eCommerce Setup - Eonic/ProteanCMS GitHub Wiki

Step 1. Enable the Cart features

To enable shopping functionality within ProteanCMS

Goto /protean.web.config and set...

<add key="Cart" value="on" />


Add import

<xsl:import href="../../../../ewcommon_v5-1/xsl/Cart/FullResponsiveCart.xsl"/>

The in the browser go to "/ewcommon/setup" and login

Navigate to

Setup and Import / Add Shipping Locations / Import Shipping Locations

This will create all the countries require for shipping.

Step 2. Enable a payment method

Settings in Ecommerce Payment Providers (Create PaymentProvider Folder in xForm) PayPalExpress Pay On Account (Test Purposes)

See Stripe and JudoPay for how to setup providers

Step 3. Setup a shipping option.

Main Admin Ecommerce Delivery Method Service Name = Donation Cost = 0 Save Method Set Locations Global (Y)

bespoke module for donate

Add project to solution - (Protean CMS AddOns, Providers, Payment, Stripe) Add reference to website for Bin purposes Default in Root Web.config - add in payment Providers code

Cart.Config add "PaymentTypeButtons" "On"

name value amount HTML hardcoded form - buy button Form for a buy button

Create mailOrderMerchant Create mailOrderCustomer

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