
wget_ztf_phot VO.ZTF.wget_ztf_phot 2019 Sep wget photometry and astrometry of a source/s from IRSA database.
ztf_filename2prop VO.ZTF.ztf_filename2prop 2019 Oct Extract information from ZTF file name
getSpecLink 2023 Jun get link to DESI spectra viewer given target ID or RA/Dec
wget_catalog 2023 Jun wget DESI catalog of spectra
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
server_ned 2014 Jun Resolve an astronomical object name into coordinates using NED.
server_simbad 2014 Jun Resolve an astronomical object name into coordinates using SIMBAD
allFunList VO.prep.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.prep package
build_PS1_htm_cat VO.prep.build_PS1_htm_cat build PS1 HDF5/HTM catalog
build_htm_catalog VO.prep.build_htm_catalog 2018 Oct Build an HTM catalog in HDF5 format for fast queries
download_galex VO.prep.download_galex 2017 Oct Downnload GALEX catalog
get_transmission_curve VO.prep.get_transmission_curve 2017 Nov Read astronomical filters from WWW into an AstFilter object
install_cats VO.prep.install_cats 2018 Dec Install the data/+cats catalog directory
prep_NOAO_master VO.prep.prep_NOAO_master 2019 Mar SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_binary_asteroid VO.prep.prep_binary_asteroid 2018 Jun Create a table of bknown binary asteroids
prep_data_dir VO.prep.prep_data_dir 2017 Feb Prepare interface functions for the catalogs in the data directory
prep_generic_htm VO.prep.prep_generic_htm 2018 Feb Prepare generic catsHTM catalog from declination zone catalogs
prep_hst_images_catalog VO.prep.prep_hst_images_catalog 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_sdss_offset_htm VO.prep.prep_sdss_offset_htm
prep_ukidss_htm VO.prep.prep_ukidss_htm
prep_wise_htm_cat VO.prep.prep_wise_htm_cat reformat the IRSA/WISE catalog files into an HDF5/HTM catalog
read_lensedQSO_db VO.prep.read_lensedQSO_db 2019 Sep Read garvitationaly lensed quasars database
wget_all_hsc VO.prep.wget_all_hsc 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
wget_all_skymapper VO.prep.wget_all_skymapper 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
wget_all_usnob1 VO.prep.wget_all_usnob1 2018 Feb Retrieve USNO-B1 catalog from VizieR and format into HDF5/HTM (catsHTM)
wget_pulsar_cat VO.prep.wget_pulsar_cat 2018 Apr Read ATNF pulsar catalog from the web into an AstCat object.
allFunList VO.prep.GAIA.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.prep.GAIA package
allFunList VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.prep.GAIA.dr1 package
gaia_dr1_build_cat VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.gaia_dr1_build_cat Build the GAIA-DR1 fast access catalog
gaia_dr1_cat_columns VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.gaia_dr1_cat_columns Get the GAIA-DR1 secondary catalog column names
gaia_dr1_read_file VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.gaia_dr1_read_file Read GAIA-DR1 file for reformatting purposses
gaia_dr1_readall2hdf5 VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.gaia_dr1_readall2hdf5 Create an HDF5 version of the GAIA-DR1 files with a subset of columns.
gaia_dr1_readall_select VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.gaia_dr1_readall_select Select GAIA sources in Dec zone for constructing GAIA catalog
get_files_gaia_dr1 VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.get_files_gaia_dr1 Get GAIA DR1 files from GAIA archive
get_tgas_dr1 VO.prep.GAIA.dr1.get_tgas_dr1 Retrieve and format the GAIA-DR1 TGAS catalog
allFunList VO.prep.GAIA.dr3.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the VO.prep.GAIA.dr3 package
downloadPrepSpecGAIA VO.prep.GAIA.dr3.downloadPrepSpecGAIA 2022 Dec Download GAIA low-resolution spectra files and format into HDF5 catalog.
prepGAIAspec VO.prep.GAIA.dr3.prepGAIAspec 2022 Jul Reformat the GAIA sampled spectra into HDF5 files and generate a
prepGAIAvari VO.prep.GAIA.dr3.prepGAIAvari The catalog doesn't contain RA/Dec so use VizierR to download
prep_2mass_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_2mass_htm prepare 2MASS catalog in HDF5/HTM format
prep_DECaLS_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_DECaLS_htm 2018 Jan SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_atlas_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_atlas_htm 2018 Feb SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_gaia_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_gaia_htm 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_gaiadr2_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_gaiadr2_htm 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_gaiadr3_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_gaiadr3_htm 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_gaiadre3_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_gaiadre3_htm 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
prep_unWISE_htm VO.prep.prepSpefic_catsHTM.prep_unWISE_htm 2019 Feb SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
astcat_search 2015 Mar Search an astronomical catalog formatted in HDF5/HTM/zones format
cat_cone 2018 Jan Cone search a local or online catalog.
catalog_interface 2017 Feb An interface auxilary to the catalogs in the data directory
get_cat 2017 Jul Search selected astronomical catalogs
htmcat_names 2018 Jan Get names of all HDF5/HTM catalogs in the /data/catsHTM/ directory.
htmcat_search 2017 Dec Cone earch on local HDF5/HTM catalog (OBSOLETE).
match_cats 2017 Sep Match two spherical coordinates catalogs sorted by declination
match_cats_pl 2017 Sep Match two planer coordinates catalogs sorted by Y
prep_data_dir 2017 Feb Prepare interface functions for the catalogs in the data directory
proper_motion_sdss_ps1 2018 Apr SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
search_cat 2015 Jan Given a catalog with Long,Lat coordinates position, search for lines near a list of reference positions.
search_htmcat Search a local HTM/HDF5 catalog
search_mhtm_cat Search master HTM catalog
search_sortedY_multi 2017 Feb Search a single X/Y in a catalog sorted by Y (planar geometry)
search_sortedlat 2017 Feb Search a single long/lat in a catalog sorted by latitude
search_sortedlat_multi 2017 Feb Search a single long/lat in a catalog sorted by latitude
search_sortedlat_multiNearest 2017 Feb Search a single long/lat in a catalog sorted by latitude
search_sortedlong 2017 Feb Search a single long/lat in a catalog sorted by longitude
simbad_url 2019 Aug Generate a SIMBAD URL for coordinates
allFunList astro.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro package
help Show MLX manual
allFunList astro.asteroids.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.asteroids package
asteroidSizeDistribution astro.asteroids.asteroidSizeDistribution
collisionLightCurveKernel astro.asteroids.collisionLightCurveKernel
fitCollisionLightCurve astro.asteroids.fitCollisionLightCurve
Contents astro.binary.Contents
allFunList astro.binary.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.binary package
astrometric_binary astro.binary.astrometric_binary 2014 Jan Predict astrometric binary position
binary_reflection_effect astro.binary.binary_reflection_effect 2001 Aug reflection effect from a star with unit illumination on mirror
binary_rv astro.binary.binary_rv 2014 Jan Binary star radial velocity (RV)
chi2_astrometric_binary astro.binary.chi2_astrometric_binary 2014 Jan Find astrometric binary elements from observations
coalescence_gw_time astro.binary.coalescence_gw_time 2015 Jan Calculate the coalescence time for a binary stars due to GW emission
eb_demo astro.binary.eb_demo 2001 Aug GUI Eclipsing Binary light-curve demo.
eb_light_curve astro.binary.eb_light_curve 2001 Aug Eclipsing binary light curve as a function of time.
equipot astro.binary.equipot 1994 May Calculate the gravitational potential of a binary star on a grid.
fit_astrometric_binary astro.binary.fit_astrometric_binary 2014 Jan Fit an elliptical-orbit binary orbit to astrometric data.
fit_rv_ellipse astro.binary.fit_rv_ellipse 2016 Dec Fit radial velocity to ellipse as a function of period
help Show MLX manual
limb_darkening astro.binary.limb_darkening 2001 Aug Limb darkening function
obstruction astro.binary.obstruction 2001 Aug Nstep,LimbFun,Pars)
plot_eb_lc astro.binary.plot_eb_lc 2001 Aug Plot eclipsing binary light curve as a function of time.
plot_eb_lc_ph astro.binary.plot_eb_lc_ph 2001 Aug Plot eclipsing binary light curve as a function of phase.
rv2ellipse astro.binary.rv2ellipse 2016 Dec Convert radial velocity as a function of time to ellipse
self_microlensing astro.binary.self_microlensing 2023 Sep Calculate the self microlensing for binary stars
total_light astro.binary.total_light 2001 Aug ,LimbFun,Nstep,Pars)
Contents astro.cosmo.Contents
ad_dist astro.cosmo.ad_dist 1999 Oct Calculate the filled beam angular diameter distance between two redshifts
ad_dr_dist astro.cosmo.ad_dr_dist 1999 Oct Calculates the Dyer-Roeder angular diameter distance for the empty beam
ad_q_dist astro.cosmo.ad_q_dist 2002 Jun Angular diamater distance with quintessence
allFunList astro.cosmo.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.cosmo package
cdt_dz astro.cosmo.cdt_dz 2001 Jul Calculate the differential cdt/dz in the FLRW geometry.
comoving_dist astro.cosmo.comoving_dist 2006 Jul Comoving distance
comoving_volume astro.cosmo.comoving_volume 2006 Aug Calculate the differential and comoving volume
cosmo_pars astro.cosmo.cosmo_pars 2007 March Cosmological parameters as measured by various experiments.
crit_surface_density astro.cosmo.crit_surface_density 2001 Jul The critical surface density for gravitational lensing
delta_vir_z astro.cosmo.delta_vir_z 2000 Oct Calculate the virial overdensity \Delta_{vir}
disp_measure astro.cosmo.disp_measure 2017 Mar Calculate the dispersion measure along a cosmological line of sight
dist_mod2dist astro.cosmo.dist_mod2dist 2015 Jan Convert distance modulous to luminosity distance and redshift
e_z astro.cosmo.e_z 2006 Jul E(z) cosmological function
growth_linear_perturbation astro.cosmo.growth_linear_perturbation 2000 Oct alculate the growth function of linear perurbations
hubble_z astro.cosmo.hubble_z 2001 Jul The Hubble parameter as a function of redshift
inv_comoving_volume astro.cosmo.inv_comoving_volume 2013 Dec Convert cosmological volume to redshift
inv_disp_measure astro.cosmo.inv_disp_measure 2017 Mar Convert cosmological line of sight dispersion measure to redshift
inv_e_z astro.cosmo.inv_e_z 2006 Jul 1/E(z) cosmological function
inv_lum_dist astro.cosmo.inv_lum_dist 2008 March Distance modulus to redshift
lookback_time astro.cosmo.lookback_time 2001 Jul Compute the cosmological lookback time
lum_dist astro.cosmo.lum_dist 2001 Jul Luminosity distance
matter_density astro.cosmo.matter_density 2006 Jul The mean matter density in the Universe.
omega_m_lambda_lines astro.cosmo.omega_m_lambda_lines 2001 Jul Selected lines in Omega_m-Omega_lambda diagram
omega_z astro.cosmo.omega_z 2000 Jan Omega_m as a function of redshift
sfr 2017 Jan Estimate the cosmic star formation rate as a function of redshift
tran_comoving_dist astro.cosmo.tran_comoving_dist 2006 Jul Transverse comoving distance
extinction astro.extinction.extinction 2001 Feb Extinction in band from E_{B-V}
extinctionGrid astro.extinction.extinctionGrid Make a .mat object containing extinction (A_lam) for a given sky grid and filter (or frequency)
sky_ebv astro.extinction.sky_ebv 2006 May Get Galactic extinction for a list of coordinates
allFunList astro.grb.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.grb package
lorentz_from_flux astro.grb.lorentz_from_flux 2006 Aug Lower limit on Lorentz factor GRB
allFunList astro.lensing.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.lensing package
alpha_kspl_fast astro.lensing.alpha_kspl_fast 2005 Mar Deflection for softened power law elliptical density
alpha_sis astro.lensing.alpha_sis 2005 May Gravitational deflection for softend spherical isothermal sphere
alpha_spl astro.lensing.alpha_spl Gravitational deflection of softened power law elliptical potential
beta_minimize astro.lensing.beta_minimize 2005 April Minimize residuals in the image plane.
calc_alpha astro.lensing.calc_alpha 2005 March -----------------------------------------------------------------------
calc_magnification astro.lensing.calc_magnification 2007 May Magnification from mapping matrix
dls_ds_2z astro.lensing.dls_ds_2z 2005 Feb Given D_ls/D_s ratio, z_l and cosmological parameters, solve for z_s.
find_images_regions astro.lensing.find_images_regions 2005 April Search for images of the source in a predefined regions.
fit_astrometric_timedelay astro.lensing.fit_astrometric_timedelay 2017 Jun SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
generate_timedelay_lc astro.lensing.generate_timedelay_lc 2017 Jul Generate random power-law power spectrum light curve and its time delays.
integrand_jn_ellkappa astro.lensing.integrand_jn_ellkappa 2005 March Calculate the integrand of J_n(x,y), for gravitational lensing softened elliptical mass distribution
iplane_rms astro.lensing.iplane_rms 2005 April Minimize residuals in the image plane.
iplane_rms_norm astro.lensing.iplane_rms_norm 2005 April Best source position that minimize residuals in image plane
iplane_rms_smart astro.lensing.iplane_rms_smart 2005 April --------------------------------------------------------------------------
kappa_from_alpha astro.lensing.kappa_from_alpha 2005 June Calculate the surface density of a lens numerically from the deflection field.
lensmodel_solvenorm astro.lensing.lensmodel_solvenorm 2005 April ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot_lens_data astro.lensing.plot_lens_data 2005 January -------------------------------------------------------------------------
predict_images astro.lensing.predict_images 2005 March UNDER CONSTRUCTION
s1plane_rms astro.lensing.s1plane_rms 2005 April --------------------------------------------------------------------------
splane_rms astro.lensing.splane_rms 2005 April --------------------------------------------------------------------------
splane_rms_n astro.lensing.splane_rms_n 2005 April Best fit source plane solution
splane_rms_norm astro.lensing.splane_rms_norm 2005 April splane_rms_norm function Given a deflection field of a lens, and the
splane_rms_norm1 astro.lensing.splane_rms_norm1 2005 April --------------------------------------------------------------------------
upsilon_u astro.lensing.upsilon_u 2005 March -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
allFunList astro.mag.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.mag package
magVega astro.mag.magVega Return the Vega magnitude adopted by GAIA (0.023\pm0.008)
meanPhotonWeightedFlux astro.mag.meanPhotonWeightedFlux 2023 Oct Calculate the mean flux (photon-weighted) multiplied by the response.
photonIntegral astro.mag.photonIntegral 2021 Oct Calculate the number of photons from a spectrum given transmission.
spec2ABmag astro.mag.spec2ABmag Convert spectrum + transmission to AB magnitude
specVega astro.mag.specVega 2021 Oct Return the Vega (Alpha Lyr) standar spectrum for Vega mag calculations
survey_ZP astro.mag.survey_ZP return zero points of different surveys
synMag astro.mag.synMag 2021 Oct Calculate the synthetic magnitude of a spectrum and transmission
transmissionEffWave astro.mag.transmissionEffWave 2023 Oct Calculate the effective wavelength of a transmission function
transmissionMeanWave astro.mag.transmissionMeanWave 2023 Oct Calculate the mean wavelength of a transmission function
transmissionPivotWave astro.mag.transmissionPivotWave 2023 Oct Calculate the Pivot wavelength of a transmission function
allFunList astro.microlensing.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.microlensing package
astrometricMicrolensingPos astro.microlensing.astrometricMicrolensingPos 2022 Jun Calculate the unresolved images position in astrometric microlenisng
chi2_microlensing astro.microlensing.chi2_microlensing 2008 October chi^2 between microlensing observations and model
microlens_ps astro.microlensing.microlens_ps 2007 Feb Microlening light curve for a point source as a function of time
microlens_psb astro.microlensing.microlens_psb 2014 Jun Microlensing lightcurve for a point source as a function of angular dist
microlens_psfs astro.microlensing.microlens_psfs 2007 Feb Microlening light curve with finite source effect
microlens_pspar astro.microlensing.microlens_pspar 2014 Jun Microlening light curve including annual parallax
microlens_template astro.microlensing.microlens_template 2019 Aug SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
ml_filterbank astro.microlensing.ml_filterbank 2019 Sep Generate microlensing template bank
pointsource_lens astro.microlensing.pointsource_lens 2005 Jun Microleninsg magnification, images positions and time delays (OBSOLETE)
ps_lens astro.microlensing.ps_lens 2018 May Calculate deflection, magnification and time delay for point mass lens
radial_astrometric_microlensing astro.microlensing.radial_astrometric_microlensing The astrometric deflection of the primary microleneing image.
shapiro_delay astro.microlensing.shapiro_delay 2018 May Calculate the Shapiri time delay approximation (beta>ThetaE)
shapiro_delay_pm astro.microlensing.shapiro_delay_pm 2018 May The Shaprio time delay given proper motion between two stars.
stoch_time_delay astro.microlensing.stoch_time_delay 2018 May SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList astro.occultation.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.occultation package
fresnel_occultation_filt astro.occultation.fresnel_occultation_filt 2014 Jan Polychromatic difftraction pattern by finite soirce
fresnel_occultation_fs astro.occultation.fresnel_occultation_fs 2009 Jun Monochromatic diffraction pattern by finite source
fresnel_occultation_ps astro.occultation.fresnel_occultation_ps 2009 Jun Monchromatic diffraction pattern for finite source
fresnelc astro.occultation.fresnelc 2000 Apr Fresnel cosine function
fresnels astro.occultation.fresnels 2000 Apr Fresnel sine function
accretion_disk astro.spec.accretion_disk 2005 Jul theoretical spectrum of a optically thick, thin accretion disk
accretion_disk_mag_c astro.spec.accretion_disk_mag_c 2007 Feb Optically thick, thin accretion disk magnitudes
allFunList astro.spec.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.spec package
band_spectrum astro.spec.band_spectrum 2006 Feb Band psectrum
black_body astro.spec.black_body 2003 Jan Black body spectrum
blackbody_bolmag astro.spec.blackbody_bolmag 2007 Feb Bolometric magnitude of black body spectrum
blackbody_flux astro.spec.blackbody_flux 2007 Feb Flux of blackbody in some wavelength range
blackbody_mag_c astro.spec.blackbody_mag_c 2007 Feb Blackbody magnitude
brightness_temp astro.spec.brightness_temp 2007 Nov Brightness temperature
calibrate_spec_using_phot astro.spec.calibrate_spec_using_phot 2013 July calibrate as pectrum based on photometry.
