E4L B Format Sampler - EnvelopSound/EnvelopForLive GitHub Wiki

The E4L B-Format Sampler enabled playback of an Ambisonics B-Format WAV file.

Drag and drop a B-format WAV file, encoded with 4 or more channels of higher-order Ambisonics audio onto the sample bin. When loaded, a waveform will display the amplitude of the signal. The meter section shows the levels of the individual Ambisonic channels. A Volume control applies output gain. The Play/Pause controls toggle playback along with a Loop control. The mouse may be used over the waveform to scrub playback position.

A toggle is available to select whether the file is encoded in FuMa (Furse-Mulham channel ordering and weighting) or AmbiX (ACN channel ordering and SN3D weighting).

The E4L B-Format Sampler additionally responds to MIDI note on messages to control playback. In any octave, MIDI controls are as follows:

  • C - toggle play
  • D - trigger playback from beginning
  • E - pause playback
  • F - resume playback from last position

Note: Attempting to load very large files (e.g. > 2.5GB) may cause Max 4 Live to crash, it is recommended to use this device with modest file sizes