Advanced Carousel Slide - Eonic/ProteanCMS GitHub Wiki

Advanced Carousel Slide

Below is a guild of how to use the advance carousel. there are two main forms one for editing the module and one for each slide, (see heading to top of page)

To the left hand side of the screen is the usual settings, where you can set Publish/expire date, status and background image.

Slide Background

Slide Title - Names the slide for reference.

Transition - A drop down box to choose transitions between slides.

Transition speed - The speed of the transition in "ms". faster the speed more seamless the transitions between slides.

Data delay - A delay value for the Slide.

Slot Amount - The number of slots or boxes the slide is divided into. When transition starts.

Background Repeat - This will enable to the image to be repeated across the screen.

Background Fit - Shows how much of the background is visible (may need to change this if using ken burns to get the effect desired)

Background Position - Drop down box menu.

Ken Burns – To create great Background Zoom Effects. Click the button to turn on/off

Background Fit End - The end value of the zoom.

Ken Burns Easing – Choose animation for the ken burns effect.

Duration - Time takes to animate.


To add a caption click on the blue button.

To open a caption click on the blue caption text and the drop down form will appear, you can click it again to close it.

Note - That captions work like layers so the next caption you add will cover the previous caption if laid over the top.

Caption Description - Gives caption a description (not displayed)

Caption Type - This is where you can choose what input from text, image Vimeo YouTube, Html5

To change input just click on button you want. The menu below will then change.


Caption Text – Is a text editor to input the text, please note the formats available, any changes to format ie headings will be displayed at the bottom of the area for reference.

Caption Style - a drop down box that displays different styles to choose from the typography is linked to the theme of the site.


Image – Click blue icon to select image or upload image to use.

Vimeo/YouTube - Most have the same type of inputs that are self-explanatory, The height and width is in pixels.


Video Force Cover - In case it is selected, the Videos will be resized to cover the full Slider size.

Video Attributes - Further Video Attributes for not listed Options and Settings of Video.

Video Loop - Will loop the video, but as soon the video Timer reached the endpoint, next slide will be started.

thumbnail/video poster for the video – enter the full path to an image which will be shown as Thumbnail for the Video.

You will notice that the bottom half of the form is always the same below is a brief description of what they do.

Caption Width - The width of the caption in %

Incoming/Outgoing Animation - Drop down box displaying options available.

Caption Easing - The Easing Art how the caption is moved in to the slide.

X Position/offset - X position drop down box. Offset value - The greater the value the further right on the screen the caption will be displayed.

Y Position/offset – Y position drop down box. Offset value - The greater the value the further down on the screen the caption will be displayed.

Animation Start - The speed in milliseconds of the transition to move the Caption in the Slide at the defined time point. The higher the value the slower it takes for the caption to move into the defined time point.

Animation Speed - The speed in milliseconds of the transition to move the Caption in the Slide at the defined time point.

Animation Duration - The time point in millisecond when/at the Caption should move out from the slide.

Animation Exit Speed - The speed in milliseconds of the transition to move the Caption out from the Slide at the defined time point. The Higher the number the slower the exit speed.

Animation Exit Easing - The Easing Art how the caption is moved out from the slide.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️