AstroHeader - EranOfek/AstroPack GitHub Wiki
Class Hierarchy: Base -> Component -> AstroHeader
AstroHeader is a container class for astronomical images and catalog headers. A header contains triplets of: keyword, value, comment. Like all related classes, this class supports array of headers.
AstroHeader is contained within the <a href=""AstroImage class.
The AstroHeader class allows the user to manipulate and query the headers.
Data - The Data property contains the actual header. This is stored as a 3 column cell array, in wich the columns correspond to key, val, and comment.
Key - This property contains a read-only copy of the header in a structure format (i.e., you can not update the header content by updating the structure). This is useful for quick access of the header by keyword.
File - File name from which the header was read.
HDU - HDU number from which the header originated.
KeyDict - A Dictionary object that contains keyword synonyms dictionary (e.g., 'EXPTIME', 'AEXPTIME' are synonyms of 'EXPTIME'). By default, this is read from the configuration file: Header.Synonyms.KeyNames.yml
ValDict - A Dictionary object that contains value synonyms dictionary (e.g., 'Dark', 'dark' are synonyms of 'Dark'). By default, this is read from the configuration file: Header.Synonyms.KeyVal.*.yml
CommentDict - A dictionary of default comments for select keywords. By default, this is read from the configuration file: Header.Comments.Default.yml
TimeDict - A dictionary object that allows identifying time-related keywords (e.g., 'OBS-DATE', 'JD', 'MJD',...) and translating them to JD. By default, this is stored in: Header.Time.KeyNames.yml
By default, all the dictionaries are uploaded from the Configuration files.
Static methods
- createBasicHeader - Create an AstroHeader object with a basic header
- unitTest - Test the AstroHeader class.
H = AstroHeader.createBasicHeader
% to view the header:
% or
% or
Read headers
To read headers from FITS file you can use the AstroHeader constructor:
H = AstroHeader('*.fits');
get keyword values
For quick and simple access you can use the Key property in the AstroHeader object.
H = AstroHeader.createBasicHeader;
The getVal can be used to get a single keyword value where the keyword appears first in a dictionary.
[Val, Key, Comment, Nfound] = getVal(H, 'EXPTIME')
[Val, Key, Comment, Nfound] = getVal(H, 'AEXPTIME','IsInputAlt',true)
[Val, Key, Comment, Nfound] = getVal(H, 'AEXPTIME'); % return NaN
[Val, Key, Comment, Nfound] = getVal(H, {'BB','EXPTIME','AA'})
[Val, Key, Comment, Nfound] = getVal(H, 'EXPTIME','UseDict',false)
[Val, Key, Comment, Nfound] = getVal(H, 'AEXPTIME','UseDict',false)
In order to get multiple keys from multiple headers, in structure format, you can use the getStructKey method.
[Result,C] = getStructKey(H, {'EXPTIME'})
[Result,C] = getStructKey(H, {'EXPTIME','A'})
[Result,C] = getStructKey(H, {'EXPTIME','A'},'UseDict',false)
The getCellKey stores the output in a cell array.
[Result,IK] = getCellKey([H,H], {'EXPTIME','bb'},'UseDict',false)
[Result,IK] = getCellKey([H,H], {'EXPTIME','bb'})
[Result,IK] = getCellKey([H,H], {'AEXPTIME','bb'})
Update the header
Given a header you can populate the keywords with default comments:
To delete keywords:
% you can also use regular expressions:
Insert new keys: H=AstroHeader('WFPC2ASSNu5780205bx.fits'); % create a new key 'stam' H.insertKey('stam'); % Insert new keys 'A' and 'B' with some values. % end-1 indicate the position at which to insert the keys: H.insertKey({'A',1,'';'B','',''},'end-1')
To replace the value of existing keyword, you can use the _replaceVal_ method:
Additional functions includes:
- deleteComments - delete comments from header.
- deleteDistortionsWCS - delete WCS distortion keywords from header.
Check keywords and their value
- isKeyVal - Check if a single keyword value equal to some value.
- isKeyExist - Check if a single keyword value equal to some value.
- isImType - Check if header IMTYPE keyword value equal some type
isKeyVal([H, H],'EXPTIME',300)
isKeyVal([H;H], 'KSPOTS','off')
isKeyVal([H;H], 'KSPOTS','off','ValCaseSens',true)
isKeyExist([H, H],'EXPTIME')
isKeyExist([H, H],'AEXPTIME')
isKeyExist([H; H],'AEXPTIME','IsInputAlt',true)
isKeyExist([H, H],'aaa')
Ans = isImType(H, 'bias')
Ans = isImType(H, 'bias','CaseSens',false,'IsInputAlt',false)
The AstroHeader julday method can be used to calculate mid-exposure JD and ExpTime for AstroHeader object. Given the header keywords, attempt calculating the mid-JD of the exposure. This is done by retrieving the relevant header keywords (default in config/Header.Time.KeyNames.yml). Each keyword is associated with conversion formulae.
[JD,ExpTime] = julday(H)
[JD,ExpTime] = julday([H;H])
Group headers by keyword values
The groupByKeyVal method can be used to group a set of AstroHeaders by their unique keyword values. E.g., look for all images with the same EXPTIME and put them in different groups according to the EXPTIME value.
Groups = groupByKeyVal([H,H],{'IMTYPE','FILTER1','EXPTIME'})
Get special keys
- getObsCoo - Get Observatory geodetic position from Header
- getCoo - get RA/Dec coordinates from the header.
- selectKeys - Select a sub header from header, by keys.
Conversion to table
header2table - Convert an array of AstroHeader to a table/cell/AstroTable/AstroCatalog in which each column shows the same key for all headers.
Internal use functions
- funUnary