cat_fit_template2phot astro.spec.cat_fit_template2phot 2019 Jul SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
chi2_bb_photometry astro.spec.chi2_bb_photometry 2017 Oct Given photometric observations calculate \chi^2 for BB with a given T.
color2temp astro.spec.color2temp Usage: temp = color2temp(color, filter1, filter2, filter_system='GAIA', mag_system='AB')
conv_vargauss astro.spec.conv_vargauss 2019 Jul Convolution with a Gaussian with a wavelngth dependent width
eqSampling astro.spec.eqSampling 2021 Oct Given two vectors of wavelength, return the dense one and truncate it
eq_sampling astro.spec.eq_sampling 2000 May Resample two [X,Y] lists to have the same sampling (x).
eq_temp astro.spec.eq_temp 2013 Oct Eqilibrium temperature of a body illuminated by a black-body radiation.
fLambda2fNu astro.spec.fLambda2fNu 2023 Oct Convert specific flux in f_lambda to f_nu units
fNu2fLambda astro.spec.fNu2fLambda 2023 Oct Convert specific flux in f_nu to f_lambda units
find_shift_scale_spec astro.spec.find_shift_scale_spec 2005 Jul Find best scale and additive shift to match two spectra
fit_bb astro.spec.fit_bb 2016 Feb Fit a blackbody to spectrum
fit_bb_photometry astro.spec.fit_bb_photometry 2017 Oct SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
fit_specline astro.spec.fit_specline Fit and measure flux of spectral line
fit_template2phot astro.spec.fit_template2phot 2019 Jul Fit a set of spectral templates to photometric observations of a source.
fun_gauss astro.spec.fun_gauss 2013 Apr 1-D Gaussian
fun_lorentzian astro.spec.fun_lorentzian 2013 Apr 1-D Lorentzian
fun_pcyg astro.spec.fun_pcyg 2015 May 1-D simplistic P-Cygni line model
fun_voigt astro.spec.fun_voigt 2012 Oct 1-D Voight profile
hydrogen_lines astro.spec.hydrogen_lines 2008 Feb The vacum wavelength of Hydrogen lines
interp_mag astro.spec.interp_mag 2006 Jul Find best fit spectra from magnitudes and interpolate to other bands.
interpolant_mag astro.spec.interpolant_mag 2019 Mar Interpolant from a time series of photometric observations in one band
ionization_potential astro.spec.ionization_potential 2012 Sep Return ionization potential for elemnt and ionization level.
is_rrlyr_sdss_colors astro.spec.is_rrlyr_sdss_colors 2019 May Is RR Lyr star candidate based on SDSS colors
kcorr astro.spec.kcorr 2013 Apr Calculate k-correction.
lines_db astro.spec.lines_db 2017 Apr Search spectral line by name or wavelength and add ionization potential
luptitude astro.spec.luptitude 2012 Jul Convert flux to luptitude (sinh-magnitude) (OBSOLETE)
mag_subtract astro.spec.mag_subtract 2022 Dec Subtract magnitudes
matchspec astro.spec.matchspec 2005 Jul A GUI utility to inspect and match spectrum with templates.
scale_spectrum astro.spec.scale_spectrum 2005 Jul Scale spectrum by shift and stretch.
shift2vel astro.spec.shift2vel 2000 Aug Calculate the velocity from the red/blue shift (z).
shift_spec astro.spec.shift_spec Transform a spectrum from the observed frame to the rest frame.
sourceInstSensetivity astro.spec.sourceInstSensetivity 2023 Oct Calculate the Source independent instrumental sensitivities
spec_photon_counts astro.spec.spec_photon_counts 2007 Nov Spectrum to photon counts. OBSOLETE: Use
synphot astro.spec.synphot 2008 May Synthetic photometry of spectrum
synthetic_phot astro.spec.synthetic_phot 2019 Aug Synthetic photometry of spectra
vel2shift astro.spec.vel2shift 2000 May Calculate the red/blue shift (z) from velocity.
wein astro.spec.wein 2007 Feb Wein law
xray_abs astro.spec.xray_abs 2007 Nov Bound-free absorption from neutral hydrogen column density.
zodiac_bck astro.spec.zodiac_bck 2014 Sep Zodiac background light (OBSOLETE).
allFunList astro.stars.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.stars package
ang_radius_from_color astro.stars.ang_radius_from_color Estimate angular radius and color temperature from a set of magnitudes
ang_radius_from_temp astro.stars.ang_radius_from_temp Calculate the angular size of a star given its mag, extinction and temp
equipot astro.stars.equipot 1994 May Calculate the gravitational potential of a binary star on a grid.
getClaret2020_LimbDarkeningWD astro.stars.getClaret2020_LimbDarkeningWD 2023 Oct Get the Claret (2020) WD limb darkening coef.
limbDarkening astro.stars.limbDarkening 2023 Oct Return the limb darkening value as a function of mu and coef.
mass_radius_lum astro.stars.mass_radius_lum 2023 Oct Return the mass-radius-effective T, logg, Lum, for the main sequence
star_ang_rad astro.stars.star_ang_rad 2014 Jan Calculate empirical angular radii of stars from magnitude and colors.
star_sptype_color astro.stars.star_sptype_color 2012 Oct Spectral type to color
stellar_imf astro.stars.stellar_imf 2006 Apr The stellar initial mass function
stellar_tracks astro.stars.stellar_tracks 2007 Feb Geneva stellar tracks as a function of time.
tlogg2picklesClass astro.stars.tlogg2picklesClass spectral class and luminosity class to be used with AstroSpec.specStarsPickles
allFunList astro.supernova.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.supernova package
filterVariableFun astro.supernova.filterVariableFun NOT DEBUGED
fit_sn_rise astro.supernova.fit_sn_rise 2013 Jul Fit rise-time of SN light curve
interacting_sn_prop astro.supernova.interacting_sn_prop 2016 Apr Calculate the properties of CSM-ejecta interacting SN
kilonova_multizone astro.supernova.kilonova_multizone 2017 Oct Calculate the Waxman et al. analytic multizone kilonova model
mildrel_synchrotron astro.supernova.mildrel_synchrotron 2018 Feb SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
nickel56_decay astro.supernova.nickel56_decay 2006 Aug Energy production of Nickel56->Cobalt->Iron
sn_cooling_msw astro.supernova.sn_cooling_msw 2019 Jan --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sn_cooling_rw_my astro.supernova.sn_cooling_rw_my 2014 Dec Shock cooling light curve (Rabinak & Waxman 2011)
sn_cooling_sw astro.supernova.sn_cooling_sw 2019 Jan --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sync_mildly_relativistic astro.supernova.sync_mildly_relativistic 2018 Jan Synchrotron emission from mildly relativistic ejecta interacting with ISM
synchrotron astro.supernova.synchrotron 2018 Aug SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
PDF astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.PDF 2019 Oct calculate Probabiliy Distribution Function (PDF) for a given SW17 shock cooling model
allFunList astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the astro.supernova.SOPRANOS package
calcGrid astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.calcGrid 2019 Oct Calculate chi2/dof grid
cubicZeros astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.cubicZeros this functions solves the cubic equation of the form:
findMaximum astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.findMaximum 2019 Oct Find numerically the maximum likelihood
load_GALEX astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.load_GALEX 2019 Oct load GALEX data from the GALEX/PTF experiment
plotGrid astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.plotGrid 2019 Oct Plot the likelihood grid calculated by calcGrid
prepareSNdata astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.prepareSNdata 2019 Oct Prepare Observation data and ancillary data for a SN
prepare_LCs astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.prepare_LCs 2019 Oct Prepare Model light curves for interpolation
readPTFout astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.readPTFout 2019 Oct read PTF out file
readUVOTascii astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.readUVOTascii readUVOTascii Import UVOT subtracted data from an ascii file.
readZTF astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.readZTF 2019 Oct read ZTF data file as exported from ZTF marshal
readZTFtxt astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.readZTFtxt 2019 Oct read ZTF text file
ztfBands astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.ztfBands 2019 Oct Split the table into different bands and read the filter Obj
ztfBandsTxt astro.supernova.SOPRANOS.ztfBandsTxt 2019 Oct Split the table into different bands and read the filter Obj
allFunList celestial.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial package
allFunList celestial.Kepler.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.Kepler package
apsides_precession celestial.Kepler.apsides_precession 2002 Oct First order estimation of the GR precession of the line of apsides
dnu_dt celestial.Kepler.dnu_dt 2014 Jul Calculate dnu/dt and dr/dt for elliptical orbit
eccentric2true_anomaly celestial.Kepler.eccentric2true_anomaly 2014 Dec Convert Eccentric anomaly to true anomaly
elements2position celestial.Kepler.elements2position 2001 Oct Convert orbital elements and date to position and velocity vectors.
elements_1950to2000 celestial.Kepler.elements_1950to2000 2014 Jul B1950.0 FK4 orbital elements to J2000.0 FK5
gauss_grav_const celestial.Kepler.gauss_grav_const 2007 Apr Gaussian gravitational constant for a system
kepler3law celestial.Kepler.kepler3law 2012 Nov Kepler 3rd law
kepler_elliptic celestial.Kepler.kepler_elliptic 2001 Oct Solve Kepler equation for elliptic orbit
kepler_elliptic_fast celestial.Kepler.kepler_elliptic_fast 2014 Dec Solve Kepler equatin (fast version)
kepler_hyperbolic celestial.Kepler.kepler_hyperbolic 2001 Oct SOlve Kepler equation for hyperpolic orbit
kepler_lowecc celestial.Kepler.kepler_lowecc 2014 Jul A low eccentricity serise solution for the Kepler equation
kepler_parabolic celestial.Kepler.kepler_parabolic 2001 Oct Solve the Kepler equation for Parabolic orbit
lightTimeCorrection celestial.Kepler.lightTimeCorrection 2021 Sep Calculate the c\tau' parameters required for light time convergence
thiele_innes celestial.Kepler.thiele_innes 2014 Jan Calculate the Thiele-Innes orbital elements
thiele_innes2el celestial.Kepler.thiele_innes2el 2014 Jan Thiele-Innes to orbital elements
true2eccentric_anomaly celestial.Kepler.true2eccentric_anomaly 2014 Dec True anomaly to eccentric anomaly
trueanom2pos celestial.Kepler.trueanom2pos 2001 Aug True anomaly, radius vector and orbital elements to cartezian position
trueanom2vel celestial.Kepler.trueanom2vel 2014 Jan True anomaly, radius vector and orbital elements to position and velocity
xyz2elements celestial.Kepler.xyz2elements Convert rectangular heliocentric ecliptic coo. and vel. to orbital elements.
aberrationSolarSystem celestial.SolarSys.aberrationSolarSystem
allFunList celestial.SolarSys.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.SolarSys package
anglesFromDistances celestial.SolarSys.anglesFromDistances 2023 Nov Given Distances between 3 bodies, return the angles.
antiSunDirection celestial.SolarSys.antiSunDirection
asteroid_magnitude celestial.SolarSys.asteroid_magnitude 2001 Oct Calculate the magnitude of minor planets in the HG system
asteroid_radius celestial.SolarSys.asteroid_radius 2022 Nov Calculate asteroid radius from magnitudes
calc_all_planets_lun_occ celestial.SolarSys.calc_all_planets_lun_occ Lunar occultations of planets
calc_vsop87 celestial.SolarSys.calc_vsop87 2001 May Planetary coordinates based on the VSOP87 theory
cart2eqAng celestial.SolarSys.cart2eqAng 2023 Nov Topocentric cartesian ecliptic (or eq.) to equatorial J2000 RA, Dec
earthObserverPos celestial.SolarSys.earthObserverPos 2023 Nov Earth/topocentric ecliptic position relative to the Solar System barycenter
earthShadowCoo celestial.SolarSys.earthShadowCoo 2021 Oct Calculate the J2000.0 equatorial coordinates of the Earth shadow at a given height
earth_vel_ron_vondrak celestial.SolarSys.earth_vel_ron_vondrak 2010 Oct Earth barycentric velocity
ec_longlat2cart celestial.SolarSys.ec_longlat2cart 2021 Oct Convert Heliocentric ecliptic long/lat/rad referred to mean equinox of date to cartesian coordinates.
elongationZeroAngularSpeed celestial.SolarSys.elongationZeroAngularSpeed 2022 Jul Estimate the elongation (ang. dist. from Sun on ecliptic) of zero ang. speed points.
equinox_solstice celestial.SolarSys.equinox_solstice 2014 Jul Approximate time of Equinox and Solstice
getJPL_CloseApproachNEO celestial.SolarSys.getJPL_CloseApproachNEO 2023 Oct Get list of NEO close approaches to Earth along with their JPL ephemeris
getJPL_allOrbitalElements celestial.SolarSys.getJPL_allOrbitalElements Retrieve orbital elements as a function of time for all minor planets
getJPL_ephem celestial.SolarSys.getJPL_ephem 2023 Nov A general purpose access to JPL horizons ephemeris
get_horizons celestial.SolarSys.get_horizons 2008 Jul Get an ephemerides for a solar system body from JPL horizons
get_moon celestial.SolarSys.get_moon 2008 Jun Get Moon position (low accuracy)
get_orbit_files celestial.SolarSys.get_orbit_files 2009 Nov Get asteroids/comets orbital elements from JPL, save locally and read.
get_sun celestial.SolarSys.get_sun 2008 Jun Get Sun position (low accuracy)
jpl_horizons celestial.SolarSys.jpl_horizons 2018 Jun Get JPL horizons ephemeris for a solar system body.
jup_meridian celestial.SolarSys.jup_meridian 1999 Aug Low accuracy formula for Jupiter central meridian
jup_satcurve celestial.SolarSys.jup_satcurve 1999 Aug Plot monthly curves of the position of the Galilean satellites
jupiter_map celestial.SolarSys.jupiter_map 2007 Jan Plot Jupiter image as observed from Earth at a given time
kuiper_check celestial.SolarSys.kuiper_check 2001 Jun Parallax due to Earth and object motion of a solar system object
moon_elp82 celestial.SolarSys.moon_elp82 2000 Jun ELP2000-82 ecliptic coordinates of the Moon
moon_ephem celestial.SolarSys.moon_ephem 2006 Sep ELP2000-82 Moon ephemeris
moon_illum celestial.SolarSys.moon_illum 2006 Aug Low accuracy Moon illuminated fraction
moon_librations celestial.SolarSys.moon_librations 2001 Oct Moon's librations
moon_phases celestial.SolarSys.moon_phases 2007 Jul Return a list of moon phases in range of dates
moon_sky_brightness celestial.SolarSys.moon_sky_brightness 2000 Aug Krisciunas & Schaefer (1991) sky brightness model due to the Moon
mooncool celestial.SolarSys.mooncool 1999 Aug Low-accuracy topocentric equatorial coordinates of the Moon
moonecool celestial.SolarSys.moonecool 1999 Aug Low-accuracy geocentric ecliptical coordinate of the Moon
moonlight celestial.SolarSys.moonlight 1999 Aug Calculate the Moon illumination in Lux on horizontal surface
orbelem2ephem celestial.SolarSys.orbelem2ephem 2019 Feb SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
orbitIntegration celestial.SolarSys.orbitIntegration 2022 April Calculate the position and velocity evolution for a list of bodies
orbitIntegrationLightTime celestial.SolarSys.orbitIntegrationLightTime
orbitIntegrationLightTime1 celestial.SolarSys.orbitIntegrationLightTime1
pl_rotation celestial.SolarSys.pl_rotation 2001 Oct Calculate planetary rotation parameters
planar_sundial celestial.SolarSys.planar_sundial 2006 Aug Calculate and plot a planar sundial
planet_ephem celestial.SolarSys.planet_ephem 2001 May ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
planet_ephem_table celestial.SolarSys.planet_ephem_table
planet_lowephem celestial.SolarSys.planet_lowephem 2001 Jan Low-accuracy ephemeris of the planets (~1 arcmin)
planet_radius celestial.SolarSys.planet_radius 2001 May Planet radius and flattening factor and angular diameter.
planets_lunar_occultations celestial.SolarSys.planets_lunar_occultations 2008 Dec Search and calculates for lunar occultations of the planets
planets_magnitude celestial.SolarSys.planets_magnitude 2001 May Calculate the planets apparent magnitude
planets_rotation celestial.SolarSys.planets_rotation 2004 Dec Planet north pole, rotation rate and the primery meridian
ple_earth celestial.SolarSys.ple_earth 2001 Oct Low-accuracy planetray ephemeris for Earth
ple_force celestial.SolarSys.ple_force 2021 Oct Calculate the net Sun+planets G*M on a solar system body.
ple_jupiter celestial.SolarSys.ple_jupiter 2001 Oct Low accuracy planetray ephemeris for Jupiter.
