E4L 3OA Plugin Instrument - EnvelopSound/EnvelopForLive GitHub Wiki

The E4L 3OA Plugin Instrument is a routing utility that takes output from a VST or AudioUnit plugin instrument that generates 16 channels of 3OA (third-order ambisonics) audio. This adapter device brings the plugin's output stream into the E4L routing environment, where it can be chained to other E4L devices or routed to the E4L Master Bus.

In the example shown above, the Sound Particles SkyDust 3D Synthesizer plugin is instantiated and set to output Ambisonics (3rd-order). The E4L 3OA Plugin Instrument is placed immediately after the plugin instrument on the track. A 16-channel meter displays the received audio and a Gain control can be used to adjust the signal.

The circular button at the top of the left-hand routing bar can be used to manually reinitialize output routing from the plugin, if needed.

Embedded Version

An alternate approach, developed by Noah Neumark, that embeds a VST plugin instrument inside of a Max 4 Live device is available here: https://maxforlive.com/library/device/9949/e4l-vst-loader-midi