Git Deploy on Azure WebApp - Eonic/ProteanCMS GitHub Wiki
We recommend setting up a Filestore on Azure Storage and monunting it to the webapp. this allows you to have multiple deployment slots or app sharing the same files.
Create a folder for ProteanCMS and mount it so you have
You need to use azure portal to open a powershell window to the web app then in Advacned Tools > Go go to Debug Console > Powershell
Get a PAT from your Azure Repo.
run the following script
cd mounts/proteancms
mkdir production
cd production
git init
git config core.sparseCheckout true echo "V6_wwwroot/ptn/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo "V6_wwwroot/bin/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout echo "wwwroot/ewcommon/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
$MyPat = 'yourpat' $headerValue = "Authorization: Basic " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(":" + $MyPat)) $env:GIT_AUTH_HEADER = $headerValue
git --config-env=http.extraheader=GIT_AUTH_HEADER init git remote add -f origin
git --config-env=http.extraheader=GIT_AUTH_HEADER pull origin master