ple_mars celestial.SolarSys.ple_mars 2001 Oct Low-accuracy planetray ephemeris for Mars
ple_mercury celestial.SolarSys.ple_mercury 2001 Oct Low accuracy ephemerides for Mercury
ple_neptune celestial.SolarSys.ple_neptune 2001 Oct Low accuracy planetray ephemeris for Neptune
ple_planet celestial.SolarSys.ple_planet 2001 Oct Low accuracy ephemeris for the main planets
ple_saturn celestial.SolarSys.ple_saturn 2001 Oct Low accuracy planetray ephemeris for Saturn
ple_uranus celestial.SolarSys.ple_uranus 2001 Oct Low accuracy ephemeris for Uranus
ple_venus celestial.SolarSys.ple_venus 2001 Oct Low accuracy ephemeris for Venus
ple_xyzAll celestial.SolarSys.ple_xyzAll 2021 Oct Get approximate cartesian coordinates of major planets in a matrix.
read_mpc_packed_epoch celestial.SolarSys.read_mpc_packed_epoch 2008 Jan Convert the MPC packed date format to JD
rise_set celestial.SolarSys.rise_set 2001 Sep Calculate rise/set times
saturn_rings celestial.SolarSys.saturn_rings 2001 May Calculate the orientation angles for Saturn's rings
skylight celestial.SolarSys.skylight 1999 Aug Calculate the total sky illumination in Lux on horizontal surface
solarlong2jd celestial.SolarSys.solarlong2jd 1999 Sep Time in which the Sun is in a given solar longitude
sunAzAlt celestial.SolarSys.sunAzAlt Returm/print Sun local Az/Alt data
sun_ephem celestial.SolarSys.sun_ephem 2001 May Sun ephemeris
sun_rise_set celestial.SolarSys.sun_rise_set 2001 Sep Calculate Sun rise/set
suncoo celestial.SolarSys.suncoo 1999 Sep Low-accuracy position of the Sun (0.01 deg in long).
suncoo1 celestial.SolarSys.suncoo1 1999 August Low-accuracy coordinates of the Sun (1950-2050 range)
sunlight celestial.SolarSys.sunlight 1999 Aug Calculate the Sun illumination in Lux on horizontal surface
surfaceAreaFromMag celestial.SolarSys.surfaceAreaFromMag 2022 Nov Given its magnitude, calculate the surface area of a simple solar system reflector
allFunList celestial.conjunctions.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.conjunctions package
conjunctionsSearchStarMP celestial.conjunctions.conjunctionsSearchStarMP Search for conjunctions/occultations of minor planets and GAIA stars
conjunctionsStars celestial.conjunctions.conjunctionsStars 2023 Mar Search for conjunctions between a Solar system object and GAIA stars
planet_obj_conj celestial.conjunctions.planet_obj_conj 2002 December Calculate planet-object conjunctions/occultations,
plants_object_conjunctions celestial.conjunctions.plants_object_conjunctions 2008 Dec Local circumstences for conjunctions of planets with a given object
readOccIOTA celestial.conjunctions.readOccIOTA 2022 Dec Read IOTA we-page asteroid occultation path into matlab
search_conj celestial.conjunctions.search_conj 2007 Apr Celestial conjunctions between moving objects
search_conj_sm celestial.conjunctions.search_conj_sm 2007 Apr Celestial conjunctions on the between moving and stationary objects
star_conjunctions celestial.conjunctions.star_conjunctions 2018 May Calculate conjuctions between stars given their proper motion.
star_conjunctions_montecarlo celestial.conjunctions.star_conjunctions_montecarlo 2018 Jun SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
aberration celestial.coo.aberration 2010 Oct Apply aberration of light to source position
add_offset celestial.coo.add_offset 2010 Mar Offset a position by angular distance and position angle
airmass celestial.coo.airmass 2011 Apr Airmass from time and object and observer position
allFunList celestial.coo.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.coo package
alt2ha celestial.coo.alt2ha 2014 Jul Convert altitude and declnation to hour angle
altha2dec celestial.coo.altha2dec 2014 Jul Convert altitude and hour angle to declination
angle_in2pi celestial.coo.angle_in2pi 2014 May Convert an angle to the 0 to 2*pi range
area_sphere_polygon celestial.coo.area_sphere_polygon 2007 Mar Area of a polygon on a sphere
azalt2hadec celestial.coo.azalt2hadec 2020 Aug Convert Az/Alt to HA/Dec
boundingCircle celestial.coo.boundingCircle 2021 Apr fit the smallest-radius bounding circle to set of X, Y points
calc_pm celestial.coo.calc_pm 2001 January Calculate the proper motion of a star (OBSOLETE)
cel_annulus_area celestial.coo.cel_annulus_area 2006 Jan Area within a celestial annulus
celestial_circ celestial.coo.celestial_circ 2005 Dec Grid of coordinates on a small spherical circle
center2corners celestial.coo.center2corners 2010 Mar Return field corners given its center and size
coco celestial.coo.coco 2000 Feb Convert between different coordinates (OBSOLETE: use convert_coo)
continuousLong celestial.coo.continuousLong 2022 Apr Given a matrix of longitude, make the longitude in columns or rows continuous.
convert2equatorial celestial.coo.convert2equatorial 2020 Feb Convert coordinates/name to apparent equatorial coordinates.
convert_coo celestial.coo.convert_coo Convert between different coordinates
convertdms celestial.coo.convertdms 2000 Jun Convert between various representations of coordinates and time
coo2box celestial.coo.coo2box 2017 Dec Calculate box vertices around coordinates (OBSOLETE: use coo2box)
coo2cosined celestial.coo.coo2cosined Coordinates to cosine directions
coo_resolver celestial.coo.coo_resolver 2019 Mar Resolve coordinates or target name into RA/Dec
cosined celestial.coo.cosined Convert between coordinates and cosine directions
cosined2coo celestial.coo.cosined2coo Cosine direction to coordinates
dome_az celestial.coo.dome_az 2015 May UNDER CONSTRUCTION
ecliptic2helioecliptic celestial.coo.ecliptic2helioecliptic 2014 Nov Ecliptic longitude to Helio-ecliptic longitude
fit_proper_motion celestial.coo.fit_proper_motion 2020 May Fit proper motion to observations
fit_scircle celestial.coo.fit_scircle
geocentric2lsr celestial.coo.geocentric2lsr 2003 Sep Geocentric or heliocentric velocity to velocity relative to the LSR
get_skytile_coo celestial.coo.get_skytile_coo 2005 Sep Search for coordinates in tiles
ha2alt celestial.coo.ha2alt 2010 Aug Hour angle to altitude and airmass
ha2az celestial.coo.ha2az 2010 Aug Convert hour angle and declination to azimuth, altitude and airmass
hadec2azalt celestial.coo.hadec2azalt 2020 Aug Convert HA/Dec to Az/Alt
hardie celestial.coo.hardie 1994 Jan The Hardie airmass formula
hardie_inv celestial.coo.hardie_inv 2001 Sep Convert hardie airmass to altitude
horiz_coo celestial.coo.horiz_coo 1999 Aug Celestial equatorial coordinates to horizontal coordinates
in_box celestial.coo.in_box 2020 Apr Check if celestial coordinates are in a box (approximate).
inside_celestial_box celestial.coo.inside_celestial_box 2010 Mar Check if coorduinates are within box
interp_coo celestial.coo.interp_coo 2010 Mar Interpolate celestial coordinates as a function of time
is_coordinate_ok celestial.coo.is_coordinate_ok 2019 Apr Check that coordinates satisfy some observability conditions
light_abberation celestial.coo.light_abberation 2001 May Given an object observer-centric direction, corrected for light deflection
light_deflection celestial.coo.light_deflection 2001 May Calculate the observer-centric direction of a planet, corrected for light deflection.
minDist_PointArc celestial.coo.minDist_PointArc 2023 Mar Calculate the min distance between a point and a great circle
nearest_coo celestial.coo.nearest_coo 2005 Dec Search for nearest coordinates in a list.
nutation celestial.coo.nutation 2000 Feb Intermidiate accuracy IAU 1984 nutation
nutation1980 celestial.coo.nutation1980 2014 Jun Calculate the IAU 1980 Nutation series for a set of JDs.
nutation2rotmat celestial.coo.nutation2rotmat 2014 Jun Return the nutation rotation matrix
nutation_lowacc celestial.coo.nutation_lowacc 2014 Jul Low accuracy (~1") calculation of the nutation.
obliquity celestial.coo.obliquity 1999 Aug Calculate the obliquity of the Earth ecliptic.
parallactic2ha celestial.coo.parallactic2ha 2013 Nov Convert parallactic angle and declinatio to hour angle
parallactic_angle celestial.coo.parallactic_angle 2001 October Calculate the parallactic angle
parseCooInput celestial.coo.parseCooInput 2021 Oct Parse RA/Dec coordinates
pm2space_motion celestial.coo.pm2space_motion 2006 Apr Space motion vector from PM, Plx and RV
pm_eq2gal celestial.coo.pm_eq2gal 2018 Jun SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
pm_vector celestial.coo.pm_vector 2001 Aug Return the space motion vector (OBSOLETE)
points2gc celestial.coo.points2gc 2022 Apr Convert two points on a sphere to great circle representation (Lon, Lat, Az)
polar_alignment celestial.coo.polar_alignment 2020 May Calculate the RA/Dec drift due to equatorial polar alignemnt error.
polar_alignment_drift celestial.coo.polar_alignment_drift 2020 May Calculate the RA/Dec drift due to equatorial polar alignemnt error.
polar_alignment_tracking_error celestial.coo.polar_alignment_tracking_error 2018 Aug
pole_from2points celestial.coo.pole_from2points 2008 Jul Find pole of a great circle defined by two points on the sphere.
precession celestial.coo.precession 2016 Nov Calculate the Earth precession parameters
proper_motion celestial.coo.proper_motion 2011 Jan Applay proper motion to a catalog
proper_motion_parallax celestial.coo.proper_motion_parallax 2011 Jan Applay proper motion and parallax to a catalog
radec2azalt celestial.coo.radec2azalt 2023 May Convert JD,RA,Dec to Az,Alt,AM,ParAng
refraction celestial.coo.refraction 2000 Nov Estimate atmospheric refraction, in visible light.
refraction_coocor celestial.coo.refraction_coocor 2010 Oct Atmospheric refraction correction for equatorial coordinates.
refraction_wave celestial.coo.refraction_wave 2013 Nov Calculate the wavelength-dependent atmospheric refraction
rotm_coo celestial.coo.rotm_coo 1999 Aug Rotation matrix for coordinate conversion
shift_coo celestial.coo.shift_coo 2022 Mar Shift spherical coordinates by lon/lat.
sky_area_above_am celestial.coo.sky_area_above_am 2014 Jul Calculate sky area observable during the night above a specific airmass.
solve_alignment6dof_problem celestial.coo.solve_alignment6dof_problem
sphere_dist celestial.coo.sphere_dist 2000 Feb angular distance and position angle between two points on the sphere
sphere_dist_cosd celestial.coo.sphere_dist_cosd 2015 Jan Angular distance between a set of two cosine vector directions.
sphere_dist_fast celestial.coo.sphere_dist_fast 2013 Feb Calculate the angular distance between two points on the celestial sphere.
sphere_dist_fastSmall celestial.coo.sphere_dist_fastSmall 2021 Nov Spherical distance approximation for small angular distances
sphere_dist_fastThresh celestial.coo.sphere_dist_fastThresh 2021 Dec Calculate angular distances only for sources with Dec diff below threshold.
sphere_dist_fast_thresh celestial.coo.sphere_dist_fast_thresh 2013 Feb Calculate the angular distance between two points on the (STATUS UNKNOWN)
sphere_dist_thresh celestial.coo.sphere_dist_thresh 2016 Mar Check if the angular dist. between points is below some threshold.
sphere_move celestial.coo.sphere_move Applay offset to RA and Dec
sphere_offset celestial.coo.sphere_offset 2007 Apr Calculate the offset needed to move between two points on the celestial sphere
spherical_tri_area celestial.coo.spherical_tri_area 2008 December Calculate the area of a spherical triangle
spherical_triangle_circum_circle celestial.coo.spherical_triangle_circum_circle 2017 Jan Calculate the radius of the circum circle of a spherical triangle
spherical_triangle_inscribed_circle celestial.coo.spherical_triangle_inscribed_circle 2017 Jan Calculate the radius of the inscribed circle of a spherical triangle
topocentricVector celestial.coo.topocentricVector 2021 Sep Calculate the topocentric vector of an observer.
topocentric_vec celestial.coo.topocentric_vec 2001 May Calculate the topocentric position and velocity vectors (OBSOLOETE)
allFunList celestial.coo.mex.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.coo.mex package
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
earth_gravity_field 2014 Jul Calculate the Earth gravity field for a set of locations.
geoc2geod 2000 Jan Convert Geocentric coordinates to Geodetic coordinates
geod2geoc 2000 Jan Convert Geodetic coordinates to Geocentric coordinates
observatoryCoo 2023 Apr Database of observatories coordinates
refellipsoid 2000 Jun Return data for a given reference ellipsoid of Earth.
satellite_ang_speed 2023 Jul Estimate satellite angular speed as a function of Alt and H
satellite_mag 2019 Dec Satellite apparent magnitude
ephemKepler celestial.ephem.ephemKepler Calculate ephemerides for OrbitalEl object.
ephemKeplerMultiObj celestial.ephem.ephemKeplerMultiObj 2023 Nov Calculate ephemerides for OrbitalEl object by solving the Kepler equation.
ephemKeplerMultiTime celestial.ephem.ephemKeplerMultiTime 2023 Nov Calculate ephemerides for OrbitalEl object by solving the Kepler equation.
ephemMultiObj celestial.ephem.ephemMultiObj 2023 Nov Generate multiple targets ephemeris for a single epoch by orbital integration.
make_healpix_grid celestial.grid.make_healpix_grid make a grid of HEALPix positions covering the whole sky
statSkyGrid celestial.grid.statSkyGrid calculate statistics of a gridded value for a given sky position and radius
tile_the_sky celestial.grid.tile_the_sky 2005 Jul Tile the celestial sphere with overlapping box-shape tiles
Contents celestial.htm.Contents
allFunList celestial.htm.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.htm package
cone_in_polysphere celestial.htm.cone_in_polysphere 2017 Feb Check if a cone (small circle) is within a convex spherical polygon
gc_mid_section celestial.htm.gc_mid_section 2011 Jul Mid point on great circle between two points
htm_build celestial.htm.htm_build 2011 July Build Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) structure
htm_build_son celestial.htm.htm_build_son 2011 Jul An auxilary function for htm_build
htm_search_cone celestial.htm.htm_search_cone 2015 Feb Search for all HTM leafs interscting a small circle (cone search)
htm_search_point celestial.htm.htm_search_point 2014 Jul Search for a single point-like coordinate in an HTM tree
in_halfspace celestial.htm.in_halfspace 2011 Jul Is point in half space
in_polysphere celestial.htm.in_polysphere 2011 Jul Is point inside a convex spherical polygon
nhtm2level celestial.htm.nhtm2level 2018 Jan Given number of HTM elements calculate number of levels.
polysphere_poles celestial.htm.polysphere_poles 2017 Feb Given a spherical polygon vertces, find the poles of each of sides
polysphere_sort celestial.htm.polysphere_sort 2016 Sep Sort a convex spherical polygon
search_htm_coocat celestial.htm.search_htm_coocat 2015 Feb Search coordinates in HTMs
tree_collect_leafs celestial.htm.tree_collect_leafs 2011 Aug Collect leafs in a tree
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
amapproj 1999 Aug Old map projection function (not supported)
plot_monthly_smap 2004 Nov Plot a monthly sky map
plot_smap 2004 Mar Given a star catalog plot star map
prep_dss_fc 2005 Jul Prepare DSS finding charts, with labels
usnob1_map 2004 March Plot a finding chart using a local copy of the USNO-B2.0
allFunList celestial.meteors.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.meteors package
meteor_multistation celestial.meteors.meteor_multistation 2001 Dec Direction for detection of a meteor observed from another station
meteors_db celestial.meteors.meteors_db 2012 Aug Return a meteor shower database (incomplete)
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
fitMultiProperMotion 2021 May Simultanoulsy (fast) fit proper motion and stationary model to observations
searchCatForKnownPM 2021 Jul Given a catalog of sources positions and times, and a specific
allFunList celestial.proj.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.proj package
pr_aitoff celestial.proj.pr_aitoff 1999 Aug Project coordinates using equal area Aitoff projection
pr_albers celestial.proj.pr_albers 1999 Jul Albers Equal-Area projection.
pr_azimuthal_equidist celestial.proj.pr_azimuthal_equidist 2006 Aug Azimuthal equidistant projection.
pr_bonne celestial.proj.pr_bonne 1999 Aug Bonne projection.
pr_cassini celestial.proj.pr_cassini 1999 Jul Cassini projection.
pr_conic celestial.proj.pr_conic 1999 Aug Conic projection.
pr_cylindrical celestial.proj.pr_cylindrical 1999 July Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using a general cylindrical projection.
pr_gnomonic celestial.proj.pr_gnomonic 1999 Jul Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the Gnomonic non conformal projection
pr_hammer celestial.proj.pr_hammer 1999 August Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the Hammer projection.
pr_hammer_aitoff celestial.proj.pr_hammer_aitoff 2012 Sep Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using equal area Hammer-Aitoff projection
pr_ignomonic celestial.proj.pr_ignomonic 2005 Jun roject coordinates using the inverse Gnomonic non conformal projection
pr_ihammer_aitoff celestial.proj.pr_ihammer_aitoff 2012 Sep Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the inverse of the equal area Hammer-Aitoff projection
pr_mercator celestial.proj.pr_mercator 1999 July Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the Mercator projection.
pr_mollweide celestial.proj.pr_mollweide 1999 August Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the equal area Mollweide projection.
pr_parabolic celestial.proj.pr_parabolic 1999 July Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the Parabolic projection.
pr_planis celestial.proj.pr_planis 2006 Aug planisphere projection.
pr_polar celestial.proj.pr_polar 1999 August Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the polar projection (from north pole).
pr_sin celestial.proj.pr_sin 2017 Mar Slant ortographic (SIN) projection
pr_sinusoidal celestial.proj.pr_sinusoidal 1999 July Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the Sinusoidal projection.
