Surface Objects & Video Walls - EnviralDesign/GeoPix GitHub Wiki

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 1:53 Create empty Surface Object
  • 2:15 Define the shape with Hulls
  • 3:48 Define the Surface UVs
  • 5:05 Create the Projector
  • 5:33 Connect the Macro
  • 6:00 Configuring Video Out
  • 7:00 Display Manager settings
  • 7:34 Span Mode
  • 8:13 Assign Video Target 1 to a display
  • 9:25 Configuring & Fine Tuning Video Output
  • 10:25 NDI and Spout Out

An important detail about how Surface object UV's are referenced -UV coordinates are specified as positive integers, where the X/Y pair references a spot between pixels, not the center of them. If specifying coordinates manually be sure to reference the below diagram so that your surface geometry has the desired width and height.

Hull UV coordinates example

A quick note about creating multiple video surfaces on one video target - you can set your Surface Hull UV's to other pixel coordinates on the target, so that multiple surfaces do not overlap:

Hull UV coordinates example Surfaces Viewport example

If desired, you can infact overlap your surfaces but just keep in mind one will take precedence over the other, and all overlapping video surfaces will show the content of one surface in particular. Which one is chosen depends on the gpu's draw order which at the moment is somewhat randomized.

This might be desirable if you have two identical video walls that should mirror the same content. In this case, you'll only need one projector, and to project on the dominant video surface (you'll have to trial and error to figure out which that is for now).