Building an E4L Device - EnvelopSound/EnvelopForLive GitHub Wiki

If you're comfortable with Max and Ambisonics, building your own E4L device is a straightforward and fun process. Example devices may be referenced at:

Development Environment

In order to develop E4L Devices, you'll need to check out a copy of the GitHub repository. First, make sure that you have completely closed any copies of Live 10 or Max running on your machine.

$ cd ~/Documents/Max\ 8/Packages/
$ git clone
$ cd EnvelopForLive
$ git checkout -b <name_of_your_branch>

Restart Live 10 you can now load and edit devices out of the ~/Documents/Max\ 8/Packages/EnvelopForLive/ folder.

Device Types

Source Devices take a stereo input signal from the normal Ableton track bus and encode that signal into 16 channels of third-order Ambisonics. This is accomplished using a plugout~ object with 18 outputs. The first two outputs are reserved for passing through the default stereo input from plugin~, and the last 16 outputs hold the Ambisonics-domain signal.

Insert Devices are used to process or transform audio already in the Ambisonics domain. These devices have 18 inputs on the plugin~ object as well as 18 outputs on plugout~. The first two inputs and outputs are reserved for passing through the default Ableton stereo track bus. The last 16 inputs and outputs both contain third-order Ambisonics signal, with whatever processing your device applies.