pr_stereographic celestial.proj.pr_stereographic 1999 August Project coordinates (longitude and latitude) using the Stereographic projection.
pr_stereographic_polar celestial.proj.pr_stereographic_polar 2004 Nov Project coordinates using the Stereographic polar projection
pr_xy celestial.proj.pr_xy 1999 Aug X-Y projection (no transformation).
projectcoo celestial.proj.projectcoo 1999 Jul Project coordinates from longitude and latitude to X/Y
allFunList celestial.rigidBody.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.rigidBody package
freePrecession celestial.rigidBody.freePrecession 2023 Feb The diff. equations for triaxial rigid body free precession
LAST_scheduler celestial.scheduling.LAST_scheduler
LAST_simulator celestial.scheduling.LAST_simulator Simulate LAST targets scheduling
allFunList celestial.scheduling.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.scheduling package
assign_targets2telescopes celestial.scheduling.assign_targets2telescopes
coo_visibility celestial.scheduling.coo_visibility Calculate the visibility of celestial coordinates
fermiexp celestial.scheduling.fermiexp 2020 Jan Fermi rise - Exp decay weight function
target_selection celestial.scheduling.target_selection 2020 Jan Select a single target for one telescope
validate_coo celestial.scheduling.validate_coo 2020 Jab Validate HA, Dec within Az,Alt and HA,Dec ranges.
weight_cadence celestial.scheduling.weight_cadence Calculate the cadence weight for a list of targets.
weights_fun celestial.scheduling.weights_fun 2020 Oct
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
find_coo 2017 Jul Cone search in a table with spherical coordinates.
match_coo 2017 Jul Match two lists by spherical coordinates.
match_coo_nearest 2017 Jul Match two lists by spherical coordinates for nearest source only.
rectOverlap 2022 Apr Test if a spherical rectangles are overlapping/intersecting.
allFunList celestial.stars.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.stars package
constellation celestial.stars.constellation 2001 Oct Find the constellations in which celestial coordinates are located.
nearest_bright_star celestial.stars.nearest_bright_star 2021 Mar Select N bright stars near a given coordinate
star_apparent_place celestial.stars.star_apparent_place 2001 October Compute the apparent place of stars at a given epoch
vb_ephem celestial.stars.vb_ephem 1995 November Ephemeris of a binary star
allFunList celestial.time.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the celestial.time package
barycentricJD celestial.time.barycentricJD 2022 May Convert JD (TDB) to Barycentric JD (TDB)
date2jd celestial.time.date2jd 1994 Jan Convert Julian/Gregorian date to Julian Day
date_str2vec celestial.time.date_str2vec 2014 Dec Convert a string or a cell array of string containing date and time (OBSOLETE)
days_in_month celestial.time.days_in_month 2003 Jan Return the number of days in month
delta_t celestial.time.delta_t 2014 Jun Return \Delta{T}
easter_date celestial.time.easter_date 2006 May Calculate the date of Easter
get_atime celestial.time.get_atime 2008 Jun Get current time, date, JD and LST.
jd2date celestial.time.jd2date 1999 Sep Convert Julian days to Gregorian/Julian date
jd2mjd celestial.time.jd2mjd 2013 Dec Convert JD to MJD
jd2year celestial.time.jd2year 2007 Apr Convert JD to year
julday celestial.time.julday 1994 Jan Convert Julian/Gregorain date to JD
julday1 celestial.time.julday1 1994 January Convert Gregorian date in the range 1901 to 2099 to JD
lst celestial.time.lst 1999 Aug Local Sidereal Time, mean and apparent
mjd2jd celestial.time.mjd2jd 2013 Dec Convert MJD to JD
month_name celestial.time.month_name 2003 Jan Convert month number to name
str2date celestial.time.str2date Convert a date string (usinf datevec) to date vector
tdb_tdt celestial.time.tdb_tdt 2000 Jun Approximate TDB-TT
tt_utc celestial.time.tt_utc 2021 Sep Get TT-UTC and TT-UT1 time
ut1_tai celestial.time.ut1_tai Return the UT1-TAI time (available from 1846 till now).
ut1_utc celestial.time.ut1_utc Return UT1-UTC (DUT1) - read from IERS EOP file (1992 to present day)
year2jd celestial.time.year2jd 2014 Jun Convert year to JD
perfTest celestial.perfTest KDTreeCoo performence tests for celestial.KDTreeCoo
allFunList telescope.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the telescope package
airy telescope.Optics.airy 2008 Jan Calculate the monochromatic Airy function (circular diffraction)
allFunList telescope.Optics.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the telescope.Optics package
genAveragePSF telescope.Optics.genAveragePSF 2022 Feb Generate an average PSF from multiple speckle images
genAveragePSFn telescope.Optics.genAveragePSFn 2022 Feb Generate a multiple-stars PSF from multiple speckle images
noll_index telescope.Optics.noll_index 2014 Jan Return the Zernike index from the Noll index.
phase_complex telescope.Optics.phase_complex 2014 Jan Return the phase of complex numbers.
refraction_index telescope.Optics.refraction_index 2019 Oct Return the refraction index as a function of wavelength
telescope_support telescope.Optics.telescope_support 2014 Feb Construct an image of a telescope entrance pupil (support).
wavefront2image telescope.Optics.wavefront2image 2014 Feb Construct an image from the wavefront
zer_cj_variance telescope.Optics.zer_cj_variance 2014 May The expectency of std of the atmospheric Zernike coefficients.
zernike_xy telescope.Optics.zernike_xy 2014 Jan A driver function for the external zerfun.m function.
zerwavefront2image telescope.Optics.zerwavefront2image 2014 Jan Wavefront from Zernike polynomials and calculate the image plane.
zerwavefront2image_indiv telescope.Optics.zerwavefront2image_indiv 2014 Jan Wavefront from individual Zernike polynomials and calculate the image.
allFunList telescope.obs.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the telescope.obs package
daily_observability telescope.obs.daily_observability 2001 Aug Observability plot fot a specific coordinates
keck_obs_limits telescope.obs.keck_obs_limits 2005 Oct Rise/set time for object in Keck observatory given telescope limits.
observatory_coo telescope.obs.observatory_coo 2001 Aug Geodetic coordinates of selected observatories
obspl telescope.obs.obspl 2001 Aug GUI observations planner
yearly_observability telescope.obs.yearly_observability 2001 Sep Plot yearly observability chart
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
back_comp 2019 Nov Get spectra of background components
optimal_phot_aperture 2014 Sep Optimal aperture radius for aperture photometry of a Gaussian PSF.
sn_calc 2014 Jan A signal-to-noise calculator for astronomical telescopes.
sn_det2signal 2015 Sep Convert detection S/N of a Gaussian PSF to signal
sn_det_psf 2015 Aug Calculate S/N for detection of a Gaussian PSF
sn_phot2signal 2015 Apr Convert photometry S/N of a Gaussian source to signal
sn_phot_aper 2015 Apr Calculate the aperture photometry S/N for a Gaussain source
sn_phot_psf 2015 Mar Calculate photometry S/N of a Gaussian PSF
sn_phot_psfn 2015 Apr Calculate photometry S/N of a numerical PSF
sn_spec 2017 May S/N calculator for long-slit spectra
snr 2019 Nov Signal-to-Noise ratio calculator using full spectral components.
spec2photons 2007 Nov Spectrum to photon counts in band.
volumetric_rate_sn 2019 Jun SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList timeSeries.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries package
allFunList timeSeries.arma.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.arma package
allFunList timeSeries.bin.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.bin package
binning timeSeries.bin.binning 1999 Feb Binning function. Calculate various functions in data bins.
binningFast timeSeries.bin.binningFast 2021 Sep Bin [X,Y] data and apply functions to Y values in each bin defined by X
binning_adaptive timeSeries.bin.binning_adaptive 2019 Mar Construct list of edges for binning, given some bin size criteria
binning_npt timeSeries.bin.binning_npt Binning a time series by equal number of sucssesive points
binning_old timeSeries.bin.binning_old 1999 Feb The old version of the binning function. Use binning instead.
allFunList timeSeries.detrend.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.detrend package
cleanByExternalSigmaClip timeSeries.detrend.cleanByExternalSigmaClip 2023 Oct Clean dataset in a matrix by selecting entries that are with N*sigma from the mean of each column.
polysubs timeSeries.detrend.polysubs 1994 May Fit and subtract polynomials from a time series [T,Y].
regress timeSeries.detrend.regress 2023 Oct Detrend a time series by regression against external parameters
runmean timeSeries.detrend.runmean 2002 Jan Running mean of un-evenly spaced time series
runmean1 timeSeries.detrend.runmean1 2013 Sep Running mean on equally spaced 1-D vector
sgolayInterp timeSeries.detrend.sgolayInterp 2021 Dec Savitzky-Golay filter and interpolation for non equally spaced data.
subtract_back1d timeSeries.detrend.subtract_back1d 2012 Oct Subtract background level from a 1-D vector.
sysrem timeSeries.detrend.sysrem 2019 Jul Apply the Tamuz et al. sysrem decomposition to a matrix of residuals
filterStd timeSeries.filter.filterStd Calculate the 1-D std filter on equally spaced time series
fitFilter1D timeSeries.filter.fitFilter1D Matched filter fitting of a 1-D time series with a template bank.
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
fitPeriod 2023 Mar fit a light curve with an harmonic (sin/cos) series
fitPolyHyp 2021 Sep Hypothesis testing between fitting polynomials of various degrees to
allFunList timeSeries.fold.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.fold package
extract_phase timeSeries.fold.extract_phase 1994 Oct Extract observations take at some phase range
folding timeSeries.fold.folding 1993 Nov Folding a time series by some period
folding_solarsys timeSeries.fold.folding_solarsys 2013 Jul Folding a time series for a solar system object
allFunList timeSeries.interp.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.interp package
interpGP timeSeries.interp.interpGP 2022 Mar Interpolate a time series using Gaussian processes
sf_interp timeSeries.interp.sf_interp 2002 Dec Interpolate a time-series using the structure-function-weighted method
uniformResample timeSeries.interp.uniformResample 2017 Aug Uniform resampling of a non-evenly spaced time series.
findPeaks timeSeries.peaks.findPeaks One line description
localMax timeSeries.peaks.localMax Find local maxima in 1D time series, including pre-filtering and thresholding.
allFunList timeSeries.period.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.period package
minclp timeSeries.period.minclp 1993 November ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pdm timeSeries.period.pdm 1994 Jun Periodicity search using period dispersion minimization
pdm_phot timeSeries.period.pdm_phot 1996 November --------------------------------------------------------------------
period timeSeries.period.period 2011 May Periodicity search in a non-equally spaced time series
periodFoldedEvents timeSeries.period.periodFoldedEvents 2023 Oct Search periodicity in time tagged events by folding and sin fitting
periodFoldedEventsBeaming timeSeries.period.periodFoldedEventsBeaming 2023 Oct Search for beaming periodicity in time tagged and energy tagged photon list.
periodFoldedMatchedFilter timeSeries.period.periodFoldedMatchedFilter 2023 Oct Matched filter periodicity search for unevenly spaced light curves.
periodPoisson timeSeries.period.periodPoisson 2023 Oct Power spectrum (periodogram) for time-tagged events with Poisson statistics.
period_complex timeSeries.period.period_complex 2016 Dec Fourier transform of non equally spaced time series
period_consistent timeSeries.period.period_consistent 2018 Mar SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
period_entropy timeSeries.period.period_entropy 1996 Nov Periodogram using information entropy
period_events timeSeries.period.period_events 2007 Feb -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
period_fft timeSeries.period.period_fft 2009 Jul Power spectrum of evenly spaced time series using fft
period_fitfourier timeSeries.period.period_fitfourier 2011 May Fit a Fourier series to a time series
period_mi timeSeries.period.period_mi 2019 Jul SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
period_min_curve_length timeSeries.period.period_min_curve_length 1993 Nov Periodicity search using minimum curve length
period_norm timeSeries.period.period_norm 2011 May Normalized power spectrum of non equally spaced time series
period_norm_bootstrap timeSeries.period.period_norm_bootstrap 2019 Aug Run bootstrap normal pertiodogram on a light curve.
period_norm_order2 timeSeries.period.period_norm_order2 2011 May 2nd order harmonic power spectrum of non evenly spaced time series
period_norm_solarsys timeSeries.period.period_norm_solarsys 2013 Jul Normalized power spectrum for a Solar System object
period_normnl timeSeries.period.period_normnl 2011 May Normzlied power spectrum using no loops (may be faster in some cases)
period_np timeSeries.period.period_np 2019 Jul SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
period_pdm timeSeries.period.period_pdm 2019 Aug SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
period_plot timeSeries.period.period_plot 2019 Aug SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
period_scargle timeSeries.period.period_scargle 2011 May Scargle power spectrum of non equally spaced time series
period_scarglenl timeSeries.period.period_scarglenl 2011 May Scargle power spectrum of non equally spaced time series / no loops
periodia timeSeries.period.periodia 1993 Dec Classical power spectrum of non-evenly space time series (OBSOLETE)
periodis timeSeries.period.periodis 1994 Mar Scargle periodogram. OBSOLETE: Use period.m instead.
periodit timeSeries.period.periodit 1997 Dec Calculate the periodogram as a function of time (will be removed)
periodmulti_norm timeSeries.period.periodmulti_norm 2012 Sep Simultanous power spectrum of time series with common times
allFunList timeSeries.rand.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.rand package
random_time_sequence timeSeries.rand.random_time_sequence 2017 Jul Generate random times for an astronomical time series.
allFunList timeSeries.stat.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.stat package
stdfilt1 timeSeries.stat.stdfilt1 2009 Jun Standart deviation filter
vonNeumannStat timeSeries.stat.vonNeumannStat 2023 Jan Calculate the unbiased von Neumann statistics for a time series.
allFunList timeSeries.time.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.time package
hjd timeSeries.time.hjd 1993 Nov JD to heliocentric JD
A_hat timeSeries.timeDelay.A_hat 2020 Apr A_hat operator (Springer & Ofek 2021b)
allFunList timeSeries.timeDelay.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.timeDelay package
chi2_xF timeSeries.timeDelay.chi2_xF 2020 May Return the \chi^2 for fitting astrometric time delay in the time domain
combined_Ft timeSeries.timeDelay.combined_Ft 2020 Apr Reconstruct the combined light curve from the original light curve
content timeSeries.timeDelay.content Content of the +TimeDelay package:
dft_matrix timeSeries.timeDelay.dft_matrix 2020 Feb Return the discrete Fourier Transform matrix
end_matching timeSeries.timeDelay.end_matching 2020 Apr Apply end-matching to a light curve such that first and last point have the same flux.
end_matching_xt timeSeries.timeDelay.end_matching_xt 2020 Apr Apply end-matching to a center-of-light position consistent with light curve
equal_diagonals_matrix timeSeries.timeDelay.equal_diagonals_matrix 2020 Apr Populate a vector along the diagonals of a matrix (Toplitz matrix)
fft_freq timeSeries.timeDelay.fft_freq 2020 Apr Return the frequencies off fft with N points and Delta time step D.
fit_astrometric_flux timeSeries.timeDelay.fit_astrometric_flux 2020 Apr Fit the 2 images astrometric-flux time delay model to observations
fit_astrometric_flux_UnevenlySpaced timeSeries.timeDelay.fit_astrometric_flux_UnevenlySpaced
fit_astrometric_flux_simple timeSeries.timeDelay.fit_astrometric_flux_simple 2020 Apr Fit 2-D lensed images using the simple flux/astrometry method (no red noise)
fit_flux timeSeries.timeDelay.fit_flux 2020 Apr Fit the 2 images time delay using the flux-only method
fit_fluxBPL timeSeries.timeDelay.fit_fluxBPL Fit the power spectrum with broken power-law model
fit_fluxBPL_TD timeSeries.timeDelay.fit_fluxBPL_TD
logdet timeSeries.timeDelay.logdet Calculate the log of the determinant of a matrix
logl_BPL timeSeries.timeDelay.logl_BPL 2020 Apr Calculate the log-likelihood for a broken power-law model
logl_F timeSeries.timeDelay.logl_F 2020 Apr Calculate the log-likelihood of F, Sigma_F, and Sigma_phi (flux only method)
logl_xF timeSeries.timeDelay.logl_xF 2020 Apr Return the -logL of x,F - of the astrometric-flux time-delay method
logl_x_given_F timeSeries.timeDelay.logl_x_given_F 2020 Apr Return the -logL of x | F - of the astrometric-flux time-delay method
plots_for_paperI timeSeries.timeDelay.plots_for_paperI Input : - plot options:
plots_for_paperII timeSeries.timeDelay.plots_for_paperII PLot options:
power_spectrum_sections timeSeries.timeDelay.power_spectrum_sections Calculate the power spectrum of unevenly spaced time series with gaps
rand_lensed timeSeries.timeDelay.rand_lensed 2020 Oct Generate evenly spaced combined ligt curve and position of lensed quasar
rand_lensed_uneq timeSeries.timeDelay.rand_lensed_uneq 2020 Oct unequally spaced lensed quasar light curves and center of light position
rand_psd timeSeries.timeDelay.rand_psd 2020 Oct Generate a random vector with distribution following some power spectrum.
reconstruct_ft timeSeries.timeDelay.reconstruct_ft 2020 Oct Reconstruct f(t) of a lensed quasar from the combined light and position
sigma_phi timeSeries.timeDelay.sigma_phi 2020 Oct Calculate Sigma_phi and Sigma_F
split2sections timeSeries.timeDelay.split2sections Split a time series to sections in which the gaps have a maximum.
witt_timedelay_formula timeSeries.timeDelay.witt_timedelay_formula 2020 Oct Calculate the time delay for isothermal elliptical potential (Witt formula)
allFunList timeSeries.xcorr.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the timeSeries.xcorr package
ccf timeSeries.xcorr.ccf 1999 June ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ccf1 timeSeries.xcorr.ccf1 2014 Sep --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ccf_fft timeSeries.xcorr.ccf_fft 2013 Dec Cross correlation function of evenly spaced data using fft
ccf_old timeSeries.xcorr.ccf_old 1995 Nov Cross coorelation between two equally spaced series
dcf timeSeries.xcorr.dcf 2010 Sep --------------------------------------------------------------------------
dcf1 timeSeries.xcorr.dcf1 2016 Apr --------------------------------------------------------------------------
xcorr timeSeries.xcorr.xcorr 2017 Jun Calculate the \chi2 and cross correlation between two time series.
