Equilibria CLI Wallet Commands - EquilibriaCC/Equilibria GitHub Wiki

CLI Wallet Commands

These are the most commonly used commands in the Equilibria CLI Wallet

Command Description
help Output's all wallet commands
set_daemon [ip]:[port] Connect to a remote node
balance Displays the wallet's balance
address Displays the wallet's primary address
viewkey Displays the wallet's public and private viewkey
seed Display's the wallet's seed key
bc_height Displays the block height
status Displays the wallet status
password Allows you to change the password
fee Output's the current fee
Send XEQ to another wallet
Consolidate small inputs
show_transfers A list of all transfers in and out of a wallet
wallet_info Displays the wallet's primary address
register_sn Register a service node to begin staking XEQ
--restore-from-seed Restore wallet from seed phrase
Stake to existing SN
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