eCommerce Setup - Eonic/ProteanCMS GitHub Wiki
To enable shopping functionality within ProteanCMS
Goto /protean.web.config and set...
<add key="Cart" value="on" />
Add import
<xsl:import href="../../../../ewcommon_v5-1/xsl/Cart/FullResponsiveCart.xsl"/>
The in the browser go to "/ewcommon/setup" and login
Navigate to
Setup and Import / Add Shipping Locations / Import Shipping Locations
This will create all the countries require for shipping.
Settings in Ecommerce Payment Providers (Create PaymentProvider Folder in xForm) PayPalExpress Pay On Account (Test Purposes)
See Stripe and JudoPay for how to setup providers
Main Admin Ecommerce Delivery Method Service Name = Donation Cost = 0 Save Method Set Locations Global (Y)
bespoke module for donate
Add project to solution - (Protean CMS AddOns, Providers, Payment, Stripe) Add reference to website for Bin purposes Default in Root Web.config - add in payment Providers code
Cart.Config add "PaymentTypeButtons" "On"
name value amount HTML hardcoded form - buy button Form for a buy button
Create mailOrderMerchant Create mailOrderCustomer