ADU2e ultrasat.ADU2e convert ULTRASAT ADU into the count number (electrons)
Cerenkov ultrasat.Cerenkov 2019 Oct Calculate the Cerenkov spectrum generated in a lens
GEO_object_visibility ultrasat.GEO_object_visibility 2021 Jan SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
ULTRASAT_restricted_visibility ultrasat.ULTRASAT_restricted_visibility 2021 Jan SHORT DESCRIPTION HERE
allFunList ultrasat.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the ultrasat package
calibrationStars ultrasat.calibrationStars provides a structure with calibration star spectra and coordinates
convertGALEXdistribution ultrasat.convertGALEXdistribution makes a .mat object containing ULTRASAT magnitudes
dEdX_calc ultrasat.dEdX_calc 2019 Oct Calculate dE/dX as a function of energy
e2ADU ultrasat.e2ADU convert ULTRASAT image count number (electrons) into the ADU output number
event_rate ultrasat.event_rate 2019 Nov Calculate event rate for ULTRASAT given event and host abs. mag.
geostat_electrons_spec_flux ultrasat.geostat_electrons_spec_flux 2019 Oct Return spectral model for electron flux in geostationary orbit
getULTRASAT_PSF ultrasat.getULTRASAT_PSF get a spectrum-weighted ULTRASAT PSF stamp from pre-built libraries
jitter ultrasat.jitter 2023 Feb Blur an array of ULTRASAT PSFs due to the S/C jitter
optic_comparison ultrasat.optic_comparison
psf_information_content ultrasat.psf_information_content characterize information content loss when using various ULTRASAT PSFs
simulateKeplerField ultrasat.simulateKeplerField simulate an ULTRASAT image from of the Kepler field from the input star catalog
simulate_ULTRASAT_image ultrasat.simulate_ULTRASAT_image 2023 Aug Simulate an ULTRASAT image of a realistic distribution of sky sources
umergeTileImages ultrasat.umergeTileImages 2023 Feb Make a 4-tile ULTRASAT image from 4 separate tile images
usim ultrasat.usim Make a simulated ULTRASAT image from a source catalog
weightedPSF ultrasat.weightedPSF make a .mat library of spectrum-weighted ULTRASAT PSFs for a set of spectra and a range of radial distances
weightedPSFindex ultrasat.weightedPSFindex 1. build an array of spectra for ULTRASAT PSF weighting or 2. find the index of a particular spectrum in this array
wget_goes_data ultrasat.wget_goes_data 2019 Oct wget GOES partcles flux data
zodiac_bck ultrasat.zodiac_bck 2019 Oct Calculate the zodi calibrated spectrum and magnitude at a given position.
zodiac_bck_V ultrasat.zodiac_bck_V 2014 Sep Get the Zodiac V light surface brightness as a function of coordinates
zodiac_spectrum ultrasat.zodiac_spectrum 2014 Nov Get the Zodiac light spectrum
fileMapFind fileMapFind Use singleton FileMap object to locate file, when it does not include
Cell2Vec Cell2Vec CELL2VEC - Concatenate cell elements to a vector
ScaleTime ScaleTime Linear interpolation of an array [MEX]
ScaleTimeNU ScaleTimeNU Fast linear interpolation, non-uniformly spaced input
cprintf cprintf CPRINTF displays styled formatted text in the Command Window
csv2struct csv2struct CSV2STRUCT reads Excel's files stored in .xls or .csv file formats and
fastPeakFind fastPeakFind Analyze noisy 2D images and find peaks using local maxima (1 pixel
fast_median fast_median FAST_MEDIAN using C++ nth_element for better performance
fast_median_ip fast_median_ip FAST_MEDIAN_IP In-place editing version of FAST_MEDIAN
ini2struct ini2struct ==========================================================================
inpaintn inpaintn
mylda mylda [sLDA WLDA M WPCA]=mylda(data,class,n)
nth_element nth_element NTH_ELEMENT wrap of C++ nth_element, an efficient rank selection algorithm
nth_element_ip nth_element_ip NTH_ELEMENT_IP In-place editing version of NTH_ELEMENT
quantileIOSR quantileIOSR QUANTILE Quantiles of a sample via various methods.
struct2csv struct2csv STRUCT2CSV(s,fn)
struct2ini struct2ini ==========================================================================
zernfun zernfun ZERNFUN Zernike functions of order N and frequency M on the unit circle.
ReadYaml yaml.ReadYaml import yaml.*;
ReadYamlRaw yaml.ReadYamlRaw import yaml.*;
WriteYaml yaml.WriteYaml import yaml.*;
allFunList yaml.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the yaml package
datadump yaml.datadump import yaml.*;
deflateimports yaml.deflateimports import yaml.*;
doinheritance yaml.doinheritance import yaml.*;
dosubstitution yaml.dosubstitution import yaml.*;
iscolumnvector yaml.iscolumnvector import yaml.*;
ismymatrix yaml.ismymatrix import yaml.*;
isord yaml.isord import yaml.*;
isrowvector yaml.isrowvector import yaml.*;
issingle yaml.issingle import yaml.*;
kwd_parent yaml.kwd_parent import yaml.*;
makematrices yaml.makematrices import yaml.*;
merge_struct yaml.merge_struct import yaml.*;
mergeimports yaml.mergeimports import yaml.*;
selftest_yamlmatlab yaml.selftest_yamlmatlab This function tests consistency of YAMLMatlab, by default, the results
test_ReadYaml yaml.test_ReadYaml this function tests reading in the yaml file
test_WriteYaml yaml.test_WriteYaml
GetYamlVals yaml.GetYamlVals this function converts data formatted in yaml style (cells containing timestamps and values)
TimeVals2Cell yaml.TimeVals2Cell creates a typical struct with field named by header. Values are cell of
CopyMask CopyMask CopyMask - Logical indexing
InstallMex InstallMex INSTALLMEX - Compile and install Mex file
uTest_CopyMask uTest_CopyMask Automatic test: CopyMask
EXAMPLE EXAMPLE This is a simple demonstration of using psfFit_Image. It is recommended
build_psfFit build_psfFit Build script for "psfFit.m".
build_psfFit_Image build_psfFit_Image Build script for "psfFit_Image.m".
psfFit psfFit Short usage: params = psfFit( img ); (fits an isotropic gaussian)
psfFit_Image psfFit_Image Short usage: params = psfFit_Image( img, param_init );
inpaint_nans inpaint_nans INPAINT_NANS: in-paints over nans in an array
inpaint_nans_bc inpaint_nans_bc INPAINT_NANS_BC: in-paints over nans in an array, with spherical or toroidal boundary conditions
inpaint_nans_demo inpaint_nans_demo Surface Fit Artifact Removal
inpaint_nans_single inpaint_nans_single
inpaint_nans_demo_old inpaint_nans_demo_old Surface fit artifact removal
methods_of_inpaint_nans methods_of_inpaint_nans {
test_main test_main Repair to an image with 50 random artifacts
TestVChooseK TestVChooseK Automatic test: VChooseK
VChooseK VChooseK VChooseK - Combinations of K elements [MEX]
sample1 sample1
kdtree_load kdtree_load KDTREE_LOAD loads a kd-tree from a binary file
kdtree_print kdtree_print KDTREE_PRINT prints the structure of a kd-tree
kdtree_save kdtree_save KDTREE_SAVE saves a kd-tree to a binary file
KDTree_demo KDTree_demo clc, clear, close all;
kdtree_ball_query kdtree_ball_query KDTREE_BALL_QUERY query a kd-tree with a ball
kdtree_ball_query_demo kdtree_ball_query_demo clc, clear, close all;
kdtree_build kdtree_build KDTREE_BUILD construct a kd-tree from a point cloud
kdtree_build_demo kdtree_build_demo KDTREE_BUILD_DEMO: performances achieved by the preprocessing
kdtree_compile kdtree_compile clc
kdtree_delete kdtree_delete KDTREE_BUILD destruct a kd-tree
kdtree_delete_demo kdtree_delete_demo KDTREE_BUILD_DEMO: illustrate the functionalities of kdtree_delete
kdtree_figure_demo kdtree_figure_demo clc, clear, close all;
kdtree_k_nearest_neighbor_demo kdtree_k_nearest_neighbor_demo clc;
kdtree_k_nearest_neighbors kdtree_k_nearest_neighbors KDTREE_K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS query a kd-tree for nearest neighbors
kdtree_k_nearest_neighbors_demo kdtree_k_nearest_neighbors_demo clc, clear, close all
kdtree_nearest_neighbor kdtree_nearest_neighbor KDTREE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR query a kd-tree for nearest neighbor
kdtree_nearest_neighbor_demo kdtree_nearest_neighbor_demo clc, clear, close all;
kdtree_range_query kdtree_range_query KDTREE_RANGE_QUERY query a kd-tree with a range
kdtree_range_query_demo kdtree_range_query_demo clc, clear, close all;
checkDeps checkDeps Check project dependencies are installed
genDoc genDoc Generate docs from mlx source
packToolbox packToolbox Pack toolbox installer
publishToolbox publishToolbox Create release and publish toolbox
livescript2markdown livescript2markdown Automatically convert Live Script mlx-file to markdown md-file
installweb installweb TEMP_INST.uuid = 'c5ce6999-1e66-4758-81ee-567db8689a9b';
Contents Contents MCMCSTAT toolbox for MCMC statistical analysis
acf acf ACF Autocorrelation function
addbin addbin ADDBIN add columns to a V4 matfile
arimagen arimagen ARIMAGEN - ARMA time series generation
assifun assifun ASSIFUN assing value to a element in a matrix and return the new matrix
betabinpf betabinpf BETABINPF Beta Binomial probability function
betabinr betabinr BETABINR Beta Binomial random numbers
betadf betadf BETADF Beta cumulative density function
betapf betapf BETAPF Beta probability density function
betaqf betaqf BETAQF Beta inverse cumulative density function
betar betar BETAR Beta random numbers
bindf bindf BINDF Cumulative Binomial probability
binom binom BINOM(n,k) binomial coefficient
binpf binpf BINPF Binomial probability function
binr binr BINPF random numbers from binomial distribution
bisect bisect BISECT find zero by bisection
bmstd bmstd BMSTD standard deviation calculated from batch means
bootstrap bootstrap BOOTSTRAP Generate bootstrap sample
boxplot boxplot BOXPLOT Draws a boxplot
cauchydf cauchydf CAUCHYDF Cauchy distribution function
cauchypf cauchypf CAUCHYPF Cauchy probability density function
cauchyqf cauchyqf CAUCHYQF inverse of Cauchy distribution function
cauchyr cauchyr CAUCHYR Cauchy random numbers
chainstats chainstats CHAINSTATS some statistics from the MCMC chain
chi1pf chi1pf CHI1PF Chi probability density function
chi1r chi1r CHI1R(m,n,df) chi random numbers
chidf chidf CHIDF Chi squared cumulative distribution function
chipf chipf CHIPF Chi squared probability density function
chiqf chiqf CHIQF Inverse of chi squared distribution
chir chir CHIR Chi squared random numbers
confband confband CONFBAND confidence band
cov2cor cov2cor COV2COR truns covariance matrix into a correlation matrix
covcond covcond COVCOND covariance matrix with given condition number
covupd covupd COVUPD covariance update
cramerdf cramerdf CRAMERDF Distribution function of the Cramer-von Mises statistic
cusum cusum CUSUM Cusum diagnostic plot for MCMC chain
datamerge datamerge DATAMERGE Merge matrises by first columns
demean demean DEMEAN remove column means
density density DENSITY Density estimator using Gaussian kernel
density2d density2d DENSITY2D 2 dimensinal density estimator
dexpdf dexpdf DEXPDF Laplace cumulative density function
dexppf dexppf DEXPPF Laplace probability distribution function
dexpr dexpr DEXPR Random numbers from Laplace distribution
elapsed elapsed ELAPSED Time elapsed as a string since t or since last tic
ellipse ellipse ELLIPSE Draws a probability contour ellipse
epsfile epsfile EPSFILE dumps current image into eps file
expdf expdf EXPDF Exponential cumulative distribution function
exppf exppf EXPPF Exponential probability density function
expqf expqf EXPQF Inverse of exponential distribution function
expr expr EXPR Exponential random numbers
extdf extdf EXTDF Extreme value cumulative distribution function
extpf extpf EXTPF Extreme value probability density function
extr extr EXTR Extreme value random numbers
fdf fdf FDF F cumulative distribution function
fillxx fillxx FILLXX Fills space between lines
fillyy fillyy FILLYY Fills space between lines
fpf fpf FPF F probability density function
fqf fqf FQF F quantile function
fr fr FR Random numbers from the F distribution
gammadf gammadf GAMMADF Gamma cumulative distribution function
gammapf gammapf GAMMAPF - gamma probability density function
gammaqf gammaqf GAMMAQF inverse of Gamma distribution function
gammar gammar GAMMAR random deviates from gamma distribution
genperms genperms PERMS=GENPERMS(N) generate all permutations
geweke geweke GEWEKE Geweke's MCMC convergence diagnostic
gewekeplot gewekeplot GEWEKEPLOT Plot Geweke's diagnostic
hist2d hist2d HIST2D 2d smoothed histogram calculations
histp histp HISTP Histogram scaled as relative frequencies (probabilities)
hline hline HLINE Adds a horizontal/vertical line to current figure
hwdiag hwdiag HWDIAG Heidelberger-Welch MCMC convergence diagnostics
hyperpriorupdate hyperpriorupdate hyperpriorupdate - default hyper prior update function for mcmcrun
iact iact IACT estimates the integrated autocorrelation time
invbetainc invbetainc INVBETAINC inverse incomplete Beta function
invchi1pf invchi1pf INVCHI1PF inverse scaled chi density function
invchi1r invchi1r INVCHI1R(m,n,N0,S2) inverse scaled chi random numbers
invchipf invchipf INVCHIPF inverse scaled chi squared density function
invchir invchir INVCHIR(m,n,N0,S2) inverse scaled chi squared random numbers
invwishr invwishr INVWISHR Random matrix from inverse Wishart distribution
iqrange iqrange Interquantile range of each column of x
jacob jacob function J = jacob(fun,x,theta,h,varargin)
loadchain loadchain LOADCHAIN Load mcmc chain produced by fortran mcmc library
logidf logidf LOGIDF Logistic cumulative distribution function
logipf logipf LOGIPF Logistic probability density function
logir logir LOGIR Logistic random numbers
logit logit LOGIT Logistic transformation
lognordf lognordf LOGNORDF Lognormal cumulative distribution
lognorpf lognorpf LOGNORPF Lognormal probability density
lognorqf lognorqf LOGNORQF Inverse of lognormal probability density
lognorr lognorr LOGNORR Random numbers from lognormal distribution
logresample logresample LOGRESAMPLE resample data with given -2*log(weights)
lowess lowess ys=lowess(x,y,f,nsteps,delta)
lsqlevmar lsqlevmar LSQLEVMAR minimum least squares using Levenberg - Marquardt
mad mad MAD(x) median absolute deviation
mahalanobis mahalanobis MAHALANOBIS Malalanobis distance of rows in x
mcmcplot mcmcplot MCMCPLOT Plot mcmc chain
mcmcpred mcmcpred MCMCPRED predictive calculations from the mcmcrun chain
mcmcpredplot mcmcpredplot MCMCPREDPLOT - predictive plot for mcmc results
mcmcrun mcmcrun MCMCRUN Metropolis-Hastings MCMC simulation for nonlinear Gaussian models
mcmcssfun mcmcssfun MCMCSSFUN general Gaussian sum of squares function for mcmcrun
meannan meannan MEANNAN mean ignoring NaNs
means means MEANS summary statistics
mpsrf mpsrf MPSRF Multivariate psrf MCMC convergence diagnostic
mvnorpf mvnorpf MVNORPF multivariate normal density function
mvnorr mvnorr MVNORR Multivariate Gaussian random variates
mvtr mvtr MVTR Multivariate t random variates
negbindf negbindf NEGBINDF Negative binomial cumulative distribution function
negbinpf negbinpf NEGBINPF Negative biomial probability function
negbinr negbinr NEGBINR random deviates from negative binomial distribution
nordf nordf NORDF the standard normal (Gaussian) cumulative distribution.
norpf norpf NORPF(x,mu,sigma2) Normal (Gaussian) density function
norqf norqf NORQF Inverse of the normal (Gaussian) distribution.
norr norr NORR(m,n,mu,sigma2) Normal (Gaussian) random numbers
openparstruct openparstruct openparstruct(parstruct,nbatch)
pairs pairs PAIRS pairs plot like in R
paneldens paneldens 2d-density to pairs plot. See PAIRS
panellims panellims PANELLIMS 2d density with probability limits added to pairs plot. See PAIRS.
paretodf paretodf PARETODF(x,a,b) Pareto cumulative distribution function
paretopf paretopf PARETOPF(x,a,b) Pareto density ba^b/x^(b+1)
paretor paretor PARETOR(m,n,a,b) pareto random numbers
plims plims PLIMS Empirical quantiles
plims2d plims2d PLIMS2D 2 dimensional HPD limits
poidf poidf POIDF Poisson cumulative distribution function
poipf poipf POIPF Poisson probability function
poir poir POIR random deviates from poisson distribution
psrf psrf PSRF Gelman-Rubin-Brooks psrf MCMC convergence diagnostic
psrfplot psrfplot PSRFPLOT Plot psrf MCMC diagnostics with increasing number of iterations.
qqnor qqnor QQNOR Q - Q plot for normality.
qqplot qqplot QQPLOT quantile - quantile plot
range_mcmc range_mcmc Y=RANGE(X) range of columns of X
readbin readbin READBIN read V4 binary mat file
recipdf recipdf RECIPDF(x,a,b) reciprocal distribution 0 < a<=x<=b
recippf recippf RESIPPF(x,a,b) reciprocal density 0 < a <= x <= b
recpf recpf RECPF(x,a,b) rectangular density a <= x <= b
removepoints removepoints REMOVEPOINTS Remove points from current axis
res2par res2par RES2PAR utility for mcmc tbx
resample resample RESAMPLE resample data with given weights
rldiag rldiag RLDIAG Raftery-Lewis MCMC convergence diagnostic
rootdf rootdf ROOTDF(x,a,b)
rootpf rootpf ROOTPF(x,a,b)
rootr rootr ROOTR(m,n,a,b)
savebin savebin SAVEBIN write data to Matlab V4 mat file
showparams showparams SHOWPARAMS mcmc utility
smooth2d smooth2d SMOOTH2D - smooth matrix rows and columns
spectrum spectrum SPECTRUM Power spectral density using Hanning window
spectrum0 spectrum0 SPECTRUM0 Spectral density at frequency zero
stdnan stdnan STDNAN std with NaNs removed column wise
sumnan sumnan SUMNAN sum ignoring NaNs
tdf tdf TDF t distribution function
textbox textbox TEXTBOX creates a text box inside current axis
tpf tpf TPF t probability density function
tqf tqf TQF - inverse of t distribution
tr tr TR Random numbers from the t distribution
trianpf trianpf TRIANPF(x,a,b) triangular density a <= x <= b
weibdf weibdf WEIBDF Weibull cumulative distribution function
weibpf weibpf WEIBPF Weibull probability density function
weibqf weibqf WEIBQF Inverse of Weibull distribution function
weibr weibr WEIBR Random numbers from Weibull distribution
wishpf wishpf WISHPF Wishart distribution probability density
wishr wishr WISHR Random matrix from Wishart distribution
xquad xquad XQUAD Integrate discrete data using Hermite spline.
xyplot xyplot XYPLOT Plot two first columns of a matrix
algaeex algaeex
algaefun algaefun algae model function
algaess algaess algae sum-of-squares function
algaesys algaesys ode system function for MCMC algae example
bananaex bananaex
beetleex beetleex
beetless beetless Beatle mortality example binomial -2*log(likelihood) function
boxoM boxoM model function for the boxo example
boxoODE boxoODE ode function for the boxo example
boxoSS boxoSS sum-of-square function for the boxo example
boxoex boxoex
cauchyex cauchyex
himmelex himmelex
himmelode himmelode Himmelblau 9.9 odefile
himmelss himmelss sum-of-squares for Himmelblau 9.9
monodex monodex
normalex normalex
normalex50 normalex50
puboptions puboptions publish options
threemodesex threemodesex
checkoptions checkoptions CHECKOPIONS check option structure
getN getN try to guess number of data lines of data for mcmcrun
getnbatch getnbatch try to guess number of batches of mcmc data
getpar getpar GETPAR get parameter value from a struct
mcmcopttarget mcmcopttarget MCMCOPTTARGET target function for mcmcrun style ssfun for fminsearch
mcount mcount RES = mcount(MATRIX,X,COND)
test_mcount test_mcount N_TESTS = 1001; number of time the test is repeated
MatScat_const MatScat_const Global MatScat constants
angdepfun_mie angdepfun_mie ANGDEPFUN_MIE Calculates the angle dependent functions for the Mie theory.
asmcyl asmcyl ASMCYL Calculates the amplitude scattering matrix and cross sections for
asmcyl_multi asmcyl_multi iphi, hk )
asmmie asmmie ASMMIE Calculates the amplitude scattering matrix and cross sections for
calccyl calccyl CALCCYL Calculates the amplitude scattering matrix and cross sections for
calccyl_multi calccyl_multi iphi, varargin )
calccyl_nf calccyl_nf lambda, xc, yc, zc, zeta, varargin )
calccyl_nf_multi calccyl_nf_multi r, ns, nm, lambda, xc, yc, xf, yf, varargin )
calcmie calcmie CALCMIE Calculates the amplitude scattering matrix and cross sections for
calcmie_nf calcmie_nf xc, yc, zc, varargin )
dbesselh dbesselh DBESSELH First derivative of the Bessel function of the third kind.
dbesselj dbesselj DBESSELJ First derivative of the Bessel function of the first kind.
dbessely dbessely DBESSELY First derivative of the Bessel function of the second kind.
dricbesh dricbesh DRICBESH First derivative of the Riccati-Bessel function of the third kind.
dricbesj dricbesj DRICBESJ First derivative of the Riccati-Bessel function of the first kind.
dricbesy dricbesy DRICBESY First derivative of the Ricatti-Bessel function of the second kind.
expcoeff_cyl expcoeff_cyl EXPCOEFF_CYL Calculates the expansion coefficients for the infinite
expcoeff_cyl_multi expcoeff_cyl_multi iphi, hk, conv, depscat )
expcoeff_cyl_multi_int expcoeff_cyl_multi_int angm, eps, iphi )
expcoeff_cyl_strat expcoeff_cyl_strat EXPCOEFF_CYL_STRAT Calculates the expansion coefficients for the
expcoeff_cyl_strat_int expcoeff_cyl_strat_int EXPCOEFF_CYL_STRAT_INT Calculates the internal expansion coefficients for
expcoeff_mie expcoeff_mie EXPCOEFF_MIE Calculates the expansion coefficients for the Mie theory.
expcoeff_mie_int expcoeff_mie_int EXPCOEFF_MIE Calculates the expansion coefficients of the internal fields
expcoeff_mie_strat expcoeff_mie_strat EXPCOEFF_MIE_STRAT Calculates the expansion coefficients for the
expcoeff_mie_strat_int expcoeff_mie_strat_int EXPCOEFF_MIE_STRAT_INT Calculates the expansion coefficients of the
getEfficiencies getEfficiencies GETEFFICIENCIES Calculates the efficiencies for given cross sections
getMuellerMatrix getMuellerMatrix GETMUELLERMATRIX Calculates the Mueller matrix for given amplitude
getTransformationMatrix getTransformationMatrix GETTRANSFORMATIONMATRIX Returns the matrix to transform a 3D vector from
mieMeanQ mieMeanQ 2022 Nov Calculate mean mie scattering properties for paarticle size distribution
nfcyl nfcyl r, ns, nm, lambda, zeta, tf_flag, cc_flag )
nfcyl_multi nfcyl_multi ns, nm, lambda, xc, yc, xf, yf, iphi, tf_flag, cc_flag )
nfcyl_multi_Poynting nfcyl_multi_Poynting nm, lambda, xc, yc, xf, yf, tf_flag, cc_flag )
nfmie nfmie tf_flag, cc_flag )
ricbesh ricbesh RICBESH Riccati-Bessel function of the third kind.
ricbesj ricbesj RICBESJ Riccati-Bessel function of the first kind.
ricbesy ricbesy RICBESY Riccati-Bessel function of the second kind.
sbesselh sbesselh SBESSELH Spherical Bessel function of the third kind.
sbesselj sbesselj SBESSELH Spherical Bessel function of the first kind.
sbessely sbessely SBESSELH Spherical Bessel function of the second kind.
xcart2sph xcart2sph XCART2SPH Transform cartesian to spherical coordinates using a different
xwrev xwrev XWREV Own implementation of wrev function.
dbesselh dbesselh DBESSELH First derivative of the Bessel function of the third kind.
dbesselj dbesselj DBESSELJ First derivative of the Bessel function of the first kind.
dbessely dbessely DBESSELY First derivative of the Bessel function of the second kind.
dricbesh dricbesh DRICBESH First derivative of the Riccati-Bessel function of the third kind.
dricbesj dricbesj DRICBESJ First derivative of the Riccati-Bessel function of the first kind.
dricbesy dricbesy DRICBESY First derivative of the Ricatti-Bessel function of the second kind.
ricbesh ricbesh RICBESH Riccati-Bessel function of the third kind.
ricbesj ricbesj RICBESJ Riccati-Bessel function of the first kind.
ricbesy ricbesy RICBESY Riccati-Bessel function of the second kind.
sbesselh sbesselh SBESSELH Spherical Bessel function of the third kind.
sbesselj sbesselj SBESSELH Spherical Bessel function of the first kind.
sbessely sbessely SBESSELH Spherical Bessel function of the second kind.
expcoeff_cyl expcoeff_cyl EXPCOEFF_CYL Calculates the expansion coefficients for the infinite
expcoeff_cyl_multi expcoeff_cyl_multi iphi, hk, conv, depscat )
expcoeff_cyl_multi_int expcoeff_cyl_multi_int angm, eps, iphi )
expcoeff_cyl_strat expcoeff_cyl_strat EXPCOEFF_CYL_STRAT Calculates the expansion coefficients for the
expcoeff_cyl_strat_int expcoeff_cyl_strat_int EXPCOEFF_CYL_STRAT_INT Calculates the internal expansion coefficients for
expcoeff_mie expcoeff_mie EXPCOEFF_MIE Calculates the expansion coefficients for the Mie theory.
expcoeff_mie_int expcoeff_mie_int EXPCOEFF_MIE Calculates the expansion coefficients of the internal fields
expcoeff_mie_strat expcoeff_mie_strat EXPCOEFF_MIE_STRAT Calculates the expansion coefficients for the
expcoeff_mie_strat_int expcoeff_mie_strat_int EXPCOEFF_MIE_STRAT_INT Calculates the expansion coefficients of the
test_all test_all Run all test scripts
test_calccyl test_calccyl Run tests for the calccyl function
test_calccyl_multi test_calccyl_multi Run tests for the calccyl_multi function
test_calccyl_nf test_calccyl_nf Run tests for the calccyl_nf function
test_calccyl_nf_multi test_calccyl_nf_multi Run tests for the calccyl_nf_multi function
test_calcmie test_calcmie Run tests for the calcmie function
test_calcmie_nf test_calcmie_nf Run tests for the calcmie_nf function
MatScat_const MatScat_const Global MatScat constants
angdepfun_mie angdepfun_mie ANGDEPFUN_MIE Calculates the angle dependent functions for the Mie theory.
asmcyl asmcyl ASMCYL Calculates the amplitude scattering matrix and cross sections for
asmcyl_multi asmcyl_multi iphi, hk )
asmmie asmmie ASMMIE Calculates the amplitude scattering matrix and cross sections for
getEfficiencies getEfficiencies GETEFFICIENCIES Calculates the efficiencies for given cross sections
getMuellerMatrix getMuellerMatrix GETMUELLERMATRIX Calculates the Mueller matrix for given amplitude
getTransformationMatrix getTransformationMatrix GETTRANSFORMATIONMATRIX Returns the matrix to transform a 3D vector from
nfcyl nfcyl r, ns, nm, lambda, zeta, tf_flag, cc_flag )
nfcyl_multi nfcyl_multi ns, nm, lambda, xc, yc, xf, yf, iphi, tf_flag, cc_flag )
nfcyl_multi_Poynting nfcyl_multi_Poynting nm, lambda, xc, yc, xf, yf, tf_flag, cc_flag )
nfmie nfmie tf_flag, cc_flag )
xcart2sph xcart2sph XCART2SPH Transform cartesian to spherical coordinates using a different
xwrev xwrev XWREV Own implementation of wrev function.
compile_mex_script compile_mex_script mex splinterp1.cpp CXXOPTIMFLAGS='-O2 -DNDEBUG' CXXFLAGS='$CXXFLAGS -O2 -DNDEBUG'
bench2 bench2
str2doubleq2 str2doubleq2 STR2DOUBLEQ2: Wrapper to discard all zero imaginary values in str2doubleq's output.
str2doubles str2doubles STR2DOUBLES: Faster alternative to builtin str2double
test_str_to_double_performance test_str_to_double_performance input sizes
allFunList manuals.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the manuals package
allFunList manuals.classes.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the manuals.classes package
allFunList manuals.functions.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the manuals.functions package
allFunList manuals.packages.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the manuals.packages package
allFunList manuals.topic.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the manuals.topic package
Test1 manuals.Test1
allFunList imProc.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc package
allFunList imProc.asteroids.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.asteroids package
generateReportMPC imProc.asteroids.generateReportMPC
prepMPC_report imProc.asteroids.prepMPC_report
searchAsteroids_matchedOrphans imProc.asteroids.searchAsteroids_matchedOrphans
searchAsteroids_orphans imProc.asteroids.searchAsteroids_orphans
searchAsteroids_pmCat imProc.asteroids.searchAsteroids_pmCat 2021 Nov Search asteroids in merged AstroCatalog objects which contains proper motion
addCoordinates2catalog imProc.astrometry.addCoordinates2catalog 2021 Aug Add or update RA/Dec coordinates in catalogs in AstroImage/Astrocatalog
allFunList imProc.astrometry.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.astrometry package
assessAstrometricQuality imProc.astrometry.assessAstrometricQuality 2021 Aug Collect information regarding quality of astrometric solution and
astrometryCheck imProc.astrometry.astrometryCheck 2021 Jul Compare the astrometry of a catalog with a reference astrometric catalog.
astrometryCore imProc.astrometry.astrometryCore 2021 Jul A core function for astrometry. Match pattern and fit transformation.
astrometryCropped imProc.astrometry.astrometryCropped 2021 Dec Execute astrometry on a section of a full image.
astrometryImage imProc.astrometry.astrometryImage
astrometryQualityData imProc.astrometry.astrometryQualityData 2023 May Check the quality of astrometric solution in respect to GAIA-DR3
astrometryRefine imProc.astrometry.astrometryRefine 2021 Aug Refine an astrometric solution of an AstroCatalog object
astrometrySubImages imProc.astrometry.astrometrySubImages 2021 Aug Solve astrometry for sub images of a single contigious image
fitWCS imProc.astrometry.fitWCS 2021 Jul Perform the Tran2D.fitAstrometricTran and prepare the WCS info
getCooCenter imProc.astrometry.getCooCenter Get image/catalog center coordinates and radius
isSkyCooInImage imProc.astrometry.isSkyCooInImage 2023 Jan Check if RA/Dec coordinates are within image boundries
isSuccessWCS imProc.astrometry.isSuccessWCS 2022 May Check if WCS is sucessful (true) on a list of AstroImage
allFunList imProc.background.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.background package
background imProc.background.background Calculate background and variance of an AstroImage object.
filterSources imProc.background.filterSources 2021 Jul Generate a background image filtered from sources using sucessive filtering
fitSurface imProc.background.fitSurface 2023 Jun Fit a 2-D surafce to an image in an AstroImage object, and store it
subtractMeanColRow imProc.background.subtractMeanColRow 2021 Dec Subtract the collapsed median of rows and columns from an AstroImage.
allFunList imProc.calib.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.calib package
equaliseLineMean imProc.calib.equaliseLineMean equalise an image by compensating, line by line, the average of the line
fluxAnnulusBack_bias imProc.calib.fluxAnnulusBack_bias 2022 Jul Estimate and correct the flux-annulus-background bias.
gainCorrect imProc.calib.gainCorrect 2021 Jul Divide image by gain and update header.
nonlinearityCorrection imProc.calib.nonlinearityCorrection 2022 Jul Apply a flux non-linearity correction to an AstroImage object.
photometricZP imProc.calib.photometricZP 2021 Oct Calculate an absolute photometric calibration to AstroCatalog
selectMainSequenceFromGAIA imProc.calib.selectMainSequenceFromGAIA 2021 Sep Select main sequence stars from GAIA catalog in AstroCatalog object.
affine2d 2022 Dec Apply affine transformation to AstroCatalog, or catalog in AstroImage
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
applyProperMotion 2021 May Apply proper motion and parallax to sources in AstroCatalog object
filterForAstrometry 2021 Jun Given two catalogs, match their surface density and filter sources.
findSourceInCat 2023 Jan find a single source by coordinates in a list of AstroCatalog of FITS tables.
fitPeakMultipleColumns 2021 Oct Given N columns with some property (e.g., S/N) fit a parabola
getAstrometricCatalog 2021 Jun Get Astrometric catalog from local/external database
getCat Get only the AstroCatalaog from AstroImage or AstroCatalog and populate JD
insertAzAlt 2021 Sep Calculate and insert Az, Alt, AirMass, ParAng columns to AstroCatalog object
insertImageVal 2021 Nov Insert Image values at specific positions into an AstroCatalog
searchExternalCatOrphans 2023 May Search for orphans using MergedCat external catalog information
allFunList imProc.dark.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.dark package
bias imProc.dark.bias Generate a super bias image from a s et of bias images.
compare2template imProc.dark.compare2template 2021 Apr Compare AstroImage to a template and variance and flag image
debias imProc.dark.debias 2021 May Subtract bias (and construct if needed) from a list of images
identifyFlaringPixels imProc.dark.identifyFlaringPixels 2021 May Identify flaring pixels in a cube of images
identifySimilarImages imProc.dark.identifySimilarImages Search for sucessive images with a fraction of identical pixel values
isBias imProc.dark.isBias 2021 May Check and validate that a set of images in an AstroImage object are bias images
isDark imProc.dark.isDark 2021 May Check and validate that a set of images in an AstroImage object are dark images
overscan imProc.dark.overscan 2021 May Create overscan images and optionally subtract from images
trimOverscan imProc.dark.trimOverscan 2023 Jun Trim OVERSCAN region from images in an AstroImage object.
allFunList imProc.flat.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.flat package
deflat imProc.flat.deflat 2021 May Divide by flat (and construct if needed) from a list of images
flat imProc.flat.flat Generate a super flat image from a set of flat images.
isFlat imProc.flat.isFlat 2021 May Check and validate that a set of images in an AstroImage object are flat images
allFunList imProc.image.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.image package
cutouts imProc.image.cutouts 2021 Apr Break a single image to a cube of cutouts around given positions
image2subimages imProc.image.image2subimages 2021 May Partition an AstroImage image into sub images
images2cube imProc.image.images2cube 2021 Apr Convert the images in AstroImage object into a cube.
interpOverNan imProc.image.interpOverNan 2021 Jul interpolate AstroImage over NaN values
replaceVal imProc.image.replaceVal 2023 May Replace values in images stored in AstroImage with new values.
replaceWithNoise imProc.image.replaceWithNoise 2022 Mar Replace selected pixels with (global) noise and background
allFunList imProc.instCharc.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.instCharc package
biasCharacterization imProc.instCharc.biasCharacterization 2022 jun Characterize a set of bias images
fwhmPosition imProc.instCharc.fwhmPosition 2023 Nov Measure the FWHM as a function of position in AstroImage object
gainFromFlat imProc.instCharc.gainFromFlat 2021 Jun Estimate the gain from flat image/s in native units.
linearity imProc.instCharc.linearity 2021 Jun Estimate the non-linearity of a detector
plotReadNoiseDistribution imProc.instCharc.plotReadNoiseDistribution Plot readout noise disyribution from a set of bias images
readNoiseFromBias imProc.instCharc.readNoiseFromBias 2021 Jun Estimate the read noise from bias mage/s in native units.
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
writeProduct 2023 Apr Write AstroImage/AstroCatalog/MergedSources data products using FileNames object
allFunList imProc.mask.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.mask package
interpOverMaskedPix imProc.mask.interpOverMaskedPix 2021 Nov Interpolate over pixels with specific bit mask
maskBadColumns imProc.mask.maskBadColumns Mask pixels which belong to bad columns, by applying a sliding block
maskCR imProc.mask.maskCR
maskHoles imProc.mask.maskHoles 2021 Nov Search for holes in images and add a bit mask marking the hole central position.
maskSaturated imProc.mask.maskSaturated 2021 May set mask bits for saturated and non-linear pixels
maskSourceNoise imProc.mask.maskSourceNoise 2021 Dec Mask pixels which are dominated by source noise (rather than background noise).
maskTracks imProc.mask.maskTracks 2023 Aug Detect satellite/airplane tracks as lines in the image with the Matlab
replaceMaskedPixVal imProc.mask.replaceMaskedPixVal 2021 Aug Replace the values of image pixels which have specific bit mask
allFunList imProc.match.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.match package
coneSearch imProc.match.coneSearch 2021 Apr cone search(s) on AstroCatalog/AstroImage object
flagSrcWithNeighbors imProc.match.flagSrcWithNeighbors 2021 Jul Flag sources in AstroCatalog which have neighbors within a radius
inPolygon imProc.match.inPolygon 2021 Apr Return sources inside polygon
insertColFromMatched_matchIndices imProc.match.insertColFromMatched_matchIndices 2022 Mar Given two catalogs, matched them and insert some matched columns to the first catalog
insertCol_matchIndices imProc.match.insertCol_matchIndices 2021 Apr Insert Dist/Nmatch columns to a single element AstroCatalog based on ResInd.
match imProc.match.match 2023 May Match the content of two AstroCatalog objects.
match2solarSystem imProc.match.match2solarSystem 2021 Sep Match sources in AstroCatalog object to Solar System objects.
matchOld imProc.match.matchOld 2021 Apr Match two catalogs in AstroCatalog objects
matchReturnIndices imProc.match.matchReturnIndices 2021 Sep Match two catalogs in AstroCatalog objects and return the matched indices.
match_catsHTM imProc.match.match_catsHTM 2021 Apr Match an AstroCatalog object with catsHTM catalog and add columns to catalog.
match_catsHTM_multiInsertFlag imProc.match.match_catsHTM_multiInsertFlag
match_catsHTMmerged imProc.match.match_catsHTMmerged 2021 Dec Match an AstroCatalog with the catsHTM MergedCat.
matched2matrix imProc.match.matched2matrix 2016 May A matched AstroCatalog object into a matrix of epochs by index
matchedReturnCat imProc.match.matchedReturnCat Match AsstroCatalogs and return array of matched catalogs.
mergeCatalogs imProc.match.mergeCatalogs 2021 Nov Merge catalogs of the same field into a single unified merged catalog
returnMatched_catsHTM imProc.match.returnMatched_catsHTM 2021 Apr Return a catsHTM catalog matched to an AstroCatalog object.
unifiedSourcesCatalog imProc.match.unifiedSourcesCatalog 2021 Sep Match multiple catalogs and create a catalog of all unique (by position) sources.
allFunList imProc.psf.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.psf package
constructPSF imProc.psf.constructPSF 2022 Jan obsoleted by imProc.psf.populatePSF! Select PSF stars and construct a PSF for an AstroImage
fwhm imProc.psf.fwhm 2022 Jan Measure the FWHM from the PSF in an AstroImage and write in Header.
measureFWHM imProc.psf.measureFWHM 2021 Aug Estimate image seeing or focus state
populatePSF imProc.psf.populatePSF 2023 Jul Populate PSF in an AstroImage
psf2cube imProc.psf.psf2cube 2021 Jun Construct a cube of PSF stamps from AstroImage
selectPsfStars imProc.psf.selectPsfStars 2022 Jan Select PSF stars from AstroCatalog
addMagCols imProc.sources.addMagCols 2022 Jul Given flux columns in AstroCatalog/AstroImage catalog, add mag and mag err columns.
allFunList imProc.sources.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.sources package
classifySources imProc.sources.classifySources Classify sources found by findMeasureSources.
cleanSources imProc.sources.cleanSources 2021 Oct Clean sources found by findMeasureSources (bad S/N and CR).
findMeasureSources imProc.sources.findMeasureSources Basic sources finder and measurements on AstroImage object.
findSources imProc.sources.findSources 2022 Jan Find sources (only) in AstroImage using imUtil.sources.findSources
findTracks imProc.sources.findTracks Looks for satellite or airplane tracks among the sources in an astroimage
findTransients imProc.sources.findTransients {
forcedPhot imProc.sources.forcedPhot Perform forced photometry on images in an AstroImage object.
getSrcStamps imProc.sources.getSrcStamps 2023 Oct Given an AstroImage, get a cube of stamps around sources.
mextractor imProc.sources.mextractor
photometry imProc.sources.photometry
psfFitPhot imProc.sources.psfFitPhot 2022 Feb Execute PSF photometry on a list of coordinates and add the results
psfFitPhotIter imProc.sources.psfFitPhotIter Perform a iterative psf photometry.
allFunList imProc.spec.calib.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the specProc.calib package
allFunList imProc.spec.trace.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the specProc.trace package
allFunList imProc.spec.wave.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the specProc.wave package
addImageRedistributePixels imProc.stack.addImageRedistributePixels 2023 May Add Image1 to Image according to the pixel redistribution defined by the coordinate arrays X, Y with the signal distributed amoung 4 neighbouring pixels
allFunList imProc.stack.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.stack package
applyUnaryFun imProc.stack.applyUnaryFun 2021 Apr Applay scalar-unary function (e.g., function that returns a scalar) on AstroImage
coadd imProc.stack.coadd 2021 Apr Coadd images in AstroImage object including pre/post normalization
coaddProperCore imProc.stack.coaddProperCore 2021 Jun Proper coaddition of images in AstroImage object
divideFactor imProc.stack.divideFactor 2021 Apr Divide factor (constant) from AstroImage
funCube imProc.stack.funCube 2021 Apr Apply function/s on a single cube
functionalResponse imProc.stack.functionalResponse 2021 Apr Fit the pixel response to light as a function of intensity in a cube of images
makeMovie imProc.stack.makeMovie 2022 Sep Display and create a movie file from images in AstroImage or cube.
stitch imProc.stack.stitch 2023 May Make a mosaic sky image from a set of input image files or AstroImages
subtractOffset imProc.stack.subtractOffset 2021 Apr Remove offset (constant) from AstroImage
allFunList imProc.stat.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.stat package
countNaN imProc.stat.countNaN 2022 Dec Count the number of NaNs (or not NaNs) in each image
hist imProc.stat.hist 2021 May Plot the histogram of a single property in a single AstroImage object image.
histcounts imProc.stat.histcounts 2021 May Return the histcounts of a single property in a single AstroImage object image.
identifyBadImages imProc.stat.identifyBadImages 2021 Dec Identify bad images based on simple statistical properties:
max imProc.stat.max 2021 May Return the max of AstroImage object images.
mean imProc.stat.mean 2021 May Return the mean of AstroImage object images.
median imProc.stat.median 2021 May Return the median of AstroImage object images.
medianSparse imProc.stat.medianSparse 2021 May Return the median of AstroImage object images, using the tools.math.stat.medianSparse function
min imProc.stat.min 2021 May Return the min of AstroImage object images.
mode imProc.stat.mode 2021 May Return the mode of AstroImage object images using
moment imProc.stat.moment 2021 May Return the moment of AstroImage object images.
quantile imProc.stat.quantile 2021 May Return the quantile of AstroImage object images.
range imProc.stat.range 2021 May Return the range of AstroImage object images.
rstd imProc.stat.rstd 2021 May Return the rstd (robust std) of AstroImage object images using
std imProc.stat.std 2021 May Return the std of AstroImage object images.
var imProc.stat.var 2021 May Return the var of AstroImage object images.
allFunList imProc.sub.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.sub package
properSubtraction imProc.sub.properSubtraction
allFunList imProc.trans.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.trans package
fitPattern imProc.trans.fitPattern 2021 May Match two catalogs using stars pattern and return approximate transformation
fitTransformation imProc.trans.fitTransformation Fit an exact transformation between two matched catalogs
projection imProc.trans.projection 2021 Jun project Lon/Lat to X/Y using specified projection
projectionInv imProc.trans.projectionInv 2021 Jun project X/Y to Lon/Lat using specified projection
tranAffine imProc.trans.tranAffine 2021 Jun Apply affine transformation to an AstroCatalog object
allFunList imProc.transIm.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imProc.transIm package
imwarp imProc.transIm.imwarp 2021 Nov Apply the imwarp function on AstroImage object
imwarp_old imProc.transIm.imwarp_old 2021 Nov Apply the imwarp function on AstroImage object
imwarp_orig imProc.transIm.imwarp_orig 2021 Nov Apply the imwarp function on AstroImage object
interp2affine imProc.transIm.interp2affine 2023 Jun Transform an image by an affine transformation, using interp2.
interp2wcs imProc.transIm.interp2wcs 2023 Jun Transform an image with a WCS into a new grid defined by a ref WCS, using interp2.
thoughts imProc.transIm.thoughts
transFromSources imProc.transIm.transFromSources Find transformation between images by patern match of sources in the image and ref image.
updateHeaderCCDSEC imProc.transIm.updateHeaderCCDSEC 2021 Nov Update the NAXIS and CCDSEC related keywords in the header
wcs2displacment imProc.transIm.wcs2displacment 2023 May Generate a displacment field (for imwarp) from one WCS to another.
allFunList imUtil.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil package
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
createSegments Creates an image with N impainted streaks
directInjectSources 2023 Feb Inject sources to catalog positions with PSFs scaled by the Scaling factor
injectArtSrc 2023 Feb Make an artificial image with rotated and jitter-blurred source PSFs injected to the catalog positions
injectSources 2023 Jan Inject artificial sources into an image.
noise Add various types of noise to an artificial image made from a source catalog
allFunList imUtil.asteroids.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.asteroids package
generateReportMPC imUtil.asteroids.generateReportMPC 2022 Sep Generate an MPC asteroids/comet report
pairsMotionMatchKDTree imUtil.asteroids.pairsMotionMatchKDTree 2021 Nov Given a list of [Time, X, Y] search for points which belong to the
allFunList imUtil.astrometry.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.astrometry package
fitGlobalAstrometricModel imUtil.astrometry.fitGlobalAstrometricModel
allFunList imUtil.background.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.background package
annulus_filter imUtil.background.annulus_filter Apply annului filters to an image
background imUtil.background.background Estimate the background and its variance for an astronomical image
backgroundMeanColRow imUtil.background.backgroundMeanColRow 2021 Dec Given an image and a background image, refine the background image
collapse_stat imUtil.background.collapse_stat Collapse an image on one dimension and calc line statistics
fill_sparse imUtil.background.fill_sparse given a list of sparse 2D positions and values, fill an image by interp
fitSurface imUtil.background.fitSurface 2023 Jun Fit a 2-D surafce to an image in a matrix
flag_badcol imUtil.background.flag_badcol Flag a bad column/row in an image
modeVar imUtil.background.modeVar Calculate the mode and variance of an array (over all dims)
modeVar_LogHist imUtil.background.modeVar_LogHist Estimate the mode and variance of an array (over all dims).
modeVar_QuantileHist imUtil.background.modeVar_QuantileHist 2020 Apr Mode and variance of a distribution
rmeanCol imUtil.background.rmeanCol 2021 Dec Robust mean/median on rows or columns of a 2D array.
rstd imUtil.background.rstd robust std (default is for a matrix) calculated using scaled iqr
rstdL1 imUtil.background.rstdL1 2021 Nov Robust estimaror of sample std using L1 statustics (abs dev. from mean).
rvar imUtil.background.rvar robust variance (default is for a matrix) calculated using scaled iqr
subtractMeanColRow imUtil.background.subtractMeanColRow 2021 Dec Subtract the collapsed median of rows and columns from an image.
allFunList imUtil.calib.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.calib package
calibDesignMatrix imUtil.calib.calibDesignMatrix 2023 Jun Build design matrix for relative photometric calibration
equaliseLineMean imUtil.calib.equaliseLineMean equalise an image by compensating, line by line, the average of the line
fitTransmissionZP imUtil.calib.fitTransmissionZP
fit_overscan imUtil.calib.fit_overscan fit the overscan region in an image and subtract
lsqRelPhot imUtil.calib.lsqRelPhot 2023 Jun Perform relative photometry calibration using the linear least square method.
nonlinearityCorrection imUtil.calib.nonlinearityCorrection 2022 Jul Apply a flux non-linearity correction to a matrix image.
pixel_flat_response imUtil.calib.pixel_flat_response Fit the pixel response to light as a function of intensity in a cube of images
resid_vs_mag imUtil.calib.resid_vs_mag Fit residuals vs. mag and flag good data (not outliers).
simplePhotometricZP imUtil.calib.simplePhotometricZP 2022 Dec Simple photometric ZP solver
affine2d_transformation Applay a 2D affine transformation to [X,Y] coordinates
allFunList Functions and Classes list for the package
astrometric_cat Get astrometric catalog, corrected for proper motion
dilute_cat_by_mag Remove faint sources from a catalog to have a specific surface density
flag_overdense Flag sources that are found in overdense (box shaped) regions
flag_overdense_colrow Flag sources that are found in overdense (box shaped) regions
match_sources 2016 Apr Match sources in two catalogs with the same coordinates systems.
match_sources_xy 2020 Aug Match sources between Cat and Ref catalogs using their X/Y (planar) coordinates.
surface_density Estimate surface density in catalog, optionally using convex hull
allFunList imUtil.ccdsec.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.ccdsec package
ccdsec2str imUtil.ccdsec.ccdsec2str Conver a CCDSEC [Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax] to a string.
center_ccdsec imUtil.ccdsec.center_ccdsec 2021 Aug Calculate the [X, Y] centers of lines in CCDSEC
flag_ccdsec imUtil.ccdsec.flag_ccdsec 2021 May Flag the pixels within or outside a ccd section
remove_edge_section imUtil.ccdsec.remove_edge_section 2021 May Remove a CCDSEC region located at an edge of another CCDSEC
selectNearEdges imUtil.ccdsec.selectNearEdges 2021 May construct a vector of matrix indices for pixels near the edge of the CCDSEC
trim_ccdsec imUtil.ccdsec.trim_ccdsec 2021 Jul trim edges from a CCDSEC vector
allFunList imUtil.cut.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.cut package
bitwise_cutouts imUtil.cut.bitwise_cutouts 2023 Aug Calculate the bitwise and/or for cutouts in an uint image.
cutouts2image imUtil.cut.cutouts2image 2022 Jan Insert stamps in a cube into an image.
find_within_radius_cell imUtil.cut.find_within_radius_cell 2016 Jun Find points within a radius from a list of coordinates.
find_within_radius_mat imUtil.cut.find_within_radius_mat 2016 Jun Construct a cube of stamps around specific locations in a 2D image.
fun_cutouts imUtil.cut.fun_cutouts 2021 Mar Apply a function thar returns a scalar to all cutouts in image around locations.
getLine imUtil.cut.getLine 2022 Oct Get the values in image along a line or polygon defined by start and
image2cutouts imUtil.cut.image2cutouts 2021 Dec Given an image, make cutouts around selected coordinates.
partition_subimage imUtil.cut.partition_subimage 2020 Mar Partition image into sub images
subimage_grid imUtil.cut.subimage_grid 2020 Mar Partition image size into a grid of sub images
subimages2image imUtil.cut.subimages2image 2020 Mar construct the full image from sub-images
trim imUtil.cut.trim 2016 Sep Trim an image or a cube using CCDSEC coordinates.
trim2d imUtil.cut.trim2d 2023 Jun Trim a 2D matrix using CCDSEC (simple version of trim)
allFunList imUtil.cut.mex.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.cut.mex package
mex_cutout imUtil.cut.mex.mex_cutout Usage: [cutouts, image_subtracted] = mex_cutout(image, positions, cut_size, pad_value=0, replace_value=0, debug_bit=0, use_memcpy=1);
allFunList imUtil.dimm.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.dimm package
measure_dimm imUtil.dimm.measure_dimm
allFunList imUtil.filter.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.filter package
autocor imUtil.filter.autocor 2016 Apr Autocorrelation of a 2D image
conv2_fast imUtil.filter.conv2_fast 2016 Apr convolve two 2-D matrices using either fft or conv, whichever faster.
conv2_fft imUtil.filter.conv2_fft 2016 Apr convolve two 2-D matrices using fft.
conv2_nan imUtil.filter.conv2_nan 2021 Nov 2D convolution ignoring NaNs in the first input matrix.
conv2_svd imUtil.filter.conv2_svd 2023 May Fast 2-D convolution using SVD approximation.
crdetect_lacos imUtil.filter.crdetect_lacos 2014 Feb L.A. cosmic cosmic ray detection for astronomical images
filter2_fast imUtil.filter.filter2_fast 2016 Apr Source/template detection in 2D images by filtering (cross-correlation)
filter2_fft imUtil.filter.filter2_fft 2016 Apr cross-correlate (filter) two 2-D matrices using fft.
filter2_fftfft imUtil.filter.filter2_fftfft 2016 Apr cross-correlate a 2-D matrix with bank using fft. The input maybe ffted
filter2_sn imUtil.filter.filter2_sn 2020 Apr Filter an image with a PSF and calculate the S/N and Flux estimators
filter2_snBank imUtil.filter.filter2_snBank 2020 Apr Filter an image with a bank of PSFs and calculate the S/N and Flux estimators
filter2_svd imUtil.filter.filter2_svd 2023 May Fast 2-D filter using SVD approximation.
filter2_var imUtil.filter.filter2_var 2016 Apr Calculate the variance and mean filter of an image
filter_sources imUtil.filter.filter_sources 2021 Jul Generate a background image filtered from sources using sucessive filtering
imlaplacian imUtil.filter.imlaplacian 2014 Feb Laplacian filter for a 2-D matrix
taperImage imUtil.filter.taperImage 2023 Jun Multiply a single image with a taper functions, centered at different positions.
threshold_fluctuations imUtil.filter.threshold_fluctuations 2017 Aug Estimate the number of filtered local maxima above/below some threshold.
unpad_array imUtil.filter.unpad_array 2021 Jul A simple unpadding of 2D matrices
xcorr1_fft imUtil.filter.xcorr1_fft 2010 Aug Cross correlation of two 1-D serieses using FFT.
xcorr1_fft_multi imUtil.filter.xcorr1_fft_multi 2013 Sep cross correlation of a 1-D series with multiple 1-D serieses using FFT.
xcorr1_scale_shift imUtil.filter.xcorr1_scale_shift Find best shift and scale between two time series using cross-correlation
xcorr2_fft imUtil.filter.xcorr2_fft 2016 Apr Cross-correlation of two matrices using fft, and search local maxima.
compileCoreFRT imUtil.frt.compileCoreFRT frtpath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
createLine imUtil.frt.createLine 2023 Jul Add lines with top-hat or gaussian profile to image.
frt imUtil.frt.frt 2018 Jan Fast Radon Transform (FRT) of a 2-D matrix
transformRadonCoo imUtil.frt.transformRadonCoo 2023 Jul Convert coordinate in a partial Radon image to line parameters in image
allFunList imUtil.headerCell.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.headerCell package
cellhead2struct imUtil.headerCell.cellhead2struct 2021 Mar convert a 3-column cell array containing header into a structure.
deleteKey imUtil.headerCell.deleteKey delete lines with specific keys
getByKey imUtil.headerCell.getByKey get keyword value from an header in a cell format
getIndKey imUtil.headerCell.getIndKey get a cell array in which each cell contains the indices of the found keys in the cell-header.
getValBySynonym imUtil.headerCell.getValBySynonym 2021 Apr Return the first key/val in the list of synonyms that appears in the cell-header.
insertKey imUtil.headerCell.insertKey Insert key/val into a header in cell array format
replaceKey imUtil.headerCell.replaceKey Replace an cell-header keywords and values, or add if doesn't exist
replace_illegal_char imUtil.headerCell.replace_illegal_char replace illegal characters in keyword names (e.g. '-').
uniqueKey imUtil.headerCell.uniqueKey Remove non-unique keywords from a cell header
updateCellFromStruct imUtil.headerCell.updateCellFromStruct update cell header by adding elements in struct not in header
allFunList imUtil.image.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.image package
cube_chi2 imUtil.image.cube_chi2 2016 Sep Calculate the sigma-clipped mean of a dataset
fit 2022 Jan Return the chi^2 of a model to an image.
fun_binary_withVariance imUtil.image.fun_binary_withVariance 2021 Mar Applay an operator on an array and its variance.
fun_unary_withVariance imUtil.image.fun_unary_withVariance 2021 Mar Applay an operator on an array and its variance.
images2cube imUtil.image.images2cube 2020 Mar Store a set of images of the same size in a cube.
ind2sub_fast imUtil.image.ind2sub_fast 2020 Mar ind2sub fast version for 2D matrices
local_maxima imUtil.image.local_maxima 2020 Apr Identify local maxima above a threshold in a 2D image
mean_sigclip imUtil.image.mean_sigclip 2016 Sep Calculate the sigma-clipped mean of a dataset
moment2 imUtil.image.moment2 Calculate 1st, 2nd moments and (weighted) aperture photometry
replaceVal imUtil.image.replaceVal 2023 May Search all pixels in image that are equal to some value or in/out of range with a new value.
sparse2full imUtil.image.sparse2full 2021 Jun Resize/extend/magnify an image sampled at some specific very sparse points into a full image.
stackCube imUtil.image.stackCube 2021 Apr Stack (coadd) a cube of images using various functions
sub2ind3d_fast imUtil.image.sub2ind3d_fast 2016 Sep sub2ind fast version for 2D matrices
sub2ind_fast imUtil.image.sub2ind_fast 2016 Sep sub2ind fast version for 2D matrices
wmean_sigclip imUtil.image.wmean_sigclip 2016 Sep Calculate the sigma-clipped weighted mean of a dataset
allFunList imUtil.interactive.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.interactive package
createImageCoo imUtil.interactive.createImageCoo
crop imUtil.interactive.crop 2023 Apr Display image and crop
allFunList imUtil.interp.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.interp package
interpImageConv imUtil.interp.interpImageConv 2021 Nov Interpolate image over NaNs using conv2_nan
interpImageConvPix imUtil.interp.interpImageConvPix 2023 Jun Interpolation using kernel, over specified pixels, or NaN pixels in a 2D matrix.
interpImageConvPix1 imUtil.interp.interpImageConvPix1 Interpolate over nan using 2D local convolution.
interpImageRowCol imUtil.interp.interpImageRowCol 2021 Nov Interpolate an image over NaN values using the col/row method.
interp_sparse2full imUtil.interp.interp_sparse2full 2019 Sep Interpolate sparse image to a full image
perfTest imUtil.interp.perfTest performence tests for imUtil.interp
sparse2fullConv imUtil.interp.sparse2fullConv very slow
allFunList imUtil.kernel2.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.kernel2 package
annulus imUtil.kernel2.annulus create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized annulus shape in each image
box 2021 Nov Generate a box kernel
circ imUtil.kernel2.circ create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized corcular shape in each image
cosbell imUtil.kernel2.cosbell 2023 Jun create a matrix or a cube of 2D cosine bell functions
gauss imUtil.kernel2.gauss create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized Gaussians
hann imUtil.kernel2.hann 2023 Jun create a matrix or a cube of 2D hann function (peak normalized to 1).
lanczos imUtil.kernel2.lanczos create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized lanczis filter in each image
line imUtil.kernel2.line create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized corcular shape in each image
lorentzian imUtil.kernel2.lorentzian 2023 Jun create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized Moffat function
moffat imUtil.kernel2.moffat create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized Moffat function
sersic imUtil.kernel2.sersic create a matrix or a cube of 2D normalized Sersic functions
allFunList imUtil.patternMatch.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.patternMatch package
find_rot_pairs imUtil.patternMatch.find_rot_pairs 2016 Apr Find the best rotation required to match two catalogs using dist-rot hist
find_scalerot_pairs imUtil.patternMatch.find_scalerot_pairs 2016 Apr Find rotation and scale required to match two catalogs using logdist-rot hist
find_shift_pairs imUtil.patternMatch.find_shift_pairs 2016 Apr find best X/Y shift between two catalogs from all pairs differences
find_shift_xc_bincat imUtil.patternMatch.find_shift_xc_bincat 2016 Apr find best X/Y shift between two catalogs from xcorr binned catalogs
fit_astrometric_tran imUtil.patternMatch.fit_astrometric_tran Fit astrometric transformation
fit_astrometry imUtil.patternMatch.fit_astrometry 2016 Apr
hist2d imUtil.patternMatch.hist2d 2013 Feb calculate the 2-D histogram of 2-D data set.
match_scale_rot_shift imUtil.patternMatch.match_scale_rot_shift 2016 Apr Affine transformation matching of the coordinate systems of two catalogs
matched_cat_residuals imUtil.patternMatch.matched_cat_residuals 2016 Apr Calculate the astrometric residuals and errors between two matched catalogs
pairOrientationMatching imUtil.patternMatch.pairOrientationMatching
prep_cat_for_astrometry imUtil.patternMatch.prep_cat_for_astrometry 2016 Apr Clean two catalogs and equalize their surface density
refine_fit imUtil.patternMatch.refine_fit 2016 Apr Match sources in two catalogs and fit a positional transformation
select_maxima imUtil.patternMatch.select_maxima 2016 Apr Select some maxima out of list by some criteria
allFunList imUtil.poissNoise.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.poissNoise package
analyticThreshold imUtil.poissNoise.analyticThreshold
poissonMatchedFilter imUtil.poissNoise.poissonMatchedFilter 2023 Feb Return the Poisson Matched filter (Ofek & Zackay 2018)
simulateThreshold imUtil.poissNoise.simulateThreshold 2023 Feb Estimate a matched-filter detection threshold using simulations.
allFunList imUtil.proj.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.proj package
gnomonic imUtil.proj.gnomonic tangential (gnomonic) projection - spherical to plannar
gnomonic_inv imUtil.proj.gnomonic_inv tangential (gnomonic) projection - spherical to planar
allFunList imUtil.properCoadd.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.properCoadd package
combine_proper imUtil.properCoadd.combine_proper 2020 May Proper coaddition of images in a cube
allFunList imUtil.properSub.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.properSub package
astrometricNoise imUtil.properSub.astrometricNoise 2023 May Calculate the subtraction astrometric noise varainace based on kr_hat, kn_hat
knkr imUtil.properSub.knkr 2023 May Calculate the subtraction kr_hat and kn_hat
sourceNoise imUtil.properSub.sourceNoise 2022 Apr Calculate the subtraction source noise varainace based on kr_hat, kn_hat
subtraction imUtil.properSub.subtraction 2021 Dec OBSOLOTE - Proper image subtraction between two images (D, Pd, S, S_corr).
subtractionD imUtil.properSub.subtractionD 2022 Apr Return the D_hat subtraction image (Fourier transform of proper subtraction)
subtractionDnDr imUtil.properSub.subtractionDnDr 2021 Dec The partial proper image subtraction between two images.
subtractionFluxS imUtil.properSub.subtractionFluxS 2021 Dec Calculate the proper subtraction flux normalization factor (F_S)
subtractionS imUtil.properSub.subtractionS 2022 Apr Return the S_hat and D_hat subtraction images (Fourier transform of proper subtraction)
subtractionScorr imUtil.properSub.subtractionScorr 2022 Apr Return the S_corr, S, D subtraction images (proper subtraction)
translient imUtil.properSub.translient 2022 June Image substruction for detection of point source motion using the
translientAuxiliary imUtil.properSub.translientAuxiliary 2022 July Normalization of the TRANSLIENT score image.
translientMCMC imUtil.properSub.translientMCMC 2022 August MCMC simulations to retrieve the flux and displacement parameters.
translientROC imUtil.properSub.translientROC Generate ROC curve for a given set of parameters with simulations. The SNR is determined
allFunList imUtil.psf.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.psf package
constructPSF imUtil.psf.constructPSF 2023 Jul Select stars and construct PSF from image or a cube of selected sources.
constructPSF_cutouts imUtil.psf.constructPSF_cutouts 2021 Dec Given a background-subtracted image and PSF star positions, construct a mean PSF stamp from cutouts
cropByQuantile imUtil.psf.cropByQuantile crop a PSF stamp so that to keep only Quantile of the total flux
curve_of_growth imUtil.psf.curve_of_growth 2020 Mar Calculate the curve of growth of a PSF
fitFunPSF imUtil.psf.fitFunPSF 2023 Jun Fit a composite function to a PSF stamp.
full2stamp imUtil.psf.full2stamp 2023 May Given a PSF contained in a full-size image, generate a stamp of the PSF.
fwhm_fromBank imUtil.psf.fwhm_fromBank 2021 Mar Measure the FWHM of an image by cross corr. with a Gaussian template bank
image_quality imUtil.psf.image_quality 2022 Jan Measure the image quality as a function of position in image.
information_loss imUtil.psf.information_loss 2023 Jun a measure of information content lost when using M1 PSF stamp instead of M0 stamp
mom2shape imUtil.psf.mom2shape 2022 Jan Calculate shape (A, B, Theta, Elongation,...) from 2nd moments
normPSF imUtil.psf.normPSF normalize a PSF stamp
oversampling imUtil.psf.oversampling resample a PSF stamp to a different pixel scale
padShift imUtil.psf.padShift Pad a PSF with zeros and shift its center
pad_psf imUtil.psf.pad_psf 2021 Dec Pad PSF such that it size will be equal to the image size.
pseudoFWHM imUtil.psf.pseudoFWHM 2023 Feb Measure pseudo FWHM width in a PSF stamp at a given flux level
psfChi2 imUtil.psf.psfChi2 2023 Jun Given a PSF and cube of sources stamps, fit flux and calculate the \chi^2
psfChi2_RangeIter imUtil.psf.psfChi2_RangeIter 2023 Jun Fit a PSF for multiple sources in several pertubed positions, and fit
psfPhot imUtil.psf.psfPhot
psf_zeroConverge imUtil.psf.psf_zeroConverge 2021 Dec Set the tail of the PSF to converge to zero.
quantileRadius imUtil.psf.quantileRadius 2023 Feb Measure the radius of signal containment in a PSF stamp at a given level
radialProfile imUtil.psf.radialProfile 2022 Jun Calculate the radial profile around a position
readULTRASATlabDB imUtil.psf.readULTRASATlabDB 2023 Feb Make .mat DB files from the ASCII DB of ULTRASAT PSFs for 5 resolution levels
specWeight imUtil.psf.specWeight 2023 Feb Make source PSFs at certain pixel distances on the detector weighted with the given spectra of the sources
suppressEdges imUtil.psf.suppressEdges 2023 Jul Multiply the PSF by edge suppressing function (e.g., cosbell).
allFunList imUtil.sources.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.sources package
aperPhotCube imUtil.sources.aperPhotCube Aperture and simple PSF (no-fit) photometry on a cube of stamps
backgroundCube imUtil.sources.backgroundCube 2021 Dec For a cube of stamps, calculate the background and std in an annulus
cleanSources imUtil.sources.cleanSources 2020 Dec Basic source cleaning - removing sharp sources / near edges
connected_prop imUtil.sources.connected_prop 2016 Apr
findLocalMax imUtil.sources.findLocalMax 2021 Nov Find local maxima in a set of 2D images using various algorithms.
findLocalMaxAboveThreshold imUtil.sources.findLocalMaxAboveThreshold 2021 Nov Fast 2D local maxima finder - find local max above threshold value.
findLocalMaxAboveThresholdMatrix imUtil.sources.findLocalMaxAboveThresholdMatrix 2021 Nov Fast 2D local maxima finder - find local max above threshold value without looping
findLocalMaxImregionalmax imUtil.sources.findLocalMaxImregionalmax 2021 Nov 2D local maxima using imregionalmax - find local max above threshold value.
findSources imUtil.sources.findSources 2021 Dec Find sources, using matched filter template bank, in a 2D image
find_crHT imUtil.sources.find_crHT Find cosmic rays in a catalog using hypothesis testing
find_measure_sources imUtil.sources.find_measure_sources 2016 Apr find sources in an image
polygonFlux imUtil.sources.polygonFlux 2022 Nov Calculate total flux within polygons in an image
psfPhotCube imUtil.sources.psfPhotCube 2021 Dec The core function for PSF-fitting photometry.
psfPhotCubeDivide imUtil.sources.psfPhotCubeDivide
allFunList imUtil.sources.mex.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.sources.mex package
mex_findLocalMaxAboveThreshold_double imUtil.sources.mex.mex_findLocalMaxAboveThreshold_double Fast 2D local maxima finder - find local max above threshold value.
mex_findLocalMaxAboveThreshold_single imUtil.sources.mex.mex_findLocalMaxAboveThreshold_single Fast 2D local maxima finder - find local max above threshold value.
allFunList imUtil.spec.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.spec package
allFunList imUtil.spec.extinction.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.spec.extinction package
applyAtmosphericExtinction imUtil.spec.extinction.applyAtmosphericExtinction 2021 Mar Apply extinction to spectrum
allFunList imUtil.spec.extract.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.spec.extract package
aperPhot imUtil.spec.extract.aperPhot Given a linear spectrum in a 2D image, extract flux in aperture from each wavelength.
backStd imUtil.spec.extract.backStd Calculate the std of the background in a 2D spectral image.
fitBackground imUtil.spec.extract.fitBackground Fit background to a 2D spectral image
fitPSF1d imUtil.spec.extract.fitPSF1d 2023 Dec Given a linear spectrum in a 2D image, fit the flux of a line-PSF to each wavelength.
measurePSF imUtil.spec.extract.measurePSF Measure line-PSF in spectral image
xcorrLineWidth imUtil.spec.lines.xcorrLineWidth Correlation coef. between data and template when the template is convolved with a filter
allFunList imUtil.spec.stitch.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.spec.stitch package
allFunList imUtil.spec.trace.allFunList Functions and Classes list for the imUtil.spec.trace package
collapse imUtil.spec.trace.collapse Collapse a 2-D image, including pr
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